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Mechanical Death

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Posts posted by Mechanical Death

  1. I can't believe I finally finally got my hands on a bottle of this. Pomegranate scents are some of my favorites, and this is no joke.

    The pomegranate rose and vanilla are the most prominent. It's a similar variety to crypt queen, but still different. I don't get a lot of incense which makes me a bit disappointed, but there's myrhh and something earthy like dirt and mosses rounding it out. It's lucious, warm, not overpoweringly sweet from the pomegranate. The vanilla is almost creamy. I'm so glad to have a bottle of this in my collection!

  2. This is amazing.

    I was a little wary of it both before purchasing and smelling it in the bottle, because I always want to love chocolate or cocoa scents, but they rarely seem to love me.

    This is however an exception. The cocoa is not the star here, despite how it smells strongly in the bottle, like sweet sugary milk chocolate and almost nothing else.


    Still I skin tested it because the reviews were so wonderful as are the notes. Initially the cocoa does come on strong. Still like a creamy sugary milk chocolate. However almost immediately there are other noticeable elements but I can't really pick any of it out until it really begins to dry down and declare what kind of scent it will truly be. The cedar and patchouli mingle. The cedar is woody, rich, resinous and a little green, or perhaps that's the neroli. Neroli always registers as green on me, like the inside of a young tree stem. I don't get pencil shavings from it. The patchouli is well rounded and a little sugary from the vanilla. Frankincense is there lending an insence undernote.

    The whole of this is sweet rich and dusty cocoa mingling with vanilla sugared incense, and slightly spiced woods. It's an incredible blend.


    It reminds me of the same family of Morroco, banshee beat, and Tezcatlipoca

  3. What a stunning fragrance!


    In the bottle this is rich citrus and creamy vanilla. It reminds me of a pastry with Lemmon shortbread and custard... But it's not foodie even though I'm getting the thought of that imagery. On the skin the grapefruit picks up immediately after an initial blast of sweet and creamy candy citrus.

    My first thought was "yes! This is the perfect citrus scent I have been searching for! Give me a gallon!" I truly may need a back up of this.


    As it dries the sour grapefruit that came forth begins to back off and all of the variety of citrus notes mingle. The creamy floral begins to join the party too, quietly, but enough to ground the strong citrus. I don't think I smell much violet if any, maybe faintly as it dries further. I suspect it will be a note that lingers once the oil has been on my skin for a few hours, violet tends to do that on me. I seem to be missing the frankincense too. The tonka, which is what I registered as that custardy vanilla note has dissipated mostly too, but it's there just enough to hold the scent together. For a few moments it seemed like it was returning strongly but it backed off again. The notes are having a quiet battle.


    I had hoped this would be a ringer dupe for the fragrance "Hello" from Harvey prince. And while its of a similar family it's missing some of the warmth and cheeriness that Hello has. If the scent in the bottle translated directly to skin I would drown myself in the stuff.


    For a scent that's floral, citrus and creamy tonka, it does very much have a chilly crisp edge like the name would suggest rather than something warming and upbeat.


    I still love this one a lot and may require a back up for aging. I think aging this would bring out the tonka, violet and frankincense on the skin more. Yum!

  4. I expected great things from this. I have been loving plum and vanilla blends after falling in love with mme morrirty again, and was hoping this would be in a similar family.

    Upon application I get incencesy hair spray and itchy smelling cologne. What?!


    I tried to wait out the wet to dry phase but it was so strong and do headache inducing. I had to scrub it off, as my already milder migraine started screaming at me. Not fun.


    There was something beautiful lurking underneath the cheap cologne and hairspray. Hopefully I can retest it and see if it will work with my skin at all. It started to remind me a bit of a fancier version of the lady gaga perfume, so if it cooperates with my skin I think it's a winner. If not for me I can gift it to a friend who lives that perfume.

  5. Every note in this should be an absolute winner for me. Red musk blends are amazing for my skin chemistry, and I love patchouli and champaca dominate blends. The supporting notes here are beautiful and are things that generally get along with me and that I like....


    So why am I not smelling like... Anything?


    When I skin tested the oil I actually spilled a little turning the bottle to my wrist. I thought crap, I'm going to be drowning in this! Since the blend profile was bound to be rather strong. But even though I quite literally slathered myself in it, I smelled nothing. I'm terribly confused. Even after a few hours all I got was a vuagely plastic sweet burning smell, but still very very faint. I had to really stick my nose to my wrist.

    I'm hoping this is a case of if I let my bottle rest and age the oils will bloom. How odd.

  6. I discovered this sample in my latest order, and oh my I'm in love! This is an instant bottle order for me.

    It's soft vanilla, with incencesy sandalwood, maybe some frankincense, and hints of cocoa. It's sweet and incensey, and reminds me of LUSH.

