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Everything posted by tharsei-thanate

  1. tharsei-thanate

    Blueberry Picking

    I tried this out of the mail when I first got my decant but it was way to lemony for my tastes so I decided to put it away for a while. Trying it again! Like last time, starts off veeeeery lemony, which is making me frown. I can catch the lavender, too. It's like a Somnium blend which isn't a bad thing but it's not what I wanted out of this blend. Once it dries, however, I get wonderful weeds. This is more what I was hoping for except there's no blueberry! I wanted a mix of the blueberries and grass and weeds. Actually, wait, it's all weeds on my right wrist but it's a warm mix of lemon and honeysuckle on my left. Skin chem is weird. They both smell nice, though. Overall? Not really a fan of the wet stage lemon explosion but it's pretty lovely when dry! It's not what I expected but I like it. I'm definitely keeping my decant.
  2. tharsei-thanate

    Forest & Woods Scents (with and without evergreens)

    Perhaps The Forest Reverie?
  3. tharsei-thanate

    Black Vanilla and Cardamom Hair Gloss

    I love this gloss. It's predominately tobacco with little hints of cardamom and cinnamon. There's also a vague sweetness way in the background that's probably the vanilla. It doesn't have as much throw as I thought it would have but I don't mind too much since these notes could possibly be too overwhelming for others. Tobacco is my favorite note in the whole world so this gloss is perfect for me. If you're a fellow tobacco junkie you definitely need to try this!
  4. tharsei-thanate

    Caramel Apples and Ancient Oaks Bath Oil

    Sticky-sweet caramel apples and a gentle rain of apple blossoms clutched by gnarled oak boughs. Ok, I was trying to hold off on reviewing this so soon after getting it but I couldn't resist! Apples and Oaks was waiting for me when I got home from work yesterday and I used it as a post shower moisturizer. In the bottle it smelled... well, not very good. Burnt. I like burnt caramel but this was overkill in here. Still, I figured my skin would rectify that and I'm pleased to report I was right. I rubbed it into my arms and legs and on me the caramel disappeared and it was all sweet, crisp, red apple and fresh apple blossoms. As time passed, the oak started to come out and the apple and apple blossom melded together into a single pleasant note. I was out with friends last night and they couldn't pick out notes on me but the consensus was that I smelled nice, haha. Though one friend swore she smelled patchouli and clove on me, which made me raise an eyebrow. I decided to try it again today while getting ready for work, and it's a much different experience. In the bottle it smelled much less burnt and then on my skin I got caramel. Not burnt at all, just a gooey smear of yummy caramel across a crisp apple. The caramel apple then faded, a few oak twigs made an appearance, and apple blossom started to amp big time. And it got soapy. However, I didn't mind the soapiness; it just made me smell nice and fresh. Then the soapiness started to fade and caramel came out again. Just a light drizzle of it over the blossoms. After that I slowly started getting apples and oak again. Now as I'm sitting here at my desk at work, the scent is essentially apple musk with hints of apple blossom and wood and gooey sweetness. I'm so glad I bought this unsniffed, it was totally worth it. It's a morpher on me but every iteration of it has been lovely. I think I might have to save up for a second bottle! [Edit 3/7/14] God, this blend just gets better and better with age. I should have bought a million backup bottles.
  5. tharsei-thanate

    Eastern Comma

    Just realized I have reviewed this! It's a pretty simple blend overall, just lots of rich tobacco and orange with a touch of hay that emerges in the drydown. I don't have the best relationship with citrus but the orange here is sweet enough that my skin chem doesn't ruin it. The three notes really meld together perfectly once fully dry. Very glad I snagged a bottle.
  6. tharsei-thanate


    I've always wanted to try this but I always assumed it wouldn't work with my skin chem. Puddin' ended up frimping this to me in a recent BPTP order so I gave it a whirl and omg this is so good. It's basically sweet, boozy marzipan smeared with honey. There's also something that smells woody in the background, which might be the hazelnut. It smells thick and luxurious but it doesn't have an overwhelming throw. Nothing is going powdery or sour or plastic like I feared. I think a bottle may be in my future.
  7. tharsei-thanate

