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Everything posted by euterpe414

  1. euterpe414

    Bien Loin D'Ici

    I agree with yeahbutnobut. The first thing that I thought when I smelled this scent on me was: . This is a really headshoppy scent, and I mean that in the best way, since I LOVE headshoppy scents (I am burning some headshop-py smelling incense as I write this, lol). The primary notes that I get in this are honey first and foremost, spice and caramel. There is something in the background that is making it quite smoky, too. This is super sensual and exotic. Definitely not for wear in a 'professional' environment. However, that's OK cause I am not a professional kinda gal and I will be wearing this one an awful lot! My only caution would be that it is very potent, so be careful not to apply too much- I sorta did when I tested it and now I feel a bit overwhelmed. Anyways, to sum it up:
  2. euterpe414

    Queen Alice

    I had to order a bottle of this unsniffed cause I am a little nutty about the mad tea party scents...although I was a bit worried about how this one would turn out on me. From the get go, Queen Alice is mainly carnation and hard cider. It is a very odd combination, if you ask me, but it works really really well! I do agree, this is a nose attached to wrist kind of scent. It's so unique and intriguing that I can't get enough. The only scent I can somewhat compare it to, although it smell absolutely nothing like it is Litha. Q.A. has the same summery wine feel to it, but with completely different notes. Yum!
  3. euterpe414

    Squirting Cucumber

    ahh..HennaFairy...the icon... Anyhow, this is pretty much equal parts cucumber and grass on my skin. There's something about it that's a bit humid, too. I really like this and it will be great for warm weather. All these grassy scents as of late have really been making me happy!
  4. euterpe414

    Santa Eularia Des Riu

    Initially on my skin this is an herbal citrus. I swear that I smell some lavendar in here...guess I'm not alone in that. Anyway, it smells very clean and refreshing for the first half hour and then the jasmine begins to muck things up for me...right on cue. Jasmine proceeds to give this blend a weird musty edge that I am not fond of at all. Drat. I'm going to use the rest of my imp as a room scent, that way jasmine can't ruin the goodness of this blend like it can on my skin. If jasmine doesn't go awry on you, this is a wonderful herbal citrus blend to try.
  5. euterpe414

    Aries 2007

    Yum yum. Aries is my sun sign, so I just had to order this one (also, my obsessive collecting habit says 'gotta have them all' soo...). Aries does not morph on me at all! It smells of pepper, ginger and dragon's blood in the bottle, and when it goes on my skin it smells of these same things and stays that way. Odd, since many others have reported a lot of morphing with this one. Anyhow, I really enjoy the hot, dry spice that is in this blend. I am not getting any honeysuckle and perhaps a bit of oppoponax but I cant really tell. Aries is a unique BPAL scent and I am glad to have a bottle of it
  6. euterpe414

    The Dodo

    I have had very good luck with The Dodo I get mainly cassia and mango, and actually have a hard time detecting the lemon, musk and sugar. The mango adds a nice depth and sweetness the the dry cassia. This reminds me most of a dried fruit salad that I make occasionally that is seasoned with lots of dry spices. I really enjoy wearing The Dodo. It definitely lifts my spirits and manages to be springy without being a light and airy scent. It has a medium amount of throw and wears well for around three hours or so. It even withstood me going to the gym for one of those hours, which is a good test, I think. If you like spicy, woodsy + fruit, then you will most likely enjoy The Dodo. It's not my favorite of the Tea Party (it's hard to compete with Alice, The Lion and Eat Me...) but it's a great scent nonetheless.
  7. euterpe414

    thoughts on the Milk Moon update...

