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Posts posted by smallvoice

  1. This is BEAUTIFUL. And, sadly, powdery. It's an odd powder drydown, too. (I'm doing this in reverse, I know. Bear with me.) Have you ever mixed crystal lite or an off brand? When I open the package, I sort of inhale a bit of the powder- same when I pour it into the pitcher. This smells sort of like that. It resembles the off-brand peach flavour, as a matter of fact. (Peaches and almonds are in the same family, y'know... I don't know. I'm tired. But tis true.)


    I love the honeyed almonds with a floral in the background when it's wet. This wears really well, lasts quite a while, and it's quite pretty. I'm just not terribly sure the drydown works for me.


    ETA: I think it's the myrrh doing the powdery thing. I bet this'll age well, though I could be wrong. I'm really pleased the lily is behaving, though.

  2. I love these! So here are my suggestions for a newbie imp pack:



    Embalming Fluid



    Jazz Funeral

    The Lion


    I think that's a decent sampling! If I had to recommend 6 LE decants to nab up:


    Absolutely not Snowflakes. Because it's mine. MINE! :P



    Mme. Moriarty

    Et Lux Fuit


    Monster Bait: Something that sounds good

    13 (whichever one sounds good)


    But there are so many!

  3. Lydia is like wearing a bold, green floral... but a glass one. It's like a hand-blown floral, somehow. I know that doesn't make any sense, but it's just... a glassy scent to me. It's not quite aquatic, but it is cool and lovely. I can't pick out the precise floral, but it isn't allergy inducing on me, nor is it soapy. This is lovely, and really well blended. I'm so glad I got to try this, thanks to somebody special. :P

  4. i am trying to enable a friend who is into very heavy scents like vetiver, earth, and cardamom. :P i think she will go nuts over typhon. can anyone recommend anything similar that is currently available?





    You might try: Nephilim, Black Annis, Incantation, Two Monster, Umbra, Voodoo, Burial, Nocnitsa... how is your friend with patchouli? Snake Oil might be a decent starting point. Or Death Adder for something a bit deeper.

  5. On me Malkuth is very similiar to Hellion, especially when wet and then after an hour or so. Then again my skin loves plum and eats spice, so it might just be me! I'd put money on Malkuth containing the same black plum as Hellion though.


    Of course this mightn't be very helpful since Malkuth is being discontinued in the next few days.



    Is there anything in the GC similiar to Tokyo Stomp with that wonderful vanilla mint that doesn't contain eucalyptus as well?


    I don't think there's a vanilla mint in the GC, sadly.


    I thought 51 was more similar to F5 than to HGM, though I can see (and may've mentioned) a similarity between them, as well.

  6. This was not the mint I was looking for.


    Chemical, plasticky and occasionally downright medicinal... I get a scent of fluffy vanilla and thin mints from the bottle, and briefly on my skin, and then it just gets... strange. So here are the conclusions I came to, because I don't know how to describe how I got there: The vanilla reminds me of Black Opal, but TS is not a warm vanilla- the mint makes it strange. It works for me in Black Opal. It doesn't work in TS. I guess that's what it boils down to. Maybe it'll age well, though.

  7. Huh! It is sharp and acrid when wet on my skin, but the drydown! After about 10 minutes, it begins to get comfortable- the shoes come off, it settles back, and... dude. Is there leather in this? I swear I smell a hint of leather- it's not beating me over the head, either, as leather is wont to do on me, it's this soft leathery smell- maybe a musk? Once the cologne-y scent burns off, this is really lovely on me. I am so glad I got to try this one! My decant will be well-loved.

  8. On me, this is pretty much what Skye said (Patchouli and cedar), and I'd also like to echo the herbal poultice reference GA made above, oddly enough. It is strikingly masculine, and not a bit sweet, nor is it hazelnutty- pencil shavings in a headshop. The patchouli gets stronger as it dries. Yeah, this one is NOT a hit with me. I'm glad I got to try it, or I would've wondered endlessly if I might've loved it.


    I have to say, though, this one is unique among the Monster Bait line, somehow. Does anybody else get that? It's not quite the same, somehow.

