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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by sofiaviolet

  1. sofiaviolet

    Honey Moon

    In the imp: A little bit of sweetness and some light herbs. It smells good. On me: A whole lotta nothing. My skin ate it right up. Even the jasmine, which is one of my favourite notes. One patch of skin smells slightly sweeter than another, but that's it. It has no throw on me.
  2. sofiaviolet

    Antique Lace

    In the imp: Sweet, pretty. Reminds me a little of Dorian. On me, wet: It's getting sweeter and sweeter. I smell vanilla. This is probably not good news, because vanilla and I usually don't get along. On me, dry: The vanilla smell is overwhelming. I find it nauseating. Verdict: It makes me feel like I've eaten several tablespoons of sugar. No thanks.
  3. sofiaviolet


    This was all lemon and mint (and maybe anise, I don't know what that smells like). It was pretty interesting, but definitely not something I would want to wear as a perfume. The scent was remarkably consistant from imp to skin. Unfortunately, it was just too sharp for my tastes.
  4. sofiaviolet

    Caliph's Beloved

    This may be the most effective TAL I've ever tried. *fans self* It works amazingly well. I think I may be needing a 5 mL. I cannot review its scent because I used it on a candle. I'm not sure what might happen if I used it on myself. I might ignite!
  5. sofiaviolet

    Dixie Love Perfume

    I'm not going to review the scent because I put it on a candle, not on me. This is really really effective. I don't know about "draws others to you" because that wasn't what I was going for, but there was definitely a lot of romance and passion. Dixie Love Perfume is definitely a keeper! I'm not sure whether I'll need a whole 5 mL of it or not; we'll see how fast I go through my imp.
  6. sofiaviolet


    In the imp: Clean, white, wet flowers. Yum. On me, wet: Jasmine, yay!!!! Maybe some gardenia, too. On me, dry: Jasmine and gardenia, somewhat toned down from wet. Verdict: I have found the perfect BPAL, and it is unreleased. I weep.
  7. sofiaviolet

    Pink Moon 2005

    In the imp: Nauseatingly sweet. Cotton candy and strawberry bubble gum. On me, wet: Sweet, but faded. Less with the cotton candy. On me, dry: Perfectly pink. It smells like a toned-down version of Bubblicious strawberry bubble gum. Verdict: Me likey. Not enough to want to hoard, though.
  8. sofiaviolet

    And There Was A Great Cry In Egypt

    In the imp: hardcore sandalwood. On me, wet: Hardcore sandalwood with antiseptic tinge. Erk. On me, dry: Most of the scent vanishes! There is a little bit of wood left. It's starting to smell like watered-down Yggdrasil. Verdict: Not for me. It starts off badly, and my skin eats it within five minutes.
  9. sofiaviolet


    In the imp: Really dark and masculine. We were passing the imps around the table and Dad said it smelled like men's aftershave. I forgot the notes and guessed bay rum. On me, wet: Still dark and masculine. Unless it really morphs, I won't be able to wear it. It kind of smells like Cathedral did - like the musty old chapel/mausoleum at Ursuline Academy (NOLA) where I had music class in middle school. Voodoo is the pleasant version of this scent. On me, dry: Add a note of dust to the above and shake gently. Verdict: I really kind of like it, but I really cannot wear it. I can pull off "male" scents, but only light ones. EDIT: Whoa, vanilla note coming through! It's a vanilla frosting note, which I find quite nauseating.
  10. sofiaviolet

    Mi-Go Brain Canister

    Wow, was this a WEIRD scent. It didn't really change between the imp and the drydown. My mum and I kept sniffing at it, trying to figure out what it smelled like. She said is reminded her VERY faintly of a wax they used to use on wood floors. I thought it smelled a little like tea mixed in with cucumber melon, like from Bath & Body Works. When I tracked down a list of the notes, I was very confused. Verdict: It's cool but really not my thing. Swap.
  11. sofiaviolet

    Santa Eularia Des Riu

    In the imp: Lemon Pledge and that orange cleaner. To my nose, my brother's nose, and my mum's nose. On me, wet: Still citrus cleaning products, oh dear. On me. dry: Faintly spicy, warm skin. It's fading quickly, though. Conclusion: Not for me. But it was cool to smell it morph. I wish there had been loads of jasmine. I love jasmine.
  12. sofiaviolet


    My first impression is of old lady perfume. It's powdery and the florals are a bit heavy for my taste. A little while later, I sniffed at it again and got straight-up Play-Doh. I called my mother and brother over to check it out, and they agreed. Mum said it would be a great scent for a kindergarten teacher.
  13. sofiaviolet

    All Saints'

    This definitely smells like unburned incense. I love it. It works very well with my chemistry and lasts a long time. I'm hoping to get a bottle or at least a second imp.
  14. sofiaviolet

    Rose Red

    I loved this so much that I bought a bottle. It's the truest, boldest, best rose I've ever smelled.
  15. sofiaviolet

    Blood Rose

    This doesn't really smell like rose on my skin. Mostly dragon's blood, with a tiny bit of bubble gum. I'm not sure why. I like the scent, even though it's not what I expected.
  16. sofiaviolet

    Two, Five & Seven

    I prefer the other BPAL roses I've tried thus far, Blood Rose and Rose Red, to Two, Five Seven. Two, Five & Seven is too sweet on me and seems to do a number on my allergies. It turns powdery on my skin almost immediately, which I don't mind - it smells as I would expect rose talcum powder to smell. I will have to test it again to decide whether or not to keep my imp. If I sneeze a lot the second time around, I know it's not for me.