    So I figured it'd be better for me to ramble about my opinions here. I don't have money to order now, so most likely I'll order Monday. Sad, I know, but I am willing to wait! MILK MOON 2007 A fertile scent, generous, life-affirming, and swelling with a sense of triumph, warmth, and abundance: sweet milk, golden honey, fig fruit, pomegranate, dates, and white grape. YES. oh yes. I may even order two bottles. I don't know how this one could go wrong on me because I enjoy every single note listed. MINOTAUR The Bull of Minos, guardian of the Labyrinth in Knossos. A deep, swarthy black musk dusted by a dark, resinous blend of sacred bisabol myrrh, atramentous benzoin, tsori, balsam, and galbanum. Sounds good to me. Sometimes black musk can be a bit musty smelling on me, but I think combined with these other notes it should behave itself. I really love myrrh and benzoin, so, bottle! ++ LIMITED EDITION: SUSPICIENDO DESPICIO TAURUS 2007 Fixed Earth: the essence of possession. Rose, daisy, apple blossom, violet, poppy, columbine, thyme, and mint. yep. This year I want to collect all of the signs, so of course I am getting a bottle. I love thyme, so I am a happy girl. This may be a locket only weart since rose can go sharp on me, btu that is OK. ++ LIMITED EDITION: APRIL FOOLS POISSON D'AVRIL Not at all fishy; rather, quite Springy! Innocence spiked with a little bit of foolishness: Lenten rose, crested iris, Virginia bluebell, primrose, moss phlox, blue crocus, daffodil, and dewy tulip with a touch of sugar blossom and honey. hmmm...I dunno. don't think this scent is for me....but the collector in me waffles. I really love iris, honey and well, sugar but daffodil has gone wrong on me before, and so has phlox. Perhaps I will try to get a decant first, but I am pretty sure this will not smell good on me. MONSTER BAIT: TOKYO STOMP Beckons all giant creatures from gargantuan reptiles and humongous moths! These babies are sure to crush everything from dollhouses to shopping malls! Can even be used to summon colossal robots in a pinch! A sweet and crisp vanilla mint! Yes. Sounds perfect. I missed snowblind (that was the other vanilla mint, right?) so I have to try this one! MONSTER BAIT: VENTRILOQUIST DUMMY Menacing, maniacal, and slick with the one-liners … this guy does it all with a wink and a smile! Savage apricot, depraved dry woods, and psychopathic patchouli covered by a disarmingly sweet mishmosh of caramel, brown sugar, hazelnut, and butterscotch. Be warned: this oil will instigate possession in most puppets, including some marionettes and the occasional finger puppet. This one seems to be the most promising to me. I love apricot, woods, aptchouli, caramel...hell, I love all of the notes! I am definitely ordering at least a bottle of this. MONSTER BAIT: BLOODY MARY Why waste time chanting her name in the mirror 13 times? Bedevil your next slumber party the easy way! Chunky, glistening red fruits with sweet cream accord, black clotted cherry, and powdered sugar! This could be great. I loved Sugar Skull (it's one of my very favorites) but I am not sure about the cherry part of this. Sometimes too much cherry can give me a headache (like in Kabuki). I think I will look for a decant and then decide from there. and...the dogs This made me smile, a lot. Although most of these seem quite masculine to me. We'll see... A BACHELOR'S DOG Soft musk, leather, and Brazilian cigar tobacco. For me, leather + tobacco = headache, so no... A BOLD BLUFF Cherry tobacco, tonka, and hops. This one could be quite good. However, I think I am going to wait for the reviews. Again, ti's the cherry scaring me. HIS STATION AND FOUR ACES Lilac fougere, white musk, and leather accord. This sounds verrry masculine, in a cologne-y way. That's always been the kind of masculine scent that I can't wear, so I will have to pass. KELLY POOL Worsted wool, teakwood, and bois du rose. I think I would like this one. I love teakwood and rosewood as well, so I am probably going to risk it and buy a bottle. NEW YEAR'S EVE IN DOGVILLE Flirty perfume, dapper cologne, and effervescent champagne. This one's my favorite painting, but I think the notes would smell quite bad on me... ONE TO TIE, TWO TO WIN Dewy grass, summer breezes, and dandelion clocks. This one sounds good. I love anything that says "dewy grasses". bottle. PINCHED WITH FOUR ACES Colorado Maduro tobacco wrappers, cinnamon bark, coffee bean husk, and dry woods. annd, this is the one that seems like it has the most enticing notes for me. I was waiting for another coffee scent and here it is! After Priala, I am loving the sound of cinnamon bark, so this is an obvious bottle purchase for me. RIDING THE GOAT A rich Masonic incense coupled with mahogany wood, ebony, and pipe smoke. The notes in this also seem great. Possible bottle, might just wait it out for reviews for my budget's sake! SITTING UP WITH A SICK FRIEND Tobacco smoke and leather bowled over by a powerful smack of heady, classic perfume and a whiff of rose water. No. rose anything plus tobacco and "classic perfume" seems like it would give me a headache. STRANGER IN CAMP Evergreen, damp grass, woodsmoke, birch bark, cedar, and Terebinth pine. Seems interesting. I have a tone foresty scents right now so I may try to get a decant of this and/or wait for reviews. This was a nice update. I like that there were totally different types of scents from the last update, as well. I'm especially happy about Milk Moon and the new coffee scent in the Salon. So...that's that. I think I most likely will split my order in two since it will be big (save the ones that are around longer for later...). Yay! Ok now it is time to take my icky, greasy self to the shower, so my day can finally get a move on...
  8. euterpe414


