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Posts posted by Effluvia

  1. in the vial: Something strong and foresty with a dusty red background.


    on my skin: Dragon's blood (:P)...only this isn't the juicy, seductive dragon's blood I'm used to...it's dry, very dry. It's powdery, but not the icky baby powder kind of powdery, it's a comforting kind of powdery. It has a dusty, slightly candy-like quality. It's definitely not overly sweet, but the dragon's blood gives it a faint cherry note. It has a lovely, spicy kick underneath. Yummy. I like this blend a lot. I actually got a couple compliments on it today (woohoo!).


    Whoa. I just read that someone said it smelled like mole. That it does. :D I'm hungry now.

  2. Yeah, Saturnalia was dark, lizard green tinged with purple for me, too. I wouldn't call it a "purple" scent, either.


    The scents I've tried that smell purple to me are:


    Queen Of Spades


    The Raven (not too crazy about this one, personally, but it is very purple)



    Bewitched (purple and forest green)


    my two cents. :P

  3. in the bottle: Gummy bears! EEEEE!! :P


    on my skin: OH YES. Heady, hypnotic, velvety, tangy dragon's blood with yummy fruity flavors. Tart, red, juicy, currant-y fruity flavors. The amber and heliotrope are divine in the mix. This is just too delicious.:D:yum::D

  4. in the vial: Pale bamboo green color...reminds me of something, but I can't place it.


    on my skin: Kind of soapy, but pleasant. I get the warm milk with honey smell, and it's very, very nice. This doesn't remind me of Dana O' Shee or anything, though, because of its slight soapy greenness. It reminds me of when you just get out of the shower after using yummy shea butter soap. :P


    A comforting scent. :D

  5. in the vial: Peppermint. Just peppermint...


    on my skin: Peppermint and an aquatic note? A weird public swimming pool scent. I'll be curious to read all the ingredients once it's released...I think I'll be swapping this one, though. It's just not me. :shrug:

  6. This makes me think of Go Go from Kill Bill. It's Gothic Lolita and completely criminally insane. It smells like childlike Japanese candy, but vaguely sexual and EVIL in the most attractive, sexy villainess way. It's got pigtails and a samurai sword. I think she's a pyro.


    I dig.

  7. in the vial: Holy shit, dude. I love this. It's all mossy and foresty and cinnamony and dark. YEAH, MAN!! This is what I'm fuckin' talkin' about.


    on my skin: Wooooow. I can't find the right words to properly describe this. This is such a perfect "me" oil. It's earthy, mossy, hot, spicy and sexy. Oh man, I am so in love with this. I am so buying a big bottle. :P


    Hamadryad fucking ROCKS BALLS!! :D

  8. in the vial: Fruity and tropical. Damp. Whoa. A tropical forest floor. Woooooow. Crazy. There's something a little dark about it.


    on my skin: This is like damp, fragrant tropical plants. It's lush and sweet and juicy and delicious. If you dig the tropical thing, this is YOUR OIL. This is a sturdy one, too, it doesn't fade away the second you put it on. It doesn't turn soapy or powdery. It stays yummy through and through. I really like this.


    Me happy.

  9. in the vial: Gardenia. Spices. Mmmyep.


    on my skin: Holy shit! This does smell like Dragon's Milk with gardenia and spices. Sweet and smoky. Is there dragon's blood or vanilla in this? I really like this, and I usually hate gardenia (I usually find it too cloying). I adore this, though, because it smells like real gardenias when they bloom (I LOVE that smell) rather than a fake perfumey gardenia smell (How could I expect anything less than perfection from The Lab? :P). Like Dragon's Milk, there's something safe and comforting and happy about this. Mmmmmm. Lovely.

  10. in the vial: BEAUTIFUL!!!! I could cry....I definitely get a romanticized vibe of Despair in this.


    on my skin: When I read the notes, I can pick each thing out (and there's not a note in the bunch I don't get along with), but it's all blended so beautifully. I smell a similarity to Cheshire Cat. This is Cheshire Cat with a heroin problem. He got really skinny and started wearing all black and is all depressed all the time. This is a chick, though. It's a very feminine scent. This is "Tomorrow's Tears" by The Cranes. Sigh. This is wonderful.


    It hasn't turned to powder or soap! HAPPPEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!

