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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by yamiko

  1. Seriously, stop cuddling with Noah and go do something responsible.


    #ebz They say it's not a monster at all. It's a man who dresses up as a bat. To, ah, prowl the ci... http://fallenlondon.com/c/297529



    #ebz The Starveling Cat! The Starveling Cat! Swims like a bloodfish! Tastes like a sprat! http://fallenlondon.com/c/299902


  4. Goodness, my whole surface household seems to have appeared in Fallen London... I wonder how that happened. #ebz

  5. They're working on the sewers or whatever right in front of my apartment. It's agitating my cats, and upsetting me.

  6. Woodchuck Pumpkin Cider. Verdict: sweet pumpkin, no spice. It's nice!


    #ukissbreaktime I have no idea what's going on, I just want this topic to trend.

  8. Flood warnings! My only hope is that work will be flooded and I'll get to go home early.


    #ebz Something to do with prisoner's honey? Whatever it is, it's forbidden to buy or sell it in a city... http://fallenlondon.com/c/305090


  10. Why yes, I was that goth chick with the fancy makeup singing to Katy Parry and Lady Gaga at the laundromat.

  11. Need to unpack and clean my room still... I think I'll start by organizing my perfume.

  12. Ah, fall. It's that time of year where I need to wear a bra in public so I don't poke anyone's eyes out.

  13. I got some fresh, local edamame! Snack time!

  14. Fuck this day, I think I am getting sick.

  15. Spending the evening matching tropes to my friend's #sailormoon fanfic. Nerdy? Naaaah.

  16. I'm at Den Of Debauchery (Burlington, VT) http://t.co/gWcDeTOB

  17. My back is yelling at me hard core. Time to shut it up with muscle relaxants.

  18. ...and charge me $32. Um... sorry, I'm not that stupid. I'll keep having you decline my purchases.

  19. I will NOT get sick. >:-| No way will I be sick for #nycc.

  20. Oh man, one of the dishes in the cafe tonight is coq au vin. I can't want to have to tell the guys in the kitchen that we're out of cock.

  21. On my way to #nycc! Aww yeah

  22. I want to eat all of grand central station. I am too hungry for this.

  23. Fuck yeah, burgers and cupcakes! Fuck yeah, dungeon crawl! #bpal #ggnycc

  24. The vermont caravan has made it back safely! #bpal #nycc
