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Everything posted by jazlyn

  1. jazlyn


    Ooo, Lust. I think this is having the same effect as Desire on me (more or less); I'm feeling warmer, but getting chills... I'm breathing in through my nose and out slowly through my mouth while smelling this, licking my lips... This would be fun to try out in a club or when with that special someone. Sexy!
  2. jazlyn

    Snake Oil

    I mainly tried Snake Oil because it's one of the most popular BPAL scents; I think that it's too sweet/spicy for me. I'll agree with what other people said though, that it's unique and magnetic... mysterious too, but yeah, not for me.
  3. jazlyn


    Oo la la. Rapture is quite romantic and lovely... musky rose and jasmine with a bit of mandarin. While wearing this, I think of deserts and oases and of the movie Aladdin
  4. jazlyn


    Swank ooo. At first, I could smell a bit of the alcohol, but now that's mostly gone. Swank smells kind of tart and crisp, although I'm not sure if this really smells like pomegranate (like the pomegranate in Persephone for instance). Maybe this particular martini was made with some kind of citrus (I swear I smell something like a tiny hint of grapefruit/lemon) alcohol? Anyhow, mmm. This smells of high class!
  5. jazlyn

    Le Serpent Qui Danse

    Le Serpent Qui Danse... ooo. The vanilla in this is really sugary and sweet; it works really well with the violet and gardenia, but kind of takes center stage. Sweet and floral, how lovely. edit: This has gotten quite powdery...
  6. jazlyn

    La Belle au Bois Dormant

    Hahhahaha! Yeah, I don't think I could picture guys wearing this either. La Belle au Bois Dormant is a nice feminine fruity/floral/wet scent (mmm pear and plumeria!). This is so... hmm relaxing/peaceful/laid back/unhurried. Pretty, and not being loud/attention-seeking. A young woman sitting at a desk in her bedroom, doing her hair in the morning... strolling out onto her balcony and looking down at a beautiful garden. I think I like this one.
  7. jazlyn

    Red Phoenix

    Wow, I just did a review of Blood Moon and Red Phoenix is very similar; Red Phoenix isn't as musky and not quite as strong though. I really like the mandarin in this, but... ::sigh:: I don't think this one is for me.
  8. jazlyn


    Siren is pretty. I think the ginger (kind of smells citrusy/like Ginger Ale a bit haha) is dominant in this scent on me... but it's blended extremely well with the jasmine (makes it florally), vanilla (slightly creamy) and apricot (it's there somewhere...). Beautiful singing sea nymphs luring unsuspecting sailors to their doom (how sad), but hehe this is a pretty cool blend! edit: Hmm, on second thought maybe this is too gingery...
  9. jazlyn

    Blood Moon 2005

    Blood Moon reminds me of a pack of wolves or coyotes running around on a late summer/early autumn night... of werewolves changing into their wolf forms. This is a *strong*, spicy musk scent... it's *wild*, without bounds. I can't smell my wrist for too long before I get that headachey feeling...
  10. jazlyn


    Mmm, Desire. To me this is a warm dark red scent even though in the imp it's a beautiful orange. I wish I could smell the apple more, but the other notes work together very nicely... it's bittersweet/spicy. A dark room, with a small table on which sits a single lit candle and a dark red rose, silky sheets on a bed and soft pillows...
  11. jazlyn


    After putting on Blood, I could immediately smell the cherry, but now (just a minute later) it's pretty much disappeared... like my skin absorbed it all or something. Aside from the quickly fading cherry, there is clove and what must be dragon's blood. This is a very strong, warming scent.. something I probably wouldn't wear in the summer. It makes me think of, well, blood I guess and the irresistable draw it has on vampires; the smell of this is kind of intoxicating, in a good way. It also reminds me of the feeling I get when I start to blush (or turn pink from drinking). edit: So now I'm a wrist-sniffing wench now?! hahahaha
  12. jazlyn