    It's a soft scent and clings close to the skin, but I can smell it hovering gently around me when I move. It's snuggly, soothing, but also a little sexy in a refrained way.

    I love discovering GC gems like this!

  7. Straight out of the bottle. Yup, dead leaves. Wet but also dry crunchy dead leaves-- that familiar autumn smell. It's the same across the board with all of the dead leaf blends. It's very strong and over powers the other notes in the blends.

    However this is much more like it's hair gloss counterpart (white musk and vanilla) It starts out on the skin as a very strong blast of dead leaves, and stays dominantly that for a while, but there's something peaking through. something sweeter and smoother.


    After about 2 hours on my skin the bourban vanilla and myrrh are strong, and vanilla is rich and lovely, and the leaf note is more in the background. This pairs so nicely with the vanilla and white musk hair gloss, and my bourban vanilla bath oil from last year (which has aged divinely). The combination there of is vanilla heaven, and it's a nice soft scent combination that I can wear it on days when I'm scent sensitive (migraine prone) but want something comforting, and is a deviation away from the very dark spicy incensey scents I am drawn towards.


    This has a lot of lasting power. A full 24 hours and a shower later I can still smell it rather strongly on my wrist and inner elbows, and wafting closely around me. It doesn't have huge throw at any stage though.

  8. For a while I was convinced that all the dead leaves blends would smell the same on me. The leaf portion of these blends is potent and over powering both in the bottle and on the skin, and while it's not unpleasant, it's more of a novelty smell than a rounded wearable perfume as a single note component.


    The frankinsense and Copal variation for a while I thought sadly dried to just a dead leaves single note. For like an hour or so into the dry phase it's mostly a dead leaves single note, but the longer it's on my skin the more the frankinsense and copal come forth. It's sweet, a bit dry, and lightly incensey.


    Each of these blends are very light, I had hoped for more oomph from the components considering there are so few. Out of the 3 I got this one will be the most worn. It's lovely, though light on the skin. When the scent does bloom fully it's very relaxing. Would be a nice for meditation.

  9. I was most excited to try this one from my recent order. I let it settle from the mail for a few hours so I could get an accurate first impression. This is so beautiful. Everything I ever wanted from an apple scent. This is a complex beautiful scent, and the apple doesn't stomp on everything else. It's so nicely blended together I can't really pick any one note out other than the apple, but even that is clearly enveloped by other lovely notes rather than standing out on it's own. It has a rich feeling. I'm so glad this works on my skin the way I had hoped it would. What stands out to most to be is the tobacco giving a caramelized touch, and the honey on top of the apple that up front is a little floraly possibly from the lavender though I don't smell any outright sadly, but juicy and sweet like honey crisps. I also don't detect any patchouli outright, or champaca


    Unfortunately it doesn't seem to have a ton of lasting power, it fades within a short few hours and reapplication would be needed for a full day of wear, but perhaps a little aging will improve that.

  10. I tested this 3 times hoping that maybe skin chemistry, weather, and settling out of the mail box would do something to help, because the notes SHOULD be wonderful.


    but it's not. It just smells sharp, and acrid. :( Sad. Red musk is one of my favorite base notes, and usually sings on my skin. I was really hoping it would be lovely. I guess I'll pass on this bottle to a friend and see if it works for someone else.

  11. This is unbelievably pretty. Not nearly as dry as the notes would suggest, or soapy.


    The vanilla frankinsense and jasmine are front and center. It's sweet fuzzy light incense with jasmine pearl tea. The sage is there in the background, fresh, not dried. The patchouli which I can pick out in the bottle seems to take a backseat. In the bottle it's not a very strong stinky patch-- it's well rounded, slightly sweet, a bit soft and woody. The oudh is there, I recognize the same scent from my beloved orb weave spider from a few years back-- to me it smells like fresh green (young) tree bark.

    On the full dry down there is a sweetness from the honey myrtle-- a somewhat lemony woody fragrance.


    This scent is reserved, but sophisticated. It does convey the imagery of the art and title well. It smells like casting spells and smudging sage, burning sweet frankincense, and reading tea leaves.


    edit: after a little while longer the patch makes an appearance again, and like it was in the bottle it's soft, faintly sweet and woody, but not stinky or dominating. another person above described it as 'feather soft' and that's about right. Beautiful :)

  12. Dragon-Peaches have become my favorite time of the year in BPAL land. They are always just so expertly blended and delicious and this one is no exception.

