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Everything posted by Scorianelle

  1. Scorianelle


    Well, I had high hopes for this... sigh. First Sniff: Soft, faint detergent and something silky (the shea?). Second Sniff: Soap with a little pine (I'm thinking that's actually the spruce). Wet: French milled soap. Creamy, a little sharp, with faint soapy herbs. Dry (30 mins): Still smells like a mild cleaning agent. Dry (1.5 hours): Drier, not creamy. A little spicy but mostly the same. Dry (3 hours): Very faint. A soft soapy floral. Throw: none. Colour: Pastel Green. The word to describe this for me would be 'underwhelming'. I was so looking forward to an herbal, woody scent. I should really learn to stop getting my hopes up. I'm going to try giving this to my brother - maybe it will work better on a boy. He'd certainly love the description.
  2. Scorianelle


    Well, for once my experience was similar to those of the other reviewers, which I guess is unfortunate. I had no idea what holy Kyphi incense smelled like and I can't say I feel particularly enlightened now that I do. First Sniff: Sweet honey and dewy melon. Very syrupy. Second Sniff: Still some sort of super sweet green fruit. Wet: Banana, gold syrup and fumes. The fumes resolve into a citrus/lemon type smell. Dry (30 mins): Heady, sweet, gold syrup. A little sandy in the background. Dry (1.5 hours): Still very sweet, but luckily not overpowering. Starting to powder. Dry (3 hours): Soft and powdery. Smells a little bit like mosquito repellent. Throw: none (thank goodness). Colour association: sunny orange/amber. Welp, I didn't enjoy this one, but I've certainly experienced worse. If you like tropical smells then this could be your thing.
  3. Scorianelle


    This is my favourite scent to date. It is the sort of perfume I've been hoping for - not sweet but rich, powerful, complex and subtle. When I tried it I had no idea what to expect, partly because I'm still new to all this and don't know what half the ingredients are supposed to smell like, but mostly because I didn't check the description before I tried it so I had no idea what would be in it. First Sniff: Cinnamon and bark. Second Sniff: It is definitely a strong cinnamon, but the background has a dry sweetness. It's almost malty. Wait, now it smells like... carrot? It's sweet in the way that carrots are sweet but not cloying. Wet: A sprinkling of cinnamon sugar over something woody. The wood brings the scent together and holds up the cinnamon, stopping it from being overpowering. This is lovely and warm. Dry (30 mins): The cinnamon has softened and is not as sharp as it was wet. This remains malty, woody, sweet and dry. I love it. Dry (1.5 hours): Beautifully warm sweetened spices. Dry (3 hours): This is still going strong. It's softened again but (hallelujah!) hasn't gone powdery. It's mulled spices without the astringent wine, or like warm milk with cinnamon and honey. Throw: mild to none. (Sin lasted over 5 hours on me which more than makes up for lack of throw) Colour: deep red and chocolate brown. I think... having tried over twenty different imps, I think I'm finally ready to pick a bottle. This isn't exactly what I pictured when I set out, but It's so lovely that I just can't stop sniffing myself. And I've learnt something about which notes I like, at least. To summarise in one word, 'Yum'.
  4. Scorianelle

    Thy Godfather's Present

    Well, as usual I tried this after having forgotten what was supposed to be in it. So here are my impressions as just your average, amateur rube. First Sniff: Soft, clean floral. A bit apple-y. Second Sniff: A clean, high, windy scent. Floral and... lime? Wet: The very strong, distinctive smell of the Nivea moisturiser that my mum uses. It's a soapy smell without the soap. Dry (30 mins): It's... meh. An uninspiring, generic floral. Dry (1.5 hours): Same mild, demure floral. Dry (3 hours): It's already almost gone, but it has changed slightly. It's now more of a 'classic' than 'generic' smell, but still so faint. Throw: none. Colour association: Really, really light pastel green. So, safe to say this is not for me. To the swaps.
  5. Scorianelle

