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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by lorajc

  1. I'll try my best to review my Chaos Theory V. My bottle had a defective cap and I only have about 1/4th of a bottle of this, so I hope I don't fall in love with it too much. On sniffing from the bottle, it smells similar to Black Phoenix....their signature oil, but with something spicy in the background. It burns slightly when applying and the only 3 things that have burned me are cinnamon, white cedar or the oil Black Phoenix, so I can't really pinpoint what it is. The oil is clear, not a color. It could have cinnamon in it or white cedar. Sometimes I sniff it and I think cinnamon and other times, I say mmmmmm....white cedar? There is a very sweet top note ....I'm guessing some type of sweet flower, but I haven't a clue. It stays about the same on the drydown, spicy and sweet. I don't think the base is musk, as it doesn't have the softness to it that musk does. It is a sharper scent. It may have a resinous base...myrrh?? It has taken me a couple of days to warm up to this scent. It still reminds me of a spicier version of Black Phoenix. I've never smelled anything quite like this. I'll give Beth kudos for making this a truly unique scent. I like it. I have 2 more bottles on order, so you'll see a couple more reviews from me. I ordered them all in separate orders.

  2. I just got a sample of this and was so excited as it sounds like something I'd really like. This is definitely one of those scents that doesn't "get going" until the dry down. If you try this, you must wait at least an hour before judging it. When wet and for about the first hour, this is very tangy with a hint of something bitter that smells sort of like garlic, but I think it must be the ginger I'm smelling. That goes away as it dries down and as it dries, the tang of the cranberry eases off just a bit and the spices and ginger surface and soften the tang. This dries down lovely and is really long lasting. I've only had it on for a few hours this morning, but I tested it on my arm last night and I could still smell it in the crook of my elbow this morning before I showered. I'm glad I have a large bottle on order. This is beautiful.

  3. I slather it on. I have very dry skin that soaks it up and I like my scent to be a bit noticeable (not that I marinate in it or anything)......I also touch up after about 8 hours of wear. Depending on the scent ....O lasts a long time, Snake Oil lasts long and requires less, Dana Oshee requires more, etc. I can go thru a half a bottle in a few wears. I'd say a bottle would last me about 6-7 wears. I'm talking about a 5 ml. Therefore, if I really think I'm gonna like something, I get 2 bottles or a 10 ml. I know you ladies probably think I'm nuts, cuz I know some of you tend to dab and imps last you forever, but to each his own...........I guess! I also have been known to use my oil in a sea salt/epsom salt bath or with my fragrance free lotion and that really uses it up also. I'm a real BPAL whore!

  4. When I first started using BPAL, they all burned my skin and made it red (I have sensitive skin).....However, I just kept using it and over time, my skin kind of got used to it. The only time I'll have irritation now is if I rub off something I didin't like and then apply something else. The rubbing off of the old oil must cause minor irritation and then reapplying the oil hurts more. I also get red and slightly burn when I apply oils with cinnamon in them, but I'm such a cinnamon lover that I just let it burn and be red for a while and then it calms down. I like my scent strong, so using a carrier oil is not an option for me; however, you may want to consider buying one of Beth's carrier oils to put your BPAL in and dilute it.

  5. I agree with the above reviewer. This starts out really minty. It even made me chilly from applying it. After the mint dries down, it turns into a lovely creamy violet. I couldn't pick up on Coconut, but it was a very soft, creamy violet. The dry down was really lovely on this. I liked it much more than the wet phase. This scent is a perfect example of why you shouldn't judge Beth's scents until the drydown. I wouldn't have bought this from the wet stage, but the drydown made me want to eat my arm. :P

  6. I've only had this on for a couple of hours and I'm not sure if I like it yet . It is really a different scent. It's amazing the way everyone seems to interpret this one slightly different. I definitely smell the lavendar with something sharp or spicy also. It seems to me like it would be either a white pine or white cedar (if there is such a thing). It is airy and that is the reason I ordered it (I'm a Libra). I can't pick out any other notes in it. I'll have to see how this wears on me throughout the day.