    I don't think I have any other perfume with strawberry in it, and my collection of bpal bottles is upwards of 300. I tend to prefer darker fruits, or jammy citrussy fruits. Peaches kinda fall into that later category. Kinda jammy on my skin rather than floral like peach skin. Strawberry I always think of that artificial strawberry smell, like lollipops or pink strawberry cake.


    This is not that.

    This is the ripest strawberry fresh picked in the height of summer. Juicy, bright red, and perfect. The kind where you eat the entire bin. The kind that make the perfect strawberries and shortcake. The kind that artifical strawberry lollipops desperately want to be, but sadly know they never will be.


    Coupled with it is the lovely peach. Like the strawberries, these peaches are the juiciest, sweetest peaches summer has to offer.

    This scent is mouthwatering, and I want to drink it. Strawberry-peach juice, I must have it.


    When it dries the intense fruitiness yields way to benzoin and vanilla making, and faintly sandalwood in the background, which round out the scent nicely. It kind of reminds me of those fruit cream hard candies, but super sophisticated and sexy. The benzoin and vanilla really do add a caramelized and creamy feel, and the sandalwood grounds it all.


    This is definitely a girly blend, but not so sugary that it's tooth achingly sweet. It has enough complexity that I will be keeping this and reaching for it in my rotation. Quite different from the incense, patchouli, and clove heavy blends I tend to gravitate too, but when I want a different kind of this definitely hits home. It's amazing.

  13. I hastily skin tested this scent straight out of the mailbox and it just about disappeared on my skin. Thankfully after letting it rest for a few days it has settled and bloomed beautifully, everything I had hoped it would be.


    Straight out of the bottle I get a wet juicy blast of fruits, like red crisp apple (even though there's no apple directly listed, I smell red apple) and jammy fruits. as it begins to dry the rose becomes more prominent. It's almost rich and creamy. when I smell my wrist my brain says vanilla, like rich vanilla pods, but it's not actually a vanilla smell. It's not a high note floral scent, it's very heady, sweet, and smooth.

    I don't get any leather, which I am actually pleased with. I love leather scents, but I like the way this is without the noticeable distinct 'leather' smell. Perhaps the leather is lending that smooth butteriness that I am registering as creamy vanilla, just without that sharp leather edge.


    On the drydown it smells vuagely smokey, but still sweet smoke. Like a beeswax candle that was just extinguished. I'm not picking up on any nag champa sadly, but it does read as somewhat incense-y.


    I need 10 bottles.


    Right out of the box I noticed this incredible leafy smell that I know well from many of the labs autumn blends. I'm not a huge fan of that smell on it's own, so I was a little cautious when I went to spray my hair with the gloss.

    Right out of the nozzle it's slightly astringent, and I'm a little afraid it will be headache inducing, but almost immediately it blooms into the most beautiful smell. I can't even describe it.

    It's rich, but not decadent. it's elegant, and gorgeous. The vanilla and musk remind me of one of my favorite vanilla teas. It's glorious. I'm going to be so sad when I run out. I am seriously contemplating buying at least 2 more.

  15. An elegant transformation: honeyed ylang ylang with black tea, orris, dark gum resins, lavender absolute, and a twist of white grapefruit.

    Lovely! As usual, BPTP has some of my favorite perfume blends.
    This reminds me a little of blacker than ravens wings, I think the black tea note is similar, but where that is smokey and rich, this is fruity, slightly herbal, with a candy like edge that I always associate with grape fruit. The resins are beautiful, I get something almost like plummy incense from that, and the honey ylang ylang is mostly honey with faint floral in the background. I initially grabbed this because I love lavender everything, and lavender + citrus is one of my favorite combinations. I figured this would be lovely and I was not disappointed. If you are afraid of lavender, it's not an overtly strong lavender smell. This is not a medicinal lavender, it's a sweet sugared lavender, and blends well into the rest of the notes.

    It doesn't have a ton of throw, but it has a good amount of lasting power.

    Overall this is a fantastic fruit-candy but sophisticated girly blend. definitely a keeper.

  16. When this lunacy went live I took a gamble on the notes. Several appealed to me-- patchouli, moss, the leathery bourbon vanilla, clove, and maybe the cypress if it didn't pull too piney.it has the makings of a beautiful blend. However the cumin and vetiver were making me very afraid. I amp vetiver like no tomorrow, and cumin in blends has always thrown me off... savory smokey? However after reading some first impression in the will call threads I bought it on impulse with my Lilith blends.


    I was not disappointed.

    This is glorious!

    It's like banshee beats smokier, unisex cousin.


