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Posts posted by Effluvia

  1. in the vial: Very hardcore womanly. This is a WOMAN, not a girl, and she will kick your ass. I like her.


    on my skin: Why the hell am I picturing Diagon Alley in my head? Maybe because I smell something dusky, musty, mysterious and alluring. I smell rose petals and dark spice. This is a fabulous cold weather scent. I reeeeeeally like it. I love roses and I love cinnamon, so I was obviously going to love this one. :D The only problem is that is doesn't seem to last very long.

    Oh, and the other problem is that I asked my mom what she thought and she said it smelled like cold cream. :sob:. However, I really like this and I don't think it smells like cold cream. I feel like this is the younger, sexier sister of Spellbound, though, because of her bold womanlyness. I feel like this might be a little old for me, but it's younger smelling than Spellbound. I'm not sure I'll do a big bottle of this in the near future, but I'll try it again later and see if she changes my mind. She seems like she can handle herself pretty well. I can't tell whether or not this oil will allow me to become her for a day or if I'll just end up submitting to her. :P

  2. in the vial: This smells like Hunger so far. It's orange with a slight strange chemically edge. I'm not sure I dig so far...let's see how this smells on my skin...


    on my skin: The wonky, harsh chemically smell smooths out once it hits my skin. Now this smells like when you stick your nose in a container of orange flavored chewable vitamins. Hmm. I'm still not sure if I dig it. Wait, I think the vanilla is beginning to blossom. This still kinda smells like Hunger to me...that evil creamsicle vibe. I'm not sure this is very me. Unlike Hunger, however, I get whiffs reminicent of Snake Oil. That looks promising. I'll try it again later and see if my hormones have anything to do with it.

  3. In my opinion, this is Dana O' Shee with BALLS! I've been in love with Dana, but she's too distant. Chimera stays around. It's the sweet, creamy almond-honey goodness of Dana amped up and more bad ass, courtesy of the cinnamon. OOOH, HOW I ADORE HER! :P


    5ml is despertely needed. :D

  4. in the vial: Veeery woody, with a bite, just like quantum spice said.


    on my skin: Ooh, this makes me think of that Neil Gaimen children's book The Wolves In The Walls. I feel like I'm in an old, old, old house and there are wolves lurking around in the house. It's totally creepy and great. I love it. I can't pick out any notes aside from wood, though...


    This is an oil I'll wear once in a while when the mood takes me...I really like this a lot. It reminds me of the scary stories I used to read when I was a little kid. I'll wear it to bed tonight and see how it effects my dreams.


    Huh...I just read xoe's comment about it smelling like rice pudding and by jove, she's right!! Weeeiiirrddd...

  5. in the vial: I have no fucking idea...wait, orange peel...orange peel, that slightly sweet, mostly vegetable smell of flower petals, and pepper. Cartoony.


    on my skin: Ooooooooooh. Sexy, yes, kinky, yes, and definitely surreal. I'm picturing little devil cartoons from the 1940's in my head. It gets cinnamony when it hits my skin, but the orange peel is most prominant. It reminds me of Seraglio without the spice, only I didn't find Seraglio all that sexy, but I find this sexy. The song that pops in my head is "Peek A Boo" by Siouxsie. I'm picturing Siouxsie Sioux in a red rubber dress. I'm not sure exactly what that means.

  6. YES! THANK YOU! Mr. Bubble, THAT'S where I know this from...


    (ahem) So. Yes. Moving on...


    This smells like candied violets and nothing else. Weird, this is SO not how I pictured The Raven to smell. I expected black and shiny. This is pastel purple and sparkly. HMMM...


    Okay, well, unfortunately, I don't think The Raven and I have had a successful first date. She's a sweet, powdery, pastel purple floral right now and she's too loud and she's giving me a headache and bothering my sinuses. I'll try her again another time, maybe it's just me. (shrug)

  7. in the vial: Bloodlust without the vetivert. It's sexy dragon's blood and cinnamon-y goodness. :P


    on my skin: It smells like spicy Dragon's Milk, only the vanilla's been replaced by something that smells like sweet almond (?). It's still not as sweet as Dragon's Milk, though. This and Dragon's Milk are creepy little Jim Henson fraggle baby dragons. Dragon's Milk is sweet and happy, this one's pissed off. This is Dragon's Milk's sister with anger issues.