    Cheshire Cat

    As usual I tried this without checking the notes, so these are my impressions of the scent when I had no idea what to expect or what was in it. First Sniff: Currant, christmas pudding and leaves. Second Sniff: Currant. A cold floral. Something astringent. Wet: A very strong citrus. Orange maybe? There is still that cold floral at the back. Dry (30 mins): Orange tang, floral soap and some sort of red sweetness. It's got a mild throw and is actually much nicer from father away. Dry (1.5 hours): Oh... I'm beggining to think all florals hate me. This reminds me of my experience with Aizen-Myoo, though not as bad as that. Basically it morphed to a chemical-floral perfume. Dry (3 hours): Well... it's different again. This smells bright and spicy. It's almost exactly like White Rabbit's wet phase now. Ginger and pepper with clean linen. At least it's nicer. There is still a little something sweet. Throw: medium to mild. Colour association: Bright orange. Well... I don't really know what to say. This sent changed so much. At times I liked it, at others not. I think I'll have to try it again, but I have a feeling that whilst this may be an interesting scent it is still one that will end up in the swaps pile.
  6. Scorianelle


    This scent had the oddest effect on me. As usual I tested it blind but I found it much more difficult for me to pick out the individual notes (though I did try). What I got from this was a lot of different images rather than smells. First Sniff: Scented bathwater? And... a martini? Someone in the bath drinking a martini. Why is this in my head? I've never even had a martini in my life! Second Sniff: Okay, this is better. Honey, sunny flowers and a fruit. It's nice. Wet: Purple. Violets and blueberries are in my head. If I had to describe the actual smell (which I do) I'd say a woody floral. Dry (30 mins): I get an image of someone sipping a sweet red wine. I don't know why - it doesn't smell like red wine, but something in it must be reminiscent of it... Dry (1.5 hours): This isn't a loud scent on me, however it is strong and the best description I can come up with is 'womanly'. This is definitely a woman's perfume. It's not too sweet, not too floral, not too soft, not too cloying. It's just really nice and warm. Dry (3 hours): It's faded a lot by now as most perfumes do on me (my skin just eats them up). It's become a soft, powdery honey smell. It's still warm and very nice. Throw: mild to none. Colour association: Gold? Purple? I'm not actually sure with this one. Anyway, now that I'm writing the review and checking the notes, I can't say that I'm surprised. The honey was present the entire time, but not overpowering. I think the warmth was the clove, the fig made it juicy and the patchouli grounded it all. The Ylang Ylang gave it that feminine touch. Until this I was about to give up on anything with a floral aspect because it seemed florals just do not work on me, but I guess I can give them another chance or two. Now I finally have my night time, going out scent!
  7. Scorianelle

    Dance of Death

    As per usual I had no idea what was in this when I tried it, but I wrote down all my perceptions as they happened. The word to describe this scent is 'Parched'. First Sniff: Powdery, coke flavoured lollies. Second Sniff: Light liquorice and almond scent. I know what the powdery aspect is; it's myrrh. Wet: So dusty, there seems to be a dusky rose, but it's a little bitter. I had to apply more in order to properly record this stage - it dries so fast! Dry (30 mins): Dust. Dry and dusty, with myrrh holding it up adding a little warmth and a hint of rose to sweeten. All together kind of malty. This is the driest scent I've tried. It feels like it's sucking the moisture out of the air when I smell it. Dry (1.5 hours): The same. The dusty feeling in this makes me think I should need to sneeze when I smell it, but I don't. This isn't a dusty books smell, though. It's more of a closed room/dust motes in sunshine smell. Dry (3 hours): It has all returned to my skin to become a mild vanilla. Throw: Mild. Colour association: Off-white. I can't say if I like this or not. As a way I want myself to smell, it is nothing like what I would imagine, but as a scent that evokes images and feelings (which is a big part of what I want from a perfume) then it's great. I'll definitely keep the imp to use up.
  8. Scorianelle

    Sea of Glass

    This was a bust, but while most scents for me die with a whimper, this one went with a bang. First Sniff: Perfume. Soap. These are things I don't want it to smell like, but there is a little fruit as well. Peach? Second Sniff: No, it's... orange? This remains predominantly a soapy floral. Wet: Very strong flowers with a hint of mint and orange. Dry (30 mins): This smells so familiar to me. Lemon? Sugar? It is still much too perfumey, in an over-the-top, hurts my nose kind of way. Dry (1.5 hours): A slight whiff of herbs. Still strong lemony soap. Dry (3 hours): Soap. White flowers everywhere. Throw: mild to medium. Colour association: Sea green. Reading over my description, it doesn't sound so bad, but it was. It was the 'perfume' aspect. It was very overpowering, cloying and just fake. I'm glad this works for so many others, but it's not for me. I'll try and pawn this off to my sister.
  9. Scorianelle

