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Mechanical Death

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Everything posted by Mechanical Death

  1. Mechanical Death


    I really really really wanted to love this. I was hoping it would be dark juicy fruit with musky goodness swirling with incense and exotic herbs. On my skin it's just weak, despite how many dark and deep characters there are in the oil. It has no throw on my skin, the pomegranate goes bye bye within seconds, and it dries down to faint musty wood. Sigh. Second pomegranate scent that has bombed. Maybe pomegranate is a killer for me. Xp
  2. Mechanical Death


    I bought a bottle of this from the overstock after reading lovely reviews. I'm a fan of dark plum scents, but I'm sadly dissapointed. In the bottle this is highly syrupy, like rotten plum and blueberry and a who'd of dead flowers. On the skin there are no flowers, but the blueberry is still there, as is the plum. Both are okay as it dried, but not rich and heady like I was expecting. It's also quite weak and fades quickly. I guess that's why this is a proto. Swap
  3. Mechanical Death

    Green Tree Viper

    I HAVE FOUND MY MINT SCENT! YES!!!! Perfect and yummy and I want to drink it! It's a little foody, just ever so slightly, but just enough that it's yummy and not overwhelming. The mint is not MINT!!! OMG MINT, but a nice sweet cool mint. The sweet green tee is definitely there. There is a hint of honey, even though there isn't any in the blend. I LOVE this. I took a chance, on it and I'm super thrilled with this one. I need to hunt down another bottle. I'll be sad when this one is gone otherwise. True on the skin as it smells in the bottle. It reminds me of Andes mint chocolate candies-- yum! The SO comes out a little bit more when it dries and I can't stop sniffing my hand.
  4. Mechanical Death

    The Ta-Ta

    *sobs* I was so looking forward to this. It sounded so good! I love carnation, I love love LOVE Beth's leather notes, and the sweet and smoky tobacco is just deadly and sexy on my skin in every other blends. I was desperately hoping this would be a yummy sexy coffee. It just turned to mud though. Blugh! No sexy coffee for me Swaps. *cries* off to find another coffee blend. Maybe something with some cream and sugar this time.
  5. Mechanical Death


    In the bottle-- sharp rotting flowers. Ouph! I almost didn't want to try it it smelled so sharp. I sort of stared at it on my table terrified of the FLOWERS. I gave in-- wet on skin the sharpness immediately fades into a lovely bouquet. So far I'm glad I gave in. I smell ROOOOSEEE, yanglang, GARDENIA HELLO!, and a hell of a lot of apple blossom. Not much throw just yet. It's very close to the skin and they're all fighting eachother thus far. It's a bit catastrophic. As it dries further I get jasmine-- delicious beautiful jasmine which is helping to keep the others in check. No amber just yet. 5 minute timer. The throw comes out now-- it's strong stuff! I put only a drop on the top of one hand and let it sit. 20 minutes later it calms down a bit and things blend together. I don't' get any soapiness (yay) or sharpness (yay!) just a very rich flowery flowery floral. I don't really get any amber outright, but there is something slightly warm and vanilla-- ever so slightly. I would love to have more of the amber though. The apple blossom and Yanglang is the dominant notes, with the gardenia just underneath. The rose is there, but not as in your face and the jasmine lingers around as an after thought hauntingly, but it's not at the forefront. This is an achingly beautiful blend. I have been searching for that perfect floral, and I think this is it! It must be used sparingly though-- holy Moses is it strong. You can smell it across the room!
  6. Mechanical Death

    Theodosius, The Legerdemain

    Win! So much win! If this perfume was the smoldering man it was named for I wouldn't hold back. :swoon: I love earl grey-- my favorite tea. The vanilla adds a beautiful creaminess. I don't have a ton to say about it, it's just fabulous. It you are a fan of Dorian and get a chance to try this-- do it. It's perfect. Richer and sexier. Dorian is a bit cleaner and citrusy in comparison.
  7. Mechanical Death

