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Everything posted by lorajc

  1. lorajc

    Site update in progress. Good & bad news.

    I don't do well with this look and no touch thing. I'm going crazy WANTING the new scents .............PLEASE soon!!! I have lots of money saved.....I'm ready!!
  2. I thought I posted this, this morning, but it's not here. Maybe I posted in th wrong place. Harlot- rose, cinnamon Seralgio - almond, clove, rose Blood Rose - wine, dragon's blood rose
  3. lorajc

    Site update in progress. Good & bad news.

    Good Gods!!! My computer has decided to act up and I have been unable to log on. I was up for hours last night with my IPS so I could get online to read about the new oils. I'm about to have a coronary here. The new oils sound really different and yummy. I can't wait for the update. My computer better behave now. Questions for Beth - Is the price of the 10 ml bottle going up also?? How many ounces are in a 5 ml and how many in a 10 ml? I have always wondered.
  4. lorajc

    Site update in progress. Good & bad news.

    Okay, somebody please explain Paypal to me. I'm flipping out cuz I don't know anything about it and I don't have it. When I mentioned it to my hubby in the past, he said something about identity theft and that I wasn't going to use it!! Anyway, would someone kindly explain how it works? Also, Question for Beth............Will you take a personal check if I don't use Paypal? Beth..........after looking at the new scents, I hope you'll be able to help me with scent recommendations, as I am not familiar with a lot of the new ones!!!
  5. lorajc

    Shipping Update

    No, Lorajc, you must be thinking of someone else ... I'd never place three orders for myself, one for friends, and have another one waiting until things slow down a bit for Beth, during the recent BPAL dry spell! Sorry I must be mistaken. I thought you were the one that mentioned you keep ordering while waiting for your order. Must have been someone else.
  6. lorajc

    Shipping Update

    I'd be happy with one now and then it will be no problem waiting for the additional ones. Only probem is that I tend to place more order while I wait............Poor BETH!!!! I know I'm not the only one doing this!! (right jj_j)??
  7. lorajc

    Shipping Update

    Does that include people like me with more than 1 order? I have one dated prio to 3/20 and 3 after 3/20, so will I get my one order, or do I have to wait? Just wondering...........since CC-Now has me watching the mailbox cuz they say my stuff shipped 4/1/04.
  8. My votes are Harlot, Blood Rose, Bordello, Snake Oil, Vixen, Tempest or Succubus. ETA: I forgot about O....and I think Faustus is blue evening dress sexy, as well as Sin, however, the latter doesn't stay put on me.
  9. lorajc

    Shipping Update

    They are well worth the wait. I just wish CC-Now would not state "shipped" unless your package has really been shipped, as it makes you tend to LOOK for your package everyday with only disappointment.
  10. lorajc

    Email, posts and such.

    We all miss you Beth. I hope things get back to "better than normal" and may all the goodness the universe has to offer come your way now. Thanks for making my world a better place with my BPAL oils. Looking forward to better days ahead and the Vernal Equinox update. Hang in there and please, please take care of yourself!! Be well, Lora
  11. lorajc

    CCNow Questions & Problems

    I just wonderd if Beth's still having the problem with CC-Now stating order was shipped and it was not really shipped. Mine says shipped April 1 and I got all excited but it did not arrive on Saturday, as it should have. If it doesn't come tomorrow, I will be worried, as I have had a few lost packages in the past. I just thought if someone could tell me the dates are incorrect, I would not worry so much. I got all excited cuz I saw shipped, but now I'm wondering if that's the case.
  12. lorajc

    Recs for Longest Lasting Oils

    THanatopsis - most longlasting Bordello - " Snake Oil - " Haunted Hollywood Babylon O Eclipse Noir March Hare Phantom Black Rose Black Phoenix The Raven for lighter scent with good staying power, Baobhan Sith and Tempest
  13. lorajc

    Help with Jasmine scents, please!

    Okay, I'm going to order Harlot, Old Venice and I can get 4 other 5 ml bottles. I already have Wicked. I think I'll get Twilight for sure but then I'm still undecided between Delight, Muse, Feu Follet Eternal (as I like gardenia also) Lolita (which has honeysuckle and heliotrope - which I love), Old New Orleans (cuz it seems to have gotten mixed reviews). And off of the jasmine note....I am thinking of getting Old Port Au Prince (cuz Rosefaith likes it) and Wrath (cuz I like clove and cinnamon). It's so hard deciding. Maybe I'll just give Beth a list and ask her to pick, but she'ss so stressed I don't want to keep doing that to her, as I've done it before. Decisions....decisons (indecisive Libra here).
  14. lorajc

    Help with Jasmine scents, please!

