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BPAL Madness!

The Poison Queen

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Everything posted by The Poison Queen

  1. The Poison Queen

    What BPAL would this fictional character wear?

    The Lilith-series (the Tremulous Song) that contained Love was taken down in June I believe. I have a bottle of Love, and it's the best rose-scent I've ever smelled! It's not marshmallow-y on me, just sweet and creamy roses. I love... Love.. >___> it's an amazing scent!
  2. The Poison Queen

    Mother, Mother Ocean

    Windward Passage is my #1 love as far as Ocean scents go, but The Seafoam's Blood, the Seafoam's Milk, The Deep Ones, R'lyeh and Dragon's Tears are all wonderful too. Sunrise with Seamonsters was excellent but no longer available. All of them are salty, oceany scents, not so much with sunscreen but with water and kelp and the water and wind of the shore. I hope this helps! Ocean scents are some of my favourites!
  3. The Poison Queen

    powerful, dangerous scents for a young lady

    The Witch Queen and War, both from the Gaiman line, I find to be particularly dangerous smelling and lovely in the same note. Unimpable, sadly, but worth a mention. The Gaiman scents are amongst my favourites in the GC.
  4. The Poison Queen

    Golgothan Myrrh

    Oh how I wanted to love this. Myrrh is one of my favourite scents, I have a jar of the resin that I use constantly in my incense blends and a bottle of pure essential oil that I treasured for years- but this is all baby powder. In the bottle, out of the bottle in a scent locket, on my skin, on my boy's skin (it's bitter rather than sweet babypowder for him). It doesn't smell at all like myrrh, there's no deep resin, no richness, it's just a light, sweet babypowder. D: D: D: On top of that, this is the first BPAL to make me break out in hives. D: Guess that's two bottles for the swap pile.
  5. The Poison Queen

    Katrina van Tassel

    Katrina was in good company with Miss Westenra and Miss Murray when she arrived at my residence. I am SO pleased to finally have a bottle of her! In the Bottle: All honey and cream. Wet: Actually quite terrible! The honey and cream and rose are cloying and fighting against one another. But I've tested her before and I know better! Drydown: Sweet, creamy rose. It is absolutely worth that horrid wet stage on me to get to this, I love her! Now I have something to wear to my boy's Ichabod!
  6. The Poison Queen

    Wilhelmina Murray

    Tea rose, white sandalwood and a flurry of pale, virginal blossoms, smeared with a smoky, blood-soiled blend of myrrh, hyacinth, Daemonorops resin, dark musk and blackcurrant. With my partial of Lucy I got a partial of Mina. In the Bottle: Uh oh. Musk and smoke. D: Unsure what this will be like. Wet: Musky floral. Uh oh. I am unsure how this is going to turn out. No smoke to this. It's a very wet oil on me, Lucy dried out very fast. Also there's just a smidge of burning from it on my skin. Oh dear. Dry: This is really rather nice now, actually. Soft and demure now, after you get through all the musk and smoke of it. Very little throw. No more burning thankfully. I think she needs a bit of time to rest and I will re-test, but over all she's not bad. I liked Lucy MUCH more though, which is a bit sad because Mina is my favourite character!
  7. The Poison Queen

    Lucy Westenra

    A wanton beauty, corrupt, hypnotic, seductive, and feral: magnolia, iris, Moroccan rose, frankincense, crushed jasmine blossom, blood orange, tobacco flower and white musk. This is AMAZING! No, I'm not the lucky ebay winner of this, just in case you wanted to know! I swapped for a partial bottle, however, and I'm so happy! In the bottle: Smells a little spicy and nondescript. I was worried! Wet: Spicy and dark and rich! I've never really had a musk work on me, but this is lovely. VERY fast drydown. Drydown: A beautiful spicy floral! After a bit it takes on a bit of citrus to it, very nice! This is just LOVELY. I am so impressed! I will want a full bottle of this, for sure!
  8. The Poison Queen