    Beaver Moon 2011

    *crosses fingers* one of the first outright foody blends I have liked *so far* I'm writing the review as I have applied it and it's drying. It's a lovely scent thus far. Fairly true to it's in bottle form. In the bottle it smells like honeyed lavender-- true to the description. I get a bit of rich cream which makes it much more of a foody perfume and not so much a straight sweetened lavender. wet on skin, immediately in turns much much sweeter-- the cream comes forth, I get much more honey and sugar. It *almost* smells like icing. I don't get cheesecake at all, which is what I was hoping for. phew! The lavender has taken a back seat immediately and I'm sad to see it quiet down-- I was looking for a lovely lavender blend. However, quickly the notes start fighting for dominance. It shifts a lot, which keeps it interesting and from being to sickly sweet. I get loud blasts of sweet lavender-- not sharp or medicinal. It's very fresh, as it it is straight from the garden-- beautiful. Then it smells more sugared, like lavender candies. Quickly the honey and cream show up and the foody smell is back. It shifts like this constantly, from warm to cool and back again. It's actually quite refreshing and nice. It reminds me more a lavender black tea with milk and honey than a lavender cheesecake. It's a warm perfume, but it has hints of something else herbal that create that shifting warm and cool note. I've had it on for a good half an hour now, and it stays true to the description above. It still shifts between the prominent note --honey cream or lavender, and I love it like that. I think I may have to hunt down a second bottle. I wish I had jumped on this when it came out! *sigh* My fiance loved it. He said it was very unique and wouldn't stop sniffing my hand. He also described it as a fall perfume and that it reminded him of halloween.
  8. Mechanical Death


    I really truly love this. It's a classic dark insency amber scent. Simple beautiful and sexy. It reminds me of the magic shop at the renn fair. It is really true on the skin as it is to the smell in the bottle. Dark amber, dusky and sensual, the musk has almost a sandalwood character and is sweet and resinous while being extremely deep. Outstandingly beautiful! It sticks close to the skin but has a mighty throw-- I can smell it wafting around me. This stuff is strong! And it got the approval from the fiancé. That's rare-- usually he will say is something smells nice if I ask, but he told ME I smelled irresistible. That is just fine by me! I definitely need to get a second bottle! Edit: wore it for a second time today. I'm picking up a candied lemon smell a didn't before, but I have seen many other commenters notice. Yum. It adds a nice sweetness.
  9. Mechanical Death

    Grand Guignol

    Smells fantastic and juicy in the imp-- mouthwatering even. I want to drink it! Wet on the skin, looses all the boozy quality takes on an odd dusty quality--not flower or amber dusty, like actual dust... Like a dusty attic. O-o. It kills the juiciness on the skin Has some good throw- the waft is pure juicy appricot. As it dries down a little more it turns a little sharp and astringent because there is nothing pairing with the appricot. Ironically this is one of the few times I wish something had some flowers or amber. Overall impression: pure appricot jam. Would I get a bottle? Maybe, to layer with some other things.
  10. Mechanical Death

    The Phantom Calliope

    I had really hoped this would be *my* cherry scent. Darn. Still, it's nice. In the bottle it smells exactly like teavana's half/half white chai. Fruity melon notes and spicy clove and cinnamon and lots of cardamom. It's odd that I get melon though (honeydew to be exact), since there isn't any in this blend. It's yummy as hell in the bottle and it makes me want to brew up a cuppa. On the skin it smells exactly the same. This is the first scent I have encountered that really smells like what it does in the bottle. 30 minutes later it turns a little more to the spice side--really strong fruity chai tea. very strong on the cinnamon. Yum!! An hour later the spiciness that I loved has faded leaving mostly the fruit and an undertone of the spice and a slight creaminess... It has faded in strength too. It stays pretty low to the skin and doesn't have much throw. I had avoided putting much on before because it seemed so strong, but an hour later it's nearly gone. I tried so hard to hunt down this bottle and it's leaving me a bit dissapointed. I'll give it another test before I decide if it's a total bust. :/ Edit: cardamom, not cinnamon. That's the overwhelming chai tea smell I'm getting. The cherry underneath keeps it from being too single note, but as much as I love the drink I don't think I want to smell like it. When I think about it , my sensory memory leaves me going "No no no!!!!"
  11. Mechanical Death