    The Bear in the Cellar

    Just noticed I haven't reviewed this yet, haha. In the bottle and immediately on my skin it's all sharp alcohol (dunno if this makes sense but it's not quite Beth's whiskey note itself, just the alcohol burn). A few seconds later the alcohol dissipates and it's predominately tobacco (think French Tobacco SN) with whiskey and musk just behind it. The musk is very brown and snuggly and the whiskey is smooth and woody, not sharp at all. Super lovely overall and perfect for a tobacco lover like me. And to think this wasn't even on my to-try list at NYCC! I tested it on a whim and it wound up being the only NYCC exclusive perfume I bought.
  8. tharsei-thanate

    Uncomplicated BPALs

    I'm a tobacco junkie so I'll rec you some tobacco blends. Unfortunately, none of these are GC, but I'm sure you can find them in the sales forum. The Bear in the Cellar (whiskey, tobacco, and incensed bear musk) Eastern Comma (sweet orange with tobacco absolute and hay) Tobacco Honey (tobacco and honey, of course) As for available GCs, you'll probably find some winners in the Rappaccini's Garden collection - http://www.bpal.org/forum/68-rappaccinis-garden/ Since you like Blueberry Picking, you might like other berry blends so I'm gonna recommend Redoul Honey in particular from this collection. It's basically blackberries, honey, and happiness in a bottle. :-)
  9. tharsei-thanate

    Winter Lily and Sugarcane Hair Gloss

    This gloss is so nice! I'm not usually a fan of the snow note on my skin, but I don't mind it in my hair. The lilies are dominant, which is great because I adore lily, and the cold snow note is just behind them and dusted with sugar. So very pretty! It smells appropriate for the winter and spring but I think it'll probably be great in the summer, too, if I need to cool off. :-)
  10. tharsei-thanate


    Got a frimp of this recently! Smells very much like the drink, only sweeter and with a bright tang from the lemon. Funnily enough, I'm not usually big on anise or citrus but I really like this blend. Probably because I like the drink so I can forgive the licorice stank in this instance. It's also not very strong, to be honest, so it isn't overwhelming. Not sure if this would be something I'd wear often but I can definitely use it as a pick-me-up when I don't have the actual drink on hand, haha.
  11. tharsei-thanate

    Virgo 2007

    This is lovely! Fresh, green, herbal, and floral with a vegetal touch from the carrot seed. It's reminds me a little like Karme with added flowers, and I love Karme so this is a win! I was worried about the fennel since I'm not a huge fan of it but it isn't going licorice on me, it's just adding a slight bite overall. This blend is very cool in temperature, so it'll definitely make a good summer scent. Also, after a while something in here starts smelling a little like sweet incense, and it's pretty nice. This is definitely gonna get a ton of use once the weather warms up!
  12. tharsei-thanate

    Wild Dandelion

    Oh, this is so so unique and pretty! All sweetness and greenness with air and sap and spice, super evocative of lying in the grass on beautiful spring and summer days. This is pure happiness right here. I never would have thought to seek this out so a big thank you to JazzieCazzie for the decant.
  13. tharsei-thanate

    Val Sans Retour

    Wow, this oil is very clear! In the imp it's lemony-sweet, all white and yellow, like a lemon dessert of some kind. Wet on my skin it turns into lemon hard candy (certain fruit notes turn hard candy on me so I'm not surprised), and there's also another note in there behind the lemon that might be pine? Hard to say. In the drydown the lemon moves away from hard candy and sorta begins to smell like some kind of lemon cleaning product. It doesn't go full out Lemon Pledge or anything so I can deal, haha. Once dry it veers away from cleaning product and smells cool, tart, sweet, and bright, like lemonade, and I feel like there's something warm and woody way in the background but I can't identify it. Overall, not bad for a lemon blend! I can see myself wearing this on hot summer days. :-)
  14. tharsei-thanate

    Cake Smash v6

    Full disclosure, I've never tried the original. Now, cake blends don't work on me most of the time. My skin chem makes them smell stale or like plastic, and yet I keep trying every cake blend I can find just in case it works. I was hoping this would be a winner but alas, it's a little stale. It smelled lovely wet, like batter, and then it went through the rest of the stages of cake life, aka from batter to baking to ready to serve to the leftovers sitting on the counter for 3 weeks. Occasionally I get whiffs of sweetness which manage to break through the staleness before retreating again. I definitely get cream cheese frosting vibes from that sweetness. Luckily, the staleness becomes less apparent (but still present if I look for it) the longer I wear this, and I'm definitely getting yellow cake with a thin layer of cream cheese frosting. Overall, definitely a better cake blend experience than usual but still not quite a winner. I think I'll still keep the decant, though. It might work better in my scent locket.
  15. tharsei-thanate