    Oh, I lurves it. :D

  8. in the vial: (throws arms up over head in celebratory mannor) PIE!!! Mmm, nummy pie. Nummy berry pie with nummy crust. :D Maybe a berry crumble thing. I take it the carnation is mimicking the smell of the slightly spiced crust.


    on my skin: The pie smell quickly fades ("aaaawww.", arms go down. :P) :D . Now I'm getting the whole Carnivale vibe. Fortunately for me, it fulfills my scent fantasy about smelling like the Carnivale HBO show. (squee!) I can see the old red and white swirly tents and lights and freak shows in my head. :D The berry smell darkens and sparkles. It's darkened musty gold and deep purple-ish blood red. It's bubbly, sparkly and sinister at the same time, with definite sensuality at the heart of it. Ooooh, I really like this a lot. A LOT, A LOT. :D I have an obsession with 1930's carnivals, so I might be a bit biased... :evil:

  9. in the vial: A soft, pale, flowery creamsicle on the other side of the room. Veeeery faint. You stand on the outside of this scent, you don't get to go inside. Maybe things will amp up when it's on my skin...


    on my skin: Yay! It's gotten a little stronger...I smell honey. Is there honey in this? No, fig. Well, yeah, okay, now I smell fig in there, but I wouldn't know it unless you told me. I still smell honey. I smell mandarin oranges and a honey/vanilla creamy, maybe even yogurty kind of thing. It smells very tasty. It's unspeakably delicate. You almost feel like you have to be careful with it because it might break, that's how delicate it is. This is in NO WAY carnal. This is very innocent smelling to me.


    drying a bit, on my skin: I'm starting to get this. It's starting to smell sexy to me. I don't think this girl's hedonistic side likes to come out until she's dry. This is more like a debauched innocence scent. It smells light and fruity and pretty until it dries and the fig comes out and balances it out. It's much earthier now. I think I really like this. :P

  10. in the vial: A little lightbulb went on, but I don't know what it is. This smells so familiar! It's impossible to describe...it's BREATHTAKING, though. It's totally Kate Bush. I'm hearing "Cloudbusting" in my head right now. :P


    on my skin: I love the muskiness it has...someone mentioned Byron and Shelley and I think they've hit the nail on the head. It's flowy, poetic, romantic, hedonistic, scary, hallucinotory and wistful all at once. I really like this one a lot. A LOT. This and Glasya are the only civets I *really* like (this is nothing like Glasya, though). Wooooooooow. Glorious stuff.


    On the more technical side of things, I can spell juniper that reminds me slightly of Black Forest, I can smell a civet that's calmer and subtler than any civet I've ever smelled, and I can smell pale cedar. It's so incredibly beautiful. (sigh)

  11. This is a nice, cozy bedtime scent. It's soft and comforting. I'm having trouble identifying the notes, though. It's like...some kind of soft, subtle, fluffy, jasmine-y floral and and slightly spicy clove. It's also a tinge fruity. It's like a warm, soft, fluffy blanket. I like it a lot, but I'm not sure how often I'll wear this...

  12. in the vial: WHOA! This is so...OLD...not like old lady or anything, but I mean literally like I've been transported to another time...I totally get the Jack The Ripper vibe...it's medicinal and illegal smelling, like the romanticism of some kind of old world drug. I'm visualizing opium, even though I've never tried it. Must be more of that damned From Hell-ness. :D


    on my skin: It smells kind of like band aids and root beer, but in the lovliest way...lol. I'm getting this sort of dark, creepy Victorian vibe...it doesn't hurt that I picture Johnny Depp in From Hell when I smell this, either :D...it's masculine and sexy, and totally mysterious and intriguing and just downright strange. There's something really divine about this. I can't pinpoint exactly what it is that's grabbed the happy part of my brain, but I'm really diggin' this. It's sexy in the weirdest way. :P


    This is one I REALLY want a 5ml of.


    eta: Ahhh, okay. I get it, clove cigarettes. I have tons of great memories attatched to the aroma of clove cigarettes. Ooh, this scent is making me all squealy and giggly! :bouce: :bounce:

  13. in the vial: OH MY GOD! This is insane...it's cool and airy and blue like flowing water. It shimmers...it's pure magic. I smell some kind of ethereal herbalness, it reminds me of the tarot blends a little bit in its complexity. It's heady in its own way...not heady in a red/deep purple way, but heady in a way I've never really experienced before. I had no idea light blue could be so hypnotic. I don't really think I can give this oil justice...