    The Queen of Hearts

    Finally rid my skin of the disaster I had with mme mortuary earlier today T-T Got this as an imp with a previous order and had been wanting to give it a shot. I love lillies and love black Lilly so I had hopes for this scent. In the imp: yup! Lillies and cherry! Yum!! On skin, Lilly amps but the cherry candy smell is there. There is something else perfumey which I assume is the other flower I don't recognize. Drying-- it's pretty-- light in character, but strong pleasant floral smell wafting and non cloying with the faintest hint of over ripened cherries hidden underneath. Something about this just smells like the color pink. It's very fluffy and sugary-flowery, creamy from the lilly notes but not dusty. It smells like a beautiful bridal bouquet of lillies. I would have liked a stronger cherry smell to be honest like some of the other reviews are getting. It is however one of the nicest straight up classic floral scents I have tried from the lab, so I may have to get a bottle. <3 <3 I'll pass the imp along to my sister and find out her verdict and see if she wants one too.
  12. Mechanical Death

    Coral Snake (2006)

    Wore this 2 days ago-- lovely!! I'll update my review to have a fuller beginning to end, but this is definitely hands down one of my favorite fruity blends! I don't get a ton of the heady snake oil, just enough to add a good amount of vanilla to blend and create a good wafting ability for the scent. The spices from snake oil sort of vanish, again just keep the fruit from fading fast. It dries down to exactly what's in the description. Bright juicy apple(yum!) syrupy orange, a hit of citrus and blooms of perfume flowers wafting over vanilla and hints of decadent spices-- a little cinnamony. Delicious and stunning! It has incredible lasting power too. I still smelled it on me when I woke up the next day.
  13. Mechanical Death

    Mme. Moriarty, Misfortune Teller (2006)

    O-o Alright. Um... Skin? What's up with you today? I got this Used, and had been stalking around to find a bottle. It's been sitting in my collection, my little treasure that I had been coveting for so long and I had yet to try it. Today was the day. I decided I wanted to be a sexy and mysterious gypsy. But no. In the bottle it smelled so yummy, I thought "yeah, that's the stuff!" I slathered it on, and immediately it turned. seriously, I could cry! It smells like menthol cigarets! Yeuck! There isn't a single thing menthol in here, and it is burning my skin. It's awful! It smells like burning plastic, mint, and walnuts. I just don't understand. I have never had such a bad skin chemistry reaction with a bpal, or any perfume or oil. sigh. Off to the swap pile T-T.
  14. Mechanical Death

    The Knave of Hearts

    Got my bottle from a ebay buy along with quite a few lovely imps (thank you white rabbit! ) I had been eyeing this bottle from the Alice collection for the longest time and was very excited to try it out. When I opened the bottle I caught a strong whiff of sweet syrupy, almost butterscotch perfume. I do smell the black currant ever so slightly, but no roses. My Fiancé who was sitting near by caught a strong whiff of it as soon as I opened the bottle-- this stuff is strong!-- he said he got vanilla and citrus notes from it. Wet on the skin the cakey sweetness amps up and it smells exactly like eat me, but it quickly begins to morph. The black currant starts to blend and amp and starts to settle into something less foody. For a few minutes it goes into a wierd pie-vommit smell. I was really worried it would end up not working because I love all the notes in here individually. However as it reaches it's dry stage at about 10-15 minutes in it turns into a dusky resinous rose with deep sugared fruit notes. Slightly reminiscent of plum notes. The butterscotch is still there, but much more in the background as if it had been drizzled over the tarts. If foodies are your thing and you want something a little understated or sophisticated for a foodie perfume, you will love this. It turned out much different than the perfumes I tend to wear, though I think this one will grow on me quite a bit. Overall 3.5/5 average. may gift/swap and keep a small decant. Edit: So I thoroughly changed my mind on this one. It grew on me a lot over the day. I kept catching wafts of it even after I thought it had faded-- yum!!!! Sexy vanilla jam and spiciness! I applied abut more(though it was still there, I just wanted it to be stronger in strength) before going out with the fiancé that night-- I decided I'm keeping it. I almost put more on today but I told myself no, I have others that need testing! I have a feeling I'll be reaching for this a lot. I may need a second bottle >.> 5/5!!!!
  15. Mechanical Death


