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Everything posted by smallvoice

  1. smallvoice

    I'm tiiiiiired

    Yippee, that's about 24 loaves! If she got tied up with the holidays, she must've started earlier than most; I sent them in October. Even still, it's okay. I just get anxious about stuff like that.
  2. smallvoice


    As so many others have stated, this one MORPHS. It's a good thing my swapper warned me or I really would have been confused at how this evolved. It does smell a lot like Red Lantern just mated with Beaver Moon right there in the bottle. I was worried that the wine/booze would be like Montresor or MB: Closet but so far, it is not at all. This is AMAZING. To think that I almost turned down the swap. I like it when it first goes on, because it's a lot like Beaver Moon. There is a hint of sugared incense underneath once it calms down, and what I can only assume is the olive leaf kicks in to ground the super-sweet scent. This evolves into a very balanced scent that should make it accessible to both foody people and non-foodies alike. This smells like what I was hoping for from All Souls' and Midnight on the Midway. It's not exceptionally boozy on my skin, either. I do feel a bit perverse wearing this blend to Christmas events, though! Orgies and phallic shaped cakes abound! If it goes horribly wrong on my skin, I'll update to reflect that, but for now it is really quite lovely.
  3. smallvoice


    I am just wiped out. 3 more days of classes and then I'm done with this quarter, and I am SO READY for it to be over. So the birth of my new nephew has me daydreaming about having a baby, which I know is so incredibly wierd in light of my recent total spaz-out over the thought of a parasite living inside me, but... I don't know. It's not quite as disgusting as before, because babies are just so amazing. Yeah, I'm a freak. But my nephew is frickin' gorgeous. (And I really wanted to be able to go down there for the holidays to see him. Sigh.) It will be a few years before we make any decisions in that area, though.
  4. smallvoice


    Hee! I am SO WITH YOU! Except it's psychology that has me playing hooky right now. But then we get a month! A WHOLE MONTH! (Almost- I go back on the 2nd, but it's to all new classes, which is exciting.) I cannot wait for my A&P classes next year.
  5. smallvoice

    Drama queen suckage: Updated

    I suck. Gah. Sorry for the drama queen syndrome. I just got the results of my last math exam and I sucked, and it pulled my GPA down and I'm really really depressed over it. So, yeah. I got a little intense with the poor me and thus we have suckage.
  6. smallvoice

    Drama queen suckage: Updated

    Well, there is still the final exam. We'll go over the test on monday, but I just feel... like, how did I blow that so badly? I worked really hard to learn it, and I felt confident except for two things... apparently those last two problems were weighted pretty heavily. Dude. I don't know how wide and long the path that Jack built around the patio is. Where the hell was that problem in the homework? Arrgh. Anyway. The other one I really should have known. My brain just wouldn't work, for whatever reason. The final is, of course, comprehensive. However, if all of our online exams are above 90% (which all of mine are), he'll add 5% to the score. Not only that, but the final won't bring our grade down; it'll only factor in if it improves our grades, AND... If it is higher than any of our tests, the score will replace the lower scores. It's a pretty sweet deal. I'm just wondering if I can actually pull a decent score. I do know that come monday and tuesday, I'm going to be spending some quality time in the tutor center. I WANT a 3.5 from this class, because I want to know it that well. Does that make sense? I feel so all over the place.
  7. smallvoice


    I arranged for a swap on October 24th with a fairly recognizable person on BPAL.org. I sent a message checking the status of the swap probably the first week of November and on the 14th or 15th, got an apology; she said she was behind in her swaps (which I understand as I get overwhelmed by them sometimes) and that she had sent out a mass PM to her swap partners a while ago but must've left me off, and that she was going to get them out that day. Again, understandable. However, I still don't have the swap. I sent another message to her on the 24th of this month and still haven't heard anything back. She hasn't been on the forum since the 15th. So I'm in a quandry. Do I report a swaplifting? I don't want to be a bitch.
  8. smallvoice