  11. in the vial: What the fuck? Dirty apples and tree bark?


    on my skin: My nose is confused. Pale, amost white blue pale floral water and earthy woods. There's a weird fuity note in there, too. I'm picturing Tori's "Spark" video in my head. This is a cross between Autumn and Spring. It's the woods and it's spring flowers and rain.


    I'm gonna treat this the same way I treat Danube; I'm utterly impressed by its beauty, so I keep it around, but it doesn't fit my personality all that much. This will be one of my "wear at home" oils. I might wear this to sleep and see how it effects my dreams.


    ETA: This has grown on me, I really like this a lot now. I wasn't getting much of the mossiness before for some reason. This reminds me of Neil Gaimen books. That's the best description I can give you. :P It also makes a PHENOMENAL room scent.

  12. PIIIINNNEEE! Good pine, though. Dark, ominous, spooky, musky pine. Whee! The juniper gives this a bit of a Vicks Vapo Rub smell, though. Hmm.


    on my skin: Hee hee, this reminds me of a sexy, waify goth boy in the woods on a moonless night. I like it a lot. It's earthy and dark and glorious. It's kinda femme and butch at the same time. I dig it. For some reason, it reminds be of a big, sexy Harry Potter. I don't know what that means.


    :P Hooray for meditations upon death!!

  13. in the vial: Minty iced tea?


    on my skin: Rose. Mint. Herballiness. POWDER. Dammit. I'm not sure about this...


    This does indeed personify Black Cat. One thing I gotta say about it is that it does its job...I feel all playful and naughty and slinky, and I have the urge to start calling people I have crushes on and being flirty as all get out. :P I'd better go wash this off...lol :D :D


    It IS awfully powdery, though. :D

  14. in the vial: Caramel and coffee. Nothing else. Yummy, but not something I'd like to smell like...


    on my skin: A creamy praline scent shows up. I kinda smell like a Butterfinger now. :P Sweet, nutty and creamy...extremely yummy. I smell chocolate hazelnut cream and praline cream and caramel and buttercream frosting and buttery caramel poprcorn (??), all with a coffee base. This is like the impossibly sweet iced Starbucks drink with whipped cream and caramel that makes you feel bloated at just the thought of it. SOOO fucking good, though. I think that's what Beth was going for, and she's hit her mark perfectly. I love it. :D

  15. in the vial: Mmmm. Magical, thick, spicy, exotic, sexy and a little weird. I like it.


    on my skin: Cinnamony and musky. I get a weird candy cane vibe somehow, in the background. This is very nice, it kinda reminds me of a cross betwen Lust and Darkness. I smell sandalwood. Yum. I'm not blown away, but I think it's very pretty.


    I'd say this is sexy, but not sexual. It reminds me a lot of a Lust (which I feel the same way about) without the gold and red tones. I'm not salivating over it or anything, but it's very nice. This would be a spectacular room scent, I think. Autumnal. :P

  16. in the vial: vetivert and something, thick, black, smoky and sweet. I assume that's the myrrh. It's kinda molasses-y...slow, dark, sweet, and thick.


    on my skin: This is sluggish and deep and heavy. I like it a lot. I don't think this is one to wear out of the house, though, it's too weird. :D It's like a magical sleeping potion, possibly a scary

    one made by a wicked witch. I'll definitely be getting a lot of use out of this one. I'm totally falling asleep. This is great. :P


    Wow. I need :D: now. :D A definite keeper, especially if you're an insomniac. :D

  17. Grapefruit, red currant, dark musk, Roman chamomile, delphinium, and lavender.

    in the vial: Ooooh, yummy! This smells like ruby red grapefruit with sugar and something else fruity, slightly herbally and very yummy...maybe a wee bit boozy. Bright yellows, magentas and purples, with green bits. Very groovy, indeed.

    on my skin: Sweet and herbally and fruity and bright. Hallucinatory. DREAMY. Very dreamy. This reminds me of a cartoony, surrealist Oneroi in some ways, probably because of the lavender link. I also smell sweet chamomile tea. (Eeee!) There's just enough eerie darkness about this to keep me into it.

    This is hitting a happy part of my brain. This captures The Cheshire Cat perfectly for me. I totally dig it. :P