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Posts posted by InThePines

  1. 2015 version, bought from the Lab. I've been really enjoying this lately. Surprisingly it doesn't feel sickeningly sweet or overly foody to me. It smells like caramel-cocoa (and I typically hate caramel in perfume) but it's just so...gah good. I've enjoyed putting this on before bed as it's a nice combo of comforting and sexy.

  2. I recently received this in a swap and it instantly became one of my Top 5 BPAL scents. With limited perfume funds, I chose other Weenies over this one during its original release but I'm so glad to have a bottle now! It's so beautiful. Each note blends together to make the perfect Autumnal perfume. It leans sweet but isn't what I would describe as sugary or tart or gourmand. I can discern tobacco and red currant, but it really is well-deserved and has the perfect throw (not super strong, but certainly not faint). It has a similar vibe to other scents I love like Perversion and Fake News.

  3. This reminds me so much of the original Gennivre L'Artiste du Diabolique-- must be the tea and honey? Lady Una leans clean but feminine, and slightly herb-y. I wouldn't necessarily describe my aged bottle as sharp, but definitely clean and perfect for summer.

  4. I love the inspiration for this one and I LOVE coffee and leather notes, so I had to get Lordy (also: add me to the Agent Cooper group). After a week of resting, this smells in the bottle and on my skin predominantly of the "cologne" which to me smells a bit like Squirting Cucumber, and with black coffee lurking just beneath it. The cologne is watery green and not super cologne-y and "aquatic.", but extremely smooth and makes for a surprisingly delightful scent to wear for the summer. Lurking just beneath the cologne is the scent of hot black coffee, which I love, though I admit the pairing of cucumber+coffee is a bit unusual. The leather aspect is very faint. I think I'll be reaching for this one a lot this summer!

  5. This is so absolutely wonderful! I may need a backup. In the bottle, it smells like the most perfect delicate bloom with vanilla (I haven't tried any of the Lab's rice milk or goat milk blends so the light vanilla I'm detecting may just be the milky qualities). On my skin, it lasted approx 6 hours and it reminded me more of Obatala than Ivory Vulva. The carnation is not spicy but instead just gives the blend a lightly floral essence. A light, inoffensive coconut-y blend. Super comforting, feminine, and spring-like.

  6. Anything similar to the 1955 perfume Intimate? Here's a description:


    "Intimate by Revlon was launched in 1955 as a distinctly sexy floral - animalistic chypre fragrance. It opens with crystalline notes of aldehydes, bergamot, rose, coriander and gardenia, leading to the sensual heart of jasmine, iris root, sandalwood, cedar and patchouli and the wild base of castoreum, civet, musk, amber and oak moss."


    My mom's grandma used to wear it and she was talking about it the other day.




    I'm sorry, I'm not familiar with that particular fragrance but reading the description/notes I instantly thought of Lady Death Savage (not sure if that perfume name would interest your mom though!) The notes are: White musk, grey amber, Calabrian bergamot, vanilla absolute, French labdanum, styrax, wormwood, caraway, and bois de jasmin.

  7. I love this, especially in the warmer months. It has perfect throw (not shouty, but not a total skin scent). It reminds me of a better version of Bath and Body Works Eucalyptus Mint, sooo I guess this might have a non-astringent eucalyptus and mint in it? Very smooth and nice.

  8. Zanoku_zen pretty much summed up my experience perfectly. Initially this was a sweet honey that got less sweet as it dried. I can detect a tiny bt of ambergris but it really just compliments the beeswax/honey so well.



    Truthfully, I had no idea if I would like this blend or not--I tend to like honey but most blends that are primarily honey/beeswax (Lights of Mens Lives, Alma Venus) tend to be "too much" for me. Ambergris and incense are also notes that I tend to shy away from. However, This Wan White Humming Hive is really perfect--not too sweet/heavy, just the right amount of honey/beeswax. The salty ambergris is the perfect subtle compliment to temper that honey, and I can realy only detect it when huffing my wrist where I applied the oil. After about 40 minutes, I can maybe detect the incense but this blend is in no way "smoky" on my skin. This is really delightful!

  9. Agreed that this one is a morpher. Initially this was almond extract that got sweeter and more marzipan-y on me (which I loved). On dry-down this smells sort of like Love's Philosophy with a rootbeery thing going on. I can see the "spiced rum+patchouli" impression someone else mentioned.

  10. I've been wanting to try this for a long time and I just got this lovely frimp in a swap. Upon application, the oil smelled like sweet, juicy red berry and hint of rose (nearing Lush Rose Jam territory). Granted this may need more time to settle after traveling and sitting in my mailbox, but the dry-down of this smells to me mostly of brown sugar or caramel (black currant?). I'm not getting "butter" or anything red/berry-ish. I can detect a hint of powdery rose in the background. I want to test this again. I was hoping for more of a juicy fruity-rose, but the brown sugar-powdery rose thing is interesting too.


    eta: Not sure what to make of this; it's a morpher! After about an hour, I'm getting primarily fruity-rose and the caramelly aspect has moved way in the background. :think:

  11. 2015 version:


    I wasn't sure about how well I liked this on me when I first got it in March.It was very subtle both in the bottle and on the skin. Now, about 4 months later, I really like how deep it has become! It's a wonderfully spiced gooey honey. Honey is not usually a scent I like, but this is a special dark, thick honey that I'll especially love wearing in the Fall. I should also mention that I don't particularly care for Snake Oil, but Womb Furie (on me, anyway) benefits from the delicious spices of Snake Oil without the powdery quality. Womb Furie kind of reminds me of Third Charm, without the wood.

