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BPAL Madness!

Mechanical Death

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Everything posted by Mechanical Death

  1. Mechanical Death

    Rum-Soaked French Tonka

    Omg. It smells like butterscotch in the bottle! *drool* It turns more rummy on the skin, but not overpoweringly so. It's Light with a hint of smooth rum and sweet buttery vanilic character. Beautiful on the dry down with crystalline throw. It wafts about you with strength though the scent is not super strong. It's less goody on the dry down as well. Just light and definitely sexy. Glad I jumped on this! Divine!
  2. Mechanical Death

    Womb Furie

    Super yum. This is what snake oil smells like on me wet. Snake oil by it's self gets a little plasticky when it dries. On at first it has a very strong spice base of light incenses and oils. As it dries it gets a bit more of the honey smell. On me it smells almost exactly like third charm with a less of a spice/incense blend. about 30 minutes after application I get more honey, but it doesn't have that strong honey out of the jar smell that I was looking for. It's very smooth sweet honey, and has almost a cream smell to it-- probably from the vanilla in the snake oil base. I was really expecting this to be STRONG honey since it has such a variety of them. Regardless it's still sensual, warm, and intoxicating.
  3. Mechanical Death


    I so wanted to love this! Ugh! In the bottle it smelled a little soapy, but I skin tested anyway. Some Blends have a way of blooming gorgeously even when they smell insignificant in the bottle. On my skin, soap. All soap. Not even jasmine soap, just soap. Like that awful pink rest stop soap. Where's the plum? Smoky vanilla? Orange blossom? I had such high hopes for this one. *sob*
  4. Mechanical Death

    Tzadikim Nistarim

    This is divine. Sweet frankincense melded with smooth olive and sweet gingery and slightly resinous galangal. It's had a woody and creamy characteristic, and pale incense backdrop over sweet olive and hyssop. It's really gorgeous and sophisticated smelling. It smells expensive. I'm doomed. I need a bottle of this. This is perfection.
  5. Mechanical Death

    The Tell-Tale Heart

    I don't usually do dragons blood blends. It's usually too sweet and over powering for me, however I thought there were enough neutral and non sweet aromatics in the blend to temper the syrupy resin. In the bottle: coco, dust and dirt, mildly spicy fruit. Oh hello dragons blood Wet on the skin it turned into resinous bright red/purple fruits. Dark, sweet with a wine undertone. All dragons blood and red musk upfront. Red musk is one of my favorite notes--wine like and insency. That mixed with the dragons blood keeps the dragons blood in check from being overly sweet, because the red musk has a balsamic quality. As it dries the coco makes an appearance. Rich unsweetened chocolate, slightly dusty melting into the fruity red resinous musk and dragons blood. There's spice--pepper, distinctly sharp and enhances the chocolates earthiness and richness. This is one blend that I can truly place everything in the blend without reaching. The vetiver plays with the pepper and chocolate, creating a rich earthy spicy harmony to the resin insence and sweet dark red fruit. What surprised me the most was that I was that I actually detected a whiff of allspice, and how wonderfully it worked with the rest. Off all the notes allspice scared me the most, but I also expected it to be lost amongst the rest of the very strong notes in the blend. This blend very much is a pulsating quality. It's rich and evocative. It's very sweet and intoxicating, passionate, then is muted and muddled by earth tones drawing it back under. The spices waft in and out, and all of it blends in a push and pull of harmony and cacophony. It has just enough throw once its dry. Enough that I can smell it in pulsation, and others may catch whiffs within a close distance. On first application, just a tiny drop it smelled like I bathed in the stuff--be warned. Wait 20 minutes before going in public a little bit goes a long way.
  6. Mechanical Death


    Gorgeous! This is exactly the type of fruity floral that I love. It's luscious and almost boozy at first. The bright crisp apples and sandalwood take the top on the skin with a bit of the dreamy perfumy yangylang, creating an apple candy like aroma. Almost apple jolly ranchers. The sandalwood and white musk bloom further creating a slight lemon and vanilla edge with a incense background. The rose is there, but it's very much blended in. It is a very rich and beautiful rose, and not at all soapy, though the blend as a whole has that type of smell. It doesn't smell like soap, but it smells like expensive boutique beautifull scenting for a soap. Super glad I got my hands on this one. A gorgeous apple scent that's all about the apple and accented perfectly. This beats out Lola in my book as my favorite apple.
  7. Mechanical Death


