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Posts posted by lorajc

  1. I just got finished placing an order for a 10 ml of this. I just sampled it today for the first time and it was love at first sight. It's strange, as I'm not normally a floral person and when I do like a floral, it's usually a fruity floral. This is fresh and sweet and lovely. It's tranquil. I can't describe it, as I have no idea what crocus and snowdrop smell like and I really don't get a sickly sweet lily smell from this. It is a master blended floral and it does have a fruitiness to it, but at the same time I get a blue feel from it which makes me think tranquil. I think this is going to be lovely on a hot, humid summer day in Ohio. This is a new favorite and I can't wait to get my bottle.

  2. I don't think I've ever smelled sweet pea on it's own, but I think that's what I mostly smell with the top note here. This is very different to my nose and a very unique combination. It is a warm, bright pink scent with the musk making it soft and sexy. This is a very contratictory blend.....bold yet soft.....bright yet golden. I think if you like sweet pea, you'll like this blend, as the note that is unfamiliar to me is very pronounced (most likely the sweet pea).

  3. I'm still on the fence about this one. I'm not sure if I'm keeping it or not yet. It is a bit on the masculine side for me. Usually, I like masculine blends, but it seems the older I get, the more I lean towards the feminine scents. First off, I don't detect the anise in this (which is a good thing for me). I smell mostly lavendar and bergamot with the tonka and amber grounding the scent but not detectable on their own. I do not detect the patchouli at all. I think the combination of lavendar and bergamot keep this more on the masculine side. The leather is only slightly noticable on the drydown. I need more time to bond with this one. I will update later.

  4. I just rec'd this the other day and my bottle was cracked, but I was able to salvage about half of it (which I have put up for sale/swap). This was a resinous scent on me and all I could get out of it was a cedarwood type smell. I couldn't really pick up any other notes, but I don't really care for it. I don't like saying that in a review but I'm sure it's just not me. It would really be nice for those of you who like the deeper scents like Penance! As a matter of fact, she is the first person I thought of when I sniffed this (her and Sarada).

  5. Wow...I can't believe I'm reviewing the same oil as everyone else here. Out of the bottle this smelled like weak motor oil (no insult to Beth - I don't think Snake Oil smells like anything in the bottle either). I didn't think I was going to like this from sniffing the bottle, but the oil morphs into an entirely different fragrance with my skin's chemistry. Wearing it, it becomes sweeter. It is resinous .....I was thinking more along the lines of frankincense/opponax or amber/sandalwood though. I then get an herby feel (as is with most of the Tarot's) and a sweet scent that is very close smelling to rose, but I'm not really big on roses and I like this floral. It almost seems like a "weak" rose. This is lightwearing on me with not much throw and as stated prior, it sweetens up as it dries down. This is really beginning to grow on me and I'm liking it more and more as the day goes on. The more my body heats up, the better this smells on me and the sweeter it gets.

  6. Oh my.......this is stunning. When I first put this on, I could barely smell it....between being stuffed up and it being a very light wearing fragrance on me. After I slathered a lot more on (darn dry skin of mine soaks it up), I can finally smell it (and so could my coworker who loves it also) and it is absolutely gorgeous. It is soft and creamy and a hint buttery. It is very comforting and makes you smile inside. It is a very golden scent. It is perfect for this time of year. On the drydown, the lunar oils sparkle and glitter in a warm golden goodness. Oh this is so unique and beautiful. Good job Beth. This will make you feel pretty no matter what you look like. I'm glad I bought multiples of this.

  7. I have only tested this and I'm in love. On first sniff, I was put off by the carnation, as it can tend to smell a bit funky on me at first. Then my sinuses clogged up and I could smell nothing for a while. After they cleared, I got the most wonderful whiff of goodness from my wrist. I definitely need a second bottle of this. It is gorgeous. It is a soft, slightly spicy apple blossom and amber scent that is in a class of it's own. Beautiful for the warmer weather. I'll be slathering this on tomorrow. Extremely happy with this one.

