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Everything posted by Alaeidrel

  1. Alaeidrel

    Squirting Cucumber

    Definitely sweet, grassy cucumber. Very wet and juicy, but not watery like actual cucumber flesh. When wet, it's very bright and fresh. Dries down to something a little less light - more soapy now, which is okay, but not my favorite. I wish this would stay exactly like it was when it was wet - it was such a perfect scent to combat the disgusting muggy humidity today. Pleasant, but probably not a keeper.
  2. Alaeidrel

    The Unsteady Governess

    White tea and citrus? I don't get a lot of the violet, which is fine, but it's pretty and floral and a nice alternative to my other white tea scents.
  3. Alaeidrel

    Men Ringing Bell with Penises

    This is really strange. I first tested it when I was in the middle of a horrid cold, and all I could smell was the beloved rice wine note from Loosening of the Obi. Now, on retest, that's still the first whiff I get. But then if I really huff, there's definitely a green undertone mixed with black tea. I guess it's the sandalwood? It's a little funky and weird, honestly, but I like the basic notes enough to let it settle and maybe try it again.
  4. Alaeidrel

    Allergy Questions, Allergies and other reactions to oils

    Now that we've gotten into summer - I'm really sensitive to bright sunlight and will get migraines from forgetting my sunglasses for five minutes - every scent and it's brother has decided to be headache inducing. I'm having to be really careful about what I apply and how much I put on. So far sticking to my light tea scents like Kumiho and Sudden Invitation seems to work, but I don't have many that are very distinct and I'm getting bored. Even my darling Loosening of the Obi with it's light musk is just too much to wear. I'm working in an aquarium now and spend a lot of my time running touch tanks, so I really want to wear things to counteract the salty-fish smell I end up with at the end of the day... but everything is just stabby pain throughout my brain. Any suggestions? I normally have to avoid heavy insence/smoke/patch/vervain scents because of headaches anyway, as well as overly sweet scents. With as many weird skin reactions as I get, I'm really lucky to not have run into issues with any of the cinnamon scents (and I love me my Inferno, so thank god). Unfortunately, I still can't figure out what note in Fire of Love makes me break out in giant welts where it touches the skin...
  5. Alaeidrel

    Copulating Mice

    This is such an interesting blend. Straight out of the imp, the bergamot made me sneeze and it took a lot of nerve to skin test it. I'm glad I did, though. It's all bergamot and spice, with a creamy base. It smells brown and furry and it has a strong but wonderful throw. I think I might need to find a bottle!
  6. Alaeidrel


    I love this when it's wet. It's all bright, juicy pear with a little bit of florals. Unfortunately as it dries it just goes... sharp. Not like tea sharp, but rancid sharp. Let's hope it's just my imp, but it smells like badly made soap and I'm thinking that might be the Lily of the Valley come out to play.
  7. Alaeidrel

    But Men Loved Darkness Rather Than Light

    I get mostly the smoke, sage, and patch from this. I can't seem to find the vanilla on my skin, but that's fine by me. It's dark and gritty and reminds me of the smell of a fire after you've burned ceremonial herbs in it. The base notes that I can't differentiate remind me of Sunbird, for some reason. I'd guess the clove, saffron and smoke? It's beautiful, whatever it is. Definitely one for the dark of winter.
  8. Alaeidrel

    Irrelevant and Disturbing Surreal Crawdad Dream

    Ginger, currant and cream(?) on me. Maybe the cream is the squash - I've no idea. It has a bit of a note that I register as 'summer' and interpret as 'sunblock'. It's explody and sweet and really great, bright red and blue based in dark green. Om nom nom.
  9. Alaeidrel

    Giant Squid

    Cannabis blossom, tonka bean, tobacco, frankincense, galangal, juniper berry, lantana, spiky aloe, green and white teas, and salty sea spray. It was absolutely and completely worth hunting down this bottle after I missed one on ebay. I'm a west-coaster, so I just totally needed this scent (it's as close as I'll ever get to a pacific tree-octopus). I can't tell the notes in this, it's so well blended, but it's a funky, mossy aquatic every time I wear it. I have to slather a bit since it stays close to my skin, but it's soft and delicious.
  10. Alaeidrel

    Fresh, Fruity Florals

    You might find Dog Days of Summer interesting. It's not a 'fruity floral' but it's wilted grasses and wildflowers and might fit your tastes, if you can find some. Otherwise, I'd second The Temptation. To me it smells like fruit that's just fallen off the tree, ripe and sitting in the sun. You could also try: La Bella Donna Della Mia Mente - myrtle, sweet meliot, wild rose, pomegranite juice, peach blossom, deep aquatic notes, autumn breezes Lampades - cranberry, smoky dark lilies, musk, ginger, mediterranean spices The Raptures and Roses of Vice - red roses, moroccan musk, cinnamon, lobelia, coconut flesh, magnolia blossoms, tobacco tar (fruity in a coconut-flesh sort of way, very heady and rich and unlike the normal rose notes) Zarita, The Doll Girl - white carnation, iris, orange blossom, sugared cream
  11. Alaeidrel

    Humpback Whale

    Mint mint mint everywhere! And something aquatic that I've never learned to identify. I guess that's probably the ambergris? Wet, this is sharp chilly mint. It gets softer and smokier as it dries and is just absolutely lovely.
  12. Alaeidrel