  7. I was trying to wait unti the Full Moon to wear this, but I couldn't do it and decided to wear it today. I'm glad I did. This is absolutely gorgeous. I thought Blue Moon was nice, but this is even better. I knew I'd like this one cuz of the amber, heliotrope and dragon's blood. This oil even smells red like it's color and the moon that it's named after. It is a very warm scent and is somewhat comforting. When I first apply, I can mainly smell the orange peel and marigold. I don't know what rue smells like. It is slightly tangy and slightly bitter when first applied. As it dries down, the heliotrope gives it warmth and sweetness and the amber grounds it, while the orange peel and marigold fall into the background.


    I've only had this on for a couple hours, so I'll have to update later. This is really beautiiful. I'm glad I bought a 10 ml. I'd be disappointed if I wouldn't have.

  8. This starts off cherry in the top note, but when it dries down, it turns into an aquatic floral. If you only try this once, you may miss that fact.....because the cherry top note is so strong and then when it fades, it really mellows. After trying this a couple of times, I really like it. I think it may have a touch of jasmine and some aquatic notes in it. It is very nice. I really like it. I even like the cherry wet phase.

  9. This scent smells very medicinal when first applied. I'm not one to generally like single notes, but Rosemary is one single note oil that I love. I think the blend of lavendar and rosemary make this sharp when first applied. I barely detected the neroli when first applied. As it dries down, the neroli is faint in the background grounded by the frankincense. This is a truly unique blend. It is faintly spicy but more in an deep herbal way if that makes any sense. I can still pick the rosemary out with my nose....perhaps cuz I love it so much. I don't find this scent to be particularly calming, even with the lavender in it, as the lavender is not the prominent note on my skin. It would be nice if it did calm me though, as I tend to be a hyper person.

  10. oooooooooohhh this scent is unbelievable. I love it. Frankincense, violet and cinnamon!! It is really a true gem. Beth really knows how to make the unique scents and that's what I love about her scents. Chimera is the first cinnamon scent I bought and Eclipse and Faustus were the next 2. Faustus is deep with an unexpected splash of violet and cinnamon. What a combination. Who would have ever thought I've blending this? Well of course, our lab Goddess, Beth. I bow to thee almighty Beth! Megalomania and self gratification..........yes, this is a very self gratifying blend!

  11. This is another favorite of mine. I can't believe I haven't reviewed it yet. This was one of the first BPAL scents I bought and I don't particularly care for juniper so I had no real hope for it. Dark musk must love my skin cuz this wears beautifully on me. I had a lot of wafting from it and usually woody/resin scents tend to stay close to the skin. I wore this for a job interview and got the job! Lovely blend. Another great deep/resiny scent that is geniusly blended by Beth.

  12. This is a lovely blend with depth. I thought it would be too strong sniffing from the bottle, but this went lovely with my body chemistry. The cinnamon is barely detectalbe and the cedarwood and patchouli blend together with perfect intensity. This is a highly underrated fall/winter scent that really smells amazing on! You must try it if you like the deeper blends. Not for those that dislike wood/resin scents though.

  13. This is one of my favorite blends. I can't believe I've never reviewed it. This is the blend that made me HAVE to buy all of Beth's cinnamon scents. This is light, but spicy with the sweetness of honeysuckle grounded by the myrrh mmmmmm. I had several compliments the day I wore this. It is exquisite!

  14. The orange was prominent in the top notes, and as this dried, I could smell the lime and heliotrope. The sandalwood was very subtle and this was well blended. I don't really care for orange so I was glad to get past that and into the muted version. All in all, this was a lovely scent. I'm not a Leo, but I've been dabbling in other signs for the hell of it. I think this is a keeper.