    Thanks, guys. I did it, and I used pretty much this exact post, with a few additions- like her name and the swap items and whatnot.
  9. I stared blankly at my math problems for quite some time today. Ugh. My brain just doesn't have focus right now. Hopefully I'll be thinking more clearly tomorrow so that I can regain my footing before the last test and then the final. I haven't even looked at psych. It snowed here today. I like the snow, but I hope it doesn't get icy overnight, because I hate the way people here drive in the snow. They're okay if it's been around a while, but that first stint is just awful. And, okay, I'm nervous about driving my car on ice. Though I was still pretty clumsy with it last year and I'm still alive, so hopefully I'll be okay... yeah, I'm a spaz. For those of you who don't obsessively read the swap area, the switch witch winter round is open until the 28th, so hurry. I have some really great ideas for this round and I'm staying optimistic this time, rather than panicking over being poor. I am going to get it together this round and be memorable. I have a good feeling about this round. I wish one of the questions was about colours a person dislikes. My hair smells good. Actually, it smells a little like Freakshow. I have a half-imp of Trick 2 that needs to be swapped because it is a deathmatch between the patchouli and the tobacco with my chemistry, and that's just not pretty. So if anybody here is interested, you know I love you best. I should've brought it to my mini-meet n'sniff with 'snarky, really. s'gone She had this cute little case to carry all her stuff in, and then I had hurriedly wrapped mine up in plastic grocery bags... classy! Okay, but seriously, I need to find that bag. Not only will I store perfume in it, I will get one to bring my lunch in, because it's that cool. Speaking of lunch, I need a thermos. Hrm. Dude, I want rice krispie treats. SO. BADLY. I have to do 3 more hours at the fitness lab and then I'm done, because I chickened out and dropped down to one credit. That puts me on financial aid probation next quarter, which worries me slightly. Huh. I really like how Freak Show smells on me. How did I miss this one? Fig and cocoa are nice together. So, I go back to school tomorrow. Woah! How did my break go by so quickly? Heh. I need a vacation from my vacation. It was good to get out of town, though. Okay, I'm done. Eee, new ANTM tonight! And new Heroes tomorrow!!!! Very, very excited about those two things. Next Christmas, somebody is getting me Heroes on DVD. Somebody who is my husband, probably. I'm really done now. G'night lovelies!
  10. smallvoice

    Math and other stuff- Switch Witch signups!

    Re: Melrose: I think if I'd watched from the beginning, she would bug the hell out of me for those exact reasons, but I sort of tuned in right before they sent that poor little girl home. (On her graduation night! And then chided her for mentioning it!! Freaks.) There is something odd about Ali Larter's proportions or something; I was mentioning it to my husband last night. But I like her as an actress and her character in the show. If I could look like one person on the show it'd be Mohinder's ex. She is lovely and she carries herself so gracefully! sigh. Or, possibly, Eden. I'd dress up like a pixie every day. I'm back to body image, because I saw this girl at the fitness center today who was absolutely tiny. She was the size of my pinky. I don't want to be that skinny (though it was okay on her proportions, I thought) but I'm back to moaning about my weight anyway. Hah. I think you're right about the other announcer guy. And he IS annoying. You know what, though? They didn't save the cheerleader. Or, at least, there's a cheerleader they failed to save, and that makes me feel like they somehow let the world down. Heroes, get it together! So, yeah. Just rambling, I guess! I had a rough day. I will be so glad when classes are out next week. Dude. I screwed up my last math exam, so I need to take the final. So I need to review everything we've covered, which is surprisingly quite a lot. Okay, done now!
  11. smallvoice

    Math and other stuff- Switch Witch signups!