    This was a huge let down for me. I was expecting beautiful roses and leather and got, well, nothing. Kinda a rubbery oil smell. That's it. *sobs*
  8. Mechanical Death

    The Lurid Library

    The incense-tinged scent of forbidden tomes and the musk-laden remnants of infernal servants. 2012 In the bottle I smell a hint of the complexity lurking underneath. All of the fantastic reviews had me really excited to finally try this scent. On my skin I get nothing. Dust maybe. There's this mild something that could be paper but it fades so fast before it even dries I can't even tell
  9. Mechanical Death

    The Phoenix At Dusk

    It's almost fruity floraly in the bottle. On the skin the wisteria jumps out, but it's ver tempered by the tea and champaca which has a distinct spiced sweet tea like scent. It's slightly reminiscent of mimosa blooms in my opinion as well. As it dries, the sage comes out adding a herbal depth and lushness. The moss also presents its self nicely, very soft and rounds out the honey sweetness in the background. It started out as a commercial smelling scent, but it has dried into a beautiful complex feminine scent that is very floral sweet with herbal tones.
  10. Mechanical Death

    Dorian v3

    In the bottle it smells like a mellower creamier version of Dorian. On my skin it definitely smells like Dorian, but it doesn't have the same sexy cologne edge. It has more of a lemony tint, not outright citrus, just kinda candy lemony. There is also a mild pleasant floral edge which makes this a more feminine incarnation. Almost like vanilla blossom. It has a subtle black tea with honey in the dry down, and lots of cream. It's not sexy. Dorian is sexy. V3 is soft and cuddly and a bit sensual. Sorta post sexy rumpus with the delicious gentlemen we all know. Hehe <3
  11. Mechanical Death

    Orange Pumpkin Floss

    The description sounded awesome so I jumped on this before the weenies went dark. I'm a sucker for a good blood orange, and I like grapefruit, but I find it usually fades too quickly or becomes too candy like depending. The pumpkin paired with the neroli sounded like it would be a good back bone for the citrus tang of the grape fruit and rich blood orange. In the bottle it smells very orangy and smooth. However, despite smelling like orange, it doesn't have a citrus kick in the bottle. It's almost buttery from the pumpkin, and perhaps tempered by the creaminess of the neroli a bit but I don't pick up on it outright. It shares a bit of that quality though. On the skin it immediately turns all pumpkin, and boy is it strong. Sweet, brown sugar and butter pumpkin, no spices detected--this is not pumpkin pie. This is tooth achingly sweet. I think for a sexing that hope is lost, but it quickly changes and the glaringly intense buttery sweet pumpkin smell backs off. The blood orange peeks through first, strong, almost fighting with the pumpkin. Then the grapefruit shows up. Ah, lovely. Citrus tang. Now there is harmony! The grapefruit tempers the sweetness and balances everything, creating a yummy tangy pumpkin orange citrus blend. I never really get the scent of Neroli, just a slight creamy quality blending everything. I didn't think the petitgrain would be there at all, but much to my surprise, about 20 minutes into the dry stage I catch a wonderful fresh green quality wafting from my hand, a somewhat crisper and brighter neroli like scent. The two are related, but it's in my opinion a bit more complex and aromatic. it has both floral tones and green leafy aquatic qualities. That addition really pulled it all together and makes it a very wearable pumpkin scent. It's gourmand, but not too foody, and has a very nice complexity about it. It could be worn year round in my opinion. A total win! I'm super glad I didn't pass up this bottle!
  12. Mechanical Death


    A beautiful scent that lingers low to the skin, but still has hints of its existence wafting about you. The color is a true muted pale purple blue. Hazy in the evening dew. The violet is a beautiful sweet and mildly dusty note, reminiscent of violet candies, and accets the perfumy tuberose beautifully. There is an additional tart and vanilla like quality added by the lilac which balances out the other two flowers. It warms up on the skin nicely as it dries. Beautiful. I'm glad I got to try it, though I'm on the fence about a bottle.
  13. Mechanical Death


    Glorious! I was going through my imps trying to find one for my oil burner and stumbled upon this. My fiancé liked it in the imp, saying that it smelled akin to earl grey. It has a similar smell fresh in the imp. On the skin it blooms beautifully into a radiant full bouquet of roses, sweetened by the sweet red musk and distinct smell of vanilla honey amber. It's very sweet and intoxicating, like candied rose petals drifting in cream. While there is no cream note, the amber lends a bit of a creaminess to the Rose, which the varieties used have a creamy edge. This previously wasn't on my radar despite looking for a good rose scent, but I'm definitely snagging a bottle. Edit: it dawned on me that the rose notes are very similar to the rose in 13 hours, which is one of my favorite non red rose notes. Spectacular!
  14. Mechanical Death

