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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by smallvoice

  1. smallvoice


    The juniper and sandalwood are at odds, trying to create a stench of eternal badness. It is working. The sandalwood settles down to choke the juniper, making my skin smell like dusty juniper. Eventually, the heliotrope intervenes and tries to find some sort of happy medium. The citrus is being strangely timid, and I'm confused. I can actually get a whiff of the orange if I'm not huffing my arm. But the LIME!! Who killed the lime? This is more woodsy than I thought it would be. My chemistry has corrupted this into an earth sign, but hopefully the notes I love will win out. We'll see.
  2. smallvoice

    Right, therapy...

    Therapy today was fine. It was a getting to know you sort of deal, and I think this lady really knows her stuff. But cautiously. I don't want to get over-excited and then have her be some flake. But it went okay. I don't have much more to say about it. Oooh, the boy got me the Perfume book and it arrived today- can't wait to start reading it. ETA: Perfume: The Story of a Murderer, just to clarify. I am trying very hard to refrain from writing a wanted post with many inappropriate caps and exclaimation points and question marks, begging for somebody to please swap Persephone to me. NOTE: Please do not offer to swap or sell Persephone to me until I've bumped the appropriately phrased post in the appropriate area of the forum. This is definitely not a request. I'm just wailing and gnashing my teeth about the unfairness of it all. Hee. (I've barely missed it three times recently. At least.) I know. Poor me.
  3. smallvoice


    Why is it that there are no adult faerie tales? I don't mean "adult" like erotica or even erotica-lite, because there's plenty of that. Don't get me wrong- young adult fiction can be very well written, but sometimes I want the tone of an adult book. I want the perspective of an old book. I grew up on Robin McKinley. When I was 11 years old (or thereabout), I thought The Outlaws of Sherwood was the best book ever. But I want intricate plots, the kind that don't often come up in 200-300 page books. Even in 300-400, to be honest. WHERE ARE ALL THE FAERIE TALES??
  4. smallvoice


    It was a lot coarser than she generally is, but I think she's feeling heat from either her publishers or just from herself to sort of keep it current and rise out of the young adult genre. However, I will admit that I really loved it because she is so very talented at setting a mood, and the way she described vampires as true monsters, something other than just a human with fangs, and the feeling of being near one in the sense that it resembled being in a cage with a lion, it was just refreshing. The one thing I really dislike about her is that she leaves so many stories untold. As for the older, gothic novels, they don't tend to work for me as light reading- it tends to take more time for me to really think about what is being said and I don't get the subtext quite as well. I think what I'm trying to say is that I'm just not smart enough for those yet. Maybe someday?
  5. Answering my own question, just in case: Having just done a very light test swipe of Coral Snake, I will say that it strongly resembles Punkie Night to me, particularly wet. The spices add enough of a difference that it is still unique and lovely, but they share a similar tone, I suppose.
  6. smallvoice


    I have a math exam and a presentation in speech today, and I am freaked out. And really tired. Mostly freaked out. I'm going to be so glad when today is over with. SO. GLAD.
  7. smallvoice


    Stupid Lord of the Rings. Arrgh. I seriously want to email my 101 instructor and be like, "Do you believe this freak??? OMGSRSLY!" I don't really want to, but I wish I knew if he would be surprised that my papers are rating so poorly. I was so tired today that for a brief moment, everything I looked at was this odd shade of orange. I have a presentation to give in my speech class on thursday. How stressed about that am I? Very little. Less than I probably should be. Guh. I didn't even get to nap today. And I haven't been to the mailbox, and I have swaps that need to go out. Speaking of swaps, I haven't heard anything further from Duck Mountain, though I imagine she's got a few things to get in order. I guess I was expecting that to be sort of straightened out when she sent the message. I have never wanted a BPAL tee shirt as much as Pink Moon... and my mom snagged it for me! That sucker is going to be so very worn out it's not even funny. Is it summer yet? Why is there another quarter of classes before the break? I want summer break noooooow. I'm hoping next quarter changes that mindset for me, though. What'm I going to take in the fall? That's a good question. It's something fun to obsess over! A&P 1 for sure. Other possibilities: English 201, Statistics, Pre-calc, Speech, some sort of literature class, physical anthropology... Dunno! Probably statistics and literature.
  8. smallvoice


    Hee. I hated pink as a teenager. HATED! But I really love it now. I dunno about writing. This is just really irritating me, and I don't want to do anything for his class. I have a presentation tomorrow that I'm procrastinating working on. Guh. I should've had it done yesterday. Now I'm stressed because another chick in my group basically told me, "Most of your information is probably not accurate, according to our guest speaker." . . . And she claims she had asked for my information so that our guest speaker could look it over. I don't know. I'll be glad when tomorrow's over.
  9. smallvoice

