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Everything posted by Alaeidrel

  1. Alaeidrel

    Allergy Questions, Allergies and other reactions to oils

    Isn't the sandalwood actually an accord, because the wood is endangered? So I don't think you'd be reacting to the solvent. Weirdly enough, I get awful welts from an old imp of Fire of Love but nothing from the new, lilacier blend. Unfortunately I really don't appreciate the new one enough to wear it.
  2. Alaeidrel

    When Thy Will Stung the World Into Strife

    Wow. This really is a 'sting'. I'm impressed at how much in the background the dragon's blood is - I adore the note but find it overwhelming even in my beloved Dragon's Heart. I get much more ginger and geranium than anything else, and it's sharp and really unique. A very distinctly 'pink' smell to me. Intriguing. I need another imp or two, but not a bottle.
  3. I'm so glad I picked up a bottle of this on the mere recommendation from Vaudevillian that it was 'gorgeous'. Holy god but it is. On me, it's a sweet, soft creamy note (kind of like rice candy) with an added depth that makes me think it's the sake, and mellow delicious apricot. I can find the depth of the wood but it's subtle and indistinct. About 30 minutes in, it had a gigantically APRICOT ERRYWHERE phase that eventually settled down. This one stays close to my skin and fades relatively quickly (3-4 hours) but it's totally worth slathering on because it's to die for.
  4. Alaeidrel

    The Raptures and Roses of Vice

    Just got my luper decant of this! I'm completely in love. Rose is one of my favorite notes, and this is a heady one - the coconut makes it even more amazing and adds depth. Definitely definitely needing a bottle of this one.
  5. Alaeidrel

    The Changeling

    Warm buttery pumpkin forever, with a bit of an edge from the bourbon. It's the same pumpkin as Pumpkin Latte and just as sweet, but I'm so glad for the absence of vanilla for me because I amp it adnauseam. Interestingly delicious, but a bit foody for me.
  6. Alaeidrel

    Allergy Questions, Allergies and other reactions to oils

    I've had lots of spicy scents give me serious hives where they've been applied, but I can't figure out which note does it.
  7. Alaeidrel


    When I first got Whip, I really didn't like it. I thought the leather note was astringent and the roses too sweet, so I threw it aside and forgot about it for six months. I found it last night when sorting, and on a whim decided to wear it this morning since I wanted roses, but 'kick-ass' roses, not dainty one. Boy, did this fulfill exactly what I was looking for! When I went back between classes I slathered a bunch more on because ohhhh man. This is a deep red rose, with a depth of leather behind it. They blend well and it's dark and heady and wonderful.
  8. Alaeidrel

    The Sound of Insects

    This is wonderful. It's a very dry scent on me - dry like good champagne - but that doesn't take away from it's complexity. I mostly get the currant, lime and tea. It's dry red fruits and the tea note from Kumiho, with a splash of sharpness from the ginger. It's subtle on the dry-down and has very little throw, but it reminds of smelling an empty barrel that a good wine was aged in a long time ago. Edit: The more I wear this, the more I love it. It's still very dry purple and red and a little astringent but it's well on it's way to becoming my signature scent. Oddly enough the boy thinks it smells like poison sumac?
  9. Alaeidrel


    So deliciously lush, this. Olives and leather - a soft, worn leather, not like in Whip - and just a hint of citrusy wood. Wet it's full of leather, but dries to oil and citrus with just a bit of leathery warmth. Absolutely going to be needing a bottle of this.
  10. Alaeidrel

    MVJBA: Dog Days of Summer

    I absolutely love this scent. I can't pick out any of the notes, it's so well blended. In the bottle and wet it's vague hay and grass, and then as it dries it washes out to gorgeous florals. It smells like flowers wilting a little too long in a hot august sun, and hay and grasses on the verge of fall. It's a combination of the first damp evening in September and the sun-baked smell of summer greenery. Yum!
  11. Alaeidrel

    Ghost House

    I'm really loving this. On first sniff I could pick up on the green vines and almost nothing else, maybe a little berries. It smelled like freshly hewn vines during fall pruning. It deepens on my skin to a dusty raspberry, but not a sweet one. It's extremely light - I have to basically stick my nose on my wrist to catch it - but it's amazing. I don't tend like berry scents but this absolutely perfect. I wish I'd bought a bottle, now.
  12. Alaeidrel

    Midwinter's Eve

    This smells exactly like the Nerds-coated jellybeans Wonka started putting out a couple of years ago. Sweet, fruity, with a tang. It's nor morphing or changing at all on my skin, either. Not what I expected but fun to have around.
  13. Alaeidrel

    Scents for battles in life

    I use Rogue when I need to be really hard and able to withstand negative emotion - something about the leather and rosin makes it a 'cruel' scent to me. (There's an image in my head of this scent that's of Pike's Place Market in Seattle after it's closed, all cold tile and old wood with a grey, enveloping sky out the windows over the turbulent ocean). When I need to be empowered and kick serious ass, it's Dragon's Heart.
  14. Alaeidrel


    Oh my god. This smells like a bottle of really expensive vanilla musk I inherited from my grandmother. There's no honey notes on me, which is absolutely fine because they tend to be too sweet for my preference. At this point I'm just huffing my wrist and nearly drooling. Such a keeper, may need a bottle.
  15. Alaeidrel

    Golden Wave

    The gin is the first thing that hits me here. In the bottle and wet the only thing I smell is spicy, boozy juniper berries, which is absolutely fantastic. It takes a lot of drydown for me to start picking up the fruit notes, and I'm still getting mostly tangerines. This is classy and subtle and absolutely delicious - far better than I expected.
  16. Alaeidrel

    A Game Called Yes & No

    This starts off ridiculously sweet and medicinal on me. Not the sickly-sweet of cough syrup, but that bitter astringent liquid they give you when you're really sick, combined with bubble-gum. It's absolutely nauseating wet. Once it dries, though, it's a subtle sweet spice with a hint of almonds. There's not much in the way of wine, but the spices come through nicely. It's very mild and still a little too sweet for what I'd hoped. It's very much a pink smell, rather than the dark crimson I was hoping for. And yet I still really like it. Not what I expected, but really nice for winter. I do have to layer it on, though, because it doesn't have much throw. Edit: after reading through the aging thread, I'm going to give it some indirect sunlight and hope it helps cut the sweetness down.
  17. Alaeidrel

    Whoso List To Hunt

    In the imp: woodsy and spicy, promising. Wet: flowers? Dry: endless baby powder with a weird hint of violet. I was really hoping to love this one. :/ The baby powder is so strong I'm tasting it on top of the tea I'm drinking. Ick.