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Posts posted by Decima

  1. ....I.....this.....YES!!


    This is just the scent I was looking for =) I love Greek mythology, and Hecate in particular, so I really was hoping this would work (unlike Persephone, which turned me into a member of the Rose Collective and spurred a migraine :( )


    In the imp it's a clear red, and smells juicy tart, and dusky at the same time. Roll around in a cranberry bog, and then go caving, I guess - it's pretty much that.


    It doesn't have a huge throw, but I was pretty sparing with it yesterday. Today, I'm being bolder ;)

    This is probably going to wind up in a scent locket, if my skin insists on eating it again, I love the smell. Fruity, but not cloying, floral but very light, and musky but not overpowering. It's *PERFECT*!


    Hopefully it smells the same in a 5ml!!

  2. So, this smells like vanilla chai both in the imp, and on me. Warm, heady vanilla chai complete with milk foam on top.


    This means two things:

    1. The imp is probably a little older (it were a meet n sniffy!)

    2. I'll have to inquire with the lab if there's a possibility of obtaining a vat of this.


    Or, were Dorian a Real Boy, the only appropriate thing to do would be to lounge back on the soft, silky pillows of my divan and with a clap of my hands, order him bathed and brought to my tent.


    Dorian has some pretty great ::ahem:: stamina, I had it on a few days ago and it lasted nearly 12 hours! The sexy/slinky factor here makes me think of the way a properly laced set of stays feels. Restrained, but only at first glance. Underneath, it's all quite naughty. ;)

  3. Another Meet n Sniff imp =)


    Imp-ression: HAI MY NAME IS GARDENIA!!




    I used to work at Illuminations Candle Co., and they divided their scents into groups - one of which was floral. I hate florals. I love fresh flowers, but once you try and bottle the scent, I try and avoid it. I hated showing clients the floral wall at the store. ("oh, you love rose? OF COURSE YOU DO ::dies inside::) There was rose, and hyacinth, a few others.....and gardenia.


    Of all the scents, Gardenia and I took the longest to play nice. I would sneeze when uploading boxes during shipment, and would avoid breathing while I had the jar open to show clients.


    This is not that Gardenia.


    I can't smell the vanilla in this, but I have a feeling that it's the thing keeping the Gardenia from leaping out on my skin and punching me in the face. Repeatedly. The tea rose is there, very gentle and light in the background, only popping up when I'm not looking for it. This has a powdery note, but I think it's just how my nose interprets Gardenia, tbh. The candle scents were *very* true to the flowers, and this evokes the scent I remember without being so damn obnoxious about it. It's light and not really cloying at all.


    I might order a bottle of this in the new year, it's a "warm" floral - something you might reach for early in spring when you're tired of the drab of winter and looking for the gentle cheer of spring.


    If you hate florals, don't bother. If you're like me, and they stay true on your skin (despite being "meh" about them otherwise), give it a shot - it is indeed a lovely companion to brighten a dull and boring day :)

  4. Luminescent, glowing, and otherworldly: green mandarin, neroli, honeydew, white amber, guava, freesia, white and green musks hovering over desert scrub, smashed wood, and the dry, biting scent of night air over the Groom Lake salt flats.

    Imp: light, fruity, floral, soft musk

    On: pretty much the same, really. Definitely a great summer scent, and the boy likes it as well (go figure one of his major interests is in UFOlogy...).

    This imp was a gift, so I'm definitely going to order another just to compare "new" and "aged a smidge", as I smelled another imp and it definitely had more of the fruity notes.

    Quite like it, either way :)