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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by yamiko

  1. Watching Tank Girl!

  2. Watching the Addams Family movies. I never get tired of them.

  3. Watching the ever-classic Reefer Madness.

  4. Watching the original Japanese "Shall We Dance?"

  5. We have a Chinese New Year themed end cap display at work. It's displaying only Japanese food products. #FAIL

  6. We're selling mincemeat pies at work. If I rub some on my body, will it be a good substitute for Mr. Fezziwig's Ball? #bpal

  7. Wearing Candles Moon for Imbolc. #bpal

  8. Well, at least Shizuka wants to hang out with me.

  9. Well, everyone's a Whiny McNeedypants today. This is why I don't work Saturdays.

  10. Well, if I'm snoring, I'm not the only one who is.

  11. Well, on the plus side, I've lost 2 pounds. Technically 5 from last weigh-in, but I was on my period last week.

  12. Well, THAT was a depressing tarot reading.

  13. Well, the good news is that it doesn't smell like ass at my register. The bad news is that it smells like rotting food.

  14. Went in for a crochet hook... found the Halloween clearance. (@ Michaels Arts and Crafts) http://t.co/N4Syql3f

  15. Went out to do errands. Get back, and roommate isn't pulled in all the way. Bitch, this is not rocket science.

  16. Went outside to eat my croissant on the porch, and some guy drove by and asked if he could have some. Oh, Burlington.

  17. Went over to a friend's house and I think I may manage to escape with less than I came over with.

  18. Went to Big Lots, didn't do too bad. Went in for a curtain rod, came out with curtain rod and Star Trek: Nemesis.

  19. Went to chubby muffin. Good food, but i want to slap the annoying tourist hanging out with her kid.

  20. What can I sell to get money for this #bpal update...? Hmm.

  21. What did I do to deserve to be punished by having to eternally hear my upstairs neighbors pee while in my bedroom?

  22. What do I wear to the VT Sheep and Wool Fest? Lambs-Wool, of course! #bpal

  23. What do you do when you have 5 baby hats to make for Tuesday? Buy super-bulky yarn!

  24. What is it about Williston Rd that attracts every single douche with a car?
