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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by lorajc

  1. Just got a frimp in my order also. I'll need to have several bottles of this on hand. I am a lover of blends with red musk in them, but I don't like it as a single note.


    Someone above referred to this as Mme Moriarty's little sister and mentioned Bordello and after reading the above.....I'd have to say this is like Mme Moriarty without the patchouli leaf/peppery vibe it gives off but instead of going that direction in goes in the direction of a Smut/Bordello scent.


    It's downright ravishing (as I knew it would be) and it's going to be in my top 10 BPAL for sure. I adore it and can't wait to slather myself in it. It's sexy and sweet (just like me.....LOL).

  2. Wow -- I knew I was going to love this (glad I went with my gut instinct and bought multiple bottles), but I had no idea that I would love it more than I thought possible!!! This is my favorite BPAL scent for the moment. I can't believe how gorgeous this is. This smelled very perfumey to me at first but that quality fades in the drydown (my favorite part) I've had it on for about 2 hours now and it's amazing. I'm not sure what mums smell like but I get a faint floral that smells similar to a carnation with a creamy spice intermingled with the red musk. I have this in the crook of my elbow right now and I'm only testing it. I can only imagine how lovely this will morph when I slather it on tomorrow morning. This is one that will really help me get thru the rough work day. It is very comforting, alluring and sensual. It really fits my Libra personality. I love it!!


    BETH -- You've outdone yourself. I may have to search for 1 more bottle. I will cry when I use this up.

  3. I've only tested this so far. Yesterday, I could barely smell it but today testing it, it is a bit stronger. It doesn't really remind me of Midway. It's floraly and incensy and sweet. This is very unique. I think this will wear a lot differently than testing. I'm looking forward to wearing this. I'll update this afterwards.....but right now it's sugared incense with a slight soft floral tinge. Very nice.

  4. This is truly a unique BPAL. I am not familar with Sarsaparilla and I don't really care for pine bark....but this grows on you and pulls you in! At first sniff (both in the bottle and on the skin) it has a bitter/sour note that I don't care for, but it fades on the dry down. It then gets smoky and milky with a very unique smell in the background that is foreign to my nose. This keeps growing on me......and I find it oddly alluring.

  5. This is another good one.....although since it's so unique, it did take a few hours for my nose to adjust and for it to really grow on me. Today, when I put my hoodie on that I was wearing yesterday when wearing this, it smelled sooooooo good. If you can't wear patchouli, you can wear this cuz the leaf smells nothing like real patchouli (to me at least). It does have a strange musty smell that is oddly alluring and grows on you. The plum is not strong at all, nor is the red musk (as I've noticed in some other blends). I don't know how Beth does it....but this is perfection in a bottle. I love this one, as I knew I would.

  6. Another well blended LE, although not quite my cup of tea. I knew I wouldn't be able to wear this, as I can't wear Beth's Jasmine blends....however, this one isn't bad, but since I don't like Mimosa....I probably won't wear it. I can smell the mimosa and jasmine (not that strongly though) and it's quite lovely but not really my taste. I bought the whole Al-Gazam and I'm glad I got the chance to try it. Maybe I'll set it aside and try it in a few days to make sure I want to get rid of it.

  7. This one's another surprise winner in the series for me. I love this. It's nice and strong (just the way I like my BPAL). A little will go a long way. This is resinous and slightly rosey and sexy as hell!!! The rose is not dominating the scent which is a good thing (does come out a bit more on the drydown), as I usually can't wear rose blends. Again.......great job Beth. I'll be wearing this a lot.

  8. This smells so good, but is sort of light wearing on me, so I've been reapplying all day and I love it. The opium smoke in the description scared me...as did the tuberose...but again this is well blended with no notes taking the lead. Wow....this is yummy. Black musk, vanilla, coconut, apricot flower, heliotrope..........what a great combination. This is a great one to be named after the entire Carnivale. I love this one and this is gonna cost me a lot in multiples also!!

