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Posts posted by lorajc

  1. Good Question -- however, I can't remember which oils actually have a lot of throw on me right now ...other than Snow White. Even the few times I have gotten throw from a scent (which I love -- by the way), I think it had something to do with me getting warm all of a sudden and releasing the scent thru body heat. I tend to be a very cold person and in the rare instances I get overheated, I generally get throw from my oil. Oh, how I wish I was a warmer person. The only oil I've noticed throw from recently is Snow White. I would suggest scanning the reviews on some of the oils, as that is where I note if the oil had throw on me and I know a lot of others do the same thing.

  2. I've been wearing this all day, and at this point, I'm undecided on it. I'm not generally a floral person and the lillies in this are the prominent note. I can't detect the vanilla or mandarin, but I think I can smell the opium which gives this depth and strengthens it. I put quite a bit on this morning because of an above reviewer stating this was weak, but I actually think it is quite strong. Right now, when sniffing my wrist, I just get a muted opium/lily scent. I thought this would be warmer and softer with the vanilla but I think the opium keeps it sharp on me.


    ETA: After I had this on for many hours, in the last part of the drydown, you could smell the vanilla and touch of mandarin but at that point, it was almost gone. It seems to grow on me each time I sniff it too.

  3. This is really nice on. I love carnation and plum, as well as musk, so I knew I'd like this. It's not a very complex scent. Basically just a fruity musk with carnation in the background. This is a very nice every day scent for me. I love it.

  4. Bastet -

    Either my sinuses were stuffed up the day I wore this or this wears very lightly on me.

    This was soft but beautiful on. I got the almond note first with a slight undercurrent of spice (saffron/cardamom...I'm guessing) and then on the dry down it was ambery, warmed by the almond and tinged with the lotus........it was lovely but very soft. I will update this again after I wear it for a second time.

  5. Well, this indecisive Libra can't make up her mind about this one. I'm not quite sure it's me. I love fruity blends and fruity florals, but there is something in here that, at times, seems to go acrid on me. It's mostly when I first put it on and then on the dry down it seems better. I've been going back and forth on this one all day. I get the peach and the undertone of florals (which may or may not agree with me) and the mossiness the other reviewer describes. I'm just not sure this is me. This is okay for a peach blend, but my mind keeps drifting to my beloved Imp (peach/amber goodness). I'll wear this once more before I finally decide. I also don't like vetiver, but it is hard to detect in here.

  6. When I first put this on, it was a bit overpowering and I'm not into foody scents. I gave it a while to calm down and by the end of the evening, I was loving this. It is very warm and comforting and after a while, I don't exactly smell like a sugar cookie. I get slight spice and vanilla (baked sort of vanilla) but I don't get the strong cinnamon others have spoke of. I like this as it is very nurturing, sort of like eating a plate of sugar cookies without the calories. I'll be keeping both of my bottles.

  7. This went on rather strong, but quickly faded to a soft citrusy floral. I can't pick out any single notes in here, but on me I smell a slightly sweet peppery note...not sure what that is. Whatever it is makes the Queen interesting. I think I smell something slightly green in here as well. This is very feminine. Good for days you want to feel girlie. I'll have to see how the King compares now.

  8. I almost swapped this away and the wore it again and it really grew on me. This is similar to Blue Moon without the cucumber/buttercup and going the other way with the mint/lotus/eucalyptus and breath of a midnight aquatic note. This goes on very minty and then dries down to a floral/lotus blend with a slight aquatic presence. It grows on me each time I wear it. I'm not really big into mint blends, but I couldn't pass this up. I always like to try the LE's. This is very unique and I like it a lot now. It's making me feel a bit different about mint.

  9. Another unique blend by Beth. This goes on very gardenia-ey and spicy but that is tempered by the plum/berry combo. I can't detect the lilac, as it meshes with the gardenia and just creates a spicy floral scent. I have only tested this on my arm and not actually worn it, but I think I'm really going to like this. To me, this is similar to Florence (spicy/berry/amber) with the opium, crushed roses, gardenia and lilac sending it off into a slightly different spicy/berry/floral. Lovely and dark....very seductive.


    ETA: I'm actually wearing this today (not testing it). It is even better than I thought it would be. The gardenia and lilac really meld into the berry spiciness on the dry down and it wears beautifully with my skin chemistry. A new favorite!! I might need to get another 5 ml bottle, as I can see myself wearing this a lot. The opium gives this just enough to ground it and keep it going during the dry down. LOVELY!

  10. I have only tested this and I usually don't like to do a review on something that hasn't been worn all day, but this is so nice I had to say something now. I'll update in the future if necessary. I passed this one over on my first Yule Update order, as I wasn't sure about it cuz the description was so vague. I'm glad I got this. It ended up being one of my favorites out of my order. It's sweet and clean smelling and really lovely. It is quite different than anything else I've ever smelled from Beth. The name suits it well, at least I think so. Very unique clean and feminine scent.

  11. I usually don't like to post reviews until I've actually worn the fragrance for an entire day, but I had to post on this one from just testing. I'll update in the future if necessary. This went on spicy and floraly...(iris)...and then it mellows into a gorgeous spicy berry on me. I love this and I'm glad I got a 5 ml strictly from the notes listed. I love berry scents and spices so I figured it would be a winner and I'm quite pleased.


    ETA: After wearing this all day today, there is a spice in here that goes a bit acrid on me for a while and then dissipates. I noticed I get this with some of Beth's blends she describes as "middle eastern spices". Even so, the drydown is gorgeous.

