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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by lorajc

  1. Okay, I meant to order a 10 ml of this, but I messed up on my order and ordered 2. When I saw what I did, I thought....that's okay, I'll sell it. Nope....not gonna happen. I ADORE this scent. Straight into my top ten it goes. The only criticism I have is that there is a weird top note that others have noted. It's like a bitter, green note. I have no idea what it is, but when it disappears (about 10-13 minutes), it leaves the most gorgeous scent. This is a honeyed milk scent on me with a touch of fig leaf. The coconut is barely noticeable on me, as is the sandalwood (although I went to bed before it totally dried down). I think the sandalwood only grounds the scent.........although I'll have to wear this for an entire day and see if the sandalwood appears later in the scent.

  2. I rec'd this last night and tried it and could barely smell it. This morning, I slathered it on (very light scent and my dry skin soaked it right up) and I could barely get a trace of the scent......then ....as fate would have it, the air conditioning went out at work and I got really overheated. Since I tend to always be COLD, this is always a welcome surprise when wearing BPAL! All of a sudden this wonderful smell started to surround me. I could smell mostly white tea and iris, I think. When you first put this on, it's all white chocolate, but that phase only lasted about 10 minutes on me and then it turns just a touch citrus with the white tea and iris and the white chocolate is barely noticeable. I think, at this point, the white chocolate just makes the scent appear creamy. This is lovely and I'm glad I bought multiples. I suspected I would enjoy this unique combination of notes. Kudos to Beth for pouring all of her creativity into this unique scent!! This is slightly reminiscent of Dorian with an iris/currant/mandarin tinge. Breathtaking.

  3. This smells like buttery rum in the bottle. When I put it on, I get buttery rum, sugar and toasted coconut. The coconut smells different than the coconut in Spooky (which I don't really care for). I love this together. I ordered a 2nd bottle and have been reapplying like a mad women. This scent is a bit dark, a bit sweet and a bit toasted coconut. It's quite unique and I love it.

  4. Chaos Theory II CXVI


    Sadly, this is the only bottle that works on me and that I was able to keep (and no cinnamon blends for me -- guess I shouldn't have got my hopes up).


    This is buttery/rummy out of the bottle but after applying the butter note fades and leaves just a slightly sweet rummy note. That's about the only way I can describe it. I can't pick out any other notes and it's very light. It's not my cinnamon blend that I was hoping for, but at least I have one I can wear.


    ETA: I've had this on for a couple hours and a leather note is appearing. Leather and rum.

  5. This is another one I only ordered 2 bottles of cuz I wasn't sure of the rose in it. This is very nice. It is really light on me but quite beautiful. This was a pleasant surprise. The rose is well blended in here and it doesn't scream ROSE on me. I don't know what rain orchid is but that and the white lotus must be what give this scent the slightly aquatic feel.......not really an aquatic but more like the light sparkling off of a glass like lake surface. This is a soft, fluid ................floral, but to me, it's such a different floral.....I don't even like to call it a floral. This is utterly gorgeous and brings back memories of my beloved Venus ....thus bringing out my inner Venusian Goddess being the true Libra that I am. I'll get a lot of use out of this. Perfect for the warm weather. I'll probably wear this to the 4th of July outing I have to go to, as it's light enough for being outside all day.

  6. This goes so well with the King that you could probably wear them together if you wanted to and create a new scent. While this smells nothing like I really expected, I do like it very much. I had it pictured as being heavier on the rose and vanilla but on myself, those notes are barely detectable until the very end of the drydown and then it's just a hint. Most promiment on me is the amber, pomegranate and just a touch of the red currant. I cannot smell the rose.....which is a good thing, as I'm not really big on rose. This is very well blended and even though I stated above that the pomegranate is strongest on me, it doesn't really overpower. It is, however, not the same pomegranate I have smelled in persephone and if it is, it smells different because of the different notes it's blended with. This is quickly growing on me and I'm liking it more and more. The pomegranate is more tart than sweet. It is not artificial at all. This is a lovely scent and it's okay to wear on a humid day also.....not too strong....just right.

  7. Well, I was expecting the Queen to be my favorite between the 2 of these and I only ordered 2 of the King because I was afraid of the vetiver. I like them both, but I think I may like the King slightly better. I can only detect the vetiver minmally at first, but not after the initial phase. This is quite deep and lovely. I love dark musk and it goes so well with my chemistry. Then I mostly smell a touch of leather and sage with a touch of fig and almond, but not the usual almond Beth uses. This is very well blended and it is very difficult to pick out notes, but the end result is quite yummy. It is a deep scent, but yet still light enough to wear in this warmer weather. I don't know how she does it, but Beth does this quite often with deeper scents. I'm really loving this and I'm sure I'll get a lot of wear out of it. It may be just a wee bit masculine, but I don't find it offensively masculine.

