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Everything posted by Alaeidrel

  1. Alaeidrel

    The Last Squished Jellybean

    Cinnamon and anise. Yum!
  2. Alaeidrel

    Pallas Athene

    This is divine... and then vanishes off my skin immediately, no matter how much I slather. Argh! It's the only amber I can stand.
  3. Alaeidrel

    Some Strangeness in the Proportion

    Sweet peppery... kinda bubblegum. Not in a bad way. This is so strange... I can't really pick out notes, wet. More of a floral now, with the vanilla fading. All I can think is... wow, odd.
  4. Alaeidrel

    Ae. Albopictus

    Not much honey to speak of, but nice spices with a slightly pokey edge to them. I can't pick out any of the notes, but it reminds me of Ronin and The Nun and the Courtly Lady. It's soft and clean and maybe a tiny bit floral.
  5. Alaeidrel

    Youth's Disengagement

    Testing this one just out of the cold, because I'm super impatient. Wet: definitely cloying, like mymymai said. Tons of marshmellows and some weird acrid note that might be the anise/cherries. Smells vaguely pink. Drydown: Faint, much more vanilla and mallow. No sandalwood anywhere, which is sad because that's what I was hoping the base would be. Much more pleasant. Slightly foody but not edible nor overwhelming. Dry: Mostly the same, but kinda powdery now. Bad perfume! Powder is death. It's still quite pleasant so we'll see how it goes after it warms up a little.
  6. Alaeidrel

    The Castle

    I too got plants and moss and some sort of insence. I normally amp dragon's blood to nauseating levels but it's staying grounded in this one, adding spice but not overpowering the moss and whatever the peppery, resin scent is.
  7. Alaeidrel

    Tanuki No Doke Daruma

    Most apple is too weird on my skin to wear, but this is almost an apple single note as others have mentioned. I'm actually in love with it because it's so soft and gentle. It's a bit overly sweet in the bottle, but dries to a beautiful light apple and floral. I think there's probably a little currant and tomato grounding it but they're so well mixed I can't pick them out.
  8. Alaeidrel

    Judith Victorious

    Atropos describes this as 'chestnut buttercream' and I'm heavily inclined to agree. It's a skin scent, soft and nutty and sweet... yet somehow oddly floral. Sometimes on the drydown it hits and acrid note, but that seems to fade off pretty fast. It's just on the edge of foody.
  9. Alaeidrel

    Sweet Potato Musk

    This is pretty great. It's less 'sweet potato' than I expected, but it's a pleasant non-foodie foodie blend. When first in the bottle or on it's all fake butter extract and incredibly strong. It mellows to a soft spiced ambrette musk - I think I get the oats, too. Stays close to the skin and soft, pleasantly so. I'd be estatic if it smelled more like it's muse but I'm happy to keep this iteration.
  10. Alaeidrel


    Everything I get, straight out of the bottle, is honey and fig. There's maybe a little sage or cedar grounding it's sweetness but I can't find it. I amp honey and I love that this just smells like warm, sweet figs in the sun. So glad I got a bottle.
  11. Alaeidrel

    Touched Twice

    Sweet, powdery rose with no coconuts or other florals. I tested right after it came so hopefully it'll change with settling..
  12. Alaeidrel

    Star Promenade

    So much juniper. So sharp. So strong. When this first arrived all I got was fizzy gin, like in Golden Wave, but now after settling for a week it's strong metallic juniper with no fruit. I love the note but this is so strong it almost turns my stomach. Dried I get less metal and a little more fruit, but it's still a bit too harsh to wear.
  13. Alaeidrel

    Little Metalmark

    I'm a little confused by this, honestly. It's pleasant... but it smells exactly like Atlas , minus the mallow. It's got the sharp, woody smoke I love in both Kit and Atlas, and a sweet musk... but then it dries down and is a complete dupe for both. I'm super confused. Guess I'm not keeping it...
  14. Alaeidrel

    Orgy with Nine Women

    My bottle is mostly magnolia and honey, which runs a bit too sweet for me, but the tobacco grounds it nicely. Good for a day when I want to feel feminine and classy.
  15. Alaeidrel

    The Organ Grinder (2006)

    This is smoke and soft almond? I love it on the drydown but the wet stage is noxious powder.
  16. Alaeidrel

    India Ink

    Strong, fresh ink and so much pepper I actually curled my lip up when I sniffed. I'm glad I only ended up with a tester of this... it's super strong. I can't imagine wearing it, although the concept is interesting.
  17. Alaeidrel


    Holy crap this is incredible. Bluestblood was wonderful enough to send me a bottle before I could scrape up the cash, because I've been dying to try it. It's heaven. Smells exactly the same in the bottle as on skin, wet or dry, but that's a soft sweet marshmellowy woods with just a hint of coffee. I need to wear this forever.
  18. I tend to go for lighter and more masculine scents in the heat of summer, unless I'm going dancing at which point I pick sexy things that amp in the humidity. This summer, my favorites were: Spider Twenty One 51 Crow Moon 2013 Planting Moon/Karme The Rose Ehecatl Kumiho
  19. Alaeidrel

    Treasure Ship Coming In

    This is really interesting! When I first put it on I was worried it would go soapy - that was my impression in the imp - but it dries to a creamy mandarin and musk. There's a tiny bit of mint that I'm guessing will amp more when I'm in warmer air but right now it's grounding and subtle. I wasn't planning on buying bottles of any new shunga but I might have to get this one.
  20. Alaeidrel

    Silk Road

    In the bottle this is all warm spice, but it disappears off my skin so fast I can't get an impression. Weird.
  21. Alaeidrel

    Ü Mütter Museum

    This is delicious! I swapped it from a friend, hoping it would be one of the few vanillas that works on me. And boy, does it. It starts out all sharp and green in the bottle - very astringent and strong, with a very alcoholic vanilla tinge. On drydown, though, it just turns into soft, sweet balsam with a dusty vanilla base. Very subtle, very woodsy with a slight amount of dust. I'm hoping as it settles and ages it'll get sweeter, but I love it just like this (I put it on immediately after the package and an hour later had to slather more on!)
  22. Alaeidrel


    This starts out smelling kind of like an apple Herbal Essences shampoo - pleasant, but not what I expected. As it dries the grains come out and for about ten minutes there's a really nice mix, horsey and warm. At the end of the drydown it's all oats and molasses with a hint of carrots. Yum!
  23. Alaeidrel

    The Nun and the Courtly Lady

    Wow, this is gorgeous. It just came and I couldn't wait to test it - I wonder if it'll settle out differently. Wet, it's all sweet honey and tobacco flower with a little hint of bergamot. I don't get a lot of the sandalwood but I can sense it lurking around in the background. Dry, it's very light honey with a nice spice to it - but it's so light I can barely smell it! It just continues to fade away... I'm definitely going to have to let it settle and then do a slather-test. So far I love what I can smell but there's not much of it. Edit: Even having just settled for 2-3 days, wow, what a change! It's much spicier now, and as it dries the sandalwood comes out beautifully. It does stay pretty muted on me, but I'll catch wafts of it for hours after application. 5/5.
  24. Alaeidrel

    Mary Shelley

    This is one of the classiest scents I own! Definitely absinthe from the get-go, wet and dry both, but when dry there's a really nice gentle ozone backdrop and just a little bit of spice from I think the victorian perfume. It's much more subtle than I tend to wear, but it's wonderful.
  25. Alaeidrel

    Sphaeromachia Gaumeri

    ...this is cheap jellybeans. Pure jelly beans. 0.o