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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by Northernminx

  1. Northernminx


    I was really looking foreward to this as it has some of my favorite notes in it, however it really just didn't like my skin all that much. The sandalwood was predominant and turned into baby powder on me and while the honey and rose were beautiful it sort of just turned into noxious powedery ickines due to chemistry. Sad sad. Off to swaps for this one!
  2. Northernminx

    Wolf's Heart

    Hi there dragon's blood how are you? For some reason DB tends to go very lilly-floral on me so this ends up a very light, powdery floral scent with an undertone of something a little more earthy that I can't pinpoint. Pretty but not for me and it's not one I'll use outside of wearing.
  3. Northernminx


    Lots of amber and myrtle were the predominant notes on me, making this a soft, earthy herbal scent. My chemistry powders this one out a lot but I love the richness of it in the imp. Oh well
  4. Northernminx


    Strangely I got a light, smooth almost tropical feeling from this, nothing herbal or green in it at all. It smelled amazingly like Tiare flowers on me for quite some time before it got fruity and faded. I really really adored this one, but sadly it's making my father sneeze so off it goes I guess.
  5. Northernminx


    This was actually very vanilla on me and reminded me a lot of snake oil. Smooth, thick, and sweet, I didn't get even any patchouli out if it. So very wierd since I could smell it in the imp. Pretty and decadent but since it's turning so similar on my skin, off it goes to swaps.
  6. Northernminx

    Graveyard Dirt

    It smells like...dirt. Wow. Right up there in the Rose Red, Dirty, and Dead Man's Hand - "How the hell did she DO that??" list. Rich loamy, dark brown, soft freshly turned dirt right down to the earthy metallic hint. Wow. I'm not sure if I'm keeping this as I'm not much of a dirt fan I guess but I'm still bloody impressed.
  7. Northernminx

    The Ides of March 2005

    The dreaded lemon makes an appearance here so I'm a bit terrified of this blend... still, onward the intrepid scent whore presses! A sharp green herbal, citrus tang beneath it. This doesn't turn into pledge on me like most lemony things do (Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay) but there is a definite citrus sharpness to this. Roseemary and bergamot are keeping this very green, but the narcissus and iris are adding something just a touch softer. This is somehow gender neutral and while I'm wearing it without a problem I can picture my boyfriend wearing it equally well. Refreshing, clean and green, though I'm going to wait to decide if I'm keeping it. It's lovely but I don't picture myself wearing it often.
  8. Northernminx

    Marquise de Merteuil

    Primarily peach on application this smooths out with a solid dose of amber, smooth and elegant. This is feminine without being overly floral, although the jonquil and other flowers make an apparance as this dries down. There is very little vertiver showing up in this, something that is more stiff and grounding, giving this a backbone along with the florals. Feminine but packs a punch!
  9. Northernminx


    Lots of incensey resin and spice to this, dark and warm and bright without being "sunny yellow." As this dried down I got a lot of amber and then clove. This was a little too incensey for keeping but it was fun to try.
  10. Northernminx

    Black Annis

    I was very surprised I liked this as much as I did usually civet is not so nice and vertiver hates me. This was actually surprisingly earthy and light in the bottle and the anise was the most prominant on me, making this a little sweet. It had a dangerous, mysterious edge to it though that was definitly unsettling. Very much a sweet, luring scent with something darker beneath it.
  11. Almost anything perfumey has the chance to attract bugs however after a week of no hair products, it seems like the hair products have been more the culprit for me than the BPAL. I've not really noticed anymore bug issues wearing BPAL than not EXCEPT for Dana O Shee which had a small flock of bees attracted to me one time. However they were also attracted to half the yard. Well that was vague and useless
  12. Northernminx


    Lots of sandalwood, sweet, dry and faintly herbal and powdery. This was lovely and light and delicate, very befitting its name, but white sandalwood tends to be sweeter than I really like on me and so this one isn't really me. Off to swaps.
  13. Northernminx

    House of Night

    Herbal and green in the bottle, this wasn't as floral as I expected on me. It was a very smokey, green scent on my skin. Initially there's a burst of anise/licorice that fades off into a sort of subtle floral underneath a lot of green herbs. Lovely and refreshing and a bit mysterious.
  14. Northernminx


    Sweetpea is predominant in the bottle but the sage is a front runner on me at application. This is herbal, clear, clean and very wet spring morning in the woods. As this dries down the sweet pea comes into play, but I can't really classify this as floral though it did seem feminine to me. The tonka wasn't very present until the very end where it makes for a sort of vanilla floral combination that's just lovely.
  15. Northernminx


