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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by Pandakin

  1. Hey all. First time posting in the forum, but I've been a frequenter of BPAL, drooling over so many scents that I just want to delve into. I've bought a few and enjoyed them quite thoroughly. Now, however, is the time for me to purchase once again and this time I can't go all willy-nilly and get all the things I want. You see, I have a very particular boyfriend. I had the idea that perhaps we could shop together for a scent for myself and for him... and I would like it if the scents didn't clash when we spend so much time close to each other. The other hoop to jump through is the fact that he doesn't like scents that are spicy or musky, though they are my favorite. On to the nitty-gritty! Here's some information to consider: For him - citrus, clean, bright, no leather, spice, or musk. That's the ballpark of scent we're in for selecting something for him to wear. for me - fruit, warm, lightly spiced, feminine, not a big fan of most floral scents, but I'm not opposed if it's in the background. Now, even though I like the spicy, deep, musky, inscence-like scents, he doesn't. For the longest I was swapping between Blood Kiss and Nephilim. To his nose they are a bit much and he finds them almost irritating. Don't get me wrong. If I could, I would be buying both scents in bulk. I love them, but it's time to move on to something he would appreciate as well. For instance, he got me the whole lotion/bodywash/bodyspray combo at Bath and Body Works a few months back. The fragrance was Bali Mango, warm and fruity and just slightly tangy. He LOVES the way it smells and so do I... but I like wearing oils... The scent stays longer and that 5ml bottle will last me at least a year. (My Nephilim lasted almost two before someone borrowed it and knocked it over. Yes. I was very angry.) So, that's the information that I have. Again, I'm looking for two scents, one for a man, the other for a woman. Ideally, they would compliment each other. I'm also not opposed to us wearing the same scent, if that's an idea that comes to mind. Thanks in advance for your help. I'm really happy that the forum is here... otherwise, I would just be plain lost.
  2. Pandakin

    Complementing scents for a couple...

    Thank you for your ideas! I'm really looking forward to this conversation.