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Posts posted by Alaeidrel

  1. The first whiff of this I get from the bottle is that leathery, sweet-but-dry scent of old taxidermy in arid museum halls. It's a scent I like, but was totally not expecting... and I'm sad it doesn't last upon application.


    I definitely get something sweet and a bit of masculine 'spicy' notes that aren't actual spices. It dries down to a light, musky vanilla.

  2. A playful, soft brown musk with balsam leather, wild juniper, lavender, and sweet sage.

    This is not what I expected, but it's beautiful. I put it on right out of the mail so it may develop even more as it settles.


    Immediately after putting it on, I started wondering which of our current houseguests had used a scented lotion that I had touched. It took a moment to realize it was wafting off my wrist!


    I'm getting something oddly floral but snuggly from Jojo, wafting as I move. I think it's the sage, this gorgeous heady high note that codes as floral but without the headache I get from flowers. When I sniff closer to my wrist I get musk and juniper, a little bit on the aquatic side, and only hints of leather.


    I can't wait to try this again after it rests. It's gorgeous and strange already.

  3. This is hard for me to smell on the drydown,which is weird. I might need to slather.


    It's incense and spices with maybe a hint of trees or leather - I think the leather and sandalwood just ground the scent. This isn't something I'd normally wear, it's masculine and not my normal thing, but I really like it. I want to see how it ages for sure, and it'll be a good warm winter scent.

  4. I don't do white florals well, but this is a blend I might actually be able to wear. It's citrusy at first and then wears down to something more mellow, sweet flowers and musk with citrus. It kind of reminds me of sunscreen in a pleasant way.

  5. In the bottle, I basically can't smell this.


    Drying down, it's wildflower honey without doing the insane AMP HONEY FOREVER my skin loves and saffron. There's maybe a little coconut rounding it out, but I don't smell it yet. (I also only test a tiny bit of each scent, so my wrist is literally pressed to my nose to sniff this).


    Dry it's a very sophisticated, slightly foody honey. I'm quite a fan. (Boo, hiss).

  6. In the bottle all I got was some sort of bright fruit.


    Drying down it's hella juicy papaya. Not super boozy, just bright and in your face. I can't find the ti leaf or the musk yet.


    Dry it's actually balanced out a lot. I can't really pick apart the notes but the papaya is muskier and not quite as insane, I'm assuming tempered by the ti. This will be really nice for my upcoming vacation in mexico.

  7. Sake is basically one of my favorite notes, and skin musk is something I always want to love. Ambrette seed and I have an interesting love/hate/evil migraine of doom relationship. As a triumverate, this bottle was a gamble but it seems to have paid off!


    I second that it's a little oddly floral, moreso than musky. Wet, the sake note is dominant for me (yay!) with more florals than I expected. I can't seem to find the musk, but I test such small amounts it might not be detectable unless I wear more.


    Dry it's still oddly floral. I'll have to wear it more and see how I feel about it... It's more 'white floral' than i see myself reaching for often.

  8. Holy crap. Hollllllly craaaap.


    I was sort of iffy about this since none of the vulvas have worked for me, but what a good blind buy.


    In the bottle it's mostly just coconut and I can't tell anything else.


    As it dries it's the mallow note I love with coconut and it's toasted and incredible. A foody scent I'd actually wear. Amber hates me, and so far, it hasn't come out to play at all and turn into evil powder.


    Dry it's exactly the same and amazing, holy crap.

  9. In the bottle, I mostly just get apricot, a little floral, a little fruit.


    As it dries it gets creamier vanilla and apricot, but with an odd high top note that reminds me of the vanilla orchid HG. There's maybe the tiniest hint of cardamom.


    Dry, it's still pretty floral and high. Here's to hoping it ages to be a little more musky - I ended up swapping away the aforementioned HG because of that note. I love apricot so I want this to be stronger, muskier and spicier.

  10. So much juniper. So sharp. So strong. When this first arrived all I got was fizzy gin, like in Golden Wave, but now after settling for a week it's strong metallic juniper with no fruit. I love the note but this is so strong it almost turns my stomach. Dried I get less metal and a little more fruit, but it's still a bit too harsh to wear.


    I swapped my bottle away, and then recently picked up an imp of it. How different this is than my bottle! It's still got the high, sharp gin note but it's tempered by obvious peach and something that might be apple or pie, but grounds it well. Much more pleasant, although I don't need a whole bottle.