    Hard Cider Cake

    I very nearly bought a blind bottle of this but decided to save money and just get a decant. Glad I did because this is pretty terrible on me! I have issues with cake notes and cream notes sometimes and they're both awful on me in this blend. Plastic cake and sour buttercream. Apple cider is a win on me and I amp spices usually so I was hoping it'd overpower the problematic notes but I can't smell it at all. Not even the tiniest hint of apples. The only thing that smells nice is the whiskey but it's not very strong. I'll let this age a little and see what happens, but I'm not particularly hopeful. [12/2/15 edit] I tried this again just now, hoping 11 months aging has helped, and in the wet stage it was delectable. The cake and buttercream were behaving! I actually smelled apple cider! Then in drydrown it reminded me of Lambs-Wool with cake which was great but now it's dry and it's, well, awful. The cake's gone plastic and the buttercream's gone sour and there's no apple cider to be found anymore. Will have to see how this works in my scent locket because the wet stage was so incredible and I really wanna capture it!
  16. tharsei-thanate


    Oh wow, I really like this! It's heavier on the linen than I anticipated, but I'm not complaining. The florals aren't particularly strong and they're mixed in well with the linens, it's more like a floral detergent was used on them rather than a bouquet is sitting on top of them. The wine adds a tart, red touch that works surprisingly well. In the dry stage the bread and whisky notes emerge. The bread and the wine pair up (kind of like the wine spilled over the bread and the bread absorbed it) and together they work super well. Occasionally bakery notes and wine notes go weird on me after a while (the former plastic, the latter sour) but throw 'em together and they're well-behaved, haha. The whisky is faint, it just adds a tiny little extra bit of boozy oomph overall. This is pretty unique, I'm glad I have a decant! I think I may even need a bottle.
  17. tharsei-thanate

    Sol Niger v2

    Oh wow, this is really nice! I was expecting it to be gritty and smoky based on the other reviews but it's actually very smooth mix of vetiver and frankincense with small touches of sweetness and cedar. It's deep and dark but I wouldn't categorize it as sad or brooding. Kinda weird, but it brings to mind lying awake in a forest cottage in the dark of night and contemplating the universe. I really love this.
  18. tharsei-thanate

    Gingerbread Jolly Roger

    This blend is really interesting! It starts off with a blast of leather, which admittedly isn't my thing so I was really nervous for a sec, but not a moment later the gingerbread and the wood shove the leather into the background. In the drydown there's a splash of rum and a sprinkle of salt, but overall it's pretty wood-dominate on me, with spice just behind the wood. It kinda smells like someone brought some gingerbread to Home Depot. Sounds weird, but I'm digging it! The longer I wear it, the smoother it gets. It feels like an aquatic note is emerging but bringing more a sense of water rather than a smell of water, if that makes sense? Actually, looking at the above reviews, I think ltrittipoe hit the nail on the head- it's more fresh air than water. Air with touches of wood and spice and rum. Though, admittedly, this is all on my right wrist. The left also has leather in the mix, which isn't really ideal but luckily it's not too strong. I really like this! Can't wait to see what aging does to it.
  19. tharsei-thanate

    Beaver Moon 2012

    Starts off lovely, like gooey apple pie filling poured over graham crackers. Buuut then the apple note calms down in the drydown and the cake goes stale, which sometimes happens with cake blends. At the same time there's a slightly spiced creaminess that's making the blend still somewhat bearable despite the staleness. The spice becomes a little stronger once dry, and further on the gooey apple pokes its head out again, but that stale note is still there, booo. Wish my skin chem was kinder to cake blends, because I can sense the deliciousness in this blend. This is something I'll have to try in my scent locket, for sure!
  20. tharsei-thanate

    June 23, 1868

    Huh, I thought I reviewed this! This was the first bpal I ever bought a backup bottle of. Basically, it's perfect. White florals mesh beautifully with my skin chem so the strong florals are lovely on me, very vintage and soft and sweet. Behind all those pretty florals is warm tonka and just a touch of tobacco and costus, which all add gorgeous depth. I typically like my tobacco much stronger but I don't mind so much in this blend since the florals and tonka are so beautiful. I don't really catch any bourbon vanilla, but that's fine with me since it sometimes goes plastic on my skin. I've yet to have this blend veer into soap territory on me. If you have similar skin chem that takes kindly to white florals, definitely give this one a shot!
  21. tharsei-thanate