    The Lights of Men's Lives

    Well, all I knew was that this was supposed to smell like candles. It did a pretty good job of it! First sniff: Burnt caramel or toffee. It's sweeter than I expected. Second Sniff: A soft honey, some mallow and a mystery note. Took me ages to get and I was quite shocked when it clicked and I realised it was creme fraiche! It's odd, but it works! Wet: Wax! It's absolutely true. Plus a little spice and caramel. Dry (30 mins): Marshmallow and wax. Somehow this makes warm beeswax candles and flickering flames. Dry (1.5 hours): It's lighter, albeit subtly. It's like the candle has become brighter. Dry (3 hours): Brighter still, and sweeter. The honey is more noticeable. Funny, I would've expected the candle to be dying out by now. Throw: none, but it lasts for ages. Colour association: Honey yellow or soft candle glow. This was a very lovely sent. Not something I'd pick everyday, but definitely a go for quiet, rainy days inside and trips to the library. I haven't decided if I'll get a bottle yet. I'll have to give myself some more time to fall in love with it.
  10. Scorianelle


    This isn't really something I would've picked for myself based on the notes, but it's so popular and since it does have tea in it I thought I'd give it a try. I should've stuck with my gut on this one. To date, Aizen-Myoo is the most unpleasant BPAL experience I've had. At least I should be able to pass it on to someone who'll love it relatively easily. First Sniff: Soapy Strawberry. Second Sniff: Bubble bath. Strawberry bubble bath. Chemical and fake. Wet: Heady fumes. It smells like tar and citrus combined. It's awful. Dry (30 mins): So soapy, a super-super-sweet floral with a chemical-strawberry vibe. This is so strong. I'm trying to keep my wrist away from me. Dry (1.5 hours): Soapy, pink, perfumey. I've been trying to cover it up with my sleeve. I don't wash it off so I can finish the review. Dry (3 hours): It's finally started to die a little bit. It's greener, softer and not as offensive but still not enjoyable. I'm getting an orange flower vibe. Throw: Medium to strong. Colour association: Paaaank! As pink as you can get. I have no idea what it was that caused this reaction on me, maybe the cherry blossom and mikan? They sound pink. I'll be avoiding almost all those notes in future.
  11. Scorianelle


    I didn't get this for myself, I picked it out for my sister. I normally avoid rose scents like the plague, finding them way too sweet and overpowering. I'm not a rose fan, but this was delicious. I Can't say what possessed me to make me try it, but I'm glad I did. A lot of other reviewers had a 'juicy', experience with this, I'm assuming from the pomegranate. Well, as I got absolutely no pomegranate from it juicy is the last word I'd use. Word of the day for Persephone is 'Dusky'. First Sniff: Grape. Grape lollies, grape cordial, grape gum. Second Sniff: Still grape, but there's a citrus-y orange tang behind it. Wet: OHMYGOD this is turkish delight. This is absolutely turkish delight. Indisputably a rose scent, but soft and not sweet. Dry (30 mins): Lovely, soft, dusky rose. Turkish delight still, with a little bit of bite somewhere. Dry (1.5 hours): Brighter, less rosy. Dry (3 hours): still that dusky rose, with something sharp like a stem or greenery. Throw: Very mild. Colour association: Baby Pink.
  12. Scorianelle


