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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by brownbat

  1. brownbat

    Sacred Whore of Babylon

    This probably isn't going to be the most helpful review because I didn't wear this oil very long. In fact, this is probably the only bpal scents I've tried so far that immediately gave me a headache and caused me to wash the scent off right away. Unfortunately, I have no idea what it was in the blend that generated this reaction in me, and due to the limited amount of time I had the scent on I don't even have a clear recollection of what it smelled like. Hence, this unhelpful review
  2. brownbat


    There are a few notes that turn soapy on my skin. Orange blossom is one of them, but I don't seem to have the same problem with Neroli (or possibly, the ylang ylang tones this effect down on my skin) This scent is so freaking good! All the components blend together into a lovely, somewhat sharp, somewhat sweet, sophisticated smell. It is very heady, but the sandlewood definitely keeps it grounded.
  3. brownbat


    Usually honey doesn't work out on me, but I love rose and ylang ylang so I wanted to try this scent. At first the scent is sharp and slightly soapy (honey is generally soapy on my skin) but as it sits it seems to warm up and the soapiness goes away. Oh wow. The primary note I detect after the blend has mellowed is ylang ylang. It is positively dreamy. So smooth and complex. Positively delicious! It takes about 30 minutes to go from to
  4. brownbat

    Autumn Scents - recommend the ones you love

    Some that I find autumny: --jack --umbra --dublin (though this didn't really work for me) --vinland --fenris wolf For me its the leaf mold/woody quality of oils that reminds me most of autumn. Some of the smokey ones may do it to, though I'm less familiar with those.
  5. brownbat

    Black Forest

    This was my very first OMFG! bpal blend and still remains in my top ten. Like others have said, it starts off very piney and then mellows into a sweet, sensual piney musk. It doesn't go powdery at all on me, it just keeps getting mellower and mellower until I can barely detect it (about a few hours or so).
  6. brownbat

    Gingerbread Poppet

    Very true to the scent of gingerbread. Perhaps (on me) just a bit heavier on the cinnamon. I don't wear this as a perfume very often, though it is a great snuggley bedtime scent. This blend really shines though in sugar/salt scrubs, in massage oil and as a room scent.
  7. brownbat


    The overwhelming agony of passion crystallized into a singularly dark and magnetic blend: bittersweet neroli, black patchouli and black musk, gilded by apple, bergamot, blood red rose, teak, and vanilla. This is one of the first floral blends that made me realize that I'm not -just- a resins and woods kind of girl. It is such a delicious, smooth floral. Grown up and sexy yet relaxed and poised. The vanilla really starts coming out after a bit and the musk and patchouli keeps everything reigned in.
  8. brownbat

    Rose Red

    One of my very favorite bpal blends!! It's bright without being too sharp. It's sweet without being cloying. It makes my nose tingle and perks me up. It smells like some of the old world roses in my garden, just after a light chilly rain. I've got some of this mixed with alcohol that I use as a linen spray. Ah, sweet repose!
  9. brownbat

    Bridal BPAL - BPAL for weddings?

    When's your wedding? Is it soon? Spring? Summer? Do you have your dress yet? Is it traditional white and lacy or something else? I didn't have bpal when I got married, but I would probably have picked something to match the springy season (mine was in April) and also something that would keep me cool and collected (cause weddings are a major stress case!). For me that would probably be my new favorite, Cheshire Cat. But everyone is different! You may be more inclined to match the romantic aspect of the event
  10. Both Nyx and Caterpiller are really floral on me. I agree with the recommendation for Fenris Wolf. Obeah (an up and coming), Scherezade (on me a spicey, dry scent) and Lex talionis might also be up your alley.
  11. brownbat

    Springtime scents

    I'm not a bit floral or aquatics girl, so a lot of light, springy scents don't work for me. Luckily though I recently found two scents that I think are perfect for the spring. Cheshire Cat and Saint Germain
  12. brownbat

    Pine and Evergreen goodness

    Ah, that's the one that I was about to recommend! Glad you're trying it. If you don't mind a scent that is a little bit masculine you might also want to give Nero and Golden Priapus a try. I love Nero, though I use it mostly as a room scent (the bay, though delicious, makes it just a wee bit manly). Golden priapus is a velvety pine scent. Black Forest is by far my favorite pine scent though. Edited: Whoops, I hit quote on the wrong person. I actually meant Jabberwocky, not Dublin. Interesting...I don't get much pine from Dublin. I get more of a sweet rotting leaf scent.
  13. brownbat


    I freakin' *love* this scent! I was afraid it would be too heavy on the lavender, but that isn't the case at all. The amber makes this scent so smooth and sensual, yet the other notes give it a great sparkle. I can see myself wearing this scent regularly when I need a pick me it. It really puts me in a good mood.
  14. brownbat

    Lex Talionis

    Oddly enough, when I first sniffed this in the bottle I detected a chocolatey note. Super weird. Maybe its the cardamom that's giving me that impression? Once on the skin for a little while the violet takes over, but my chemistry seems to amp up florals. The violet only stays ahead for 10 min or so, and very shortly the oil turns into a wonderfully deep, complex, comforting blend. I can smell the pepper and a bit of lightness that may be the grapefruit skittering around the top, but the rest of the oil is so well balanced it simply smells good. Perhaps a bit reminiscent of an wooden box that has contained both spices and gunpowder in its lifetime. If you tend to like deep resiny scents you simply must try this one!
  15. I 2nd jabberwocky. Black Forest is one of my favorite scents as well! Some others that I like and find 'woodsy' are Umbra (spicey woodsy, though maybe your skin will amp up the cinnamon?) Anne Bonny (straight up woodsy. MMM.)
  16. brownbat

    Best BPAL blends without floral notes

    I haven't tried a ton yet, but also find myself put off by really floral scents. Some of my favorites so far: --black forest --umbra --jabberwocky --swank --danse macabre --golden priapus A lot of the scents I go for tend to be a bit masculine/gender neutral.
  17. brownbat

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    hurrah! Yes, thanks for the links!!
  18. brownbat

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    Say clephan, Would you mind telling where you got that lovely glass perfume bottle? It is simple yet beautiful!
  19. brownbat

    Dilution and Carrier Oils

    Hope I'm not hijacking here, but I thought this was a related question. I've just purchased some sweet almond oil without really doing much research, but now I'm reading that it can go rancid fairly quickly. Has anyone had experience using sweet almond oil as a carrier oil? How long can it usually last without going bad? Thanks!