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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by dawnwich

  1. I don't know what it is about this, but it almost immediately turns into CORN CHIPS (yes, that loud) with a little side of coffee and some vague sweetness. When the dust starts to show up after it's dry, the situation becomes even more dire because I amp the Lab's dust note and boy, is it Not Good to my nose. After more than an hour I also smell old books, but as it turns out, as much as I like the smell of libraries, I don't want my own self to smell that way. This was an untested bottle purchase.


    So, in summary: Fritos and sweetened coffee in a dusty old library, yowza.


    It smelled like fritos to me too. There's a little bit of coffee in it, but mostly stale old fritos, like a really gross dorm room. I love coffee scents in general, so this was a surprise. I'm so glad I didn't buy a bottle without testing it first.


    Is it possible there is a bad batch? Usually if it's a case of incompatible skin chemistry I can put it on my clothes, but this smelled like dorm room after finals on my clothes.
