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BPAL Madness!


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Blog Comments posted by Heretic

  1. Thanks, both of you! I call that one the "My cheekbones will kick your ass" picture. Seriously, I need to be lit like that all the time. Someone please follow me around with tray of candles! Maybe I'll send it to the Trading Post. I only brought two t-shirts with me: Peony Moon and Dragon Moon. Bpal is getting some major exposure over here!

  2. Horrible. Shameful.

    I'm 40 and I can't ever remember kids behaving this way when I was a teenager. It's almost as if the world is just toxic and breeds contempt and violence in youths. Or maybe I'm just getting old.


    Great, though sad, post.

  3. Not always in brothels! There are a good many phallic objects that were found in ordinary homes-- my favorite are the bronze winged-penis wind chimes. There were also oil lamps shaped like phalloi. Homes also had sex scenes painted on the walls, either in the bedrooms or the dining rooms. I teach an Ancient to Medieval art history survey course, and the Roman priapic stuff just floors my students. We have such an amazingly different view of sexuality today. If I were home, I could access my lecture files and post some examples. I really was not prepared to see all the penile references on these structures that I'm visiting. I'm fascinated with monasticism and am really disappointed that I don't have time on this trip to visit some of the remaining Medieval monasteries in France-- I'm curious about how much of this kind of imagery is in a closed environment with nothing but men and boys.


    Glad you're enjoying these! The hardest part about this trip is being alone and not having anyone to share all these incredible sights with!
