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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by yamiko

  1. Ah, fall. It's that time of year where I need to wear a bra in public so I don't poke anyone's eyes out.

  2. Need to unpack and clean my room still... I think I'll start by organizing my perfume.

  3. Why yes, I was that goth chick with the fancy makeup singing to Katy Parry and Lady Gaga at the laundromat.


    #ebz Something to do with prisoner's honey? Whatever it is, it's forbidden to buy or sell it in a city... http://fallenlondon.com/c/305090


  5. Flood warnings! My only hope is that work will be flooded and I'll get to go home early.


    #ukissbreaktime I have no idea what's going on, I just want this topic to trend.

  7. Woodchuck Pumpkin Cider. Verdict: sweet pumpkin, no spice. It's nice!

  8. They're working on the sewers or whatever right in front of my apartment. It's agitating my cats, and upsetting me.

  9. Goodness, my whole surface household seems to have appeared in Fallen London... I wonder how that happened. #ebz


    #ebz The Starveling Cat! The Starveling Cat! Swims like a bloodfish! Tastes like a sprat! http://fallenlondon.com/c/299902



    #ebz They say it's not a monster at all. It's a man who dresses up as a bat. To, ah, prowl the ci... http://fallenlondon.com/c/297529


  12. Seriously, stop cuddling with Noah and go do something responsible.

  13. I hope I don't catch the death plague everyone seems to have around here.

  14. Lilith's Tea Party is happiness in a bottle! #bpal

  15. Well, on the plus side, I've lost 2 pounds. Technically 5 from last weigh-in, but I was on my period last week.

  16. Read scary stories, now to scared to go to bed. Why do I do this to myself?

  17. Dresden Dolls is coming to Boston the day before my birthday...

  18. Hmmm.... shall I get a decant of Blood Moon, or a half-bottle? #bpal


    #ebz With so much business in Fallen London, you can't expect the inhabitants of Hell to go home at th... http://fallenlondon.com/c/282653


  20. I don't even know what to think anymore.

  21. I <3 bao zi! 我爱包子!<3 #deliciousasianfood


    #ebz the Starveling Cat! the Starveling Cat! want to lose a hand? give the beast a pat! http://fallenlondon.com/c/278662


  23. I think it might be time to call my good friend Valerian to have a chat.

  24. Should've just dug out the Twin Peaks boxset... now I'll never sleep. #MulhollandDrive

  25. No CnS yet.... starting to get antsy. >:-|