    Is Ali Larter Niki? I know Claire's actress is Hayden something with a P. If so, gasp! I Niki. I pretty much all of them, really. Except for Peter. Guh. Kill him already. And I'm so-so on Isaac. Like, I can do without him. Isn't the narrator Mohinder? I noticed that I hate how Americans pronounce his name, but when people in India say it, it sounds perfect and beautiful. We need more India! Anyway! I'm late for school, sort of. Oh! No pictures of the 'snark-meet. I wasn't thinking, sorry!
  12. smallvoice


    ANTM: I haven't ever watched it during the season before, but I usually catch at least part of a marathon afterwards. (I'm going to try and break this up, since it was sort of a stream of thought and was in one huge clump.) I don't think the remaining girls are all that pretty, especially the twins. I don't get all the fuss over their features, though admittedly, I'm no expert. Still, they seem pretty... average, I guess? I don't think they'd really stand out all that much, even. However, Michelle is the one I've been hoping would go home since the episode where Nicole left. I like Melrose, and I like that all the other girls hate her. It just makes me laugh. I have a really big issue with girls who can't deal with having their look changed- when they whine about having short hair, it is a complete annoyance and I hope they go home right away. I may be insensitive in that area, though. But seriously, just deal. My favourite was Anchal- I think I spelled that wrong. Gah. Anyway. She was gorgeous! They really played up how much everyone told her that she was fat and wouldn't make it with that body, though, but she annoyed me because she really did the job of sending herself home. If she had carried herself just a bit differently, with more confidence, I don't think she would've taken any shit from the girls at least about her size. Anyone remember Dee? She's, like, half of Dee's size, and they weren't half that cruel about Dee's weight. I have come into this late, admittedly. I actually think that Eugena has the prettiest face of the models that are left. Melrose is my pick to win, though. They usually have a clear leader, which makes it more about watching the girls interact than about the competition, but sometimes people do stupid things, so that's always interesting. I like Carridee, but I don't think she's the winner. They're probably going to send her home next and leave the top three as Melrose, Eugena and Amanda. Hell, maybe Amanda will be their pick, but I kind of doubt it. Yeah, I doubt it a lot. Oh, and with regards to Tyra? She is absofrickinlutely batshit insane. I just don't find her likeable at all. Off to watch the Heroes marathon and put off doing my homework! Whee! I'm done with fall quarter in one week! I'll be home from doing my last final a week from right now! Woohoo!
  13. smallvoice

    Math and other stuff- Switch Witch signups!

    Inky- Aww, I'm sorry you missed the sign-ups. It sounded like you needed a break from it anyway, though. I had a really good Thanksgiving and I got to meet Snarky! What's not to love about that? When are you going to get on over to the Pacific NW? Snarky- If I'd known you were a fan of Heroes, I probably would have talked your ear off about it, because it is my new Great Love, even before Rock Star and depending on how future seasons progress, it may usurp Buffy (gasp). I went on too much about ANTM, so it's going to be a new entry instead of a reply. Heh.
  14. smallvoice

    Award Winning Cake!

    So! I went to Portland for Thanksgiving and we just got home and there's already a bunch of stuff to write about, but I have to talk about meeting up with Snarky! We ended up getting together Wednesday evening, and we drove around trying to find someplace that was open and even Starbucks was closed! Well, Ms. Snarky found a little cake shop that was closed, but the owner said we could come in while she finished her receipts and she'd make us coffee. We were going to try to find somewhere else to go, but the owner sort of insisted that we stay, so we did, and we learned that she had this award-winning cake. The carrot cake was not particularly wonderful, so I think I should have gone with the special cake, but eh. Anyway! It was a great meeting and she's every bit as wonderful in person as you would imagine she is from here. I got to try a bunch of scents I haven't had a chance to test yet and it was just loads of fun. I was very tired, so if I nattered on a bit, I apologise. Okay... gotta go unwind a bit now. Hope everybody who's local had a great Thanksgiving!
  15. smallvoice

    Freak Show

    I don't even know how to begin to categorize this one, but it is stunning! I love the cocoa, I love the fruits- the pomegranate from Swank became too fizzy and bright for me, but I love this mixture. The fig is brilliant with it and the vanilla is beautiful and it's really just gorgeous. I wish this one had caught my attention when Carnaval Noir came through town earlier this year! I leaned towards the flashier Midway, instead.
  16. smallvoice

    Old Seaside Village?

