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Everything posted by euterpe414

  1. euterpe414


    I got an imp of this before (early on in my BPAL exploration) and quickly swapped it away, thinking it was too overpowering for me. Now that my BPAL nose has developed, and I have consented with myself to try pretty much any scent once, I gave my new frimp of Brimstone a go. Guess what, this time around I actually like it! It's definitely a "special occasion/niche" type scent- the strong smell of a burning wood fire and woods. In the drydown and once it has settled itself it reminds me a tad of my beloved Malediction. How did I pass this up before? Silly, sillly me! I don't think I would want to wear this one out to a bar, or to class, since the burnt woods smell may confuse others quite a bit, but when I want to be at home, cozy and reminiscing of bonfires and camping, this will be the scent I reach for. I bet this would also make an amazing room scent for winter, as well.
  2. euterpe414


    I do often crave wine scents, and this certainly fits the bill for one of those cravings. Not as sweet and berry-like as Lady Macbeth, definitely more vivacious and spicy! I don't get any cough syrup smells, and there is not much clove coming through in the mix, either (that was all reserved for Montresor, the ultimate cough syrup blend on me...ack!). I know it's there, but it is not the top note by any means. This has average lasting power on me adn a moderate amount of throw, I believe. Great blend, glad I could finally give it a try! definitely another for my bottle w/l.
  3. euterpe414

    Baron Samedi

    Baron Samedi is a very spicy almond scent on my skin. Almond, clove and what my nose says is a hint of cherry. I am really enjoying this scent, it is warm and enveloping, perfect for fall and winter. I don't feel that this is "masculine" per say, but a guy would abviously do this fragrance justice. This is indeed a bit piratey, but mostly because Jolly Roger has rum in it too (and Grog) and I am just associating rum with pirate. But hey, who doesn't? Thankfully, and unlike Queen of Sheba, this lasts more than 10 minutes on my skin, and gets a bit 'creamier' on the drydown. A great scent, and one that is definitely going on my bottle wishlist.
  4. euterpe414

    Jacob's Ladder

    This is also for the 2006 version. I have never tried the 2005 version. Upon first sniff I was strongly reminded of Schwarzer Mond, minus the patchouli. Also reminded a little tiny bit of Haunted as well. This is simply stunning on me, a resinous, glorious scent. Warm and sensual, yet not feral- very elegant! Seriously, I feel like a queen or some other type of dignified woman wearing this, it is that good. The is an amber scent at its finest, imho. On my skin, it does not go powdery at all, but amber never does on me anyway. I am going to have to buy many bottles of this, just in case it does not come back next year (like Snow White or something ) If you love Hymn to Proserpine, The Lion, Schwarzer Mond or Haunted, you absolutely must get this blend!
  5. euterpe414

    Aeropostale Girls Fragrance

    What about Pele? In my mind that seems to be quite fitting.
  6. euterpe414

    Black Lily

    Oh my, this is simply stunning! Now I see what all the fuss was about when it was merely a prototype. I am not a floral girl predominantly, but there are quite a few flowers that I like, and Lily is one of them. This is so creamy and smooth, a velvet lily, per say. I really wanted Tiger Lily to smell/feel like this, but it turned out to be soapy. I am glad after all that I can have the lily scent that I have dreamed of. This will definitely make me feel glamorous and beautiful on even my most drab days.
  7. euterpe414


    This is, as many have said, gorgeous and classic. I agree completely with Caulrophobe in that it is extremely reminiscent of Chanel No. 5. This scent seems, though, to encompass many moods or things at once. It is stately, clean, sweet, masculine yet also feminine, rich. I don't know how these thoughts all exist together concerning this scent, but they do. I don't know if this scent is me, per say, or something I would want often, but I am not giving away my imp of this, that is for sure. Perhaps somewhere down the line I will own a bottle of this.
  8. euterpe414

    Sol Invictus

    I first tested this yesterday, only to smell something reminiscent of laundry detergent. I was very dejected. However, before giving up completely, I did a second test just an hour ago. Oddly enough, this time it smells much better. Was I having an off skin chemistry day? Was my nose broken? Who knows. Anyway, it smells very much to me like tart citrus and frankincense. I am not getting a lot of amber predominantly, although it is implied- seems to be more of a hint than a main component. This is indeed very sunny, but not in a cheery way- Sol Invictus is sunny in a more radiant and majestic sense. That, I like. (I am not the most "sunny, cheery" person, so...) So, I almost swapped this bottle away, but I am glad the swapper denied, so that I could try this one more time and find that it is actually quite wonderful. ETA: ugh. So next time I wore it it went back to the detergent thing again. I suppose the one time it was good it was a fluke? Anyhow, the bottle found a new loving home, so all is well.
  9. euterpe414