  8. Let me try this, but my sinuses are not really cooperating. Hetaire is mostly honey on me with some clove in the background. I can also pick out the ylang ylang but it really blends in with the honey. The patchouli is not prominent at all on me, but rather just gives the blend a spiciness and depth. I'm not sure if I'll be able to wear this, as some honey blends tend to be a bit overpowering on my body chemistry. I'll have to test it a few more times before deciding whether or not to keep the 5 ml I have on order.

  9. When I first saw this LE, I was intrigued by it, as I am a Libra and the romantic nature of it really caught my eye. Then I heard that it wasn't going to have any cinnamon in it and I was bummed. Then I heard it also wasn't going to have any cherry in it and I was bummed. However, I was really wrong. I, also, can't place what's in it, but it is lovely. It is very smooth and velvety with just a tingle of some sort of berry when first applied (not strong at all though) and then it dries down into a creamy and slightly musky scent. It only goes slightly floral on me. It has just a touch of the warmth, the berry and floral in it. Nothing is overdone in this blend. It is very beautiful and I'm glad I ordered a few bottles of this. I just tested this so I might update after a full day of wear. I imagine this would be quite lovely slathered on. It is a very calming yet cheerful scent. Good job Beth.

  10. Maiden, Katharina, Endymoin, Calliope, Desdemona, Alice, Kumiho, Dana Oshee, Sudha Segara, Belle Epoque, Bastet, and the unexpected one....MidWinter's Eve....it smells so good on me when my body heats up. I hardly think of it as a Winter scent.

  11. This was strong and minty upon application, but it has dried down to a slight mint with coconut and vanilla in the background. My sinuses just clogged, so I'll have to update this later. It seems to have faded significantly though (or else I just can't smell anymore). It is a very unique scent. It may take me some time to get used to this, but I like it much more after the initial application.


    ETA: I wore this today and everyone at work kept saying they smell coconut. I guess my skin amps up the coconut. When I sniff my arm, I only get a slight vanilla/coconut scent. I wish the mint stayed truer.

  12. I just applied this an hour or so ago. It was very strong ozone upon application. It seems to have toned down a bit and it smells deep and smoky (must be the lunar incense) to me also. I'm not getting any of the florals yet (hopefully they will emerge). Right now, it smells similar to Hurricaine on me.


    I'll update this after it's on for a while (if my sinuses don't continue to clog on me).


    ETA: I tested this again tonight and I'm getting a bit more used to it. It does seem to calm down after it's on for an hour or so. I'll probably wear it in a couple days so I can get the full effect. This morning when I got up, I could smell the remants of the Storm Moon and it is a smoky floral (incense/floral) and I really rather quite like this stage. Also wanted to mention that the top note smelled a bit lemony to me yesterday. I think my nose is just playing tricks on me or ozone can fake you out like that. I think my nose is slowly adjusting to this scent. I like it much more in the dry down when the florals and incense appear.

  13. This is quite tangy at first, but it calms down. I didn't think I was going to enjoy this as much as I have (all day) this morning. The top note is tangy, strong and something unfamiliar to my nose...peach wine/myrtle?? It dries down to a gorgeous peach musk on me with the amber ever slightly grounding it. It is warm and golden and lovely. This is going to get a lot of use, as I love the Peach blends. This is what I had hoped Fae would be. I think Fae went a bit powdery on me.

  14. Wow, this is nothing like I expected from the reviews. I tested this last night and was ready to sell it. There is something in the top note that I really don't care for, but then I remembered what happened when I first tested my beloved Frost Moon and how I didnt like it right away (it will be the first 5 ml I've ever used an entire bottle of after a couple more wears), so I thought I'd give it a day or two to "bond" with it. The top note smells mossy, like oakmoss or something deep and smoky. I don't really care for it, but then that quickly fades and the "traditional lunar oils" make their appearance. You know, the familiar ones from Blue Moon, Cold Moon, etc., but the scent remains just a bit smoky and mossy but the lunar oils really come into play and it becomes a somewhat glittering floral with a touch of depth and greeness to it. It's still growing on me. I like it and I got a few compliments on it today but it is so unique that it's taking me a while to warm up to it.

