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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Dedee

  1. Another "You smell nice!! What perfume is that?" today. God, I adore Boomslang V2!!

  2. Yet another person asking "What is that perfume you are wearing??" and it was Boomslang V2...I just need to get a whole box of it!!!

  3. 2 more compliments yesterday on Boomslang V2. I think I have finally found my 'signature' scent... and of course it's no longer available now!!!

  4. I was at work today when a customer I was helping said, "Something smells wonderfu!" I thought he was talking about an employee heating up lunch and he replied, "No, it smells like vanilla insense and chocolate" Damn, I love Boomslang V2!!

  5. Hello Numanoid!

    Thank you so much for all the help! I will try to learn as much as I can there, and stumble my way through the forum too :)
