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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by yamiko

  1. What is with my stomach's sudden urge to randomly empty its contents lately?

  2. What the fuck is with college students and their inability to look both ways before crossing the street?

  3. What time is it? Oh, it's "no bra time"!

  4. What to do? Perhaps I will read some more Homestuck!

  5. While Siva did not play Careless Whisper per my request, it was still a fucking sweet performance.

  6. whovian-all-over: ohyousillypotato: And here we can see the Blogger in her natural habitat. The blogger is a... http://t.co/S515H1Dp

  7. Why am I awake so early? Oh, yeah, because I went to bed early. Silly me.

  8. Why am I awake this early?

  9. Why am I awake?

  10. Why are all these bots from Essex, England following me? Guys, I'm not from the Essex you're thinking of.

  11. Why can't a bunch of money just fall into my lap?

  12. Why did replacement girlfriend decide it was time to play "go in the bathroom and for a half hour and clear my throat"?

  13. Why didn't you think of calling to make sure we had the soup you wanted before driving from St. Albans? Dumbass.

  14. Why do I always wake up just as I'm starting to really sober up? I would not like to have 4 hours of sleep, tyvm.

  15. Why hello there, depressing tarot card reading.

  16. Why hello there, gross peeling stage of tattoo healing.

  17. Why I love my work: peaches and cream stuffed French toast and lavender honey risotto with butternut squash.

  18. Why is it that every time I go near my crotch I get #MapofTasmania stuck in my head...?

  19. Why is the internet SO BORING tonight?

  20. Why yes, I was that goth chick with the fancy makeup singing to Katy Parry and Lady Gaga at the laundromat.

  21. Winter Solstice Lunar Eclipse smells completely different now. #bpal

  22. Woe is me. I don't have the size crochet hook I need to start on my penis.

  23. Woke up thinking it was 4 am or something. Internal clock, you were waaaay off. Back to bed.

  24. Woke up to my cat halfway out the window. Suddenly, she's turned into an angsty teenager.
