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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by yamiko

  1. Back from Goth Craft Hour(s) with @WingsofSin 's Alpha She-Wolf. <3

  2. Bad Santa came in and was staring at me while he ate. Creeper.

  3. Be very afraid. ā€œ@Duskinhereyes: New blog post coming later today: The contents of my cosmetic bag.ā€

  4. Behind a car with pro-life stickers. Rage.

  5. Being a Mac Whore is expensive. I need someone to buy me a new computer.

  6. Big Brother Lion's public shaming has worked. Going to bed early.

  7. Big bucks tonight. Fantastic since that helps pay my bills.

  8. Birthday boy shoved his face in my crotch. Tonight's a success.

  9. Birthday tattoo session complete. Birthday sweet potato fries eaten. Birthday PBR and birthday Invader Zim in progress. Birthday nap soon.

  10. Blech. Seeing cuntface makes me nauseous.

  11. Body. You know roommate takes awhile in the bathroom in the morning. WHY do you decide it's time to pee now?

  12. Bought a bottle of Blooddrop's Noyer. I know I'd kick myself forever if I didn't. It's soooooo nice.

  13. Bought some hipster goth crap at the mall and Iā€™m not even ashamed. http://t.co/HBYMEMpP

  14. Boys on school bus: do not check me out. I could be arrested just by you looking at me.

  15. BPAL of the day: Irrelevant and Disturbing Surreal Crawdad Dream.

  16. Breaking out on my chest. Never did that as a teenager, why am I doing it at 23? ARGH. #tmi

  17. Bridal party got introduced to The Final Countdown and were all wearing fake mustaches.

  18. Broke out the slow cooker. Tonight's agenda includes pot roast.

  19. brook: have u noticed how like half of muks sprites look like its about to throw down yo skrill drop it hard http://t.co/UisxKWT8

  20. Brownie sundaes. Awww yeah!

  21. Busy work day. @ Healthy Living http://t.co/0dtk6XJY
