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Posts posted by lorajc

  1. I got this as a sample. I really like orris, so I tend to pick the orris out of a scednt whenever it has it in it. I can detect the orris and jasmine slightly. This is a soft floral that is actually like a soft halo of scent and you can really picture this as a Greek Goddess' halo scent. It also reminds me of Old Venice slightly but only because of the orris and jasmine. Old Venice is definitely more heady than this soft floral and Old Venice has the fruits in it. Floral scents are not my favorite (I tend to like the spicy/resinous scents or fruity florals), however, I do enjoy to wear a basic floral every once in a while for variety and to feel more feminine. This is very nice for those occasions.

  2. I have not actually worn Bon Vivant yet. I just got a sample of it and I sniffed it and I think it's pretty heavy on the strawberry. I'd guess that's it ..........especially since it's not Hollywood Babylon. Hollywood Babylon is a deeper, slightly resinous (amber), strawberry vanilla scent.

  3. I don't know how much of a review this is going to be, cuz I really can't pull out any of the single notes in this blend. If you want one of Beth's truly unique blends, this could be it. It is very different and has good staying power -- both of which are very important to me. It doesn't smell strongly of cinnamon to me. I think I am too busy trying to pick out the other notes that I'm not familiar with, i.e., hawthorn, blackthorn, juniper, english elm and bayberry. To me, the scent is a bit spicy and a bit fruity with a very different aroma to it. If you wear this and think you don't like it, try it again, as it may take your nose a while to get used to it. I wasn't sure about this at first, but after wearing all day, I love it.

  4. I can't believe I never did a review on this scent. I've owned it for a while but I just recently wore it and remembered how much I LOVE this scent.


    Patchouli, amber, peach and musk..........my body chemistry loves all of them and this is absolutely divine on. I couldn't get my nose away from my arm all day. I touched up after about 8 hours of wear and again was glued to my arm. Golden, rich amber, juicy peach and a hint of patchouli..............mmmmmmmmmmm ....all I can say is LOVE it!! This scent actually morphed into my own skin and just made me smell like golden peach amber candy!

  5. I had a sample of this and wore it and couldn't smell it. I bought a 5 ml bottle and applied heavily (I have very dry skin). Now, I can smell it, but it is very light on me and it's very humid here. Yes this is a smoky, wooded, cocca fig but it all blends together very well. I do get the faint cedar that some have described. I've had this on for about an hour an it's very light on me. I smell the hint of cedar, smokiness and only a very slight bit of fig. I can't pick out the black palm, as I have no idea what it smells like. This is a very unique scent. There is nothing quite like it in the collection. I like to have a lot of variety in my fragrances....so this will suit me just fine. Smelling in colors.......I smell a vevlety chocolate with a swirl of plum (must be associated the fig with plum??).


    ETA: I had to come home and add to this review. After wearing this all day, this has moved to one of my fav's. The drydown is actually gorgeous on this scent. It is still very unique, but the fig comes out a bit more and it softens. I actually even got some wafting from this and I was in freezing air conditioning so I was surprised. This is so sexy and I ADORE & LOVE it. I did have to wear quite a bit to get the desired effect on myself though. I'm a fragrance whore!!

  6. It could be Hollywood Babylon or maybe Lolita.....but I'd guess Hollywood Babylon cuz doesn't that have vanilla in it? You lucky girl. I love Hollywood Babylon and Maenad also.


    I just had an epiphany.........maybe it's the new Bon Vivant scent ....strawberry champagne scent???

  7. I don't know what magnolias smell like, but they are the only note in this blend that is unknown to my nose. I love orchid, star jasmine and amber. This was a well blended scent. I think the magnolia was strongest on the top note. I did not care for the top note as I did the dry down on this one. I wore this on an extremely humid day and it was light enough for a warm day. The amber just grounds this scent and does not overwhelm. I could pick out the jasmine and orchid a bit in this, but again it is well blended. I don't usually go for florals, unless it's a fruity floral, but I liked this one cuz I tend to like florals grounded with amber. I thought this was very pretty.

  8. I ordered a 5 ml of this immediately upon reading the description cuz I knew I'd love it. I just rec'd it and I do love it. What I like most about this is that it's a fruity floral that packs a punch. It is grounded by the "twirl of autumn breezes" and has "deep aquatic notes".......I love aquatic scents and autumn scents, as well as fruity florals, so it's no surprise that I wouldn't like this. I've only had this on for a couple of hours and it's still pretty vibrant. I smell a lovely blend of all of the notes. No one note stands out to me. I can't even pick out the pomegranete or rose which is odd cuz I love those 2 notes. Since I can't pick out any of the notes, I'll describe this in color. This is a lovely bluish/green & pink grounded aura of goodness. The grounding comes from the autumn breeze and the deep aquatic notes give this the bluish/green feel. This is really nice. I can't wait to see how the drydown goes, but it sure has cheered my blue Monday up so far. I'd say this is a mood lifting scent and I really like that, as I tend to be depressed. Good job on this one Beth. I love it and I love the name.