    Love Me

    I bought a bottle of this unsniffed just 'cause, and I have to say, this is my favorite Voodoo blend scent-wise (we'll see about purpose wise later ). I do not get any jasmine in this, much to my happiness and surprise, although i'm sure it is probably in there, just not to the nth degree. I smell lots of cedar, some vanilla perhaps and maybe a little cinnamon, maybe a little mint as well. This is SO yum, I could go on and on and on. The scent lasts, as well, which is an added bonus, as if it didn't I'd be reapplying it often. So, whether or not this works as it's intended to, I am going to wear it. A lot.
  10. euterpe414


    Thank goodness the lab frimped this one to me, since I keep forgetting to actively look for an imp of it! This is truly my dream forest scent- pine, moss and woods with a hint of berry sweetness. Now where is the berry coming from, I do not know, since it is not listed in the description. Odd. But I like it. This reminds me a lot of Jersey Devil- they are definitely cousins, at least. The best part about this scent, to me, is that it sticks around on my skin, unlike most forest-y scents which are gone in literally minutes. I always have to use them as room scents, but not this one! In short, I wish the lab still made 10mls, 'cause I'd be promptly ordering one of this.
  11. euterpe414


    I am totally floored by this scent! I am not terribly familiar with the plant, so I didn't envision anything in particular plant-wise when I smelled this, but to me the images I get are of draping, soft velvet overlayed with fresh petals. This is an amazing mix of light floral and rich earthy depth. I don't know how Beth did it... I don't get a definitie "foody" note per se, but I suppose that something gourmand could be what is grounding the florals, since it isn't dirt. So yeah, I am smitten. I wasn't going to order anything until the CD update, but I may need to sneak in an order of a bottle of this 'cause I feel the need to have more ASAP. edit: I didn't even realize that the word 'velvet' was in the blend's description. Funny!
  12. euterpe414

    Horreur Sympathique

    This is a lot more fruity on me than I expected! Usually my skin amps honey (which is fine by me) but in this blend the grapes/wine are reallllyy taking over! This actually smells very very similar to Lady Macbeth on my skin. Strange. I do like it, but it is not as complex (on my skin) as I expected it to be. If I didn't already have Lady Macbeth, I would buy a bottle of this. However, I am going to age my imp and see if that helps the other notes strengthen a bit. I'm not going to give up on this yet!
  13. euterpe414


    OH YUM. I have been really happy with all the incense + spice or food blends that have been coming out, and this is no exception! Haloa smells very foody in the bottle and starts out foody on my skin, but then changes into more a spicy resin + olive + some cake. This is great, not overly cloying or buttery, just the right amount of "comfort food". I don't smell too much of a connection to Eat Me, but I smell a very close relation to Cockaigne. If Cockaigne was too buttery on you, you might want to give this a try. Fabulous, I am going to have to stock up on this one!
  14. euterpe414

    Thirteen (13): October 2006

    Wow! At first I was not happy that 13 was new cause I love that old one so much, but thsi is incredibly delicous, too, so I am no longer sad. At first this is very cologne like on my skin- tea and lavendar with a hint of sweet, but then as it dries I too get the Underpants similarity. Sort of a a more fruity Underpants with hints of chocolate. This is definitely not as chocolatey as the former 13 is on my skin. Sometimes, after this has been on my skin for a while, it morphs into a more tea like scent, but then returns to the chocolate sandalwood vanilla, etc. scent. This is fantastic, and I am glad that I ordered more than one bottle of this!
  15. euterpe414

    Black Ice

    Wow this smells nothing at all like I thought it would! Being a vetiver lover ( ) I was expecting a bit more of a cold and earthy scent. however, this is truly icy, slick and yes, a bit on the aquatic side. That is not to say that I don't like it, it is just a shocking surprise. To me this actually reminds me A LOT of Orpheus. If you like that blend; which I do, you will surely love this. This blend is quite true to itself from wet to the drydown and lasts a very long time. I think I am definitely going to upgrade to a bottle of this in the future.
  16. euterpe414

    The Darkling Thrush

    I was so hopeful in trying this blend, as I love amber and orris and play well with violet most of the time. Alas, somehow this blend ended up being very soapy on my skin- soap, violet and orris with amber nowhere in sight! I am guessing that the soap smell is being generated by the slush and snow notes. It is too bad, really, because this was absolutely gorgeous in the vial- cold and mysterious, as others have said. I suppose I could use the rest of my decant as a room scent, it may be more loved that way. So, if snow notes tend to turn to soap on you, there is a chance that this blend might not work, I am afraid!
  17. euterpe414