    Asp Viper (2006)

    The myrrh is threatening to make this go musty on me, but the almond is just radiant. Y'know, it's odd to me that I've seen this and Boomslang referred to as the "Snake Oiliest" of the bunch, and they're my favourites so far... but I don't like Snake Oil. Granted, I've liked three of the four I've tried, so... yeah. Strange! But this is the lovely almond from Queen of Sheba with a lovely undertone of the vanilla spices. I think the myrrh will soften on my skin and deepen with age. This is a serious winner.
  10. smallvoice


    This is lovely- very ethereal. And, as a previous reviewer stated, it's almost exactly like a violet Antique Lace. At first I thought it smelled too "old" for me- it reminds me of my grandmother. Then it grew on me, and I really like it now, more than Antique Lace- the spouse made a face and declared Faith the scent of a cleaning product, so I won't be getting more of this, but I do believe I will be holding on to my decant. I can't wait to try Hope.
  11. smallvoice

    Therapy and School

    I'm going to start therapy as of March 12. .... This is a good thing, but I am rather scared. I need it to get me to an even keel, seriously. I can't afford to be a wreck next quarter, though. The classes are getting more difficult and more important. And I'm still upset that I can't take archaeology. Heh. I still tear up thinking about when I dropped it- LAST SPRING. I love my instructor. Ah, well. I'm looking forward to all of my upcoming classes, actually, though I may try and get into the bio class that my archaology instructor's wife teaches instead of this one. I don't actually know anything about her, or the guy I have right now, so I guess it only matters if he sends me home in tears or something. Which, I guess, isn't such a difficult task for the first day of classes. They aren't until April 2nd, and winter quarter ends April 21st! This is causing me great joy. Stupid Lord of the Rings. We are 9 weeks into a 12 week quarter, and last week, my LOTR instructor complained that our second 100 point essays (of which there will be three, out of a total of something like 700 points, I want to say- but each thing is worth essentially 100 points, except for the reading quizzes, and do NOT get me started on those.) anyaway, he complained that our essays were too focused on FORM and not enough on CONTENT. He went on to explain that he isn't looking for your standard 5 paragraph essay that you learn in english 101, which is what the fricking prereq was, but nevermind that- no, he just wants us to write, concisely and impeccably, about the subjects we are given. You can't really tell from the way I write here, but I am really good at writing papers for school. I learn what my instructor wants, and I do it. I got a 4.0 in english 101 writing political crap that I don't believe, for the most part. There are no words to describe how completely pissed off I was when he explained the format (or lack thereof? I don't really know, still) he was expecting from our essays. We've already written 2. I'm pissed that mine have been no higher than 85. This is so frustrating, because of the way he has handled class the entire quarter. He keeps contradicting what he wants from us, and I sort of don't even want to do ANYTHING for the class anymore. He gives a reading quiz every monday over the 100 pages we had to read the previous week. I do just as well when I don't read the pages as when I do. Don't ask for crazy details that I won't notice on my first time reading it through- and nothing in the course description even implied that it would be necessary to have read the trilogy, but that's how he has handled the class. Also, if you don't want english 101 papers, don't put that down as the stupid prereq! ARRRGH. I can't even get across how stupid and frustrating this is for me. I don't even want to read the books anymore. Anyway. Wow. That was a sucky and negative post. But... I dunno. I've just been feeling so very lackluster lately.
  12. smallvoice

    Therapy and School

    You're only being snarky if you're being mean, and I don't think you are being mean. Part of the reason I want to take it is because the instructor is really significant to my school experience. His class became this sanctuary to me. There's nothing lovely like that around here, but next spring, I will be taking the class. I just hate waiting ANOTHER year for it. (Yeah, three years for a two year degree... and I don't even have the excuse that I have to juggle school with work.) Anyway! Thanks for the note and the suggestions.
  13. smallvoice

    Pink Moon 2005

    The name of this moon refers to the color of wild ground phlox, a primary component of this Lunacy Blend, which is one of the most widespread floral signposts of springtime in North America. This Lunar blend is soft with phlox, tulip, daffodil, dogwood and muscari, dusted with pink sugar, carnation and honey, and a touch of the first strawberries of the season. To my great delight, Pink Moon turns to cotton candy on me- does anything else need to be said? Oh, yeah. It's not just cotton candy- it's soooo much better. This is beautiful! All the florals are sugared, but they lend depth and loveliness to the sweetness, and it is just SO. VERY. GOOD. I don't know what else to say. It's better than Pink Phoenix (in fact, it's what I was hoping PP would be!) and it almost ranks above Beaver Moon in my lunacy list. ETA: Description.
  14. smallvoice

