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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Selah

  1. Got this as a frimp when my imps for Malestrom came and it was my wishlist so I was eager to try it. I now kinda wished I didn't. ;_;


    In the Bottle: It smells like green or at least what I think the color green should smell like.


    On my Skin: Take a minute to smell, I don't think I like this smell. I run down stairs and get two other people to smell my arm too, to confirm that it just isn't me. I smell like Vick's vapor rub. *cries*

  2. I read the description and really hoped Black Rose would like me. Rose notes usually smell lovely on me while, amber notes go kinda funky on me.^^;;


    So took the risk and got an imp of it....


    In the bottle: Very strong rose, almost spicy. I think that's the amber.


    Wet on skin: Very strong and the only thing I can smell is amber, it's not a bad smell per say but it's different.


    Couple minutes later: Let me take it back, the amber is now making me smell like plastic for some reason. I'm not sure if it's suppose to make me smell like that or what. Either way it's going to the sell pile. *sigh*