    Snow, Glass, Apples

    Finally, a bottle I've been chasing for ages! I adore this story, and I've wanted to get my hands on the oil for years now, it's just always been out of my price range, but I have FINALLY lucked into it! In the bottle: Crisp apples with a dark undertone. Wet on Skin: Sharp crisp apples and a bit of sweetness. Pretty strong on my skin. No blood or sex here, but nice! Drydown: Apples in snow with a soft bit of white floral something to it. It dries further into a very soft, sweet snow which then fades into a sweet, soft apple. Overall I think this is lovely, I am so pleased to have the book too, and I love that the bottle is cobalt! Dear skin chemistry, thank you for not ruining this like you ruined Lady Una.
  9. The Poison Queen

    Miss Ida

    In the bottle: Floral with a bit of lemon lemon verbena. Wet: Ack! Horrible fake gardenia! It didn't smell fakey at all in the bottle, but my skin turns it super sweet and chemical. Noooo. There's no jasmine or verbena here at all to my nose. Drydown: Still more chemical gardenia and a bit of the french vanilla, which also has a bad chemical tone to it. I wanted this to work so badly but my skin just ruins it. Bad skin! Status: Swap Pile.
  10. The Poison Queen

    Johnathan Harker

    The boy didn't like this! So I snagged it and gave it a go! In the bottle- Bright citrus with a sharpness to it, almost like Neroli. Wet on skin- Definitely orange blossom on me, sharp citrus with a bit of green to it, with the undertone of strong lavender. Dry- Earl Grey tea! It must be the verbena combined with the white tea, but it's lovely, and is VERY much what I expected Severin to smell like! And a hint of candy to it, a lovely sweetness that has a very big throw on me, and almost none on my fella! I peeled his red "I claim thee" sticker off the top and am sticking my pink one on! This is a keeper for me!
  11. The Poison Queen

    Voodoo Queen

    I have FINALLY gotten my paws on a partial bottle of this and I want MORE! I'd never seen the bottle before and I have to say I was delighted to see Maman Brigitte's veve on it, a lovely touch, someone earlier mentioned Erzulie but it's actually Maman's. In the bottle: Spice and a little bit of sharpness- I think this is what some people pick up on as pickle. A get a splash of vetiver here too. Wet: Spicy and sharp vetiver that quickly morphs into powdery spices. The powder fades quickly leaving a bit more of vetiver behind. Mild throw but just lovely. Dry: All spice and vanilla on me, still a decent throw, just very lovely! A bit of a scent like F&F botanica here, for you folks who have been to the city, and a bit of Sallie Ann's old shop. Very very evocative of NOLA and many of the familiar smells there. I've always found BPAL's NOLA based oils to be particularly accurate scent-wise. It has a good wear on it, it lingered with me softly for most of the day, a soft vanilla spice with a bit of floral to it later. I just love it, it's beautiful and nostalgic. I feel so blessed to have a partial bottle!
  12. The Poison Queen

    The Tears of Lilith

    I very much wanted to love this, I was ready to get a second bottle! Sadly this is all fake grape candy to my nose and even worse on my skin! No rose, no aconite, no honey, nothing. Just grapey no-no. I don't like fake grape candy at all sadly so there is really no saving point for this for me. So sad!! This one is in the sale pile. D:
  13. The Poison Queen

    Miss Jenny

    In the Bottle: Sweet wood, I wasn't really sure about this, it smells nice but I was cautious. Wet: Spicy peach carnation! A good throw and just lovely all around. I think I have a new favourite scent. There's a smattering of freesia here and the faintest of amber, but nothing really woodsy and nothing I can smell in regards to the peony. It's very sweet and just wonderful! Dry: Spicy amber peach with a little bit of woods. I really love this all around, I thought it would be too sweet, and it's VERY sweet on me, but I like it!
  14. The Poison Queen