  8. I had a bottle of this on order and then when I read the review that it smelled like Frost Moon, I purchased another. I just wore this today and while I admit it smells like Frost Moon when first applied, it smells nothhing like Frost Moon in the dry down. The dry down is is a cucumber pepper scent with only a very slight hint of mint. I wish the mint stayed longer on me, but I have this problem with all mint blends. While I like this and find that it will be a nice fresh, clean, cooling scent for the hot summer months, I think 1 bottle will suffice. My beloved Frost Moon is still my fave mint blend. This was not able to knock it out.

  9. I got this from a forum member who purchased it at Black Broom and didn't like it with her body chemistry. When I first tried this, I immediately was remdinded of Sugar Cookie, but after wearing it for a while, the lunars come into play and it became actually gorgeous on me. I really have been getting along well with the lunars. This is no exception. However, it did take some time for this to "grow" on me. I went from thinking it was just so/so to loving it. I really wish I was a person that was "warmer". I'm always freezing and because of this my scent never wafts. However, the day I wore this....there was a brief moment I got overheated and this oil really morphed with my chemistry and was a gorgeous creamy, honey tinged scent with just a hint of the sparkling lunars oils. This was very comforting and warm. This will be really nice for warmer weather as it wore very lightly on me, but not quite as light as Chaste Moon. Speaking of Chaste Moon....I thought these would be similar, but actually they are quite different.

  10. This is a very pretty, well blended floral. I cannot pick out any of the single notes, as they are unfamiliar to me. The only complaint I have about this is that it fades very quickly on me and disappears into thin air. It only lasted for about 2 hours. I'll have to try moisturizing well before I wear it next time. It reminds me ever so slightly of Beltane, but I'd say it's a bit weaker and the florals are definitely different. Very unique floral. I'm glad I have 2 bottles.

  11. I haven't actually worn this yet, but I tested it last night on my inner arm. It is clean scent and a misty scent. I think Beth captured this quite well..........ocean breezes touched by an incandescent mist. There you have it. This is nothing like other oils in Beth's collection. It is truly unique. It is perfectly balanced. I tested this last night and went to bed. This morning when I got up, I could still smell it slightly on my arm, so I think it's long lasting.

  12. I read these reviews and I thought there was no way this could be as good as everyone says it is........cuz I didn't really love Gingerbread Poppet....I thought this would be so/so. Was I wrong. This is absolutely gorgeous and I want to get my hands on a 2nd bottle!! (PM me if you have one) This has already been described pretty well. It's ginger and spice and as it dries it lightens up a bit and turns just a bit sweet. It goes with my chemistry well and it is indeed a light enough scent for this time of year. It's not as bold as Malice or Vixen.........but it's ever so sublte ginger and spice sweetness. This really can't even be described in terms of how yummy this smells on. In my opinion, it is just too good to be for real. Good Job Beth. This is fantastic. I love it.

  13. Well, first of all, I believe Chimera has the Copal and Honeysuckle which come thru pretty strong on me and the cinnamon is only very faint with the myrhh (I think it's myrh or amber, can't remember) making it a biit resiny. My Chaos Theory is pure cinnamon upon first applying and when it dries down, it is still strongly cinnamon, but you get a very distinct cinnamon candy feel from it with a bit of a floral or herbal undertone that is very faint. It is mainly cinnamon candy......like cinnamon tack candy. I actually ordered about 6 bottles of the Butterfly Effect (Chaos Theory 2) in hopes of getting something similar. It is my absolute favorite scent and nothing in the entire BPAL line compares to it. I've tried every cinnamon scent. I was also lucky enough to get another cinnamon Chaos Theory last go around that is like cinnamon with almond but totally different than Chimera also....it has some other note in it that smells "hot".....like a white cedar perhaps and it may have an herbal/floral undertone as well because for some reason when I sniff it, I get cinnamon but also I smell "purple" if that makes any sense. The thing is .....this bottle leaked in transit and there was only a tiny bit left in the bottle. :P


    I am soooo looking forward to the next round of Chaos Theory.


    Did you see the discussion about Fire Eater on the Carnivale thread? They say it has a hint of cinnamon.

  14. I love Cinnamon scents and have been begging Beth for one on the Suggestions site. The only thing that comes close, in my opinion, is my bottle of Chaos Theory that smells exactly like candied cinnamon with a touch of a floral/herbal undertone....very faint though. It is seriously straight up cinnamon candy and I'd love to get another similar bottle.