    Yes, this is verrryyy piney. I detect a hint of spice but nothing overtly foody. I wish I could write more on this, but the scent literally vanished on me within 10 minutes! I don't know how it happened, but an hour later all that is left is a slight pine smell. So sad!! I will try to test this again, and if something better happens I will edit this and let you all know....
  18. euterpe414


    Wow, I did not know what to expect with this, but it is truly gorgeous. A very pastel, minty fragrance, with a touch of sweetness. it is strange how the sweetness isn't really foody as others have mentioned. Usually snow scents go soapy on me, but this one manages to stay put in the nice phase and leave the soap behind. I also think there is cucumber in this as well, and it really comes out to my nose once it has been dry for over a half hour or so. This scent is not me, per say, since I prefer heavy and musky, etc. buuut I will still order a bottle because it is gorgeous and I definitely would crave something like this every once in a while. And yes, this is perfect for summer, oddly enough!
  19. euterpe414

    Doc Constantine (2006)

    Mmm. Wet, this is yummy, sexy mens cologne. Not the cheesy gross aftershave smelling kind, the sophisticated gentlemanly kind. I like this smell, but I am not a nice sophisticated man . I wish my bf wore fragrances, 'cause I'd make him wear this all the time! I decided to wait it out, though, and see what happens on the drydown. I'm glad I did! This mellows out to be a nice musky woodsy blend. The masculine edge takes a bit of a backseat, and this turns into a more gender neutral fragrance. The leather does not overpower this scent like it tends to in other blends for me, which is great! Everything is very well balanced, and it si actually difficult for me to detect individual notes. I am glad I finally got around to getting this one, I will definitely enjoy it in the coming months!
  20. Weird. To me Hungry Ghost Moon is most similar to Sudha Segara on my skin. Spirits of the Dead has this linen note that makes it way more crisp than the other two. Ah, skin chemistry!
  21. euterpe414

    Devil's Night

    I cannot rave enough about Devil's Night. It is so musky, smoky and borwn sugary on me, just perfect! My favorite part of this scent is the hint of campfire smoke that I get, it is so subtle, just like it was in the disance. I do agree that the 2006 version is not a dark/has depth as the 2005, but I think that is an aging issue (perhaps I'm wrong, but it's a hunch). My bottle smells so fresh to me, I think it needs just a couple of weeks or more to settle into itself. It is still great fresh, though! I am definitely going to buy a few more bottles for hoarding, just in case it doesn't reappear again (I know that's unlikely, but with Snow White and all...), because this is a permanent top 10 for me.
  22. euterpe414

    Scent for Halloween?

    Creepy. No costume, but I'm definitely wearing Creepy all day today! Mmmmm.
  23. euterpe414

    Pulcinella & Teresina

    Whoever compared this scent to an ornate wood box was completely dead on. This scent gives me a very strong image of an ornate box with dried rose petals in it. Very beautiful, very old, a bit dusty, with a little bit of light shining on it. I am so thrilled that the roses do not go sharp and acetone-y on me, like most roses do. I remember trying Rose Cross, hoping to smell something similar to this, but getting this sharp smell of chemicals instead Well, now I finally have the scent I have been looking for...yay! This also lasts a very long time on my skin and has a great amount of throw.
  24. euterpe414

    Theodosius, The Legerdemain

    On my skin this is exactly like a nice cup of Earl Grey with some cream and touch of sweet. I really love this scent, it is very comforting. I don't find this to be very masculine on me, I see this scent as more of a unisex tea blend. Although I will admit if I met a guy who wore this I (or my nose) would be inclined to just follow him around! I am very very glad that jasmine leaf is not the same as the flower. Initally, when the carnaval came out, I did not jump on this one because I saw the word 'jasmine', but now I am the wiser, and know that jasmine leaf is A-OK. This is a lovely blend, and I will definitely snag more than one bottle before the Carnaval leaves town.
  25. euterpe414


    I don't like a lot of aquatic blends, but I must make an exception for this! This is incredibly unique, a great mix of berry (not overly sweet berry), green and aquatic. I do not get any soap smell from this; I think that is because of the wine note. This blend also has great throw, of all the scents I am testing right now this one wafts up to my nose the most. This does invoke the feeling of being on an island, right at the point where the greenery and the shore meet. There is a hint of salty air in this as well, which is quite nice. As I said, this is unique, and the only scent I can really compare it to would be Orpheus, but it is quite distantly related to it. Sooo, I am glad to be an owner of a bottle of this, and highly recommend people who don't think they like aquatics to give this a try.