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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by yamiko

  1. Coworker has been complaining about how her foot hurts and she's having trouble walking and working. Welcome to my life, baby.

  2. Craving a delicious milkshake. Going to skyburgers. If anyone's available, come join me!

  3. Crazy Margaret came into work and cornered me and lectured me because our cafe food isn't organic. Again. Go tell someone who cares.

  4. Crisis averted... I stole Noah's mac mini keyboard. Now I have to get used to typing on it...

  5. Crocheting at a party. + 10 hipster points to me.

  6. Crocheting lace is ridiculous, but it's gorgeous!

  7. cronusampwhorea: if u ever feel down just remember that samuel l jackson did an impression of nicki minaj http://t.co/OCVLA0Cf

  8. Customer asked me if we had seitan in the store, but pronounced it Satan. So many jokes could be made...

  9. Cutting Noah's sister's hair tonight. Hopefully I won't have to deal with Cuntface.

  10. Dammit, every time I hear the "new mail" sound, I hope for a CnS. #bpal

  11. Dammit, I hate when bottles wander off on me. Where are you, Candy Corn Coated Candy Apple? #bpal

  12. Dammit, I want to see more action on my ebay listings. Fist fights! Rioting!

  13. Dammit, mac widget horoscope, stop being so damn fitting.

  14. Dammit, Netflix, put some subbed amine on your instant watch.

  15. Dammit, postal service. All I want is my TALs. >:(

  16. Das bierhaus just rickrolled me. #btv

  17. Dear Customer; - Let’s teach you about appropriate behavior toward your friendly local barista. Leaving a $5... http://tumblr.com/xg634pm5ce

  18. Dear customers; - What kind of dumb-ass question is “do you take the weight of the plate off?” If you would... http://tumblr.com/xg633jag64

  19. Dear customers; - When I have a plate of food in my hand and I’m taking my apron off, that means you need to... http://tumblr.com/xg636sxsvg

  20. Dear customers; - When I say, “How are you today?” the proper response is neither “soup” nor “senior... http://tumblr.com/xg62w3ni9n

  21. Dear customers; - When I say, “It’ll be five minutes,” that means fuck off and come back in five minutes.... http://tumblr.com/xg62zo9c7r

  22. Dear LJ: Stop being slow.

  23. Dear Netflix: please put subtitled amine on instant watch. I fucking hate dubs.