    Mania is basically a strawberry musk scent on my skin. It does start off a little "screeching" at first- the berry and grapefruit are really bright, but then fades to a more musky smell. I really like this one, but it literally lasts for 10 minutes on my skin. After that, I need to really press my nose up against my wrist to smell it. Granted, what I smell is good, but I am not sure if I want to invest in a bottle of this since I would likely burn through it.
  9. euterpe414


    OK this one went horribly awry on me. I wanted to smell what other people are smelling but I am getting something on my skin that resembles a musty shower stall. This is one of the only BPALs that I have felt the urge to wash off after a few minutes. Ick. At least I know the imp will easily go to a good home.
  10. euterpe414

    medical mishaps

    Yep, this is going to be a TMI blog entry but I just had to vent... So on Sunday I got a yeast infection. Most likely due to being super stressed about my personal life. Yay. Sunday here is when the grocery stores (the ones that would have plain yogurt or vinegar) and pharmacies are closed. So there was no hope for me to attend to it until Monday. That basically sucked, and I felt massively uncomfortable for an entire day. Monday rolled around, and I went to the pharmacy. I explained I had a yeast infection, and of course had a communication snafu where she thought I wanted brewer's yeast (apparently, as I have now learned, a yeast infection is not literally a 'yeast infection' in French but a 'infection of small mushrooms' ew. my dictionary lied to me, lol) Anyhow, once we understood each other, the pharmacist gave me the 1 day treatment, which I knew would not work on me (tried it a year ago and it never helped at all, I always need the 7 day one). I told her that would not work and she insisted that it would and thought that I did not understand that it was medicine for my problem...we argued for a while and I gave up and decided to just give it a try again and if it didn't work I would come back and ask for something else. In short, it did NOT work. I still feel awful and itchy and gross and it is Wednesday. So, I went back to the pharmacy. After a long discussion with the pharmacist, I learned that in fact they do not carry any other type of medicine for this in all of France, and that I would have to visit a doctor to get a prescription for a different type of 1 day treatment. I did not know what to say. I just was filled with anger and frustration. I want to stop itching NOW. At least I got her to give me a numbing agent for the time being, but it's not really working all that well and I still feel like severing my body to get this feeling to go away. AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! I went to the grocery a few hours ago and got some vinegar and yogurt. I am going to try to remedy the problem myself. I know I should just go to the doctor, but I honestly to not have the time tomorrow (lots of class) to wait in a line forever and a day just to get a prescription for something I knew I needed in the first place. Why can't they just carry monistat 7? Is that so hard??? So of course, being incredibly pissed off and irrational, I told my mom that she should send me a care package full of boxes of Monistat 7. One can never be too prepared. She laughed and said "of course". Honestly, sometimes I really hate living here. Now is one of those times. I don't care if that makes me seem like a stupid American or whatnot...I don't expect France to be the same as the US, and I appreciate it for being so different, but sometimes I wish things were a little easier, or more convenient.
  11. euterpe414