    Samhain Atmosphere Spray

    I jumped on this stuff, since I loved the oil. Mmm It's leafy and cool at first, with a touch of sweetness. Not herbal or aquatic, but it has that hint of cool autumn air. As it fills the room it sweetens a bit further. The pumpkin becomes apparent-- it's fleshy pumpkin, not buttery pie pumpkin, just pure fresh pumpkin pulp and a crisp red apples spiced by fall cider spices. The Patchouli is there faintly to ground it all. The spray version is all about the pumpkin, apple and spices, with a hint of the woody fall background, where as the skin version dries down to leaves, fir, patch and a hint of sweetness and spice from the other notes. Both are stunningly beautiful epitomes of fall. I sprayed it all around the house, completely nozzle happy Gonna have to order more with my next order before it goes bye bye.
  15. Mechanical Death


    Rigid oak, blue chamomile, rhubarb, and fig leaf. In the imp it smells very herbal, like chamomile tea and leaves, with a touch of sugarcane sweetness. Must be the rhubarb. Uncooked rhubarb has a similar smell. between that and strawberries. On the skin it turns almost unpleasant at first. I can't quite place what it is I don't like. It's not turning per say-- no plastic, no stank, it just has this funniness about it that I don't like to begin with. as it dries further it blooms nicely. It reminds me a bit of Alice. It's very soft and innocent. The light chamomile, which dries to a soft herbal floral with that hint of honeyed pollen and sweet sugared notes, and a mild powdered earthiness underneath. Very pretty. I don't get the sparkly impression others have likened to it, but it's definitely a soft girlish perfume. Not for me though, but I'm glad I got to try it.
  16. Mechanical Death

    The Ghastly Garden

    2012 version. I got what was remaining of a decanted bottle off of ebay. It smells very similar on the skin as it does in the bottle. I don't get any soapyness as some florals tend to go, and they aren't screaming, but they are definitely sharp. It smells aquatic and very green, but very warm. Warm and damp. It's actually quite beautiful despite the sharp tone. Fresh cut stems and green house flowers, damp air and overgrown weeds. It's very sugary for a flower scent, which is what keeps it from being soapy floral. It's nice from afar, but up close it's really sharp to sniff, and I didn't find that that effect faded after a while. I wouldn't think that someone would find that pleasant up close even if it's a beautiful perfume from a far. I do like it, but I won't be buying a full bottle. I'll be using the rest of my remaining decanted bottle in my oil defuser. It will be a gorgeous room scent, that's for sure. 3/5. Not for skin, great for the room.
  17. Mechanical Death

    Rose Recommendations - which blend is for me?

    The Rose I'm looking for is a blend of coco chocolate, like dark chocolate not Hershey's, blood red Roses that have that beautiful dark bouquet and spicy aroma, a hint of spices, and honey. Maybe some amber leather and vanilla or neroli but those would be extra awesome. I really want the Rose and Chocolate with the accents to be the main note. I have been desperately searching for a blend like this. Anyone know of a bpal blend with these characteristics? I looked at Kali and seraglio but they both have too much else going on between wine notes and other flowers or fruit.
  18. Mechanical Death

    Third Charm

    I also get the snake oil comparison that others have posted. It's much sweeter from the red musk, a little berry or wine like, and I also catch something like chocolate. It's like chocolate, wine, honey snake oil with a tiny bit of insence. Yum
  19. Mechanical Death

    Witch Dance

    Got my order today! Sooo many imps. Thank you Beth!!! In the bottle I catch a whiff of strong incense. It smells like the little magic shop around the corner from my home--spicy, resinous, deep insence swirling in the room of herbs. Mmm. Loving it so far. I then catch the scent of the sweet red musk, another favorite. Not much smoke-- just a hint. I was afraid of a strong burning note which I don't get in the bottle. On the skin it turns into heavy smoky insence, not woody smoke, just smoky quality. The red musk surprisingly doesn't overwhelm the other notes, they're stronger. I smell the dry leaves as well which temper the sweetness of the musk and blend with the insence. It's a magnificent blend. It's like walking through a headshop at the renfaire in the fall.
  20. Mechanical Death