    Halloween: New Orleans

    In the bottle: Gorgeous sweet, heady Osmanthus- that's the sweet olive. Absolutely perfect, I second the smell of this being perfect. Many times in fall you can walk down by the river in the Quarter and find the Osmanthus in bloom, and this captures it perfectly! On my skin: Exactly as in the bottle. Sweet olive and a touch of something aquatic. Maybe a bit of Spanish moss. It's just a little bit cold, and I love it. I love this scent! It really is a perfect capture of NOLA in Autumn!
  15. The Poison Queen

    Vieux Carre

    In the bottle: An absolutely lush jasmine. There's one perfumery in particularly in NOLA that this reminds me of- Bourbon French. More than once I've walked in there and the smell of jasmine and other light florals has pervaded the air. Many of the fancy boutiques have that jasmine smell to them too! Smelling this was just like being back in the Quarter INSIDE the stores. On my skin: Very heady jasmine, very pleasant! A hint of magnolia and something else aquatic, like a distant bayou. Dry down: Much more magnolia, the jasmine distant, like being in a courtyard tucked away from the streets. So pleasant! I wish it was released! A bit later still: Roses! sweet tea rose and jasmine! Wow! What a morpher! Beautiful!
  16. The Poison Queen

    Halloween: Los Angeles

    In the bottle: Green, almost a eucalyptus scent. Very sterile and almost cold. On my skin: Holy WOW the smoke! What a BEAUTIFUL scent, definitely smoke and sage. 15 minutes later: Still smoke, but more incense to it now. I am SO happy I got a bottle of this!
  17. The Poison Queen

    Help to find best scents for the Wicked Queen

    http://www.blackphoenixalchemylab.com/stardust.html Witch Queen is still very available! Dear lord that almost gave me a heart attack. One of my fave scents!
  18. The Poison Queen

    Help to find best scents for the Wicked Queen

    Witch Queen is my all time fave for this, it's from the Stardust line. Poisoned apple is also lovely, fantastic layered with Thorns in particular!
  19. The Poison Queen

    Lady Una

    In the bottle: bitter honey, sweet fruits, and an undertone of.. coffee? Mocha? It's not what I expected, not fae-ish or anything to my nose, and not the spicy or vanilla I wanted. The tea is just not there for my nose either. On Skin: Moldy baby powder. I am SO sad. Dry down: Old coffee grounds and Moldy baby powder. AUUUUUGH.
  20. The Poison Queen

    Wine, Beer, Rum, Bourbon... the booze scents

    Fairy Wine is the STRONGEST wine I've ever smelled! It's crazy how much just like wine it smells! I've never worn it but I sniffed it at one of the lunacy events!
  21. The Poison Queen

    The Glittering Apple Of The Stars

    You've been forewarned about my crazy skin.... On my skin? Pineapple. Sugary yummy pineapple. All the way. It's all I can smell! Wrong kind of apple, skin! The drydown is lovely though, and I start to get those musks. By the end of the wear it's a sweet, dry musk. Just lovely!
  22. The Poison Queen

    The Silver Apple Of The Moon

    I just got my bottle yesterday, but I cannot stop wearing it. It smells AMAZING on me! It smells like candy. Pure candy. Like Main Street Disneyland, and unicorn pops. Amazing sugary sweet with a hint of candied apple and some very soft florals in the background, like moonflower certainly. It remains consistent in the drydown, just a little more floral. I LOVE it! EDIT: A year later and this smells just as lovely and just as sweet. I wish they would bring this line back!
  23. The Poison Queen

    Allergy Questions, Allergies and other reactions to oils

    Thanks for responding! I am not really allergic to much of anything, though I am sensitive to nickel. I applied it to dry skin, and it was interesting because my skin became all red and angry in the exact pattern of the oil lol. I noticed on a different thread that there was another person who hasn't heard from the Lab in excess of a month. Hopefully they can get back to people in a more reasonable time frame soon. Chances are they just missed it, you can email the trading post and maybe get a quicker response, Puddin' is always quicksilver fast with replying. I am so sorry you were allergic!