    The Knave of Hearts

    Love. I am in love with this. I was really afraid that the rose was going to do something very bad on my skin, but it stays surprisingly normal and rose smelling (not acetone nail polish remover smelling like it normally does on me). That being said, Knave of Hearts smells just like a juicy berry tart (the kind that I always order at the pastry shop across the street, hehe) with a hint of floral. Just enough to add to the juiciness of the berry and keep the scent from being a buttery gourmand. This is indeed a bit similar to Eat Me (a major love of mine) although it is a bit less heavy than that (due to the floral element, I think). Smelling this I can honestly picture the tarts from the movie Alice (the lovely Czech film, my favorite Alice film incarnation); this is such a dead on interpretation of the concept, and I could not be happier. So yeah, I love this one, a lot. Oh how I wish there were still 10mls available...
  12. euterpe414


    Our springtime celebratory perfume is crafted with orris root, bergamot, frankincense, daffodil, orange pulp, attar of rose, jonquil, strawberry leaf, benzoin, violet leaf, copal, honey cakes, sweet cream, and the blossoms of springtime. I had no idea what this would smell like since there are a gazillion notes in it...but it's flippin' great! I'm getting a lot of copal and frankincense in particular (yay!!!), a bit of the honeycakes- similar to All Souls I suppose in that they aren't really sweet- and herbs/flowers (I can't distinguish these notes separately, they blend together really well). All of these lovely elements produce quite a unique scent, one that is indeed quite cheery and springy despite having a lot of resin in it. I haven't done well with sunny or cheery scents like Sol Invictus and Et Lux Fuit, so I am glad I have this to cheer me up when I need it. This is the most impressive blend to me out of my latest order, for sure.
  13. euterpe414

    Pink Moon 2007

    Pink Moon goes through a SERIOUS musty stage on me in the beginning but then settles down to be a nice slightly sweetened carnation scent. I am not sure if I want to put up with the musty stage to get to this lovely scent at the end...Actually I am confued about what is causing the mustiness since I can wear blends like Morocco and Alice without any funky stage at all. Perhaps it's the phlox. I don't really get the Antique Lace comparison. This is not nearly as sweet on my skin as that. Also, for a floral, this has a LOT of throw! Be careful not to apply too much or you could get a headache! All in all this is a great floral blend which I am sure will please a great many people. It's definitely not too cloying or old ladyish, however I wish that my chemistry wouldn't mess with it so!
  14. euterpe414


    I agree that this one feels very much like a Mad Tea Party scent. What exactly that means, I don't know. All of the notes in this are very blended to together to create a fruity-citrus melange when wet on th skin. However, like the previous reviewer, it goes soapy on me after a while. Bah. I have no idea what could be doing this- maybe sage, but usually sage works on me. Anyhow- it turns soapy and fades quickly. I really like the way Croquet smells in the bottle, though, so I am going to keep this for use in my scent locket, where hopefully it won't resemble a dryer sheet! ETA- Today (one day later...) I decided to try Croquet in the locket as a last effort and it is fabulous! It doesn't go soapy at all and retains it's lovely tart-fruit-salad-ness. The sage also adds a great 'edge' to it and I can definitely smell it better in the locket. Definite keeper If this blend goes awry on you, try it in a scent locket because it most likely will work much better there.
  15. euterpe414

    Voodoo Lily

    I usually like lily scents (so far the only one that doesn't work is Tiger Lily) and this is no exception. It's, like others have said, a very complex scent. I can't pick out individual notes (other than lily, haha) but it seems like there may be a bit of juicy orange in here- it has a very ripe, sweet feel similar to Lucy Westenra. There is also a bit of spice in here all well, most likely clove. As it dries it gets spicier and loses some of its 'juicyness'. This is a gorgeous scent and a great addition to the GC. I will definitely wear this one in the spring and summer.
  16. euterpe414


    Nefertiti is a very lovely, exotic resin blend. It really morphs on me from minute to minute- sometimes it is predominantly iris (which is a soft iris, not like that in Morella or Florence) with some sandalwood, the next it is more golden and resinous. I am really enjoying this blend. While it is not my favorite iris blend (iris is one of my favorite florals, though...), I do like it a lot and will consider buying a bottle of this. It seems perfect for quiet, warm days, where there is not much to do except read and drink tea
  17. euterpe414

