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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Meggie

  1. I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask, if not I'm sorry!


    This is probably a stupid question but I want to order two imp packs (12 imps) through paypal but was using CCNow to calculate everything up. So my question is do I click on the "purchase six" and put 2 in the Qty box which would make the grand total $38.50 or do I click on the "purchase single sample vial" and order 12 $3.00 imps which would make the grand total $42.50? I hope I explained that right lol. I just wanted to make sure to do the correct one. Thanks in advance :P

  2. My very first review, not sure if my nose is trained enough lol, but I'll give it a go ...


    In the imp: I like how distintive it is, I smell mostly the blackberries.


    Wet on skin: Purple! I still smell the blackberries the most ...


    Drydown: Just lovely, the blackberries give way to the heather. It also has a beautiful aquatic note to my nose, sort of salty. To me it smells like laying on a cliff in Scotland in tall grasses with heather growing near by and hearing the waves of the ocean rolling in. I only smell a hint of the blackberries now, just enough so its not too much heather for me. It is a little soapy but not a bad soapy. I really like it. I think a big bottle might be called for.


    Meggie :P