    The Oblation

    :sneeze: I think I'm slightly allergic to lavender, because I seem to recall Somnus causing a similar sneezing thing. This is a lovely, herbal and fruity blend, as so many other people have said. It's just like a tisane from the local tea shop. However, it is not the scent for me. There's something too sharp about it- I'm glad I didn't go looking for a bottle! However, I can see this smelling amazing on the right person.
  15. smallvoice

    Play it again...

    I don't want to go to school. And next quarter I'm going to be whining about how much I miss this quarter. Actually, I don't miss last quarter. I miss some things about last quarter, but not everything.
  16. smallvoice

    More quiz me stuff

    If I were a dessert, I'd be tiramisu... who'm I kidding? I'd be a pint of the best haagen daz. If I were an alcoholic beverage, I'd be hot buttered rum. If I were a type of music, I'd be Nightfall, by David Lanz. If I were a color, I'd be pale blue. If I were a fruit, I'd be a pomegranate If I were an animal, I'd be a white tiger. If I were a story, I'd be emo. If I were a car, I'd be a toyota. If I were a poem, I'd be my own. If I were a bird, I'd be a crane. If I were a BPAL oil, I'd be Et Lux Fuit. If I were a country, I'd be India. If I were a mythological being, I'd be a naiad or meliae (hamadryad of the ash tree) If I were an article of clothing, I'd be a well worn and loved hoody. If I were a reptile, I'd be a boomslang, and disappointed that I wasn't chocolatey. If I were a natural disaster, I'd be a monsoon. If I were a plant, I'd be a lilac bush. If I were a planet, I'd be Neptune. If I were a tree, I'd be a white birch. If I were an album, I'd be Our Lady Peace, Happiness is Not a Fish If I were a fabric, I'd be fleece. If I were a work of art, I'd be a Renoir. If I were a book, I'd be a fantasy. If I were an element of human emotion, I'd be hope. If I were a constellation, I'd be Leo. If I were a season, I'd be Winter If I were a flavor, I'd be Chai with milk and honey. If I were a geographical feature, I'd be a still pond. If I were a shoe, I'd be a fuzzy slipper. If I were an M&M, I'd be dark and blue. If I were a queen, I would have both national tea time and nap time. If I were a song, I would be an unfinished symphony. If I were a light source, I would be a scented candle. If I were a stone, I would be aventurine. If I were a kind of panty hose, I would be silk stockings. If I were a movie, I'd be a box office flop, but eventually I'd have a cult following. If I were a spice, I'd be cardamom. If I were a cosmetic item, I would be lip balm If I were a hot drink, I would be homemade cocoa. If I were a sound I would be discordant. If I were a famous person in history, I would be Anne Bonny. If I were a sport, I would be poker. If I were an actor, I'd be Angelina Jolie. If I were a musical, I would be the Best Little Whorehouse in Texas. If I were a number, I would be 1. If I were an invention of humankind, I would be air conditioning. If I were a sexual item, I would be a silk cord. A long one. If I were an instrument, I'd be a cello. If i were an element I would be be fire.
  17. smallvoice