    Once I order these, I never remember what's in them. So I've decided to make trying them 'blind' a thing, because I figure that's how anyone else who smells it would approach it. I'm not very good at picking apart scents, so I just wrote down my impression as they were. I did remember that I was especially looking forward to Czernobog and this is the first scent that's paid off! First Sniff: light menthol and a sticky red fruit. I love it, but as things normally change drastically on me, I'll withhold my excitement. Second Sniff: It seems softer now, I think the 'menthol' is pine. I also think there's some musk. Wet: juicy, sticky, red fruit at the top, but there's a biting, woody smell behind it. It's like a combo of cedar and pepper. It's too late, I'm getting excited. Dry (30 mins): there's still that round, fruit glazing, but suddenly there's also a deep and murky undertone. This is the darkest scent I've tried, which is great because 'dark and deep' is what I want! I get an image in my mind of some red fruit, sitting in a wooden bowl on a table in some vast and dark mediaeval hall. The grey stones make the air inside freezing, adding a nice bite to the smell of the fruits. Dry (1 hour): Uh oh. It's already going powdery. No,no! Please don't go away delicious smell! Dry (2 hours): Dry, dusty powder. It's a nice powder, but pretty boring. I think it's Myrrh, as this happened in the last myrrh scent I tried. Such a pity! This was so close to perfect. Throw: none. Colour association: Red, Black and Green. I got my dad to sniff my wrist in the latter stages, and this was his opinion: Pop: "That's a woman's scent." He liked it, but then he likes musky-type perfumes because that's what my mother wore. This is the first scent I seriously considered purchasing a bottle for, even though it's not exactly what I'm looking for, just because it was so delicious. Because it powders so quick I think I'll hold off though, but I'll definitely use the whole imp. Edit: Changed the colour association after multiple wearings when I realised I was thinking of it differently.
  13. Scorianelle


    So, seeing as I always forget the notes by the time the perfumes arrive, I've decided to start reviewing blind. I'm terrible at telling notes apart and so I'm pretty much coming into this as your average rube - just like the people who'll be smelling you the whole day long! First Sniff: Wow, that's odd. This has a tang that tingles my nose. It smells like a sour melon candy. A 'Warhead' to be precise. Second Sniff: There's definitely a 'golden' feeling from this vial. There's a soft, sweet fruit here too. Nectarine? And I'm beggining to think the sour note is more of an apple than a melon. A Granny Smith apple. Wet: It's changed a bit, become smokier and nuttier, still with the sweet/sour granny smith behind it. Dry (30 mins): Mellowed out. It's a lot softer now, the tartness is gone. This is a honeyed floral - almost angelic. Dry (3 Hours): It's faded heaps, but is still essentially that soft golden floral that it started as. Throw: none. Colour association: Honey gold and Frost. And now that I've checked the notes, well I guess all that fruit was just the peach? It's funny, because I wouldn't have picked any of the other notes as being in this, especially the musk and patchouli. I thought I knew what they smelled like. Ah, well. I'm still learning, I guess. Maybe the floral I noticed was the amber? As per usual, I sought my father's opinion. This was his eloquent evaluation: Pop: "Meh." So, while this isn't terrible, it's also not great. I guess it's a good thing I got this for my sister and not myself. Hopefully she'll like it better.
  14. Scorianelle


    What is wrong with me? Everyone can find so many wonderful, or at least interesting, scents in their perfumes. I got squat. I guess I'm just no good at picking apart the notes. Anyway, I recorded my impressions when I tried the perfume and at the time I hadn't any idea of what the description entailed, so you can take this as the approach of someone who has no idea as to what to expect from it - your average rube. First Sniff: Jasmine. It's quite a distinct Jasmine note, not as strong as Peitho, however. Second Sniff: What? Where did the Jasmine/Peitho go? Now all I have is the powdery smell of Thanatopsis (I'm drawing a lot of parallels today). Wet: Jasmine is back! Jasmine and musk together now. It's very strong. Dry: It... it just smells like baby powder. Really, really strong baby powder. Incense spray baby powder. Dry (2 hours): Baby Powder Baby Powder Baby Powder Baby Powder once I thought I caught a hint of Rose but NOPE! Baby Powder Baby Powder Baby Powder Baby Powder Baby Powder。 Dry (4 hours): Oh god, get it off! This is so sweet and it just lasts forever. Wouldn't you know that the scent with the best throw and grip is one of the ones I like the least. Colour association: Baby Blue and White. Throw: Medium to mild. So It was about this time I checked the notes. I was very surprised because I was completely ready to attribute the horrible baby-powder smell to some sort of musk as it was reminiscent of what happened with Thanatopsis (only much, much worse). I'm thinking it must be the myrrh? This worries me because I thought I'd like myrrh and have ordered a whole bunch of imps with it. Uh oh. I thought Myrrh was meant to be dark and bitter, not cloyingly sweet. I got my father to smell-test this on me (he is one of my guinea pigs) and these were his thoughts: Pop: "You smell like a teenager." I'm over twenty. This was not a compliment.
  15. Scorianelle

