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Posts posted by lorajc

  1. I was anxiously awaiting the Blue Moon scent so the fact that it went live at 12:00 am and there were 3 other scents to buy, made me very pleased. I bought a 10 ml of the Blue Moon and 5 mls of La Bella Donna Mia Ment, Lughnasdh, Intrigue. I wanted to get Tiger Lily, but ran out of money :P


    Wouldn't it be really GREAT if Beth posted all of the Lunar scents at midnght? I love being able to get mine before I leave for work. I can't possibly concentrate at work wondering if I'm going to be able to get my oil when I get home. Priorities!!!!

  2. I love the Voodoo Blends and High John, Van Van and Water of Notre Damn... When I need a perk me up Jester always helps me feel a bit more bouncy. When I wear the Anthema you and I traded for I feel more together and stern. Like "I will take no trash today people" but in a good way...


    But if I remember you didn't like most of these scents. Lol!!! You and I have completely different tastes in smell goods!

    I like Water of Notre Dame and I just got Van Van, but haven't tried it yet. I'm going thru a Voodoo blend and Tarot blend binge. So far, I'm finding most of the Tarot oils are very light and herbaly. I think I'll wear Wolf's Heart tomorrow...........as the shit at work just keeps getting deeper and deeper!!! Ugh....is the end in sight soon? Come on Venus........let's get over our retrograde period!


    Our tastes aren't all that different. I like a wide variety of scents. True, I don't like a note in High John and I couldn't get past the vetiver in Anathema, but I like Jester a lot. There's only a handful of Beth's scent that I don't love.


    By the way, got my Lightning (swap) today!! Love this one! Thanks

  3. Thanks for putting up with us crazed BPAL junkies. You have been very helpful since you came on board. I hope we're not driving you too crazy!!


    Lorajc, did you notice we were actually born on the same day! :P



    No Shit!!! Born on the same day!! I didn't know that. It must be my Virgo rising that makes me such a freak-ass detail oriented pain in the ass then, cuz you're Aquarius rising. I was born at 4:00 am............what time were you born?


    WELL NELLA!!!!! Have a GREAT VACATION.............GET LOTS OF REST and have fun with your family. We will miss you. I'm sure Beth & Co. will also.

  4. I have not officially worn this yet, I just tested it. I will revise this post after I wear it. Let me just say if you love Dana Oshee, you'll be in ecstasy with this one. It has staying power and is lovey golden almond/spiciness. Beth -- I'll be needed a VAT of this one!!! I already have 2, 5 mls on order. This is one I never want to be without. It's addicting in that Lush Skinny Dip sort of way. Makes you feel so yummy you just want to bathe in it and then roll around in it!!

  5. I've found most of the Tarot oils I've tried to be very light. Specifically, The World, the High Priestess, The Fool and The Lovers. Those are the ones that I've worn, but generally, the all smell substantially lighter to me than other oils by Beth. Also, I found Tushatanmay (spelling) Wanda and Kali to be light scents out of the new ones.


    As far as clean scents, I agree with Tears, Hurricaine and I would say Baobhan Sith and Kumiho are both lovely scents that lean towards clean. I also think Szeponsnay (spelling??) would be clean. Danube also.


    As far as diluting, I think that is most definitey an option. I tend to like them full strength, but I know many people dilute.

  6. This scent was mostly rose on me with the sweetness/greeness of the frangipani. I barely could smell the jasmine. This was a bit overpowering when first applied, but it dried down to a softer smell. It was okay. I'm not big on rose, only certain rose blends. This was just okay for me. I'll have to try it again before I decide for sure.

  7. These sound really INTRIGUING. I'll be going mad to get home and order on those days. Blue Moon perfume............spectacular!!!


    Oh no, I don't think I have enough money saved for all of these future updates. I' gonna have to get a second job!!


    I hope you move goes smoothly today, Beth!

  8. I thought this scent was going to be extremely light, so I saved it for warmer weather. I was surprised when this ended up being pretty powerful and longlasting. It was mostly, ylang ylang and rose on me with the sandalwood grounding it. I've only worn this once and it was the kind of day that I was like.....hmmm I think I like this........hmm I'm not sure if I like this all day long. I'll have to try it a few more times. I think I shoudn't have worn it the day after I tried Venus, as Venus blew me away. I am a Libra.