    Leanan Sidhe

    Leanan Sidhe is a pretty scent, a nice mix of floral (I think white/pink), green, and water (blue)... good for wearing while relaxing indoors, but to me this is an outdoorsy scent for day or night (I'm thinking of creek walking in the afternoon/long walks on the beach at night hahaha). It's very light and clean/soapy-smelling though.
  13. jazlyn

    Wolf's Heart

    Wolf's Heart is definitely a strong, warm... courageous scent. I think I can smell cloves and perhaps a bit of honey? I'm not good at picking out notes yet. This reminds me of fire and heat, of coming inside from the chilly/cold outdoors.
  14. jazlyn

    La Bella Donna Della Mia Mente

    In the imp, La Bella Donna Della Mia Mente is wonderful; I can smell the different notes, a nice blend of aquatic/floral/fruity (more fruity than aquatic/floral... mmm pomegranate). I get an image of a couple having a picnic under the shade of a tree (which has a swing!) close to a lake and a *spring* breeze is blowing. It's a beautiful scent. But then on my skin, it very quickly turns to... soap.
  15. jazlyn


    Morgause is a lovely scent... just like the description. Flowers, incense and fruit.. purple! As it dries it becomes a little powdery/clean-smelling though... Like other people said before me, I think this scent is something to wear on special occasions: going to see an opera, eating dinner at a fancy restaurant, or whenever you want to feel extra feminine/powerful (oozes importance, but isn't too "old").
  16. jazlyn

    Kuang Shi

    Kuang Shi is really strong in the imp, but on my skin it isn't so much, thankfully. I get the bitterish orange and sandalwood, but not so much the mango (too bad!). This scent makes me think of hot summer days and... potpourri.
  17. jazlyn


    Hellfire is warm, comforting and protective. Rising and swirling incense and tobacco smoke. This is a very nice scent (even though I don't really like tobacco), but I don't think I'll be wearing it so... off to swap!
  18. jazlyn


    My nose doesn't like Bathsheba. I think if I kept smelling, I'd get a headache; I think it's the combination of the strong floral and musk (I can't smell the plum, unfortunately )
  19. jazlyn


    "I really wanted to like this one!" Haha I just find it interesting how quite a few reviews have said that... and it's true! I really wanted to like Persephone. Persephone tickles my nose/would probably give me a headache (and makes my sister want to sneeze). It also doesn't smell right on me... The pomegranate makes it sweet and it's a good combination with rose, though just not on me! Persephone is a young, innocent and carefree Greek goddess eating a pomegranate in the midst of... numerous rose bushes.
  20. jazlyn


    If Lolita had a taste to accompany its scent, it would be Lemonheads (cute sort of lemon-shaped/spherical candies that have a sweet yellow candy coating on the outside with a white sourish inside... and they're made with lemon juice (I believe)). Oh wait... this also smells like aaaaah! something else foody and lemony, but the words are on the tip of my tongue (don't you hate that?). Anyway, all I get is lemon/sweet from Lolita.
  21. jazlyn


    Neo-Tokyo is crisp, clean and kind of soapy (less as it dries). I thought that I could smell a hint of fruit for a second, but then it disappeared. This scent makes me think of medium (when dry) to dark (when wet) blues and greens, of standing on a cliff with a thick forest overlooking the ocean. At the same time it could also be a bustling city (when wet) and a... mall... the men's department hahhaa! (when it's dry).
  22. jazlyn

    Snow White

    (This is my first review...hopefully I'll get better at this!) Snow White 2005 is a nice blend of creamy and floral... definitely homey. I think what I'm smelling is coconut and something else, maybe vanilla? The floral part (not sure what kind of flowers) of the perfume seems very cool and crisp. I get a picture of tiny, delicate night-blooming white flowers, snow blowing on a breeze outside and not at the same time, as the creamy and floral (although nicely blended) seem to become more pronounced than the other, a vision of a home that's warm... candles, blankets, pillows, and a fire place.