  9. Yemaya smells like honeydew bubble tea. There's even that slightly soapy undertone that they all seem to get at my local bubble tea vendor. It is melon, melon, melon! Watermelon begins to appear, and then... there's this oddly sharp and heavy floral that I'm wondering if it might be the sea mosses and the aquatic note respectively. It does smooth out but I never quite get back to that beautiful melony scent. As for the grape? It blends well with the melon. I love the fruits in this!

  10. Why waste time chanting her name in the mirror 13 times? Bedevil your next slumber party the easy way! Chunky, glistening red fruits with sweet cream accord, black clotted cherry, and powdered sugar!

    Bloody Mary is sharp and medicinal, and there is some common thread with previous Monster Baits, linking the collection together. It actually reminds me a lot of Closet, which was nauseating on my skin. After about 15 minutes, she starts to smooth out and I'm getting a bit of the fruity candy that other people seem to be getting. Hopefully as it rests on my skin, it will continue to mellow and become lovely. As of now, I'm not sure what the fate of my bottle will be. Oh, and I must add my admiration for the label- that is wicked! I love it.

    ETA: Description, and also these remarks: I had my husband sniff my hand shortly after I wrote this and he said it was nice, but it came off as a sort of generalized perfume scent to him, which makes me wonder if it's just me with the sharp and medicinal. Then, several hours later, I sniff again, and the drydown is... I don't know. Sort of barren? Like a load of powdered sugar over... wait for it, folks... the way Underpants smells to me in the bottle. I wish I could describe it better, heh. I actually quite like it, but I'm not sure I want to wait that long for it to take to my skin.

  11. A lot of this depends on what makes you feel the best. Boomslang is my go-to scent for good throw and a lovely scent that makes me happy. The Snake Oil in it adds power and the chocolate coating adds warmth. Et Lux Fuit is my lovely sweet floral option.


    From the catalog, I find Dragon's Milk to be warm and confident. Mouse's Long and Sad Tale is friendly and warm, but not really this outgoing persona you're building. I hope this helps at least a little!

  12. Honey? Buttery? Spicy? Almondy? :P I was wondering if my nose was broken there for a bit until I saw some reviews that were closer to what I've been smelling- it is creamy and soft and sweet and minty with a hint of florals, but it's more like a tea bouquet. This is gorgeous! It also reminds me quite a lot of Snow-Flakes. It's just a bit creamier and softer, and sweeter... yeah, I can't describe it well. But it is very pretty.

  13. I've recently been rediscovering how incredibly much I love Xiuhtecuhtli. It's a many-layered scent, on me; woody base, a little bit incensey, and slightly sweeter, fruitier notes on top.


    Any suggestions on other scents (preferably GC, but I'm open to anything that's not dc'd) I could try that are similar? :D


    This might be completely off base because we have different chemistries and I've never tried Xiuhtecuhtli, but your description reminds me a bit of Medea, with some florals added in. (Medea is my latest campaign scent, I think. Heh. Every now and then I go on a kick where I must recommend something in particular anytime it seems REMOTELY similar, so yeah. Take it for what it's worth! But you really should try her. :P)

  14. I was lucky enough to come by a full decant of Intergalactic, but it startled me. My expectations were that it would be candied fruits and bright musk, but it's dark musk and deep florals and a hint of fruit and spices on me. It just didn't end up being as pretty on my chemistry as I was hoping... but then again, I'm glad to not be in loooove with the scent, because it's so hard to acquire. It's now residing in a much more suitable home.

  15. This is really a scent where the payoff doesn't happen until it's had a chance to settle on my skin. Initially it smells sort of fake and a tad commercial and quite masculine- that darned seaspray note, I think. I never quite get the lovely, dewy fruits that other people are getting, but it does get softer and sweeter on my skin after a bit. There is fruit, but I was hoping for more melon, and it fades like woah on me- I haven't reached a decision on whether I like it a lot or not, but I am sooooo glad to try this one!

  16. I think this thread might be a good place to bring this up, but feel free to move if I'm wrong. :P


    Is there a difference between the Springtime in Arkham scents and the Picnic in Arkham scents? Specifically I'm wondering about Miskatonic - since there's only one review thread I was assuming they're the same, but it seems like I see people talking about the scents differently (i.e. I usually see caramel mentioned in regards to the old MU but not the new one) - of course, that could just be a coincidence!



    As far as I know, the scents are the same formula. I'm guessing that aging in the old versions brought out different notes, and there's also batch variation, but yeah. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong, though!
