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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by yamiko

  1. This sounds like a bad euphemism for the clitoris. http://yfrog.com/gyqqhkygj

  2. This week on The Twilight Zone: "Stupid White Bitch".

  3. This yarn will be the death of me.

  4. This year' Halloween Scent of the Day is Boo 2010! Yum yum! #bpal

  5. Though I really shouldn't complain, since they're Japanese and I'm just a weeaboo.

  6. Thunder thighs, hooooooooo! http://t.co/U9opGg4

  7. Time for some hard core ebaying to raise money for a new laptop. Will also accept donations. <3

  8. Time to resign myself to the fact that I am far too high to sew the wings on this amigurumi bat.

  9. Time to watch The Princess Bride. #asyouwish

  10. Today at work, I used a butter knife to chisel hardened grease off a panini grill that hasn't been cleaned since the last age of man.

  11. Today is a ritual kind of night, and I'm not even a ritual kind of gal. It just is kind of calling to me.

  12. Today on Red Wine Adventures: Kaylee discovers she cannot fit Haruka's head in her mouth.

  13. Today, Shizuka would like to help me test and review #bpal. She will do this by sticking her butt on my notepad.

  14. Today's agenda: Folding laundry, making a baby hat.

  15. Today's style: Bjork goth.

  16. Todays agenda: get some fucking boxes out of my room and do the stuff @Duskinhereyes asked me to do so she doesn't kill me in my sleep.

  17. Tonight is a David Bowie night.

  18. Tonight is a good night to eat my feelings.

  19. Tonight, I'm going to get drunk and take advantage of myself.

  20. Too many choices in my purse. http://t.co/ORjLHiz

  21. Took a shower and shaved my legs for tonight. As per @amandapalmer 's intructions, I did not mess with my #mapoftasmania.

  22. Took a whole five minutes for her to shout after I specifically asked that they be quiet coming in because I was trying to sleep.

  23. Took an hour and a half to straighten my hair. Had to put it up for work. Hate food service.

  24. Totally just passed a guy with pedobear stickers on his car.

  25. Totally just walked by Eugene Hutz.