    I can't think of anything directly, but layering would probably be your best bet. You may want to start with something like F5, which has a sea spray foundation. After that, just sort of pick and choose. Sorry I'm not more help!
  17. smallvoice

    Spice me, baby! The spiciest BPAL blends

    Urd is in Excolo, under the Norns. I would strongly second Mme. Moriarty! If you like the red musk, I'd encourage you to try Hollywood Babylon and Hell's Belle. Hollywood Babylon is fruity and musky and Hell's Belle is a spicy musk that didn't have a whole lot of floral on my skin, as I recall- just light floral and my review reminded me that it was what I'd hoped Scherezade would be, so there must be some similarity! ETA: I almost forgot! I came back to recommend that you try Devil's Night! It's not like Scherezade, but it seems like something you might like.
  18. I've never smelled the VS scent, but for vanilla florals, I must recommend Euphrosyne and, particularly in this case, Regan. I also second Dorian, Snake Oil, Antique Lace, and Black Opal.
  19. smallvoice

    Spice me, baby! The spiciest BPAL blends

    Bengal is the first thing that comes to mind, followed by Baghdad. Serpent's Kiss might work for that one, too, depending on how you do with vetiver. One you absolutely must try is The Lion- spicy ambery wonderfulness. Tanin'iver is great if dragon's blood works on you- it's a bit sweeter than Scherezade, but it's still a great spicy blend. Good luck!
  20. smallvoice


    In my excitement over not being pregnant, I forgot to share one of my main causes of anxiety, and that is my new nephew! My sister in law had her baby on the 16th and he is beautiful! Obviously they both came through it fine, which was worriesome at the time, and they got to leave the day afterwards, even though it had originally been projected that she'd have to stay at least three days. So, yes. There's much happiness over the new addition to the family.
  21. smallvoice

    Hooray and ow!

    I'm not pregnant! I almost wrote a post here last night that I thought I was pregnant, because I was having huge anxiety over it, but then I freaked out about how saying it might help it to be real or whatever. Anyway, I'm not. Hooray! I hurt my neck today somehow. It is not comfortable. I think I'm going to try and sleep now, though. Just wanted to share the good news!
  22. smallvoice

    Portland, OR

    So! I am going to be in Portland for a couple of days for Thanksgiving, and I know there are a few Portlanders out there- if anybody would like to meet up, drop me a PM. I also know it's a busy time and a lot of you might be out of town, so I'm not banking on it or anything- I just thought I would offer. Aaand... I should know what part of Portland, right? But I don't; not for sure. I think Milwaukee. I'll have my car there, and I'm pondering a trip to Powells- anyway, just let me know.
  23. smallvoice

    Miskatonic University

    My skin amps the hazelnut buttery-ness along with the coffee so I smell like a latte. I really like it, but my husband says that all he can smell is butter, and not in a good way. Still, I think it warms up really, really nicely on my skin... and I do see what all the fuss is about. I would love more blends with coffee in them!
  24. smallvoice

    The Scales of Deprivation

    In the imp this smells strongly of lavender, as others have stated. I can't really describe the stages this goes through, but it's not very pleasant first on my skin, and then it smooths out to this lovely, spicy, understated scent. I really like this! The sage takes me to a very calm place, and the vetiver seems to be well behaved and the sandalwood (what sandalwood?) exactly. This is smooth, and there's a feel of amber to it and it's warm, and I love Shollin's assertion that it strongly conveys the feeling of thirst, because that is so very true. I'm going to have to give my imp some wear!
  25. smallvoice


    Why did it take me so long to try this scent? It is perfect in every way! I love the musk, I love the peach wine, and I love the balance that what I assume is myrtle gives this blend. I cannot say enough good about this scent! It's fairly straightforward, but there's some depth and allure to it as well. I feel stunning while wearing it. Awesome!