  9. I agree with Twisty that this has a sharp green top note that fades quickly. I really liked this on the drydown (after the top note fades). It is a gorgeous orchid/rose floral tacked down with the labdanum (frankincense like note). This reminds me of Psyche somewhat.

  10. Szepasszony which to my nose was grapefruit and light florals, decidedly crisp.

    I second the Szepasszony....crisp but aqautic also. Not quite enough bite in the drydown for Autumn, but close. Did you order Blue Moon? Perhaps it will be crisp....it sounds really different with unique notes......who knows how it will end up smelling?

  11. When I first applied this, I thought I was smelling woody/chocolate, if there was a thing. It must be the rosewood and oak notes. The wood/chocolate tone is the base of the scent and the florals are off in the background. I find this scent very mysterious just like the description reads...........it gives you that dark, dusky, floral, wood feeling. For some reason, this makes me picture a funeral parlor which is very odd, as Beth's scents are mostly related to colors for me and not images. This is a gorgeous floral for those of you ladies (like myself) that don't really care for florals. The wood notes ground it and keep it from being a pure floral. My kind of scent. Good job Beth.........beautifully blended. I'll be interested to see how long this lasts. I put it on 2 hours ago (I think I may have put too much on though.......sinus problems). I have a feeling it's going to last for a while.


    ETA: After wearing for the entire day.......the end of the drydown was mostly rose with osmanthus. I don't really care for rose, so I much enjoy the scent in it's earlier stages.

  12. I love sandalwood scents. I love Sin, but for your gift, I would highly recommend Queen Mab. It is perfect! It has sandalwood with a bit of a unique floral in the back drop, but not too much. Sin is excellent, but I'm not sure if she'd like it as much as Queen Mab. Loralei is also another Sandalwood scent to consider.

  13. I had to have this one when I saw Orris and Plum. I love Orris, as it dries down so beautifully. This is a well-blended scent. I can hardly pick out the individual notes. The Grapefruit is prominent upon applying, but the scent is soon taken over by the orris with a hint of plum in the background. I can't smell the amber, per se, but I think it just grounds the scent and makes it longlasting.....so far. I've only had this on for about 2 hours, but it's still pretty strong. I wore this with Potion lotion from Lush, cuz I think that the carnation and orris go well together. It is lovely together. I always like when I find scents that correspond with my beloved Potion.

  14. This was a pretty green/pink floral. It was pungent at first, but dried down to a VERY soft scent. A little too light for me, but nice for a hot humid day. Nice aquatic floral that is reminescent of Kitsune-Tskui, at least on me. I did not get a powdery drydown at all, just a very faint version of the oil first applied.

  15. I second what Andrabelle said. It's hard to wait for something when you know how talented Beth is and how unique her creations are. Being addicted doesn't make matters any better. We love you Beth and Co! Sorry if we drive you crazy. Hopefully you'll be able to quit your day job soon. I know I'm certainly doing my part to contribute to BPAL and the economy for that matter!

  16. Endymoin, Persephone and Phantasm are all great for humid weather.


    Also, not on your list, but perfect are:

    Tears, Jester & Swank (if you like fruity), Tempest, Danube, Szepponay (spelling), but my 2 all time fav's are"

    Lightning & Hurricaine...........I love them in the humidity and rain and what could be more perfect for a name. They are absolutely lovely with my body chemistry!!


    Let us know what you decide on.


    ETA: I'm a fellow Libra.......I think Libra is a bit heavy (believe it or not) for humidity, but Venus is gorgeous in the warm weather. You must try Venus, my fellow Libran Venusian Goddess!!! You will probably like Endymoin and Tears, as well, as Beth recommended those for me from my astrological rec's.

  17. Though it seems as if I'm in the minority here, I buy all of my oils for wearing and not for ritual/magick work. I realize some of them are probably good for that, but I like wearing unique scents, so if I like it, I wear it. I'm pretty lucky with body chemistry. I got both Blue Moon and Lugnasadh, so if I don't happen to love them, I figure I can swap them.


    As far as the notes in Blue Moon, I thought it sounded unique, but yummy. The bay and juniper might only be very light. I love orchid and galbanum on me and I think the poppy, wood aloes, moonflower and buttercup sound lovely. I also LOVE orris.........orris rocks!! Beth is the master of blending and I'm sure I'll be able to wear this!!! The power of positive thinking.


    I wonder if Beth did just make them for magick/ritual work though? I have been wearing all of the Tarot Oils and Celestials and like most of them.


    ETA: I absolutely love Luna and The Moon (Tarot).....so that's why I ordered a 10 of blue moon, although it sounds nothing like either of those.