    I received this imp with an order the other day-- I don't remember if it was from the lab directly or a generous extra from an ebay buy. In the bottle it's very very sweet and medicinal. I've seen other posters describe it as melted candy-- I get melted lollipops or jolly ranchers. It's fairy accurate to the wet smell on the skin too. Very very sweet. As it begins to dry it starts to mellow out, but it's still very sharp and sweet. Ripe strawberries being the most prominent note. About 10 minutes later it blends a bit more, but it still smells a bit like strawberry bubblegum-- sugary, insanely sweet, much much smoother and creamier. Under the sharp strawberry I smell the spicy creamy poppy and carnation which is just yum, and the flowery hibiscus-- the dry down is very nice and close to the skin. if the horrid bubblegum smell didn't hover around me in such a cloud I would find this a very nice and wearable addition to my collection. I would consider passing this along to my 16 year old sister to try out, but even she prefers more sophisticated scents. Perhaps it works for some, but the bubblegum strawberry kills it for me.
  16. Mechanical Death

    All Souls

    Got my bottle from a lovely eBay seller today. Upon opening the bottle I was immediately greeted with the scent of Eat Me. I even compared to my imp! It's a spicier eat me with some other sweet fruits. Yum! When I tried Eat Me my initial reaction was, "I wish It had some spice". I guess I got my wish! This is lovely! Foodie, vanilla, spicy fruity yum! I'm going to have to track down more bottles. Damn.
  17. Mechanical Death

    Thirteen (13): March 2009

    This 13, created by Brian Constantine, is a sign of the times, illustrating chaos and hope, and strength during adversity. Bittersweet dark cocoa is surrounded here by 13 complex aspects, including exotic musks, caraway, allspice, aloes wood, lucky hand, Irish moss, and bamboo. Beneath it all is a glowing core of glistening cherry. In the bottle it smells very heavily of chocolate and boozy cherries. There's something else wet there, I think it's the moss I'm picking up on. On the skin in quickly turns into tootsie rolls. Omg, cherry tootsie rolls... Which, if you like candy scents it's not bad. But first on the skin the chocolate amps up and you smell like candy. As it dries the outright chocolate lolipop smell fades more to the background. The boozy chocolate smell swirls around you, but on the skin it becomes damp, woody, spicy, with a dark chocolate undertone. The cherry is still there but it's not overpowering. It's quite lovely. As the day goes on the swirling chocolate fades a bit which I prefer, leaving the spiciness and the wet woodiness. I like this a lot as it ages on my skin. Can't wait to try some other 13s, perhaps I'll jump on the next one.
  18. Mechanical Death


    Hmm... It starts out quite nice, light and lemony, slight floral undertone, nice and powdery. Very fresh light, but still a strong scent-- strong in it's freshness. God, then it turns to this rank awful stank. It starts smelling like rotting flowers, and soap and... something else quite stinky.Maneure? No, seriously, it smells like the fertilizer from the garden grounds it turned that bad. Thankfully the STANK stage passes and it turns to citrus again. Grapefruit, tangerine?? lemon. Almost lemon icing--it smells sugary like lemon frosted sugar cookies or cakes. There's tuberose-- I know that scent well, it turns a little soapy, but not in a bad way. It's deep and perfumey, and clean at the same time. The rest of the flowers though still smell like they have been sitting just a little bit too long... too bad. This scent had some promise as a nice complex flowered perfume. overall it's a complex scent, but slightly off. It unfortunately doesn't turn back all the way. Perhaps I still have some perfume from the day before hanging around. I'll have to give it another try.
  19. Mechanical Death