    Trick #1

    Loving this! The description is right on its very sexy but not trying too hard or over powering. Also I'm a sucker for Beth's leather blends. It smells very smooth in the bottle. I recognize the labs leather and honeysuckle and a lot of sweet red musk. I know immediately this is going to be a hit. I love red musk. Surprisingly on the skin, the red musk doesn't amp the way it usually does. It's tempered by all of the smoother notes. The skin musk I detect low to the skin and outright blends with the red musk creating this inbetwen sweet but not sugary, mildly spiced and honeyed musk. It's beautiful. I detect the waxy honeycomb as a separate note entirely that shows up later. In the air I catch a breeze of honeyed flowers-- not sharp at all. They're warm, with a hint of vanilla and almost rooty. I believe I smell the Elizabeth root (which I looked up and found out is the same as orris root. I wonder why it's named differently here?) the root has a violety and earthy smell which is what I am smelling a bit here. The leather and patch sit low, maybe with a tint of finer but I don't get much of it. Just a tiny extra spice now and then when they decide to pop up. They make the whole thing sexy and not soft flowers, because the scent is light despite its sensual nature. It sort of beckons you to come closer with the teasing little whiffs of scent and then seduces you with it's intoxicating poison when you come close to breathe its full scent.
  21. Mechanical Death

    Lilith Victoria

    I'm in love!!! I swore I got grapefruit from this at first, but perhaps it was just the lemony hint from Dorian. The herbal twang of the fennel and lavender mixed with the luscious SO and sexy Dorian creates a alluring and faux innocent sexiness. The type where you are trying to be innocent but you really aren't, and everyone knows it, and that's just part of the charm. Heaven! Top 10-- I need to hunt down more of this or this partial bottle will disappear D:
  22. Mechanical Death

    Treat #2

    In the bottle it smells very smooth and sweet, but not overwhelmingly sugary like you may expect for a candy scent. On the skin it becomes warm, the buttery creamy milk chocolate and coconut creating the forefront, with the tart orange peel and a hint of fig. It smells very tropical at this stage which surprised me at first. Mostly due to the association between coconut and citrus though. As it dries down the creaminess and warm flavors back off, and for a few minutes I thought it had faded. The mint picks up a tad, just barely there with the orange peel, and oh man GINGER. if you like ginger scents, this dries down to a powerful tart ginger blend. A bit reminiscent of Chinese ginger, not like gingerbread at all. However right now I'm outside without a jacked and its chilly. When my skin warms back up ill be curious to see if the blend changes again or if the other notes have been over powered completely. Interesting blend. Not what I had expected, but I do like it. Note to self-- do not slather. Thankfully I don't get cardamom. I love chai, but I find it overwhelming and a bit nauseating on my skin. That note in phantom calliope made me sick.
  23. Mechanical Death

    Sugar Skull

    In the bottle it smells incredibly sugary and boozy. A bit like port wine or a dark wine sangria with lots of fruit and brown sugar. On the skin it smells the same almost. I swear I smell amaretto. It has that same type of warmth. It loses a bit of the boozy aspect when it dries, and settles into just warm cuddly and very very sugary, tempered by the candied fruits. I'm wondering if some of them are chocolate covered because I totally smell the tiniest bit of cocoa. Yum! This is a scent that smells almost identical to what you get in the bottle. On the skin, for me it's just warmer. It lasted all day too and was quite strong. It's a cuddly scent I feel, it wraps around you and comforts you with the scent of snuggly sugary candy goodness and the fruits temper it enough to make it sophisticated. Yum
  24. Mechanical Death

    Ghost House

    At first I wasn't impressed. I didn't get much. Maybe some wet moss and dust-- evocative in imagery, but scent wise rather lack luster. I ignored it thinking it to be a bust and placed it in my swap pile. About an hour later I catch this beautiful scent wafting through the air, like damp misty overgrown flowers and vines. It smells like my childhood fall, climbing on the grape vine terrace that grew in my neighbors backyard. O.O grapey and flowery with this gorgeous bouquet that is sangria like and sexy. The woods are there too, as is the moss and vines-- very green. A slightly herbal twang that enfolds the scent together and keeps it complex and addictive.
  25. Mechanical Death


    This is outstanding!!!! It's deceptively light and herbal in the vial, but on the skin it blooms into an incredibly complex scent, the creamy vanilla tonka as the base. I catch hints of the herbal sage that balance out the sweetpea, and something else warm and delicious underneath. Almost buttery and cotton like, a tiny bit musky and heady, It's gorgeous. I hadn't expected it to be so profound and complex. I need 10000 bottles of this. I will wear this constantly. 5/5!!