    I was legitimately afraid when I opened the bottle, I was prepared for it to be a heavy vetiver mess, it was just so beautiful. I actually said outloud "oh wow, this is stunning", and I have rarely had that kind of a reaction even though I Have over 300 bottles (no I don't have a problem >.>)


    Up front it's all glorious bourban vanilla with a woody background. "leathery" is an apt quality descriptor, because It doesn't seem like there is a true leather note in here, but there is a hint of that sweet black leathery smell. as it dries it is a lovely mix of faintly piney greenery, not astringent in any way, and not overly strong (I don't like strong pine, this is light), and smokey cumin which is not as savory as I expected, but I can pick it out as being a familiar smell to cumin.The bourban vanilla is taking a back seat after it's initial sweet blast on the skin.


    I don't detect any clove or vetiver until it's dried down completely, but by then all the notes seem to be playing in a truly lovely harmony. The vetiver is well behaved, and not amping and eating the other notes. the soft bourban vanilla has resurfaced and carried the clove with it. It has medium throw. in closeness around me I smell smokey sweet rich vanilla, a hint of spice, with a rich smokey lightly woody backdrop.

    Every note in this blend shines. It's just one of those blends where everything works, and not one thing tramples another, or fades completely. It's insanely lovely, and not nearly as heavy as I expected from this list of scent ingredients


    :wub3: :wub3: :wub3:

    edit: I totally skimmed over the scent description where it mentions patchouli. NO WONDER I SMELL PATCHOULI! haha!


    GET SOME. It's amazing.

  17. So today is one of those 'I don't give a fuck days'.

    I just put in a huuuuuuge order of weenies and a few GC bottles I've been wanting to get.

    I have enough perfume to last several life times-- probably with that order a lone.


    I feel no guilt. Nope. None.

    I am really excited for my weenies though!

  18. I love lavender scents. They're relaxing and help me on days when I'm in a lot of pain and really nauseaus.


    I had to get this one when I saw the description.


    In the bottle it's all lavender, slightly medicinal but that never scares me off with lavender blends.


    immediately on the skin the lavender sweetens. It's less herbal than I expected and it almost smells like lavender bubblegum cough syrup. D:

    As it goes into the dry down the bubblegum medicine smell disappears (thank the gods), and turns more into a sweet resinous smell that I know benzoin to be. There is a dryness lurking underneath, which brings the herbal lavender fragrance back to the fore front.


    Now it's mostly beautiful dry lavender, with a little sweetness/resin lurking underneath. It's quite a simple fragrance, but endlessly beautiful and fresh.

    It has almost a slightly ozone quality to it, making me think of cool fall air and drying herbs.


    4/5. I almost want MORE lavender out of it, but it'll do for now. I can't wait to see what it does as it ages.

  19. Saigon cinnamon warmed up with creamy vanilla bean on the forefront, buttery pumpkin and the depth of espresso

    Nutmeg lingers underneath, and gets a little sharp when you smell close to the skin.

    Huge throw! The tiniest bit goes a long way.


    I would call it gourmand without being straight up foodie. It has sophistication that a lot of foodie scents lack. The raw sugar brightens the scent and keeps it from being too bitter from the espresso-nutmeg combo.


    It reminds me a bit of thanks giving gatherings. Spiced pumpkin pie right out of the oven topped with whipped, and freshly ground and brewed coffee with cream and sugar, but yet again, it's not 'foodie'. It's deep and rich.




    Even better than I expected! :wub2:

  20. I've been dying to get my hands on this.

    Vanilla? Cardamom? Musk?

    *faint* Perfection!


    It doesn't change much from in the bottle to the skin.

    It's soft warm vanilla bean, with a lightly spiced lightly sweet cardamom background. I was expecting it to smell like chai on my skin, since the cardamom in phantom calliope reads allll cherry chai on me, but it's not as strong as I expected. I like it better this way.


    It sits low to the skin, and is a cozy but sexy scent. It reminds me almost of tokyo dark 62, just a little on the spicier side, and also warm vanilla sugar from bath and body works.



  21. I'm glad someone is finally asking about Tokyomilk Dark because #21 Yesterday (Asuka Rose, Linden, Ginger Root, Aged Wood) is one of my favorite scents ever... *whispers* and if anyone wants to throw in a rec for that one too, while we're on the subject, I would appreciate it!


    Anyway, for #62, these both have a floral note and a spice/wood note. Not sure how similar they'll be, but worth investigating?


    -Sybaris (Wanderlust): Bright violet with sweet clove, Mediterranean incense notes and tonka bean

    -Mata Hari (Bewitching Brews): Five roses with soft jasmine, warmed by vanilla, fig, tonka bean and mahogany, spiced with a drop of coffee bean

    Sybaris might be a close match.

    Mata Hari is an awesome blend but the coffee is super prominent.

    #62 is my first of their perfumes other than the salves/lip bombs. Clive cigarette is to die for. Mmmmn