  12. I'm wearing this for the second time today and it's really wearing quite differently on me today. I swear I'm smelling melon...??? This goes on a bit strong and reminds me a bit of Skadi but with mint. I am realling smelling the mint and melon note .....winter fruits...I guess ....today when I'm wearing it. The other time I wore it, I picked up more on the aquatic/icy sense it has. This is utterly gorgeous and longlasting on me (so far). I was also concerned about getting this because of the spruce note in it as spruce doesn't like my body chemistry, but again, this is so well blended that it is only very slightly prominent and hidden behind the musks and fruits. Today, I'm not really getting a floral note from it yet....but that could change. I love the interesting combo of the mint, musk, and fruits. Very unique and well done. I think I like this as much as I like Skadi and I love Skadi.

  13. I'm absolutely in love with this scent. Despite it having pine in it (which I don't get along with), I ordered a few bottles anyway thinking that it would be blended well and it is. It goes on a bit strong, but the drydown is really lovely on me. Slightly sweet, slightly aquatic with a berry tinge and the pine hangs out in the background just giving it a christmasy feel. I love the sweetness this gets on the drydown. Lovely scent!!

  14. This is another unique and simply lovely creation by Beth. I just discovered this one and being a berry lover, I was thrilled with this one. I've got several bottles on order and I will wear this quite often. This is absoultely gorgeous on. It is plummy at first and then settles into a plummy, slightly sweet floral that is soft and yummy. I will wear this all year round and it has immediately shot up to one of my top 7 scents.

  15. Thanks to Spark, I was finally lucky enough to try this. I couldn't take waiting for my package to arrive any longer and Spark came thru with a half of an imp for me to try. This is everything I expected it to be and more. I love it. Immediately, it goes to my top 5 scents. Being a Libra, I would say that Snow White brings out the Venus in me. It is ethereal and soft, yet striking. It morphs into my skin and leaves a gorgeous veil of fragrance that becomes one with me. I'm very glad I've got multiple bottles on order. I agree with everything that's been said above. It has just a very, very slight hint of almond and if there is coconut in it, it's very subtle. If it had a texture it would be fluffy and light like cotton candy, although it doesn't smell like cotton candy. Simply the most unique and exquisite piece of art I've ever experienced. Beth......You are a freakin' genius. I will buy several bottles of this every time it is offered!!

  16. I got a horrible rash from Sugar Skull. The first time I tried it, I wasn't sure what caused it, so I let it clear up with Cortisone cream and it finally healed and I wore it today (2nd time) and I got a horrible rash everywhere I applied it. I'm so bummed, as I really don't want to get rid of all of it. I never had this happen with any oils. Even the cinnamon ones just burn and then the redness clears up. This clearly made a bright red rash every where I applied it. How am I gonna get my sugar fix now?

  17. I hate to tell you this, but I think Formula 54 is one of a kind. Due to the unique mixture of the clove, cherry, black rose and tobacco. Hollywood Babylon is cherryish and amberish, but doesn't have the rose, clove or tobacco notes which really gives Formula 54 it's uniqueness.


    ETA: If that price above is for the large, blue falcon glass bottle (1/3 oz) of Formula 54, that's really not a bad price. I think we paid $45 (can't exactly remember, but it was at least $45) for our bottles on the Forum.

  18. Wow, did I have a difficult time getting my thoughts together for this one. The first time I wore it, I couldn't smell it at all, but a hostess at a restaurant commented how good I smelled. Go figure. I'm wearing this for the second time today and I can smell it, but it is very mild. When I first put it on, I smell a pastry-ish foody/slightly chocolate smell with some smokiness. I can't pick any of the single notes out of this. It is just a touch incensy and a touch sweet on me and smoky with a slight floralish tinge. It is quite yummy .....I keep thinking of chocolate eclairs like I ate when I visited Montreal and it's making me crave one of those badly!! I'm sure there is a Mexican pastry this probably smells like, but I'm clueless on Mexican pastries, thus the image of the french pastry in my head.

  19. Vibrant with the joy and sweetness of life in death! A blend of five sugars, lightly dusted with candied fruits.

    I can't really add much to this that hasn't already been stated. Sugar Skull smells like warm brown sugar with a maple tinge. It dries down to a slightly burnt sugar smell. It is lovely and sweet, but I never got the fruit smell. I wish this had a bit more fruitiness to it.

  20. This went on me smelling somewhat like Harvest Moon, but then it turned into an incensy floral. It didn't have very good staying power on me. I liked it, but I'll have to wear it again to appreciate it. I had difficulty picking the individual notes out (which seems to be happening to me a lot lately).

  21. I haven't read all of the above reviews, so I don't know if this has already been said, but this is so dead on evocative of the name......Black Pearl. It is very lush, soft, creamy and coconutty. I'll probably get crucified for saying this, but this is sort of what I imagine Snow White to smell like ....only without the coconut and iris and with the snowy floralesque thing instead. I may be all wrong, but I've never had the opportunity to smell Snow White. This scent is soft and lovely. I can't make out the hazelnut in it but I detect iris and coconut, but the scent is much more complex than that.

  22. I finally got my Samhain and I'm wearing it today. When I first put it on, there was an acrid, bitter note coming thru and I didn't think it was going to wear well on me, but that faded and now it's just beautiful. The strangest thing is that I can't pick out any of the notes. I know what patchouli, pumpkin, clove and apple smell like but this is so well blended, I can't place them. It has a buttery or creamy background with spice on me....not cinnamon spice but like a pumpkin spice and it turns a bit sweet on me after a while (which I like a lot). I really like this and I'm glad I have 2 bottles. This is quite yummy. The first thing my coworker said when she walked in this morning was that I smelled really good. :P
