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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by euterpe414

  1. euterpe414

    Vieux Carre

    I just got this as an extra bottle in my large order. When I opened the bottle it was definitely WOAH JASMINE AND ROSE! I was a little scared (ok, a lot) since jasmine is not so hot on me, but I gave this one a go anyway. There must be some tea rose in this, since I smell that sharp acetone smell that only tea rose gets on my skin. However, there is also something sweet in with these evil little flowers (vanilla?) that is enticing me. This reminds me of a voodoo blend, for some reason, although I totally forget which one. Follow Me Boy, perhaps?? I don't smell the dirt though, which is too bad 'cause I love dirt scents. Surprisingly enough, as it dries, the sharp rose dies down, and it is a more sweet and subdued floral blend. Not something I'd wear often, but it is tolerable on my skin. Who knew, maybe my chemistry is changing!
  2. euterpe414


    I had meaning to try this for a while since I like grapefruit quite a lot, thanksfully I got it as a frimp in one of my recent orders. In the vial, I smelled minty grapefruit, very invigorating and relaxing. I was pleased. However, my skin totally ate it up! Literally, it was gone within 1/2 hour....this happens with minty scents, and I know mint is the culprit, because what's left of it on my skin is pure grapefruit (hey that isn't bad since grapefruit is one of my favorite fruits to eat, but...). So sad! I did turn this story into a happy ending though when I dumped the rest of my imp into my oil burner. It has scented my flute studio quite wonderfully, and is great for keeping my work environment energetic and such. At least as a room scent all the notes are present, unlike on my skin. So, long story short, I might buy a bottle to use as a room scent only, but this is a no go as a perfume for me.
  3. euterpe414

    Black Moon

    Like others of you out there, jasmine is my nemesis, yet somehow this blend managed to work on me! Usually jasmine takes over on my skin and turns blends overly heady, thus inducing a giant headache! Maybe it's the fact that it is motia attar? I am not educated enough on the different incarnations of jasmine to know, though. Black Moon, on my skin, is a very cool, dark floral. I definitely smell (if this makes sense) the 'absence of light' part of the description. The notes are very well blended; although it is incredibly evident to my nose that there is cucumber and orchid in this blend. The scent does not last very long on my skin, but that's OK, as I think this is a scent I'd want to wear pretty much only at night, and breezy, cool nights at that. This is gorgeous and mysterious, and I like it a lot! ps- like others have mentioned, it does go quite well with Schwarzer Mond!
  4. euterpe414

    Mme. Moriarty, Misfortune Teller (2006)

    Oh, this is incredible. I got this early in September but for some reason put off trying it. I don't know why, silly me! I could wear this every day, I swear! it is a cross to me nose between Smut and Bordello, with a bit of Snake Charmer. I don't really smell too many resemblances to Snake Oil, actually. Perhaps because Snake Oil isn't very sweet on my skin like this is. It has fabulous lasting power and medium throw. I don't think i could have enough bottles of this, although at some point I will have to restrain myself! Gorgeous, gorgeous blend, and a must have for those who love Bordello, Smut and Snake Charmer! Thanks Beth!!!
  5. euterpe414

    Your Best-Bet "Must Try" Enabling Scents

    Oh yay! I also love makign lists. If were to introduce someone to BPAL I think I would have to recommend... Snake Oil - what everyone else said... Alice- this is the scent that had me hooked, so I'm sure it would work for someone else. I had never smelled anything as lovely as this before when I tried it! Dorian- irresistibly sexy. Asphodel- the perfect light floral; in my opinion Les Bijoux- a wonderful sweet honeyed applely scent- perfect for those who like sweet pretty department store perfumes and may not like the alcohol, etc. in them (like me) Rose Red- the perfect fresh rose scent Embalming Fluid- the second scent that had me hooked Eden- a great comforting mix of foody and green, I always feel gorgeous wearing this. Velvet- again, what everyone else said... Loviatar- this is one of my favorite leathery scents, and I think a great example of a leather blend from the lab. The Haunted Palace- a wonderful example of a well blended feminine scent- I find this one to be most artistic in concept and construction. Mouse's Long and Sad Tale- a great mix of floral and gourmand
  6. euterpe414

    Chrysanthemum Moon

    Ahh! I am in love! I don't think anything I could write would be as eloquent or descriptive as some of the other reviews, but this is a gorgeous scent! The primary notes/feeling I get from this scent is herbal, smoky, sexy gingery chrysanthemum with a touch of opium. This scent lingers, and smells very refined and expensive. It is absolutely perfect for fall and winter, in my opinion. I am glad I trusted my instinct (and my tired nose at willcall) to order a few bottles of this, they will surely be put to good use!
  7. euterpe414