  9. You peeps are gonna start thinking Beth's paying me to advertise her Carnivale blends. I can't believe how good they are so far. This is no exception. Again...I don't usually like chocolate blends. Bliss was okay and Vice was okay....Gluttony...just okay.....this, on the other hand is exquisite because of the cream!!! I will definitely wear this a lot. It's not real sweet, but it's very creamy and deep chocolate, but the cream is heavier than the chocolate on me.....which I like very much!! :P :D

  10. Antonio is the perfect exception to "I can't wear Beth's vetiver blends". The only other blend I've been able to wear with Vetiver has been King of Spades. Antonio is another one I can't even detect the vetiver in. This is very light and very nice. I really like plum, musk, black coconut, and fig.....so I thought I'd like this, but the lavendar and vetiver scared me, as lavendar tends to amp on me. This is very light and quite a surprise. I'm glad I bought the whole Al-Gazam or I would have been afraid to try this. This is gender neutral.

  11. Oh my....the drydown on this is sooooooooo lovely. I didn't really care for this at first, as it had something in the top note that was rather sharp....so I imped some of it out and now I'm thinking I might need to order more. Wow...what a transformation. The honey is very soft in this. I can't wear a lot of Beth's honey blends, as honey amps on my skin.....but not in this expertly blended piece of art! Wow......soft, slight sweet scent that could be Dorian's younger sister! Smother me in this gorgeous cloud of goodness!! This series is going to be very costly!!

  12. This one is growing on me. Let me first just say that I can't normally wear the Leather blends of Beth's as her leather note amps on my skin. This one isn't that bad. It's not really my thing, aa I don't really care for fir needle and cedar smoke, but even so this is oddly alluring and growing on me. Too bad my husband won't wear fragrance, as this would be lovely on a man. I may keep my bottle around for a whilte to see if it grows on me a bit more. It is softly smoky and woody and as very well blended.

  13. Wow....all I can say is that Beth hit the Carnivale series out of the ball park! I'm lovin' most all of them so far (got the whole Al-Gazam)! This is very Dorian like (as I suspected) and is quite lovely. I love Beth's tea blends and this one is exceptional. The jasmine leaf is not anything like jasmine (as I can't wear Beth's jasmine) and the vanilla bean adds a hint of creamy smoothness. This is going to get a lot of wear and I don't find it masculine in the least (although I don't find Dorian masculine either). I think it is very gender neutral. Great one to own if you're a Dorian lover, as I am.

  14. Wow........I knew I'd like this from the notes in it....love cherry, patchouli, cassis, cardamom....so it was a no brainer........but I fell in love with this immediately. It's sexy, sweet and spicy while no one note takes the lead. As I find with most of the Carnivale blends (and BPAL oils for that matter), this is an extremely balanced blend. It is indeed, mysterious, sweet, dark and spicy. Love at first sniff. I'll be wearing this A LOT.

  15. Hungry Ghost Moon is another softer lunar blend. I think Beth was in the same creative mindset when she made both Hungry Ghost Moon and Harvest Moon's this year.....as they are slightly reminiscent of each other. Hungry Ghost Moon has a grapefruit top note. It's not in your face grapefuit and the top note fades quickly to give way to what must be the sugar cane, vanilla and rice notes with sandalwood. When I first saw this scent description, I imagined something a lot deeper and stronger than this light lunar blend. It is quite lovely, but fades quickly on me. This will be another one that ages well, as I think it will wear stronger. The sandalwood is barely noticeable. I tend to be a very cold person, so this scent will be best on me when I am overheated or I can't smell it (like Midway is with me).

  16. ... This Harvest Moon oil is a merging of autumnal scents from all over the globe: chrysanthemum, pomegranate, cane sugar and dusty wheat, sorghum, green tea leaf, rice flower and rice milk, Russian sage, bamboo shoot, elderberry, black cherry, wild plum, red haw, hazelnut, red apple and shagbark hickory.