  15. I'm glad I listened to Andra and ordered a second bottle of this. I just rec'd my first bottle and I ripped open the package to get at this. It is sugary vanilla tea yumminess. I didn't pick up on the hint of lemon until I went to post this and noticed the other reviews. I do smell it now, but it is very slight. I think this just found it's way to my top ten list also. It is sweet with a touch of tea and simply irresistable. It is really unlike any other BPAL fragrance. It vaguely reminds me of Fresh's "Sugar" fragrance but it didn't have the tea note. I really like this one.

  16. Goddess of Strife and Discord, constant companion and sometime consort to Ares. She is a fickle, chaotic Goddess of Bedlam whose greatest passion is the sowing of dissention and turmoil. A suitably disjointed scent, bursting with gleeful mayhem: wet fruits and sharp mimosa with Martial spices and a deceptive flash of floral.

    This is slightly fruity (berries?) with a bit of spiciness and floral undertone. I don't know what mimosa smells like so I can't pinpoint it. This scent is blended very well and smells really good, although I don't think it's me. It doesn't change much on the drydown, although I've only had it on a few hours.

  17. This is so different than what I expected. I expected this to be sweet and airy. I think I expected it to smell similar to Antique Lace for some reason. This goes on sort of soapy and sharp on me and then it mellows out to a very mild breezy scent. It is simple and understated. I'm not sure this is for me. I'll have to try it again before I decide to swap my 5 ml. This is best suited for someone who doesn't like to smell like perfume (I'm not sure that's me), but I'll have to give this a fair all-day trial run.

  18. This is another oil that I tested last night and it was very beautiful. Warm and grassy with the golden liquidy feel of amber/musk. This dried down to a very soft almost so golden that it got creamy blend (if that makes any sense). The woods/grasses are ever so subtle and float in the background. The amber/musk was the mainstay on my wrist and I love amber/musk so this definitely is one that I really liked. I need to officially wear this for a better review, as I have only tested it on my wrist. This is skillfully blended and the notes balance quite perfectly. Again, I'll say it's very golden and somewhat reminiscent of The Lion. Does anyone else notice that sometimes the updates seem to have certain oils with things in common? I've noticed this on a few updates. I think Beth must go on a creative binge in a certain direction and then make a few oils from the same creative spurt.....or something like that. This is also a bit reminiscent of Bastet on the skin.

  19. I can never be sure if a scent with ylang ylang is going to work on me or not. I'm undecided on this at the moment. I used to be able to wear honey and ylang ylang but any more, they don't always smell so great on me. I can't place the fruitiness in the oil, but I definitely smell something fruity. I didn't think labdanum was a fruit, I was under the impression it was a resin like frankincense. All in all, this is honey and ylang ylang with soft musk in the background and that fruity note I can't place. I may be putting this up for swaps (5 ml), as I'm not sure it works well with my chemistry or maybe it's just not me. I'll test it once more before I decide.

  20. Oh my, here I go again raving about another new favorite. This is another oil that is to die for. As I stated in another review. I put a couple dabs of this on one inner wrist and a couple dabs of Verdandi on another wrist and went about my business. When I first sniffed it, I smelled a bit of cinnamon with amber. My sinuses then clogged up and I went about my business. A little later when I could smell again, I couldn't get my wrist away from my nose. I LOVE this. Most people buy imps and then 5 ml bottles. I always buy a 5 ml to test and then if I love a scent, I buy a second 5 ml (so I have 10 ml on hand). This will definitely be a 2nd bottle purchase with my next order. This is stunning. It is golden, warm and slightly spicy. The cinnamon is more prominent at first and then it dries down to a very soft (which surprised me) somewhat creamy blend. Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.................meeooooooooowwwwwwwwwwww!!!

    Beth - You Rock!!!!