    Fizzy Jack O' Lantern

    This is so delicious. Same gin note as Golden Wave, but foodier and sweeter. Yum yum yum. Definitely need to hunt down a bottle.
  13. Kumiho was my go-to scent last summer, with a little bit of Lampades, but I was so new to the forums I can excuse my ignorance. I think this summer the list is: kumiho, a sudden invitation (oh my good it smells like jasmine bubble tea), dog days of summer, golden wave, zombi, and the rose. I love tea scents to off-set the heat, and light flowers. Moss is also great for summer evenings.
  14. Alaeidrel

    Best Scent to Wear When Naked

    Wearing Loosening of the Obi when naked makes me feel like BBC Sherlock's Irene Adler. Sophisticated and powerful... even in the nude, perfect hair, perfectly in control. It's my 'classy naked lady' scent!
  15. Alaeidrel


    I really wanted to like this. I was hoping it would be drier and sharper, like desert sand and spices in a bazaar. On, though, it was all powdery amber that made me sneeze (which was bad, because I spilled it all over a tablecloth). The boyfriend was more of a fan, because amber doesn't go intensely powdery on him, but overall it's kind of a dud.
  16. Alaeidrel

    The Temptation

    In the imp, this smells exactly like hot, fresh peaches on a summer's day. Slightly over-ripe ones that are starting to go a little past, but they're still delicious and aromatic and all encompassing. On, the sweetness dies down - it's not over-ripe anymore - but it's still just endless juicy fruit.
  17. Alaeidrel

    Lawn Gnome

    I get red currant and cream with a splash of moss. Yum! No patch, either, which is awesome. It's the first currant I've tried without tea so I like the brightness and how soft it is. Not foody, but not decorative berries either. Yummmmm.
  18. Alaeidrel


    I really can't decide if I like this. At first it was sweet jasmine and myrrh (neither of which I really like) that worked great together. But then the rose came in and amped all over everything and left the florals sickly and at odds with the myrrh. Neh.
  19. Alaeidrel


    Intense pine and orange with a bit of eucalyptus floating in the background. A bit simple for my tastes - the notes stood very much alone, and I prefer really well-blended things - but pleasant and clean. Reminds me a lot of my best friend's house from middle-school since they cleaned with natural things. I don't know if I'd wear it, but it would make a nice scent to diffuse.
  20. Alaeidrel


    Lemons lemons lemons lemons lemons lemons. With a side of lemons. On top of more lemons decorated with lemons. And I think some herbs poke their way through later, but it's all so lemons I can't tell. Nice, though, that it's sharp lemon without being cleaning products. Might be raelly good for midsummer.
  21. Alaeidrel


    I really wanted to like this, but it's nasty. Maybe I just have an old decant. In the bottle: Bitter almonds and something else? Wet: Ewww still bitter and alcoholic. Dry: Slightly rancid buttery dust, with a side of bitter. Nope nope nope nope nope.
  22. Alaeidrel

    I Fell in Love with a Floating Brain

    Cakey and sweet, but in a good way. Not so foody that it makes me want to lick my wrists obsessively (I'm looking at you, Sprinklecake) but still tasty. Definitely some carnation coming through at first, but it dries down pretty fast and I'm left with cake crumbs and champagne fizz.
  23. Alaeidrel

    Scent Recs based on your PERSONALITY!

    OoOoOooOh I love this idea. I'm not comfortable giving recommendations yet but I'm hoping to get there soon. In the meanwhile... Let's see. Tall, slender, intensely curly dark brown hair with a decided mind of it's own (curls into dreadlocks whenever possible, eats pens, petals, and popcorn on a regular basis, attempts to strangle sleeping boyfriends). Often described as externally dark (large, heavy eyes and long lashes that are a grey/green) but internally I feel much more like a flower child. Extrovert shifting towards introvert as I go deeper into college - love people, love being around them, but need serious amounts of alone/quiet time to recharge. Sensual to the point of distraction, openly comfortable with sexuality, which combines well with dark and often weird humor. Extraordinarily driven by passion and often succeed at endeavors due to sheer willpower. Stubborn, intelligent, intensely empathetic often to the point of sensory overload. Quiet sensory indulgences are the delicacies of life - e.g fresh tea, rays of perfect light, quiet mornings, the touch of a sleeping lover's hair against my arm, all the good things. Animal behavior major to the point of obsession, determined to do useful things with it and outreach instead of pure behavioral science. Lifelong dancer (mostly folk and couple dancing, some social, no modern) and most at home and in heaven when waltzing. Loves to love and be in love - life goal is a good career with animals, but more importantly love and family and a home. Ideas?
  24. Alaeidrel


    I come from a desert, and this scent reminds me of home. It's like going out into the dunes in the evening of an august day - everything is scorched and crisp and the sage is pungent in the heat. In the bottle I get herbs and astringency and smoke forever. On, it's sage and cinnamon and rosemary (which I missed, but the boy picked out immediately). I thought there was myrrh, but I might have been mistaking vetiver for it. I really, really love this. I'm so glad I bought it off the forum unsniffed.
  25. Alaeidrel

    Moon of Small Spirits

    In the bottle and on my skin, fresh, I was really worried. I definitely got the pine and snow, but it was sharp and astringent. Now 20 minutes later it's dried down to a softer, sweet grass. It's staying extremely close to the skin (I might need to retest with more oil) but what I smell, I like. Definitely dried grass and herbs. I'd love it if the tea would come out to play more.