    Let's start a petition. I REALLY want this badly. I only have a small amount left in my bottle. Let's ask her to dupe it? (he he ....just kidding....but I wish)

  15. I couldn't detect any of the notes in this, but it must be ylang ylang and some florals, however, it is very understated and pretty. The Panacea blends are all very unique. This was no exception. I really like the scent, although it's not one that I'd wear often.

  16. This is some serious citrus!! That's about all I can say about it. I'm not sure how strong it stays, as my sinuses clogged up before I had the chance to assess it. Sadly, it is not something I could find myself wearing, even if I do need some courage.

  17. This bottle immediately went upstairs onto my night stand for sleeping purposes. I smell lavendar, but it isn't as sharp as in the other somnium blends. This is also very pretty as it dries down and very calming. It is not something I would wear as a fragrance though, even though it is quite pleasing. I think this has become my favorite for wearing to bed.

  18. I ordered this because of a review I read that said it smelled like "sugared roses". I don't know why because I don't normally like rose scents, no matter how hard I try to keep an open mind. This, however, may be an exception to my "no rose scents" rule. I tested this the other night and the top note (green grass) put me off a bit and I was thinking "this is strong and I don't think I'll like it". It resembles The Empress slightly on initial application. After the green grass note fades, this turns to rose, but not the "normal" rose I'm used to smelling....it is sweet and lovely and as it dries down longer, it does turn to a sugared rose...........mmmmmmmmmm ....heaven. This will be my only rose scent!!! I think I really like this a lot. I'm going to have to wear it for an entire day to get the entire feel, but for now mmmmmmmmmm. Sugared roses alright.

  19. Beltane -


    I have not officially worn this, just tested it. I will update this if necessary. This goes on as a pretty strong floral. I can't pull out any specific notes, as it's just a melange of MANY florals. I'm not a huge floral person, but this is pleasant and I think I really like it. It does, however, fade rather quickly on me. I'm not sure if this is necessarily a bad thing. I'll have to wear this for the entire day tomorrow and see if it fades and gives off much throw. I think it might just wear gorgeously. I'm not quite sure I needed multiple bottles of this though. It is a scent I must be in the mood to wear, but it's perfect for this time of year and it makes you feel very pretty.

  20. I've worn this all day, but just can't get it to "grow" on me. On initial application, it has the same top note as Wolf Moon. I don't know how to describe it. It is very different and I've never smelled this until I discovered BPAL. It is also the same color as Wolf Moon, so I'm thinking there are some common notes. This is very smoky on me and stays smoky with the fir being in the forefront at first. I may detect a little juniper in his, as well, but I'm not sure. It sort of reminds me of a cross between Wolf Moon and Thanatopsis at first, but then on the drydown (much later - 3-4 hours) this softens into a combination of honey and I'm guessing musk (glimmering scent of skin - similar to a faint O). I'm not sure this is really me, but I will keep my bottle for a while and test it some more.

  21. I finally got an imp of this to try (thanks to a lovely Forumite), as my order has been detained at the Lab. After reading the reviews, I was expecting this to be much sweeter than it actually is. The more I wear it, the more I like it and the more I can pick out different notes in different phases. I cannot, however, pick out the phlox, daffodil, dogwood or muscari, as I've never smelled them before. When I first apply, it is mostly floral on me and as it dries on me, the honey and pink sugar come out just a bit and soften the floral note. I also get a slight aquatic tinge and of course, there are the "lunar oils" that I've grown to love that are the basis of the scent. While this doesn't really smell like Venus, it makes me feel the same way Venus used to.....it brings out my inner Venusian Goddess (Libra here). For lack of better adjectives, this dries down to a soft, pretty, girly scent. I really like it. I was hoping to get a stronger berry from it, but I guess I'll count on Strawberry Moon for that.

  22. Yay!!! A jasmine blend I think I can wear. I think this works on me mainly because of the musk and incense in it. It starts out a bit floraly on me.....I detect the jasmine, but I think because it is Night blooming....it is a bit different than the usual "in your face" jasmine that my skin tends to amp up. I've had this on for an hour or so and it has mellowed to a soft floral (jasmine/moonflower mostly) with the "moonlit meadow" feeling coming thru and the incense reminds me of the way the incense softens Storm Moon, although it smells nothing like Storm Moon. I still need to wear this for an entire day before I know for sure I can wear it, but it seems fine right now. I really like this one. I'm glad I bought it.

  23. I am so sorry I didn't purchase more of this. I never thought I'd like this as much as I do.....love it actually. I was not familiar to the ingredients and was hesitant to purchase but Beth has managed to create a very unique and gorgeous Springtime scent. This is fresh and green and I can't pick out any of the notes on their own. They are blended well. This is a very gender neutral scent. I am not really into iris or green scents, but I actually love this. It is very addicting to me. Something in it softens it and calms.


    ETA: This is spicy on wearing also...but not intensely.