    In the bottle: Sweet pine. Wha? On me: No more pine thankfully (guess my nose is just wierd today) this turned into a clean, bright floral with a lot of sweetness but not a lot of floral. Very reminiscent of fresh spring air off a meadow rather than white flowers. The predominant notes were the lillies, but they were very light and not at all powdery or overwhelming. The sage started to peek in towards the end and left a nice clean herbal smell behind on my skin. Very pretty!
  16. Northernminx

    Santo Domingo

    I had such high hopes for this that my chemistry rather crushed. it's gorgeous, rum filled and sultry in the bottle and while there's a touch of bay rum and yummy sticky exotic goodness, something in this quickly turns to powder on me. so sad.
  17. Northernminx

    Leanan Sidhe

    Leanan Sidhe sadly didn't last very long on me. This was a pale, soft fresh herbally floral, not white flowers, but soft dew covered pink ones and fresh hair. It was refreshing and pretty without being overpowering and was soft and feminine. Sadly it didn't last very long on me at all so off to swaps.
  18. Northernminx


    Tons of dark green pine, a little brighter than Black Forest was on me, which was a pleasant surprise. Deep green woods and dark earth, this was like wearing a christmas tree for the first ten or fifteen minutes. As it dries down I get a rich berry scent, and then that's gone as well. Now I can barely detect anything, just a touch of earth and moss. It's kind of creepy, like something visited me out of the woods and left just a trace behind. Complex and interesting and I love the scents, but it's not quite me so off it goes to swaps (still very glad I tried it)
  19. Northernminx


    I was expecting something with a lot more oomph from this, something a lot less fresh and light. Not that I'm complaining this is a gorgeous scent, jasmine, tangerine, and carnation being the most identifiable notes on me. The Jasmine was veeeery prevalant at first but has calmed down, leaving this a faintly spiced, clear floral. Very pretty!
  20. Northernminx


    I'm rarely an insomniac but this week, thanks to the house being unnervingly quiet and my mattress wearing out, I've been having a wretched time sleeping. The other Dream Formula's haven't done much for me but i've yet to get over the smell of some of them to try them properly so I can't blame the oils. I dabbed Somnus on yesterday and was surprised at how herbal and strong it was. It dried down quickly though, leaving a lavender and herbal smell that I loved and was very soothing. This stayed on all night, but I wasn't awake to notice as once I fell asleep I was out like the proverbial light. Attribute this to whatever you like, but it works for me and since it's so clean and soothing a scent, on the big bottle list it goes.
  21. Northernminx

    Silk Road

    covet covet covet... oh am I getting a 5ml of this. I agree with the comments that silk road is complex and so well blended that I've not a hope in Hades of picking out the scents. It reminds me strongly of a milder sweeter version of India Bouquet, which I adored and was quite sad to see go. This starts off rather woody and herbal but soon sweetens with a touch of cinnamon and spices that I can't begin to define. It's not a sweet scent persay, although it is nice and light on me, but rather softly exotic, the silk covered interior of a wagon train from the east where the spices and dust and cool shadows are protecting you from the scorching sun outside. Gorgeous.
  22. Northernminx

    Juke Joint

    Sad sad sad, as I love mint juleps and this smelled amazing, boozy with a touch of mint and sweetness, in the vial. Sadly it just doesn't work with my chemistry and something in this turns into baby powder. Oh well, off it goes I guess. (still sad!)
  23. Northernminx

    Chaste Moon 2005

    Gorgeous and clean and smooth. This is butterscotch in the bottle, as has been noted, but that fades almost immediately on application. There's a faint sweetened cream touch to this with a very very light and soft floral beneath it. Gentle, pure, and soothing, This was absolutely wonderful and perfect for todays bright spring weather.
  24. Northernminx

    Dead Man's Hand

    There is a certain dusty, soft worn leather smell from a tack room, just a touch sweet and salty with sweat... it's the same scent when you press your nose into a man's neck when he's wearing a beat up leather bomber jacket. This is that scent bottled. Like it? I cannot decide if I need to keep this or give it to Jake but I think I need to go find another bottle. Now. Because my nose is attached to my wrist and I refuse to move it. Wow.
  25. Northernminx

    The Living Flame

    Wow. A little berry fruity in the bottle, this utterly surprised me as I was expecting, by now, a lot of flowery notes. This was warm,a ctually vibrant, glowing warm (I've no other way to describe it) with a faint cherry/berry undertone and lots of...well I don't know. It's frankly so well blended that I can't pick much out note wise. There is a touch of floral but it's rich, spicey warm florals, hot house forced orchids or jasmine. Rich and warm and glowing and decadant. I love this.