    The Red Queen

    I traded for this because I wanted to try some more woodsy, dark or resinous scents and I was also intrigued by the cherry/fruit notes. I was quite surprised when the concoction was clear in the vial. I'd looked at the description for this quite a while back, and didn't remember any of it when I was testing it. So I recorded my impressions of it without knowing anything of what was in the vial at the time. First Sniff: Eeeeyuck! Fake fake fake medicinal fake cherry. So unappealing I briefly considered foregoing the application test, but knowing how much the smell can change I went ahead. Second Sniff: Trying to get past the horrible top notes, I find there is something powdery underneath. Wet: Phew! There is suddenly a woody presence here, as well as a strong sweet and tart note. It still seems quite medicinal though. Dry: There is a beautiful sweeter, fuller cherry that I can smell wafting around me, however if I stoop to smell my wrist it disappears, and all that is left is a dark, oily note that I've met before. I blamed Olive at the time, but I'm starting to think it is Vetiver. This worries me, because I don't like this oily note (spoiling a perfectly good perfume) and I thought I liked Vetiver. Dry (1.5 Hours): It is already starting to fade. The sweet cherry whiffs have returned to ground level and are now located firmly on my wrist. It has become a mild, sweet, fruity scent. The wood is somewhere in the background, barely discernible but holding the rest up nonetheless and stopping it from being sickly sweet. Colour association: Definitely black and red. Throw: mild to none. It is about now that I checked the description, and was quite surprised to find how true the cherry and wood notes were. Overall the scent is a lot lighter than I expected (and hoped), being more of a sunlit cherry tree than a wooden serving bowl in a dimly lit hall, but it is nice all the same. I asked my sister and father to smell-test me as well. These were their thoughts: Sis: "It smells like Velvet, and I don't even think that velvet has a smell." Pop: "Yum." To date this is one of the nicest imps I've tried, and while I couldn't wear it everyday, and won't be purchasing a bottle, I will definitely be using all of this imp up.
  16. Scorianelle

    Creating BPAL Gift Packs with a Theme

    Skuld, Urd and Verdani of course! Perfect! Thanks!
  17. Scorianelle

    Creating BPAL Gift Packs with a Theme

    Thanks for all these great ideas guys! I've got heaps of new packs now (as you can see I updated my list). I like Old Demons, but the crazy-rules-in-my-head say that it has to specifically have the Devil/Beezlebub/Lucifer somewhere. I did put up a version of the pirate one though! I wasn't going to because there are so many options, but there are some really good scents for a theme there! So now it's up. Thanks! You could also do Blood Kiss, Bloodlust or Baobhan Sith for a Vampiric Imp Pack. And I liked the Norse Mythology, so I borrowed some of them. I hope you don't mind! Wolfsbane! That's perfect! I added it. I decided to go with 'French Love' for the last New Orleans Scent from the conjure bag because it can also represent the French Quarter. I really wanted to add Crossroads, but it wasn't New Orleans-y specific enough in description. Maybe for a Voodoo pack? Voodoo, Van Van, Baron Samedi, Elegba, Crossroads, Zombi. What do you think? I also borrowed these and rearranged them a bit. Thanks for the inspiration! Here are my new lists: Wiccan Imp Pack: Bewitched, Incantation, Spellbound, Arcana, Hemlock, Death Cap. (Completed!) Underworld Imp Pack: Lampades, Tavern of Hell, Sheol, Hades, Magmell, Thanatos. (Completed!) Pirate Imp Pack: Anne Bonny, Calico Jack, Mar Read, Grog, Plunder, Port Royal. (Completed! other possibilities: Jolly Roger, Black Pearl) Fae Imp Pack: Aeval, Dana O'Shee, Fae, Leanan Sidhe, Elf, Pontarlier. (Completed! other possibilities: Oberon, Absinthe, Titania) Old France Imp Pack: Belle Epoque, Grand Guignol, Catherine, Marie, Paris, Versailles. (Completed! other possibilities: Bon Vivant) Biblical Mythology Imp Pack: Bathsheba, Queen of Sheba, Eden, Sacred Whore of Babylon, The Apple of Sodom, The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. (Completed! other possibilities: Jezebel, Lilith, Gomorrah) Norse Mythology Imp Pack: Fenris Wolf, Odin, Yggdrasil, Brisingamen, ?? Sorceress Imp Pack: Jezebel, Morgause, Medea, Hecate, ??
  18. Scorianelle