    Thanks everyone. Yes, Rosefaith, Noir is one of my favs, as well as Black Widow which has a hint of jasmine and rose with deeper notes. I also have Othello. The Lucy's Kiss sounds too dull for me then. I'm not sure about New Orleans. I suppose I can buy it and if I don't like it, I can swap it. I don't buy imps, I only buy 5 ml, as the imps don't last long for me. I also have Maiden and I love carnation so I love that one and Desdemona because of the carnation. I'm a little nervous to try Old Venice cuz I'm not sure if I'll like it. Maybe I'll try to get that one in a swap. As far as the Twilight, it sounds good and I'll probably buy it. I like lavendar.
  15. lorajc


    This was very bitter on me for about the first 45 minutes, as the eucalyptus comes out. As it starts to drydown, it is a beautiful, neon-violet scent. It's bright and cheery. I enjoyed this very much. It is different than anything else I own. I like the eucalyptus, as I have extremely bad sinuses and I think it may have helped clear them a bit.
  16. lorajc

    Dragon's Eye

    I liked this one alot also. I actually wore this a couple days after I wore Dragons Heart. They are very similar, warm and sweet, but Dragon's Eye has the floral component to it...the lilac and lily of the valley. This also lasted long on me. Luv it
  17. lorajc

    Dragon's Heart

    Wow....I'm lovin' the Dragon's Blood scents. This was lovely on. Warm and sweet and very different. It lasted long and I got many compliments. I couldn't pick out the fig or currant in it. It was more just simply sweet and warm and quite lovely.
  18. lorajc


    I like this one. I am liking all of the apricot scents so far. This was a nice rounded blend of patchouli and apricot. I was surprised that the apricot stayed so strong on wearing it, but it actually did. Not really much else to say about this one. It is one that I'd have to be in the mood to wear. I don't really know what kind of mood though.
  19. lorajc


    I liked Psyche. It took me a while to get used to it, as it is different than anyting I've ever smelled. I did not detect the rose in it, just the lavender, orchid and frankincense, as well as the musk. This had decent staying power and was a beautiful grounded floral (grounded by the frankincense). I couild swear I smelled lemon in this one, but I don't see it listed in the ingredients.
  20. lorajc

    Baobhan Sith

    I ended up loving this fragrance. The initial fragrance is the top note of grapefurit and when that fades, the tea comes in and smells lovely. After wearing for a while you can detect a hint of ginger, but not strong. This wore on me beautfully. I slathered this on thinking it would be too light for me, but it actually stayed pretty well. I am looking into obtaining more tea scents after this one.
  21. lorajc


    This turned out to be another favorite of mine. I never thought I liked fruity scents as much as I do. This is a decadently berry/plum, wine fragrance that had good staying power on me. This fragrance made me happy. I didn't think it was partiularly heavy though. I couldn't detect the amaretto in it. I love this one. I can't wait to wear it again. If you like Hollywood Babylon, give this try!! I think they are somewhat similar and I love Hollywood Babylon also. This did not remind me as much of Lady MacBeth as others. Lady MacBeth his brighter and not quite as strong. This is a deeper plum/burgandy smell where lady MacBeth is more cheery cherry to me.
  22. lorajc


    Okay, I haven't written any reviews for a while (had a bout of depression). This scent brought me out of that and made me write this review. I am NOT a big Rose person, but this scent has taught me to be more appreciative of rose. I am in LOVE with this scent. I feel beautiful when I wear it. The rose smells a bit fruity to me and I love the touch of cinnamon. It makes it ever so slightly spicy. This is a luscious fragrance!! I am tempted to try more rose scents now. I did find that this was quite light on me, but I had no problem reapplying. I am also used to heavier scents. This is a big hit. Beth has done rose perfection!
  23. Snake Oil most definitely. Also, cuz it is another fav of mine....Bordello and Vixen is vampy as hell!
  24. lorajc

    The search for the perfect Violet....

    Violet, neroli, eucalyptus and mint ---- this is Ultraviolet. I also love all of the Violet scents, Old Sybaris, Le Serpent Qui Danse, Veil, Seraphim, Faustus (with cinnamon also - very different), and The Raven. Ultraviolet is highly underrated. The combo is really beautiful together, lasts long and goes well with my body chemistry. I think it's my fav violet scent so far with Old Sybaris and Le Serpent coming in next with Veil..........hell..why am I even trying to decide which I like best. They're Beth's babies...........they all rock!!
  25. lorajc

    Shipping Update..

    May the Gods bless you Beth!!! PMS & Stress --- New BPAL!! I'm psyched!! Now if you will just forgive me for being such a wicked pain in the ass with my constant reminder notes (Libra - virgo rising - perfectionist - detail oriented freakass trait). Sorry.........please don't be mad at me. Hang in there Beth. Better days are coming!!!