    on my skin: It smells like an enchanted version of cucumber melon on my skin. However, if I think about it, I can also smell similarities to Bewitched and Lady Macbeth. There's a juiciness to it on my skin. This makes me feel calm and safe. :D I really, really adore it and I can't wait to try Red Moon. :P


    Thanks for swapping this with me, Lisa! :D


    eta: I can't spell tonight. lol

  14. Ooooooooh.


    This one's all spooky and mysterious and hypnotic. (does swirly Siouxsie arm movements)


    in the vial, I smell incense.


    on my skin, I smell incense. :D It feels like I'm surrounded by mysterious, spooky, yummy incense smoke. Very thick. It kinda has an edge of sweetness like smoke machine smoke. It's got a definite vibe about it...


    It reminds me of The Caterpillar's goth girlfriend. :P


    I'll be buying more of this when my imp is gone.

  15. I wanted to like this so much, but on my skin it smells like old lady. I mean, like, old lady at a nursing home old lady. (AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!! :D) Am I the only one who has an irrational phobia of that smell? :P


    However, civet and I don't get along when we first meet. I had to wear Glasya a couple times before she became one of my favorites, so I'll give this one a try in a couple days and see what happens. :D

  16. Wow, I'm the first to review this lovely scent! :D


    Seduction, sensuality, the Act, and the aftermath all in one. The scent of warm, damp skin flushed with the glow of passion, touched by the luxuriant potency of ylang ylang and myrrh.


    in the vial: UGH. This is sort of like a cross between O and Snake Oil!!! It's that utterly sexual passion-flushed skin smell of O mixed with an incredibly beautiful, non-cloying sweet spiciness of Snake Oil. Very, very, very sexual, but in a very subtle way. It's emotionally complex and slightly dark.


    on my skin: This does go slightly powdery, but only very, very slightly. It's creamy. It's gorgeous. This is going to become *insanely* popular. :D


    Everyone's going to freak out when they smell this. :D


    Wow. WOW. That's all I can really say about it... :P

  17. Hoo boy! This one's strong, man...the smell fills my room the second I open the imp...


    in the vial: Citrus, then green tea.


    on my skin: STROOONNGG!!! If you don't like green tea, don't try Embalming Fluid. I like green tea a lot, so I'm very pleased with this one's longevity. I smell green tea, lemon and aloe. I

    *AM* eerily reminded of the pale yellow/green embalming fluid in the opening credits of Six Feet Under, however, but that only makes the fragrance more interesting. My only objection is that it's awfully sweet, and it may very well give me a headache after a while.


    ...This one doesn't smell like it's going away any time soon. I'll let you know later whether or not that's a good thing.

  18. in the vial: Daaaarrrkkk!! Vetiver and wood, maybe cedar. Incredibly, unfathomably DARK.


    on my skin: Still dark, to point of being almost sooty. I smell something familiar...pencil shavings...charcoal dust, maybe? I think it's the pepper. Mmm, yummy. I imagine this would be sexy as hell on a guy. I normally really dig masculine scents on me, but this might be a little too masculine. It's not masculine in a "He-Man" sorta way, but in a skinny, pale man with black eyeliner sorta way. :D :P lol. I reeeeeeally dig this, even if it's too masculine for me. Oh well, I dig androgyny, so I suppose I could get away with this. :D

  19. in the vial: Sweet dandelions. So sweet I want to eat them! :D


    on my sin: Being outdoors in the summer...no beer, weed or ciggies yet...I think I smell fresh green apples and dandelions. Weird...hold up, I smell the hemp. It doesn't smell like pot smoke, but hemp necklaces...oh wait, lol, it does smell kinda like weed now, dry weed, (ahem, not that I would KNOW of such things...:snicker:) but only around the edges. I smell the beer, now, too. Lager, freshly poured. And lastly, I think I smell the ciggies, but the raisin-y smell of unlit ciggies. Basically it smells like the fresh, yummy stages of all of these things before you actually partake in them, not the stale, nasty smell we usually associate in our minds. This is a really incredible scent. However, I don't really see the point in wearing this as a fragrance, unless it's part of an ingenius plan to fool your parents into thinking, yes, you HAVE smelled like this the entire evening, lol. :D


    This needs be be smelled to be believed. It's like some kind of deviant Willy Wonka experiment. :P
