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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by alasindocs

  1. This is just beautiful.



    You know how a great scent just transports you?


    This is so dead on perfect summer spent at my grandparents farm, just laying in the yard reading, I almost teared up.

    It's tart wild strawberries, crushed green grass, and the faintly sharp tang of dandelions warmed by the sun that the blanket you were laying on smells like when you pick it up to bring it back inside at the end of a perfect day.


    I don't know how the hooey they did it. But it is absolutely lyrical perfection.



    On impulse I got two bottles. And I am thrilled I did, I havent loved a scent this much in ages.







  2. I've had this skulking in the back of my cupboard for years and it still smells fabulous.


    Warm buttery popcorn and the best throw..I love this scent during the summer especially layered with Midway, it just feels sultry and festive (like a summer carnival should feel)


    Since I had my son I've had to cull alot of my bpal (some of it just does not agree with my chemistry anymore) but this is still one of my relaxing favorites, and it still smells like a warm summery salty carnival breeze.


    Ahhh..nice to rediscover an old favorite isn't it? :P

  3. This was a frimp from the lab :D


    And in my new quest to expand my horizons, I have now vowed to try the frimps when I get them and not let them languish, because one never knows when something will suprise one.


    First sniff...lemon.


    Application - LEMON....And this is LEMON with a twist of lemon.


    This is so strong on me it is just dreadful, it made my nostrils burn with the strong lemony lemon.


    My chemistry amps lemon as it is. :P


    If you love lemon, and lemon loves you. You've hit the lemon load!

  4. This was a frimp with my big CN order, and while something I wouldn't have picked myself, actually works quite well with my chemistry.


    It smells like gorgeous warm amber with just a touch of apple blossom, and something green and lush to round it out.


    Luckily I am getting little to none of the carnation which can be very finicky on me.


    I seem to have a very unique chemistry, and the scent descriptions I think I will love, when I get them make me smell like a burning shrub.


    So if you love greenish amber (weird I know)


    Give it a shot :P

  5. All these honey filled reviews!


    Not this one...I get lemony pledge...if there is a lemon/citrus note buried anywhere in a fragrance, my chemistry will find it..and amp it until I smell like...well my library table after I've pledged it.

    That would be the oak I'm suspectin..


    I'm going to give this another try..because darnit..I want honey!

  6. This is such a warm yummy scent.


    I got a bottle of this literally the morning I was leaving on vacation (lovely lovely mailman was early). So I took it with!

    And wore it..a lot.

    It smelled so wonderful and summery.


    This morning I pulled out a sweater I had worn once (gotta lovely Wisconsin that it actually got cool enough one evening for a sweater) and it smelled like a soft cloud of spun sugar with just a touch of salty..


    Weirdly enough..it reminds me..just a bit of kettle corn..very light on the salty corn part though.




    I do not know how Beth does it, but this smells like a perfect mix of all of the Carnival/Fair goodies..heaven

  7. I have the strangest chemistry in the world I am beginning to suspect.


    This was a frimp that I finally got around to trying..


    This smells like chocolate in the bottle..straight up chocolate.


    On me it morphs into something with a very deep tobacco-y note.


    I cannot place the individual notes, but it really smells good on me, my ex husband was here picking up our son and said "God that smells great"


    "Sort of like a smoking jacket looks"


    Huh...whattya know it sure does, it smells..like a velvet smoking jacket looks.


    Rich and smoky..and dark.


    Anyway..suprise suprise..


    Gonna have to get me a bottle of this..


  8. I need help!


    I got my order today, and it's the wrong order.

    meaning it isnt mine.


    I sent an e-mail to answers@blackphoenixalchemylab.com


    telling them what I actually received -v- what I ordered and included the dates of my paypal transactions, and what I ordered.


    Just to be proactive, is there anything else I should have included?


    I dont want anyone to have to play e-mail tag with me because I did it incorrectly or omitted something.


    Oy Vey!


    Thank you!

  9. Woooo!

    Went home on my lunch hour to let the puppy out and met the mailman who was delivery my Peony Moon!


    I agree with the above posters...I am getting almost a rose vibe from this..definately very floral..hello floral welcome to my wrist floral.