    Crow Moon

    At first this one goes on smelling like an aquatic (?) - very watery and clean. Then the woodsiness and herbalness begin to blossom once it has been on my skin for a while. I am not getting any of the 'coconut' or 'buttery' thing that other people have been smelling, which is neither here nor ther for me. This scent, to me, doesn't need that element to be good. Once it has been on my skin for a while it smells kind of like the park near my house after it has rained for a few days. Crow Moon rests on my skin as a light herbal/minty scent with a faint backdrop of woods. It is very lovely and I am sorry I didn't order a bottle of it when it was available. I think I may hunt down a bottle on the forums, though...
  18. euterpe414

    Three Gorgons

    This is lovely! On me a get a very dry resinous, peppery backdrop with tangerine in the forefront. This is, as others have said, a unique resinous scent in the BPAL catalogue. It is bright and smoky at the same time, and absolutely captivating. I can't stop sniffing myself! This one does not have a lot of throw, but stays for a long while on the skin. I can see this scent being perfect for all seasons, since it is not too heavy due to the citrus yet also contains resin so it works well for winter. Lovely, and as soon as my imp runs out I am ordering a bottle.
  19. euterpe414

    Lilium Inter Spinas

    Hibiscus syriacus, white sandalwood, lily of the valley, apple blossom, and green fig. On me this is a very green lily scent. The two most prominent notes are lily and fig. However, this is not a winning combination for me. While I like all of the notes in this blend individually or in other combinations, this blend in particular smells a lot like aqua net on me (no joke!). I am quite sad, because I thought this one would work very well but it just doesn't. I guess Lilium Inter Spinas is one of those 'exceptions to the rule'.
  20. euterpe414


    At first this a sweet fruity scent, but the musk or combination of light fruit and musk (I think this is it...) in it makes it go very acrid on my skin. It's a shame because I thought this would be a nice, light scent for me. The fae are now off to find a better resting place...
  21. euterpe414

    Mr. Ibis

    On me this a light gentle musk with a bare hint of sandalwood. It's very comforting and soft- until it hits some weird point in the drydown and goes very sharp (someone else compared this to Destroying Angel and I completely agree- that one was fabulous on me too until it went sharp in the drydown ). Anyhow, I think I will still keep my bottle for use in my wonderful scent locket, where my skin can't ruin it!
  22. euterpe414

    a little less than perfect

    Yes, I suppose that's what one could say things are right now. Last night I broke up with my boyfriend of two years. I feel sick, empty and quite distraught. Things were just not working out between us in quite a few departments, however, he was my best friend in many ways. The thought of not talking to him makes me feel sick. Hvaing to hear him be upset and crying made me feel sick, too. I really wish I did not have to go to rehearsals today. I want to stay under the covers and hide. I really hope I made the right decision, since it is irreversible...and I really hope he is OK right now.
  23. euterpe414


    yep, like everyone has said, this is men's cologne to the extreme. If you want a citrus-y crisp men's cologne but don't want to smell the alcohol found in the department store types, this is your blend. I suppose this could be worn by women, just not me, as I am not a cologne-y kinda gal. One last thing- the jasmine is absolutely not a problem in this blend, and I have major issues with jasmine. So no fretting!
  24. euterpe414

    The High Priest Not To Be Described

    This is a very nice twist on a traditional masculine leather scent- at first (wet on my skin) it smells resinous in a way that is similar to Mr. Jaquel. Then it dries down to leather + incense/resins + a hint of cologne. I like the way this smells, but this is the same leather that is in Loviatar- I am quite sure of this because I get headaches from that type of leather (it's a dark leather smell as opposed to that in, say, Quincey Morris) and sure enough, I have a headache from this one, too. Anyhow, if you like leather scents and they don't give you nasty headaches, then you should definitely try this one.
  25. I definitely think that he should try Dee. The description of notes is: His scent is soft English leather, rosewood and tonka with a hint of incense, parchment and soft woods. It's quite an amazing scent- very earthy with an great parchment note. It did not smell primarily of leather either (at least to me)- it's much more in the woodsy category in my opinion. Anyhow, I think it's one of your best bets for this type of scent in the GC blends.