    I absolutely love this blend, I just wish it would last a bit longer on me. It is a very very spice rose on my skin- the cinnamon is very dominant, but rose peeks through just enough to keep it rounded and sensual. The blend stays the same throughout the drydown, which is great. Again, fabulous, but I have to reapply every 2 hours or so.
  8. euterpe414

    Carnaval Diabolique

    I really like this scent, but as others have said, I think this needs to age more. Wet, it is overwhelmingly citrus mellowed out with a touch of opium and what I think is the coconut. Dry, the citus mellows a bit, still not much else in the picture. I would love to smell just a bit more musk in this blend, which hopefully will happen when I let it sit. i really do like it,. despite the lack of musk, though. It does smell a lot like Dorian, but perhaps a naughtier Dorian
  9. euterpe414

    Midnight on the Midway (2006)

    On me this is a gorgeous floral incense. It is a bit sweeter than traditional nag champa, but still very reminiscent of it. I was very worried about the floral component in this, but it just melds so beautifully with the sugar and incense. I feel so feminine and mysterious when I wear this. What a fantastic scent! I can't wait to see how this will age, as well. In short, .
  10. euterpe414

    The Best Scents for Home, a Room, the Car...

    I totally love green or woodsy room scents. My total favorite is Nero, which I have been hoarding imps of. I really need to get a bottle of this so I can indulge in room scenting goodness. Also, I love Jabberwocky, Rome, Hemlock, Vinland and Prague. It's great 'cause I would never wear these scents, yet I still love them and have found the perfect use for all of them.
  11. euterpe414

    Honey and Beeswax scents

    I have to second the Jezebel rec. Although O has honey as a huge component on my skin, I really get a strong, strong honey scent from Jezebel.
  12. euterpe414

    Perfume to match songs?

    for that VAST song, I'm thinking Wanda or Perversion
  13. euterpe414

    Two Monsters

    In the first minutes of wearing this, I smell gingery leather, with a touch of incense. This is for some reason overpoweringly masculine on me, which is odd 'cause I love many scents that have a more masculine edge to them. This blends seems to get more incensy as times goes by. I am for some reason not getting too much vetiver from this, which is sad cause I love vetiver. For some reason I feel to dominated by this scent, if that makes sense. I would absolutely love this on a guy, but my bf hates to wear scents, so alas I have no use for my decant!
  14. euterpe414


    I ordered this as a 5ml unsniffed, 'cause I am obsessed...I sort of regret this purchase because Tweedledum does not last long on me at all (weird cause it has patchouli, and that note always sticks around). The blend is lovely, dark and fruity, and reminded me a lot of Shango for some reason, although minus the wafts of banana that Shango has on me. All of the notes appear on my skin very well blended, but as I said, don't stick around for more than an hour. I did, though, find a somewhat solution to this, since I decided to not sell my bottle. Layering it with a drop of Luperci brought out the patchouli and made it stick around for a bit longer. So, if this doesn't last long on you, I highly recommend trying this combo.
  15. euterpe414


    I don't usually like blends with tuberose in them, or heavy floral blends in general, but I have to say, this is an exception! This is a gorgeous, sophisticated incense blend, perfect for when I want feel gorgeous and super feminine. I didn't get this one when it was up on the site, but I am certainly glad that my intuition told me to snag this one now. As it dries, the amber and sandalwood come out more, balancing out the initial blast of tuberose. The blend mellow and sweetens with wear, making me like it more and more. This is a bit heavy for everyday wear, but I will definitely wear it on special occasions.
  16. euterpe414

    Traveling with BPAL

    Ah! OK, I'm back to this thread again. So, I need an opinion here: As mentioned before, I am moving overseas for a few years and am taking my BPAL collection (which is about 90 bottles- aah!). I am going to use the aromatherapy travelling cases most likely (other wise bubble wrap and teflon tape), but was planning to put them in my large suitcase that goes underneath (originally it would be in my carryon, but now that is not possible). Now I am sort of paranoid that they will open my underneath luggage and tamper with my oils, or throw them out etc. Buut, I really don't want to ship them, since there is the huge possibility of it getting lost or whatnot, and I don't have a permanent address in France yet anyhow. So is it safe to bring oils in your cargo suitcase? especially in such large quantities?
  17. euterpe414


    On my skin, this smelled a LOT like the early stages of Bordello, which means, I love it! However, when this dries, it becomes a lot more innocent and less complex than Bordello, which is fitting of its name, surely. Sadly, this lovely berry scent does not last long on me, and is already fading in the drydown. I will keep the imp, but I am not sure if I could see myself buying a bottle, 'cause I would probably burn through it so fast from reapplying ever 5 minutes . (plus, it smells so much like Bordello on me and I already have and love Bordello...) still, all in all, a fantastic berry scent.
  18. euterpe414


    in the imp: rose, greenery and woods wet: uh oh, I think there is the kind of rose in this that goes sharp on me. I am getting a sharp astringent rose smell with slight woods. This ends up smelling very sharp and masculine on me. I am almost sure this is due to my skin chemistry, which turns some roses into an almost acetone like scent. Ouch. Ah well, it smelled lovely in the vial!
  19. euterpe414