  15. This wore very light on me. I have extremely dry skin and my skin really soaks oil up. Needless to say, I had to reapply frequently. I got several compliments wearing this and one was from my husband who never comments. I couldn't pick out the honeysuckle in this, just the heliotrope and a general sweetness with a bit of a bitter top note. This was very well blended, sweet and lovely.

  16. I wore my sample of this today and it is really a unique scent. Wet, I can smell the tobacco and leather with a hint of chardonnay; however it dries down into a creamy soft cloud of rum tonka. It is really a unique scent and my hubby really liked it (when he got close to me) after I'd had it on about 7 hours or so. It does sort of remind me of Hellfire, but I really like Perversion much more than Hellfire.

  17. This scent when on with a bitter/medicinal top note. I had a coworker comment that something stunk like medicine when I reapplyed during the day. After that phase is finished, it morphs into a lovely sweet potpourri type scent. Another coworker kept walking in and asking if I had some sweet potpourri in the office somewhere. The drydown was slightly berryish, sweet and herbal on me. I loved this once it got past the bitter topnote!

  18. Goodness! I love the shit out of this scent. I really wish I'd gotten 2, 5 mls. My bottle is half empty already!! :P


    To me, this scent is berry or cherry with a slight spice. It is very light and required frequent reapplication (but I'm a slatherer). It is a cheerful scent. It made me keep sniffing my arm. I'm not sure if the spice is cinnamon or not, but it is indeed a fabulous scent. Anyone have a 5 ml they'd like to sell me? I can't seem to get enough of this.

  19. I haven't officially worn this yet, only tested it on my arm. It is, however, a Lovely scent. I think I'll wear it tomorrow. I haven't a clue what is in it. Beth recommended this for me to find inner peace. It smells a little aquatic and a little resiny to me. It is very soft and understated and a "peaceful" scent. I will write a full review after I wear it.


    ETA: I wore this yesterday and while I had difficulty smelling it, my husband didn't like it, so off to my swap list it goes. If it does have oakmoss in it (as some above think it does), I cannot wear oakmoss well. Maybe this is the reason. I dunno.

  20. It's been such a long time since I sampled this, but I remember that I loved it. I have a bottle on order so I'll post a full review at that time. I remember it being slightly sweet, cherryish and deep at the same time. I remember I also got a compliment the day I wore it. Can't wait for my bottle to get here!


    I finally got my big bottle and wore this for the first time since my above review. It is not as cherry smelling as I remember it. It is more smoky, clovey and I can definitely smell the tobacco flower. I don't know if I just can't remember it from a long time ago or it just smells different. I can barely detect the cherry at all and the rose is deep and blends in with the clove and tobacco flower.


    The bottle is absolutely gorgeous, but I'm afraid of spilling it. I don't trust the stopper on top, therefore, I have it stored away from my other bottles.

  21. I'm with Twisty on this one............it's absolutely freakin' gorgeous. I love sandalwood and patchouli, but I'm not real big on rose, so I was hesitant about this one. Thanks to Beth and Co., I rec'd a free sample of this with my last order and I just placed an order for a 5 ml of this one. On me, wet it smells a bit fruity and and rosy (no fruit in it though) and as it dries the sandalwood and patchouli blend in beautifully. No one note stands out more on me...........I just get a soft gorgeous rosy wood aura. Love this one. One of my new favs and hey...I'm not even a big fan of rose. Leave it to Beth to turn me onto some rose blends. I hear rose is good for self love which I definitely need to work on..........so hopefully this will help my self esteem today also.


    ETA: After wearing this all day, I must say this is definitely one of my new favs. I can't say enough good about it. It only got more and more beautiful as the day went on, but did require a touch up, as it is fairly light and a nice scent with depth for warm weather. This is divine.

  22. I don't think any orders are getting combined any longer. I usually place a lot of orders and they used to combine, but ever since Beth posted that she wasn't combining, all of my orders come separate ....even if they were only a day apart. I don't care..........cuz I like getting lots of little packages!