    From the Quiz Me! forum

    For SW help and general fun: 1. What is your favorite season, and why? I love them all, but I really love early winter/late fall, when most of the bugs are dormant because it's so cold, but it's not bitterly cold. 2. What is the most awe-inspiring or beautiful thing you've ever experienced? Being in love. Getting married. My sacred memories, too. 3. Which songs are guaranteed to make you cry? I Hope You Dance. 4am by Our Lady Peace used to do it to me, too, but for a very different reason. 4. Which ones are guaranteed to make you dance around like a giddy idiot? Breathless. Video Killed the Radio Stars. A few others. 5. Which book most changed your life or outlook? The Chronicles of Narnia 6. What was the most awkward time of your life? High school. 7. What do you adore the most in all the world? If you're really asking me what, it's my ever growing freedom from anxiety and depression ruling my life. If you're asking who... My husband, my mother, my cousin, my best friend, my cat, my sister, brothers, their children and my in laws. 8. What irritates you the most? People who drive really slowly when I'm in a hurry. 9. When were you happiest (besides now)? My wedding day. 10. What is the perfect meal for you? So long as it has a good dessert... 11. If you could dress in the clothes of any era, what would you wear? 1930's glam 12. What are your best dreams about? Life 13. What is your best "I was so drunk..." story? My husband's "Donnie's dead!" story- I've never been drunk. 14. What is the story of your first love? The story? Exhiliration, little birdies singing disney songs outside my window every morning, a ray of hope like nothing I'd ever experienced entering my heart, excitement like nothing else, feeling beautiful for the first time in my life, that sense of breathless desperation like, "This is IT. It HAS to be...", being incredibly naive and learning my lesson about trusting something that's too good to be true, becoming cynical and angsty and heartbroken and angry and self destructive only to eventually find my way to my husband, who would have formerly entered the category of "Too good to be true" but really, he's too damn good not to be true. There is no end to the story. 15. What is your favorite painting? It really depends on my mood. I ADORE Renoir- there's something about seeing the pieces in person that changes my whole perspective. 16. Who is your favorite Shakespearian character, and why? I don't know. 17. What is the best concert you've ever attended? I don't like crowds enough to go. 18. What is your favorite indulgence or vice? Indulgence: BPAL. Vice: Sweets. 19. What is your greatest regret (again, "no regrets" doesn't count!)? That I can't say I have no regrets. I would do things differently, given the chance, so it's a good thing I can't. 20. What is your favorite physical aspect of yourself? My hair. 21. What is one very interesting fact about you that hasn't yet been shared? I was in New Orleans just over a week before Katrina hit.
  18. smallvoice

    Zarita, the Doll Girl (2006)

    On my skin, Zarita actually reminds me somewhat of my Chaos Theory, which is strange. My CT reminded me a bit of Monster Bait: Closet, which went foul on my skin... and WOW, Zarita is distinctly awful on me. Like, woah. It is just overwhelmingly sharp and oppressive and she tried to kill me! Okay, not really. But she might. I don't need a second test to convince me that this doll needs a new home, stat.
  19. smallvoice


    This is SO frustrating. I am having anxiety about going to school tomorrow. WHY? Other than my Lord of the Rings class, there's not a lot of stress there- and even that class is turning into something with potential to be enjoyable... but I digress. And it's late, and I should be asleep.... Guh.
  20. smallvoice

    Beaver Moon update!

    Duck Mountain contacted me today, with the intention of clearing everything up and resuming activity on the forum. I do believe she intends to complete the swap and I am ecstatic about that. I am also quite impressed, because it takes guts to own up to something like that, and not everyone would do it. So! As soon as I have Beaver Moon in my hands, I will update the swap feedback, notify the mods, and post here to let you all know. Plus, we get a forumite back! Like I told her, it just didn't seem like something she would really do, so it's a relief to know I wasn't wrong. I just thought I should pass along the information, in case anybody sees her about. Welcome back, DM!
  21. smallvoice

    Beaver Moon update!

    The whole thing about lying about being dead? Unbelievable. Someone pulled that for attention on the first message board I ever felt comfortable in- just attention, nothing else. The worst one, though, was the guy who claimed he had died in the 9-11 attacks, and the owner of the community was prepared to set up a donation fund in his name, and it was just... I don't understand why people think it's okay to do things like that. That's why I never got involved when that whole mess came up here- it just pisses me off too much.
  22. smallvoice

    Spring Fling Switch Witch!

    The deadline for getting your questionnaire to the switch witch account is February 24 at 6:00 PM EST. They're going to try to have assignments out by March 1, and the end of the round will be May 10, with no grace period- essentially, the grace period is included, I'd think. Here's the link to the actual post!
  23. smallvoice

    Beaver Moon update!

    Wow, I don't know how I would've felt about getting swaplifted that early on, Ah Xia! I'd been swaplifted once before this by Mistress Tera, but that was only about $32 and it was six months in when I realized she was not going to come through with it. By then I was already so attached to the forum that I wasn't going to let one bad experience ruin things for me. The Beaver Moon thing made me feel awful, though, and I've asked a couple of people to let me wait until I have their half of a swap in my hands before I send mine to them. It was just really shocking, I think. So, yes, I am most excited and happy about this.
  24. smallvoice


    My bio class was all full, so I had to sign up to take it from someone else, later in the day. Ugh. So here's my schedule, for now: 9-10: Intro to Linguistics 11:30-12:30: Cell Biology 12:40-1:40: History of Modern Middle East I don't know if that's what I'll keep, though.
  25. smallvoice


    I have been WANTING and wanting to take the linguistics class since I first saw it was offered here, so chances are I will be sticking with it. I think I will like it, but it's the one class I wasn't sure about taking right now. I will keep you updated as to how it all goes!