    Chaos Theory Hair Gloss

    LXXXIII This one is predominately rose, with a dark, somewhat gritty something else that I can't quite place. Patchouli? Sandalwood? I think there might be bergamot, too? It's hard to tell, the rose is super strong and kind of obscuring the other notes, haha. It smells similar to Snooty Rose, actually, minus the plum and oud. I'm not usually a big fan of rose scents on me, but I wore this in my hair all weekend and it's actually very nice! It also has amazing throw and lasts foreeever, with other glosses I usually have to hold my hair up to my nose to smell them after a few hours but this creates a lovely cloud of dark, sophisticated rose that lasts well over a day. C When I got this yesterday and sniffed it I was so ridiculously pleased because it smelled gorgeous and was more *me* than the other bottle. I couldn't place it at all, though. It smelled wonderfully sweet and familiar but I just couldn't pin down where I smelled this before. I spritzed some in my hair before bed and then I had an epiphany when I woke up this morning and caught a whiff of it as I turned over to shut the alarm off. I think this is marshmallow! I pulled out my tester of the Gorobble to compare and they have the same sort of sweetness, only the gloss doesn't have that cinnamon note that the Gorobble has. Overall, this gloss is perfect because it doesn't smell like a dead ringer for marshmallow, but it has that warm, comforting sweetness that'll mesh well with a lot of my day-to-day bpals. I'm so happy with these, thank you for making such wonderful creations, Puddin! [edit] I tried C again after my evening shower and it smells a little different from this morning. It's still warm and sweet but there's something decidedly autumnal about it, too, which I fucking looooove. Thing is, I can't figure out what the notes might be. I don't know if it's even actual autumn notes or the notes just happen to be evocative of autumn, haha. I hope I have another epiphany because I really really adore this and I want to know exactly what's in it!
  22. tharsei-thanate


    This is all lovely, soft lavender on me in the wet and drydown stages. It's like the scent version of a very soft blanket made from cashmere or alpaca. I can detect some of the other florals and the sandalwood in the background, which gives the blend a unique twist and differentiates it from other lavender blends I own. Once dry it reminds me of floral soap, but I don't really mind, it's actually rather comforting. Not sure if I'd wear this during the day, it feels too innocent to wear to work, but this is a great bedtime blend. (:
  23. tharsei-thanate

    Lady Amalthea

    I got a frimp in a recent forums purchase and this was one of those Last Unicorn blends I was always worried about thanks to the mint and white chocolate (not a fan of white chocolate and I'm not usually thrilled with mint unless I'm in a very specific mood), but this? This is gorgeous. I'm so glad this was frimped to me, I never would have tried it otherwise! The florals here are amping on me and they really keep the mint in check, so instead of it smelling like I'm smeared toothpaste or rubbed mint leaves all over myself, the mint smells like cold air. It's all soft, delicate flowers on a crisp winter day. There's even a breath of musk that just takes this blend to another level. This is so beautiful and evocative, so ethereal and dreamy. This may very well be a bottle purchase.
  24. tharsei-thanate

    Eat Me

    Got a frimp of this with a forum purchase! Been wanting to try this for ages, even though cake and vanilla are both iffy notes. It's actually not too bad on me, I think the currants are holding back the plastic that sometimes likes to accompany cake and vanilla blends. Overall it's sweet, but not cloyingly so, and youthful without being juvenile. I'm seeing pastel colors and lots of white. It's rather comforting, like a lovely childhood memory. The longer it's on the more pronounced the currants become, and they smell very nice on me, both sweet and fresh. Very pleased with this blend!
  25. tharsei-thanate


    I received a frimp of this in a recent order and wow, this is so pretty! I'm on the fence about red musk in general- sometimes I like it, sometimes I don't- but I really like it in this blend when wet and drying down. The notes complement it really well. The sweet notes meld together and cushion the red musk, which is then very lightly draped with chypre. I don't get bergamot, which is great because I'm not a huge fan, haha. Not sure if I'm catching any saffron, but I'm not entirely sure what saffron smells like anyway. It gets a liiiittle less pretty when dry, and I'm positive the red musk is the culprit (it smells a tad grapey now), but overall this is a very nice blend and is wonderful in the wet stage so I will definitely keep my imp.