    Dab a bit behind each ear, and you'll be instantly inspired to alter street signs, shake fruit from your neighbor's trees, and hide your roommate's car keys. Black coconut, gnarly patchouli, and sweet benzoin. First Sniff From the Bottle My sister: It smells like mown grass. Me: It smells like soil. This is definitely an earthy scent. It caught our attention with how smooth it was. There was just a hint of sweetness that kept it from being muddy. On Her: The patchouli is really strong, but slightly tempered by the other scents. Can't pick out the coconut. Me: The sweetness comes out and it ends up smelling like chocolate. Which is totally fine! Neither of us had been exposed to patchouli much before this, and I can understand why some people might not like it, but I personally love how down-to-earth it is. However if you were getting this perfume for the coconut then I'd recommend looking elsewhere. I picked for my sister as her surprise scent because she loves coconut and there was absolutely nothing of it in the imp. I'm not sure what benzoin smells like, but I'm sure that's what the sweet edge was. Pity this was my sister's and not mine.
  19. Scorianelle

    Creating BPAL Gift Packs with a Theme

    Thank you for saying so!
  20. Scorianelle

    Creating BPAL Gift Packs with a Theme

    Thanks for all the suggestions guys! These are great, please keep them coming. I'd love some theme suggestions as well! I feel like I can't pick any of the conjure bag oils for 'New Orleans' because their titles/descriptions aren't specific enough to my theme. Likewise for Fallen; I see it as more of a 'Devil/Lucifer' scent. It could, however, go in it's own category... hmmm... Lucifer Imp Pack: Fallen, Old Scratch, Red Devil, ???
  21. Scorianelle

    Creating BPAL Gift Packs with a Theme

    I'm planning on making my second order from the lab sometime soon and at the moment I'm only trying imps. I have an odd habit where I group things in my head thematically so they have a kind of story to them. It is based entirely on the Title/Description of the perfume, not on the scent description, and only includes impable GC ones. I know this is kind of weird. I do it a lot. Here are some groups I've made. I'd love suggestions to help complete groups, or suggestions for new groups! Angel Imp Pack: Wings of Azrael, Nephilim, Seraphim, Destroying Angel, Dee, Ave Maria Gratia Plena. (Completed!) Feline Imp Pack: Schrodinger's Cat, Cheshire Cat, Black Cat, Hellcat, The Lion, Bastet. (Completed!) Canine Imp Pack: Loup Garou, Fenris Wolf, Wolf's Heart, Coyote, Anubis, Wolf's Bane. (Completed!) Wiccan Imp Pack: Bewitched, Incantation, Spellbound, Arcana, Hemlock, Death Cap. (Completed!) Underworld Imp Pack: Lampades, Tavern of Hell, Sheol, Hades, Magmell, Thanatos. (Completed!) Pirate Imp Pack: Anne Bonny, Calico Jack, Mary Read, Grog, Plunder, Port Royal. (Completed! other possibilities: Jolly Roger, Black Pearl) New Orleans Imp Pack: New Orleans, Bayou, Jazz Funeral, Baron Samedi, Voodoo, French Love. (Completed! other possibilities: Elegba, Crossroads, Zombi) Fae Imp Pack: Aeval, Dana O'Shee, Fae, Leanan Sidhe, Elf, Pontarlier. (Completed! other possibilities: Oberon, Absinthe, Titania) Old France Imp Pack: Belle Epoque, Grand Guignol, Catherine, Marie, Paris, Versailles. (Completed! other possibilities: Bon Vivant) Biblical Mythology Imp Pack: Bathsheba, Queen of Sheba, Eden, Sacred Whore of Babylon, The Apple of Sodom, The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. (Completed! other possibilities: Jezebel, Lilith, Gomorrah and 'Come and See' scents) Norse Mythology Imp Pack: Fenris Wolf, Odin, Skuld, Urd, Verdandi, Brisingamen. (Completed! other possibilities: Yggdrasil) Lucifer Imp Pack: Fallen, Old Scratch, Red Devil, The Jersey Devil, Kill-Devil, ? Arthurian Imp Pack: Lady of Shalott, Tintagel, Morgause, Lyonesse, ?? Sorceress Imp Pack: Jezebel, Morgause, Medea, Hecate, ?? Edit: Added packs, added recommendations. If you have any suggestions for these, or even any groups of your own then I'd love to hear them! Thanks!
  22. Scorianelle

