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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Dedee

  1. A charming, mischievous, and inexplicably sinister blend of balsam of Peru, honey, skin musk, and black pepper.

    This one really interested me. I had never tried balsam of Peru, so wanted to step out and be daring! Here goes my first 'first review'!

    wet: Wow! It is a fresh scent. I think all I am smelling is the balsam, not getting any of the honey or skin musk but it smells wonderful. It reminds me of walking through Hoh Rain Forest in my old home state of Washington after a fresh rain. Green and cool and strangely comforting. Making me quite homesick actually!

    on skin: still all balsam, but maybe now the honey is coming through, for it smells just a bit sweeter now. I'm still not picking up the pepper or skin musk.

    drydown: the throw and last is amazing on this! I put it on last night and can still smell it this morning.

    verdict: Though I don't know if I would have bought it for myself if I had smelled it at a Will Call I think I am falling in love with this one. It is VERY different from my stash of BPAL loves, but it reminds me so much of home I don't think I can live without it!

    WINNER! :wub2:

  2. Sugar Cookie: Yule 2012


    I love foody scents so jumped on this one when they announced it this year!


    wet: it smells exactly like yummy raw cookie dough! YAY! :joy:


    on skin: yep, lovely cookie dough. I want to nibble on my wrist!


    dry down: well, damn, my skin found the cinammon in this one too :eek: and after an hour that is all I smell now. Shoot, I was so looking forward to this one!

  3. My first 2012 Yule to try: Of course after reading all the previous year reviews I couldn't wait and ripped the box open!


    wet: a dark chocolate covereed cigarette


    on skin: literally a sweet cigarette that has been drowned in chocolate. It's beautiful but my skin starts to amp up the musk in it and tries to turn it to powder.


    dry down: I do smell anise too, like licorice is trying to claw its way to the front!


    Verdict: it is lovely and dark, but I think I need to let the bottle settle for a few days. After that maybe the baby powder part of dry down will fade away

  4. I have been searching for the perfect pumpkin scent but they had all done wacky things on my skin. This one sounded like the perfect mix for me because I ADORE all the BPAL vanilla scents, so here goes....


    Out of the bottle-oh it smells delicious!! Vanilla pumpkiny goodness!!


    Wet on my skin- WTF? What is that?? That's not what it smells like in the bottle at all. My skin is morphing it into a heavy spice scent. No pumpkin, no vanilla!


    Drydown- unfortunately my skin amped up whatever spice was put in and I just smelled like a cheap autumn candle. I tried it again a second time the next day and had to get it off within ten minutes. Sigh... looks like I need to stay away from the 'pumpkin' all together.

  5. When I first read the description of this scent I didn't think I would be interested at all. I did not even include it in my Weenie order. But I was lucky enough to test this a week ago and fell in love immediately, all other Weenies were pushed aside!

    I agree with those above who mention Snake Oil. That's the first thing I thought of when I took a whiff from the bottle, but it dries down even lovelier and sweeter on my skin, like a softer Womb Furie... it's a new favorite!! I already have a back up bottle :yum:

  6. At first whiff I smell a deep dark incense, no vanilla at all. Uh oh, I'm a little scared since so far controlling incense notes have not liked my skin!!!

    After few moments the chili made an appearance, somehow calming the incense throw, oh, and here comes the vanilla in the background, slowly morphing into a spicy unique vanilla!! YAY! Please stay that way!!!

    This may turn out to be ok on me. I'll let time settle it and edit with an update :D