    ETA: Libra Goddess Rating: Seduction Factor: 10+

  21. Oh my goodness is this scent quite exquisite! I put a couple dabs of this on one of my inner wrists and The Lion on the other wrist. I couldn't smell it at first...I got a bit of a tart apple and that was that (damned sinuses) but then when my sinuses cleared (and I had forgotten about it), I kept getting whiffs of something that smelled so divine. I would move and get a whiff and I'm thinking "what smells so good in my house"...."it must be the Lush bombs I have sitting out on the counter to be split". Then I went upstairs and I smelled it when I moved my arm and realized it was the Verdandi. It was warm and slightly fruity but not intense. The herbs blend into the amber and make it a very soft luxurious blend. Warm and ever so slightly tart. This is to die for and I certainly must never run out of this one. This Cold Moon batch of oils is the best. I think Beth just keeps getting better and better.

  22. Another one I've only tested...so this may be updated at a later date. When I first tested this, it was nothing like I expected. I got a very sharp/bitter note which I'm guessing is the tea. This is definitely a different tea note than Baobhan Sith. Once that sharpness backs off, I'm left with a creamy honey vanilla scent with just a light touch of spiciness (ginger). I'm not picking up the clean linen scent yet, but maybe I will once I wear this. This is not as sweet as I imagined it. I think it may take me a little while to get used to this. I'll see how it wears when I wear it for an entire day.

  23. This came in a bottle with a different orange label on it (at least that's what I hope it is, as I can't read the label). This is one of those BPAL scents that is truly unique and it takes a while to "wrap your head around it" so to speak. I was afraid to buy this because red musk goes funky on me at times, but I don't think this will be a problem. I just tested this on my hand and it is really lovely. Wet, it's slightly fruity and then it goes a little warm and smoky with a the purple note in the background. I'm not familiar with purple sage, but I get images of purple sniffing this...as I think the lavendar and purple sage create that image. When it dries down a bit, it stays strong (good thing) but yet it the intensity backs off just a bit and I get a slight peppery feel from it. I'm not sure what creates this, but this is truly unique and I think I'm really going to enjoy it after I wear it a few times.

  24. Urd

    I only tested this on my hand....but since I got such a good reaction to it, I'll post a partial review. As stated, I swiped the wand on my hand a couple times to test this while I was at work. A little while later, my co-worker said "what smells so good in here?". I thought it couldn't possibly be me since I had such a minute amount on, but sure enough...I was the culprit. She fell in love with it and even asked me to buy a bottle for her with my next order. I was afraid to order this because I have no idea what muscadine is. I see it must be some sort of fruit. Whatever the top note is in the scent, it is very sharp/bitter on me but once it calms down, it is slightly sweet, slightly fruity and heavy on the incense and patchouli. This is an incense scent that is quite unique done in true BPAL fashion. I will update this review after I officially wear this. It will be interesting to see how this actually wears on throughout the day when I officially wear it. I'm hoping it fades into a sexy incensy scent (as I expect).

  25. This oil was love at first sight for me :P . To my nose, it is a cross between Blue Moon & Skadi (without the pine ...of course). Whereas I liked Blue Moon, it was not intense enough for me. I like my oils with a bit of a kick and this definitely has the little bit of kick that Blue Moon was lacking. It is absolutely gorgeous. I tested this on my inner elbow last night before bed and when I got up (only 4 hours later - insomnia) the drydown was quite lovely. It couldn't have morphed more beautifully. I applied this about 2 hours ago, so I'll see how it wears as far as needing touched up later today. Overall this is a gorgeous scent that captures the chill of the Cold Moon (somehow Beth does that here) with a very soft and slightly sweet floral note in the background, but the floral is not just a plain floral.....but you can detect a bit of an airy feel (probably the soft breeze part). I'm not really detecting a fern note, but then I've never smelled a fern and the scent may just have a very slight tinge of a green note (possibly the fern). This is my ABSOLUTE all time favorite of all of Lunar Oils to date. It is a true work of genius. I'm glad I bought more than one bottle. I will get much use out of them!