    New Orleans

    This is my sister's perfume and she kindly let me try it. I should probably start by saying that New Orleans really demonstrated the differences perfumes can have on (and to) different people. We opened the imp together and each took a sniff. She felt it smelled very floral, whilst I had a sweet honey scent under some very distinct cinnamon/spice. I immediately liked the spicy edge. Whilst on both of us the perfume amped to whatever scents we had found stronger in the bottle. On her it became a very light, demure floral. While on me it was a strong, clean lemon scent rounded beautifully by nose tingling spices. The unfortunate part is that this stage didn't last very long and it quickly went soapy on me. A very strong lemon soap which was a little too much for me. So all though it was lovely for a little while, I'll be letting her keep this one.
  23. Scorianelle

    White Rabbit

    I am so jealous of those who received a multitude of scents in this tiny bottle. I ordered White Rabbit hoping specifically for the tea scent and low and behold, yet again I am thwarted! My first sniff was dubious. I'm pretty sure I caught the pepper and ginger with a dash of vanilla to back it up. But on me there is only linen. Linen is all that exists. Clean linen I'll grant you, but still a very starch and uninspiring scent on it's own. Don't get me wrong, I like clean linen as much as the next girl (and can always be caught surreptitiously sniffing the bed sheets once they come out of the wash) and it was certainly one of the notes in the description that drew me to pick this, but... well although I don't mind being wrapped in clean linen I'd really rather smell a bit nicer and more interesting than that. I'll probably keep this imp around because it is a nice scent, if a bit flat, but as for searching for tea cents, well I think I'll try Dorian next. Edit to Add: I showed this to my sister. She took one whiff from the imp and said "It smells like Tea!". I could have cried.
  24. Scorianelle


    Out of all the imps I tried, this one was the most disappointing. Not because it was the worst, but because it was the one I most wanted to love. But fate it seems... All I wanted from this was vetiver, and strangely that was the only scent I didn't get. When I opened it (the first imp I opened ever) and smelled it I actually laughed with joy. The whole scent was very cold, a lot cooler than I'd expected but still lovely. The cedarwood was at the fore and from the first sniff I had the picture in my head of sunlight on a bramble of bushes way up in the craggy mountain heights, and I impatiently waited till I arrived home before trying it. On me the only two scents I can make out are Raspberry and Olive, and they do not mix well. The raspberry is the dominating scent. It isn't plump and juicy, but tart and sour, from a sparse, mean and thorny bush clinging to life in the crags. The olive is the background note. It is the sooty, oily residue left to congeal at the bottom of a sacred lamp in the nearby temple. Together they just do not work on me. I'm not really sure what to do with this imp, as I can't quite let go of my desire for it to turn out right. I guess the best I can hope for is that one of her sisters will favour me instead.
  25. Scorianelle

    Baron Samedi

    I got this as a gift for my brother, knowing he would like the name and guessing from the reviews (those that described an 'almond' scent) that he'd like the smell. Well, it didn't smell anything like I expected, but it was still good! I don't know what made me try it on myself first. It smelled unappealing to me in the bottle, like a strong Rum just as the description states. I tried it anyway thinking it would change on me and it did. What came out was a beautiful, deep, resinous smell. My father described it perfectly when he said that it smelled like a freshly made wooden box being opened. I loved it, though I can't say it suits me. It is a very straight forward scent, with nothing hiding around the boundaries. I will be giving it to my brother as planned, but I shall also keep a look out for resinous notes in other oils I want to try.