    This took about 24 hours for me to actually fall in love with it. Note to new BPALers..... most of Beth scents have this effect. I've had oils I've worn 3 - 5 times before they acutally "clicked" with me (probably because Beth uses such unique oils that my nose is not familar with). At first, I was like meh......apples and then it fades. Sort of reminded me of a variation of last year's Harvest Moon. Today, after my nose grew accustomed to it (so to speak), I fell in love. The dry down is beautiful. Today it smells like a cross between last year's Harvest Moon and Lughnasadh. I couldn't stop sniffing my wrist today! I'm not really familiar with any of the notes in this scent (other than the obvious fruits), but the fruits don't jump out at you and the apple is not tart and is much different than the apple in other BPALs. A truly unique oil and lovely. I'm glad I have something that is reminiscent of my beloved Lughnasadh.....until the day we get a "revisited" one! Soft, sweet, with the wheat/grain notes in the background and something in here gives it a touch of spiciness without it really being spicy (if that makes any sense). (ETA - my only complaint is that it fades rather quickly - but now that I'm a seasoned BPALer, I know that this will age beautifully - as my experience with aged 1+ oils are that they get a bit stronger).

  17. I haven't read all of the reviews on this, but I had to post my thoughts today. I'm wearing this for the 2nd time. The first time, I was unsure. This takes a bit of getting used to and is extremely pungent on me when first applied. It lasts for a long time and now in the dry down, it reminds me sooooooo very much of Red Moon. I'm not familiar with any of the notes on their own.

  18. This is THE scent!!! I am so miserable cuz I haven't been able to smell for 7 days straight. I've had horrid sinus problems (have an appt soon to get help - hopefully), but today I took a double dose of my decongestants to try to get a moment of being able to breathe and smell and it worked.....I could smell for about 2 hours and I had on Hellion! This is da BOMB. I love this shit. Dark musk and plum love my skin and this is perfect. I don't know how to explain it other than being in the same addictive category as Snake Charmer & The Cracked Bell. They are all those sort of deep, lovely scents that get tons of compliments each time I wear them. I'm promptly off to buy another statue, as I must have another bottle of this before it's gone. I'm addicted. It's mesmerizing, sexy and so "non commercial". It's so me!! I'd say it's Snake Charmer's and The Cracked Bell's little rebel cousin............a real rebel rouser it is.

  19. There is no other way to describe this than the perfect creamy vanilla mint. I thought Lick It was vanilla mint until I smelled Snowblind. This is much creamier. I don't think this wears very strongly on me and I think I'll like it better in the warmer weather, as I tend to be cold all of the time and this has not throw on me in the cold! This is divine. So glad I got this in my Naughty pack.

  20. I thought for sure I had reviewed this oil, as it ended up being one of my favorites from the Yule's. I had to order a few more bottles of this one.......and to think I almost didn't even order this because the blood note scared me off. This is a gorgeous incense blend that is soft and the blood note comes out on me sort of like a fruity tang at the very begnning of wearing it, but then fades. Whoever said this stuff was like Crack........was right. I'm addicted to this blend.

  21. The warm, dry parchment of scrolls, lavender for critical thought and analysis, the solidity of heavy woods, ornery patchouli and glib benzoin, and superstar-splashed orange and amber.


    Sadly, this does not work on me. I love most of the notes in this and thought I'd love it, but as in some other BPAL blends, there is a wood note that Beth uses in some of her oils that smells like cedar?? (maybe) and it amps way up on my skin and that's all I smell with this blend. I don't get any of the other notes!

  22. I love sweet blends and I knew this would be a hit with me. I love this. It wears very softly on me and I think I'll like it much better in warmer weather. As in Red Phoenix, I cannot really pick out a particular note in this, as it is well blended. It is definitely a PINK girlie scent. I wouldn't necessarily call it silly, but it reminds me of Pink Moon without the florals. I think this will be perfect in the warm weather and Red Phoenix is perfect in the cooler weather. Glad I bought multiples of this one!
