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Posts posted by Northernminx

  1. Hee in a moment of "oh my god i have time to post!"


    1. Snake Oil

    2. Dana O' Shee

    3. Alice

    4. Manila

    5. Queen Mab

    6. Dorian

    7. Sin

    8. Ophelia

    9. Cthulu

    10. Silk Road

    11. Twenty-One

    12. Samhain (because you just have to)


    A nice mix of floral, fruity, foody and spicey. I think I left off the resin category but as my coffee is still injecting itself into my bloodstream today, I can't think of much else to add.

  2. Some musk, maybe some dragon's blood, a strong herbal spicey scent with a touch of citrus. This had a lot of backbone while still being rather cologne like. It was very nice, very strong and very masculine to my nose. Lovely but not me

  3. Somewhat sharp and green in the bottle, there's a definite touch of dry rose in here and some wood as well as lavender. This dries into a soft rush of chamomile and rose and lavender and is extremely potent. Something about the funeral oil florals tends to go very white and heavy on me. Lovely but far too reminiscent of my grandpa's funeral for comfort.

  4. Whoa...have some caramel and butterscotch in the bottle there.

    As "warned" this was buttery and rich. The caramel and sweetness really come out at first and there's a great softness in the cream as an under note, but that sugar smell goes plastic on me after a bit. Stupid stupid chemistry this was really good enough to eat for a while. Fortunately it didn't do the same for my friend Erin and she has made off with the bottle.

  5. Soft, somewhat earthy, a nice golden soft amber and a warm touch of vanilla and tonka. It's very warm, slightly sweet, more golden than "hot" and very pretty. This was soothing and relaxing but not really anything that stuck around on my skin. It faded quickly so off it goes.

  6. Lavender and lemongrass citrus. Very light and airy and clean - perfect for an air scent. I'm not a huge lavender or citrus fan so this one is going off to swaps but it really is just a nice, cleansing, flowing scent.

  7. A lot of wet, green tartness which I imagine is a touch of sour and woody bamboo. This dries down into a soft tea scent with an under touch of fruit that's almost plum and a little bit of floral. It's very unusual and likley not something I'd wear very often but it was intriguing (as always) to try.

  8. I didn't get the vetiver in this that others did, though it was salty, that vague florally aquatic that goes powdery on me. There was an undernote of something sweet and almost coconut but this sort of just powdered out on me. I wasn't really surprised at that point as water scents and I just don't usually mix.

  9. spicey, some cinnamon, a touch of something herbal and this goes rather ashy on the drydown. It's warm and biting and fitting for it's name sake. I didn't try it ritually. Definitly unique just not one I'd wear - though I imagine for use with elemental work it would be wonderful

  10. I wasn't sure I liked this at first but then about nineteen people stopped me to ask what I was wearing and I finally gave in.

    That sort of piney/sour fruit slushy snow scent that is reminsicent of Ice Queen/Snow bunny but the dry down is soft sweet florals. This has really grown on me and has become a definite keeper.

  11. Sweet with a touch of floral and warm honey and vanilla. I really really loved this one, girly, pink, sweet but still sophisticated enough to not be childish. Definitly my favorite phoenix with my skin chemistry, this is the one I'll be keeping. Which sort of suits me as I'm a bit silly and girly too :P

  12. Gin martini. This is actually a really cool, refreshing and sophisticated scent. Unfortunately It's also one that tends to be so dead on I can't wear it to work. ("Are you teaching SHakespeare while intoxicated?" "Uhm...")


    So off it goes despite it being spiffy.

  13. Gack! Vetiver!


    AND patchouli!


    Sometimes life's not fair. This one kicked the crap out of my nose with the vetiver and patchouli - two scents that don't much like me anyway (that's fine I return the disfavor).


    I'm sure the rest of these notes would be great if those two would just shut the heck up and let me smell them. Oh well.

  14. Complex - one of the more difficult to pick apart scents from the lab I've tried in a while. There's a definite undercurrent of black currant but this is predominantly lavendar on me with a touch of ozone. This is much cooler than I'd anticipate and while interesting and fun to try not something I'd wear a lot. Ah well.

  15. Sweet peppermint and a touch of vanilla. This was a dead ringer for a candy cane on me and I adored it. I say "adored" because I just don't wear minty anything that often and so this was donated to a Christmas Swap at our local LARP. The person who got it - very very very happy :P

  16. Sweet, sugary cheesecake and cupcake frosting. I adore this in the bottle as it it's silly and tons of fun but my skin chemistry pulls what I like to call "the great sugar cookie caper" on this one.


    Otherwise known as it, for some reason, starts to smell like burnt plastic after a few minutes.


    Le. Sigh.

  17. This is far less cherry-tobacco and far more warm buttery goodness than last year's version and I like it for a totally different reason as a result. I found this more comforting and less "pipe tobacco" than last year's hearth and infinitly more gender neutral as a result. Lovely.