  12. Completely baffled but I think I smell aloe sandalwood and vanilla. Very floaty and soothing! Slight baby powder smell up close but not bad at all. More sweet and sandalwood than anything.


    I second all this! I recently came across a 4-year-aged imp in my BPAL stash and decided to give it a try. It has a surprising vanilla quality, but slightly 'water-y' (not ozone or aquatic, just silky). It's really nice and calming. I can see wearing this just about anywhere.

  13. I tested this yesyerday and today (it was a frimp from 2 months ago) and it's AMAZING. It might just tie with Perversion as my HG. I've been in the mood for a figgy scent lately, and this totally hits the spot. This doesn't morph a lot on me; it's just a warm, sweet (but not too foody or sweet) fig rounded out by other notes that are in the background but not easily recognizable. Love. Want a bottle immediately.

  14. This smells like a sweet, vanillac dessert mixed with cedar. It's a pale but not weak scent. My skin tends to amp vanilla so this may be sweeter on me than other people. I really like this. I think my nose is translating the slightly herbal undertone as soap-y, but it's so buried underneath deliciousness that the "soap-y" quality is not bothersome. Need a bottle!

  15. When I tried this straight from the mailbox, it was coconut and warm amber with powdery-bitter orris edge. Now that this has had time to settle, it's just a glorious warm coconut blend. To me, this isn't nutty or buttery (thank god), powdery, or even especially foodie. It's just a nice warm coconut blend. Very bottle-worthy and I can see wearing this on any occasion.

  16. I don't want to scare anyone, but the overall impression I get from this is a (heavenly) honeyed jasmine mixed with coconut! I love this. I suspect the "coconut" I'm smelling is actually the cedar and hay, but overall it's just a light (but not weak) scent. I was worried about the comparison to LUSH's Flying Fox because while I typically like jasmine, I don't like honey scents. Hal doesn't smell like 'honey' but instead has a "honeyed" component.


    I'm going to wear this a lot in the Spring and Summer. MMMM!

  17. On me, Whip is all floral and no leather. I've never tried Rogue, so I'm sorry I can't help there. My favorite leather-dominant blends are Perversion and Haute Macabre (a little harder to find, but there are still some for sale in the sale/swaps threads). Jolly Roger has an awesome leather note on me, but it's equal players with salt and wood. Also, not sure if you're interested but I have a bottle of Spanked (the 2011 version) that is looking for a new home if you're interested in swapping (I can also include a decant of The Book from Paranorman, which is like a dusty leather).


    Thanks for all the sympathy, guys! I'm still hoping that maybe somehow the package will magically appear on my doorstep. Of course in the meantime I'm plotting another order, to be shipped to a family member's address (I live in an apartment and even though receiving packages has never been an issue before, maybe I would have better luck if I shipped to an actual house). My package was insured, but I looked up the insurance policies and I'm fairly certain that because it was stolen (vs damaged or lost) I'm out of luck on being compensated in any way. :ugh:


    Instead of feeling hopelessly bummed out, I'm really tempted to just place a new order. I really shouldn't spend any more money right now, but life stuff has been kinda difficult lately and getting back into BPAL after 3 years was kind of a treat to myself. Might be selfish, but I'm pretty sure I'm just going to place another order before the Lupers go down.

    Just a thought, did you call the post office and ask or ask your actual mail carrier. Because sometimes the mail carrier will report they delivered it BUT they were, uhh, a bit lazy and left it in the truck and it shows up in a day or two. Happens quite a bit. Hope that's what happened!!


    Thank you for your nice thoughts and suggestions! I went to the post office in person and the lady who helped me had her supervisor look up the tracker on the mail carrier to see if he was being honest about delivering the package, plus they supposedly spoke with him and he confirmed that he delivered it. I'm still hoping you're right though, and that the package mysteriously arrives in a few days anyway. We shall see!

  19. Thanks for all the sympathy, guys! I'm still hoping that maybe somehow the package will magically appear on my doorstep. Of course in the meantime I'm plotting another order, to be shipped to a family member's address (I live in an apartment and even though receiving packages has never been an issue before, maybe I would have better luck if I shipped to an actual house). My package was insured, but I looked up the insurance policies and I'm fairly certain that because it was stolen (vs damaged or lost) I'm out of luck on being compensated in any way. :ugh:


    Instead of feeling hopelessly bummed out, I'm really tempted to just place a new order. I really shouldn't spend any more money right now, but life stuff has been kinda difficult lately and getting back into BPAL after 3 years was kind of a treat to myself. Might be selfish, but I'm pretty sure I'm just going to place another order before the Lupers go down.


    Just need to vent: I was expecting my BPAL Luper package yesterday but it's been stolen, apparently. It wasn't in my mailbox or by my door when I got home yesterday so I confirmed with the post office today that my package was indeed delivered on the 13th. I checked in with my neighbors but of course nobody says they have it. I'm beyond frustrated and disappointed. I just want to smell smutty, is that so much to ask??


    That is so messed up, I'm really sorry that happened to you :( have you contacted the lab yet?


    Aw, thanks! Honestly, I wasn't planning on contacting the Lab because I didn't think there was anything they could do. Should I contact them?

  21. Just need to vent: I was expecting my BPAL Luper package yesterday but it's been stolen, apparently. It wasn't in my mailbox or by my door when I got home yesterday so I confirmed with the post office today that my package was indeed delivered on the 13th. I checked in with my neighbors but of course nobody says they have it. I'm beyond frustrated and disappointed. I just want to smell smutty, is that so much to ask??