    I would expect Cleric to be a light scent, but it's not in the slightest. It's spicy, has a tone of full red roses, incense, and magic-- magic is the only way to describe it. It just sparks. It's bright and sparkling, and at the same time deep and heavy. The scent stays low to the skin, and has low throw, but it swirls around lightly in wafts of spicy sparks. On the skin it's soft and dusty amber rose, followed by pepper. I just get spice. Which I don't mind at all, in fact I love it. I will admit though, that I don't know what half of those things smell like, so I can't say weather or not I smell them. When I first tried it, I thought it was a very male scent, but it has grown on me-- it could go either way really. It's also not very strong despite it being so spicy. You have to slather it-- it fades VERY quickly, at least on my skin it did. I haven't tried mage yet, but this strikes me much more as a mage scent than a cleric. All in all I really enjoy this scent, very versatile, and I keep coming back to it. It doesn't make me go "Yuummm!" but I keep picking it out over the ones that do. I'll have to get another bottle, perhaps 2. I may try aging one and see how it goes. 5/5
  20. Mechanical Death


    Holy sweet mother of DnD *sobs for joy* I got this for my Fiance, and it smells like pure sex on him. That is all. Like the most incredible thing I have ever smelled. I need to get him 10 more bottles it is that good. Leather mixes with the other oils making this deep dark woodsy incense smell. Sexy sexy rogue indeed.
  21. Mechanical Death


    I had high hopes for this scent. The scent profile sounded beautiful, and in the bottle it's quite pretty and complex. Wet on the skin it's light and metaly, slightly vanilla, light leather and musk, but it's so watery. With this scent mixture you would think it would be a heavy scent... Yet as soon as it starts to dry it disappears within seconds. Sigh. I'll just have to look for another BPAl alternative with leather and yumminess that doesn't smell like a guy's scent.
  22. Mechanical Death

    Belle Époque

    oh yum! After washing off my disasterous test with white rabbit I decided to try this one out of my latest stash. one word: DIVINE! This is what the nectar of the gods must smell like. Super gorgeous, perfect flowery, mildly citrus, lovely lovely opium. It's mildly sexy, very girly and pretty. A perfect spring and summer scent. I was hoping it would have just a little bit more body, which only means I'll have to slather it on. Guess I'll have to get a back up bottle.
  23. Mechanical Death

    White Rabbit

    Sigh... I had such high hopes for this one. I want to find a nice black tea scent, and unfortunately this is not it. Shame, since there hasn't been any other scent in the Alice collection that I have tried thus far and disliked. I jumped and got a bottle after reading the reviews and scent notes, I thought it was exactly what I was looking for. In the bottle it smelled wonderful. Crisp and aromatic... however as soon as it touched my skin.... AUGH! It turned into soured milk, soap and anise. Yick! I don't even know where those notes are coming from. Where's the ginger? where's the tea? I tried to wait it out and let it dry down but it only seemed to get worse as it dried. I scrubbed it off before it settled out. The initial out right STANK was too much to even consider keeping if it somehow ended up settling into something nice. So far this has been my most horrific BPAL experience. sigh Off to swaps with this one.
  24. Mechanical Death


    I had seen this and passed it up thinking it would be an odd scent. To my surprise when I opened my package of goodies, there was Rapunzel staring back at me! Th imp smells yummy Very fresh and green, very much a spring scent. It blends beautifully on my skin-- this is the kind of green floral that doesn't turn into awful sour herbal ich, and instead becomes a beautiful light bouquet. Not sure if I would get a bottle, but I'll enjoy the imp for now.
  25. Mechanical Death

    Black Lotus

    In imp, bright red-- like fake blood red. Beautiful color. In the vial in smells like candied flowers and cherries, like the coating on candied apples, I don't get much amber, maybe a tinge of sandalwood. It's very bright and sugary. If I had read the description before hand, I would have been thoroughly confused. I would expect a heady scent, but this is super yummy and full of foreign flavored candy. I say foreign because I have never had a candy that tastes like this smells, but it has that juicy mouth watering sugary smell that say a jolly rancher has. Wet on skin-- cherries and licorice root? Twizzlers? what? Still that something else is there-- Perhaps that is the lotus, I don't actually know what they smell or taste like. As it dries I can smell more sandalwood and myrrh as in the description. ooh, yum! The whole scent softens up a bit, probably from the amber, which I don't outright smell. It's not very amber heavy but it's there calming the super sugary top note (which is beautiful! <3). I loved it in the imp, but I love it even more on me Looks like I'll have to get my hands on some of this!