    A neighbor has a Peony Shrub that I pass all the time..and this really does remind me of it...


    I'm also getting a slighty sharp soapy note...


    And it definately has throw..not insane for it, but I like it..very pretty :P

  10. This smells absolutely freaking GORGEOUS on me.


    The Apple peel is very fleeting, and the jasmine is very subtle, for some reason I get lightly floral warm and delicious honey...I'm too flippin lazy to read if that's a note..


    But I love this...with a love that is all loving and obsessive.


    And I have already had three people tell me I smell amazing (including my 9 y/o son)


    I am in love with a L/E..wouldnt it figure :P


    EDIT: Ok, I got a second bottle of this in a swap, and it smells practically NOTHING like the first bottle I got from the Lab, it smells much more like what everyone else here is reviewing, alot of Apple Peel and Jasmine out the wazooo.


    Well crap, now how the hell do I figure out what was actually in my bottle of Perfumed Garden the first time? I got Honey and coconutty somethinoranother.


  11. This does not love me. :D


    My chemistry amps everything in this up so high..I smell like a mean and nasty biker chick that was doused in Patchouli then lit on fire..and allowed to smolder down to her battered engineer boots. :P


    I am hoping with aging that some of this edge will mellow.


    Because I want to kick my own ass when I wear this. :D

  12. I wore this a couple of times just to really get a true feeling from this.


    Upon first application: Definately smell the carmel, and the blonde tobacco is already present (lurking in the background) for me.


    Inital drydown (about two hours into my day) On me this is very carmel/spicy, and the tobacco note is still quite present


    Alrighty, several hours later, this is still clearly present, but it's doing a very intriguing morphing thing on me, at first sniff, I get the amber and carmel, but the coconut is ever so gently present..strangely enough, you can still smell the blonde tobacco, it's not intrusive at all, but definately there.


    There was a movie with Johnny Depp in it called "From Hell" (based on the Jack the Ripper scenario) and there is a scene with him in an opium den, all wonked out and woozy.

    This smell reminds me so much of that scene.

    Sort of decadent, and a bit illicit.


    Intriguing...I like it.

  13. In the bottle this smells very spicy/floral/exotic wooo hoo


    Upon application it smells very warm and a bit spicy.


    Ok..two hours later and I smell like cinnamon.


    Smack you in the face with a stick cinnamon..with a very slight other spicy smell.


    I couldnt place the smell, but a co-worker hit it right on the nose (no pun intended)

    "You smell like mulling spice..ya know like you put in Apple Cider"


    Oh joy.. :P


    And so the swap pile begins...

  14. Hellooo Rose.


    This purchase was purely sentimental for me..and it didnt disappoint one bit.


    While I was growing up, I spent summers at my grandparents farm in Minnesota.

    And my grandmother used to drag me all over town with her when she "did hair" for all the little old ladies.


    And there was one woman who to me seemed impossibly glamourous for this small farming community...

    She was European and married an American during WWII.

    She had this silk robe with a GIANT peacock that she had embroidered on the back...And it always fancied that she had been royalty or such and had fallen head over heels in love with Mr Johnson and and come to America with him leaving her glamorous life behind..

    Anyway she loved roses. And I dont ever recall being at her house that there wasn't a huge bouquet of fresh red roses on her table (and in Minnesota, this was no small deal)

    They smelled so exotic to me...and just further confirmed her royalty status.


    And when I saw this I thought immediately of her. And I was right.

    This is exactly the smell of a full in-bloom red rose at all its voluptuous goodness.


    Throw is just perfect, and staying power is still good 4 hours into the day.



  15. In bottle: Floral with a definate herbal tone.


    Wet: Sweet Jesus is this floral, exactly what I needed on this windy overcast day...if it is jasmine in here (I cant really pick one predominate floral) thank heavens my chemisty is not amping this up


    Inabit: Yumm a warm heavenly wild floral, this is definate not delicate, it smells like being outside on a Spring day..some wild flowers, damp grass, and something definately herbal in there...very relaxing and centering for me...


    I love it..my son gave me a hug and told me I smelled like "Spring... but spicier" :P