    Chaos Theory III: Strange Attractors

    DCCVIII In bottle: ooo ooo! I smell spices very similar to Snake Oil (but w/o the Vanilla)....ooo! Very herb-y and spicy, yum. Wet: Clove, for sure, plus some other spices that I can't identify. very warm, definite Autumn feel. Dry: oddly, not much changes. This is an amazing warm, spicy autumny blend. Sort of like a clove Snake Oil w/o the vanilla (uh didn't I say that already, oops!), if that makes sense. Sooo good. I feel very lucky to have gotten this bottle, cause it is wonderful. I am going to have to use this sparingly so that i have it around for a long time. thanks, Beth, it's perfect!
  20. euterpe414


    I had meaning to try this for a while, went to WillCall, sniffed it, swiped it on my arm, and bought a bottle immediately! I don't normally go for blends with neroli or orange blossom, but the rosemary really makes this wonderfully herbal- it somehow took the strange BO smell that orange blossom sometimes gets on me away. The rose appears more in the drydown, goes through a slightly soapy stage, and then mellows out quite a bit. When this is dry, all of the notes are well blended into a sophisticated herbal scent. I love this blend because it gives off a very powerful, strong and feminine air- an impression of a knowledgable and powerful (perhaps slightly evil..)woman, and who doesn't want that? This is a very timeless blend, and I will definitely wear it often.
  21. euterpe414

    Mouse's Long and Sad Tale

    yum yum yum, yum yum yum. I thought I'd reviewed this. guess not. In the bottle this is an AMAZING vanilla sandalwood. I don't detect the sweet pea UNTIL I put it on. For a while in the wet stage, this is almost a sweet pea SN. Yikes! I got really scared the first couple of times that I wore this, thinking that I may have to swap it. Thankfully, after about 15 or 20 minutes this turns into that yummy smell that I got from sniffing the bottle. Phew! I kind of have to slather this on, but perhaps that's because I enjoy being totally enveloped in this scent. It has surprisingly great throw for how light adn creamy it is. Usually creamy scents have zero throw on me. In short, this is an amazing, fabulous, wonderful (ok, I'm out of adjectives now) scent.
  22. euterpe414

    Centzon Totochtin

    Wet, all I smell is cocoa and booze. In fact, the smell took over my imp box, which is a nice thing! I am totally in love with this scent. It seems like it will be perfect for chilly nights when I need a comforting scent. As it dries, it is very smoky and rich. All of the notes, except for the blood, are very easily detectable, yet perfectly intertwined. I feel comforted and protected when I wear this (if that makes sense) since this is such a bold and powerful scent. To make a comparison, on my skin, this smells like a majorly amped up version of Devil's Night (i.e. Devil's Night is Centzon Lite, or something), so if you loved Devil's Night, you probably will like this. I think that I may need to sneak in a 10ml of this at the last minute! I am finding more and more that foody/rich scents are very comforting (more than food) and relaxing to me, and this is no exception.
  23. euterpe414

    Tzadikim Nistarim

    In the vial, this smelled very "meh" and fruity to me but when I took the plunge and applied it to my wrists.... Oh yum! This smells like fresh olives and frankincense on my skin. There is a woodsy smell, which i am guessing is the galangal, that comes into and out of the smell intermittently. I can't stop inhaling my wrists! This has moderate lasting power, thankfully, for I think I will need a bottle in the near future. ETA: This has become my favorite blend for mixing with bath and body products. It works fabulously in lotion, scrubs, what have you- it adds a luxurious scent that is not too heavy but definitely exotic.
  24. euterpe414

    The Isle of the Dead

    I have been so impressed with all of the salon blends, and this is no exception! First off a I smell juniper and aquatic notes, which is totally lovely. It smells like I am far into a deep, dark wooded area. As it dries, the aquatic notes become more dominant, and the floral side of this blend becomes more known. I can definetely smell a hint of rose- a waft of rose that I could smell as if I were offshore. This is so gorgeous, I am very happy I got this one!
  25. euterpe414


    Wow, this is incredibly gorgeous!!! All the notes seem very well blended on my skin, although sometimes I get strong wafts of citrus and violet. This is a refined blend, and I am definetely going to save it for special occasions when I want to feel, umm, classy. I don't have much else to say about this, except that I am in love.