  9. I bought this for a summertime scent. I tend to like my florals a little bold and this one is gorgeous. I like Lotus and Jasmine, but I wasn't sure how they'd blend together. I love the way this wafts from my body. The last 2 days, I wore scents that clung to me (I hate that). I have had this on for a few hours and it is a bluish/green lotus cloud of goodness. It sort of reminds me of candied perfume clouds. It is sweet, but the lotus keeps the watery tone to it..........so I guess it would be candied liquid clouds of goodness. I barely detect the lime. I did smell it when I first put it on though. This will definitely be a summertime favorite.

  10. This is one of my favorites. It is liked smoky, sugared vanilla goodness with that bit of frutiness that dragon's blood lends to any scent. This is very smooth and longlasting without being too strong. It is a very comforting scent. I'll have to remember that since I'm usually spazzing.

  11. I ordered this cuz of all of the great reviews and a couple peeps that have similar tastes as me loved it. I wore this and it is one of the few scents I was not crazy about. I generally do not type a review for something I didn't like (I don't have the heart to -- go figure), but I thought I would start doing some of them. I really think I don't like red musk or a combination of something in here. I swapped it away after wearing it once. After reading Twisty's statement above, perhaps I should have given it a second chance. Oh well.

  12. Ok now that that's out of the way, on with the fun stuff :P  So far my favorite new scents are as follows:  Desire, Queen of Sheba, Szepasszony, and Titiana.  Beth is soo good at what she does, isn't she? :D


    Ok gang, am gonna crawl to bed now before I fall on my face :D

    Love you guys  :D


    Those are a few that I ordered that I think will end up being my fav's from the description. You're a Libra/Sagittarian Moon girl after my own heart. I guess I'll have to pay attention whenever you update us on your fav's in case it's one that slipped by me (but I doubt I've let that happen).


    Thanks for putting up with us crazed BPAL junkies. You have been very helpful since you came on board. I hope we're not driving you too crazy!! :D :evil:

  13. No description from the Lab:


    This is a light spicy, warm scent that is light enough to wear in the summer which makes it perfect for those people who don't like florals. It did have an odd top note...either an herbal or eucalyptus note that was bitter at first (you really have to let it get thru that stage before you judge it). However, when I rec'd my 5 ml bottle, this top note is not as noticeable. This ended up being a fav of mine.

  14. No description from the Lab:


    I am new to trying the Tarot blends and I find the notes to be somewhat herbal and unfamiliar to my nose in this particular blend. I know it has cinnamon in it and an herbal note (no idea what it is). The cinnamon is most noticeable on the initial application, but fades into the background of the herbal smell on the dry down. This wore very light on me and I touched up often, as I tend to love cinnamon. This is somewhat reminscent of Harlot...slightly. I'll be very interested to see the contents of this when the notes are added to the site. I also loved this one. I do think the Tarots take a little time for your nose to adjust, as is the case with the voodoo blends for me. I ended up really liking The Lovers.

  15. Alas, I am in the same situation as lorajc: no update, even after closing all the windows and opening my browser again :P

    Oh well. Maybe tomorrow morning...

    What browser are you using? Some don't delete the cache when you close it, it might need you to go empty it manually...

    Will you please explain exactly what I need to do. I am not very Internet literate. I have rebooted several times and nothing. I came to work and logged on real quick and I see the update, but I NEED to see this from home, as I'm not really allowed to be on the computer from work.


    Someone please help me. I'm going crazy. I tried closing all of my windows and doing a search on the internet and pulling the website up that way and it still is not current.

  16. I usually place orders every week (or even every few days) or so (lately) and instead of getting a few grouped, the more I place, the longer I have to wait cuz it seems like they end up shipping them all together and I have to wait the wait time from the last one I placed. I have been kind of excessive lately, so I don't know what the normal process is.

  17. - - -


    So not to confuse matters, I’ll refrain from listing the scents that are coming up in the Solstice update.


    Would you kindly list a shell of the Summer Soltice update in a separate thread. It would be super helpful for planning orders and figuring BPAL into our budgets. I'm sure I'm not alone here.


    Please.....oh Please.............I would, for one, greatly appreciate it.

    Oh, yes please. We're having to juggle funds for a short while, and this would be most helpful.

    I just want to add, I'm not trying to be ungrateful here. I appreciate the shell of the current update. Even if you can't let us peek at the Soltice update, perhaps even a number would help. :P


    I don't know how I'm going to be able to work on Tuesday.....I'll be so exciting about placing an order! Do I have a slight problem??

  18. - - -


    So not to confuse matters, I’ll refrain from listing the scents that are coming up in the Solstice update.


    Would you kindly list a shell of the Summer Soltice update in a separate thread. It would be super helpful for planning orders and figuring BPAL into our budgets. I'm sure I'm not alone here.


    Please.....oh Please.............I would, for one, greatly appreciate it.
