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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by yamiko

  1. Ahhh.... asleep at 4, awake at 10. Fuck yeah.

  2. I really want to put "presents mandatory" on my birthday party invite,but that's not really socially acceptable at your 24th birthday party.

  3. Aaaaannnnnd.... vagina.

  4. I'll just blend in!


    #ebz The neddy men are the Masters' private enforcers, a shambolic freelance army of cudgel-waving thu... http://fallenlondon.com/c/368853


  6. Oh god, it's mardi gras weekend. FML. #btv

  7. Das bierhaus just rickrolled me. #btv

  8. I suppose it's never really Halloween in VT without snow.

  9. This cider is a little bit fermented. Do I care? Not in the slightest.

  10. Not even my vampire erotica can distract me from Dubie's lead in the polls.

  11. Yesssssss, Dubie conceded!


  13. Mmm... mission: birthday pirogi is in full swing.


    #ebz Starveling Kitty! Starveling Kitty! Ruled the roofs of five stolen cities! http://fallenlondon.com/c/397924


  15. Yay, post-birthday click-n-ship! #bptp

  16. I don't know who Marcus is, but he needs to tell his associates that he's moved. I'm sick of people knocking on my door asking for him.

  17. Restarted Dirge of Cerberus. Turns out I haven't played since 2006. Yeah, time to start from the beginning.

  18. Not feeling well emotionally or physically. I think I'm going to try and call out of work.

  19. I really want a sugar skull, but those are becoming so popular now, I feel like everyone would just think less of it.

  20. Watching the Addams Family movies. I never get tired of them.

  21. Oh, and now the forums are down. This is the worst day ever. ;_;

  22. My cat wants to cuddle. This never ends well.

  23. My ass is sooooo bruised from last night. #masochist

  24. Time to watch The Princess Bride. #asyouwish

  25. From Men in Tights to M: a ridiculous shift in genre and tone.
