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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by yamiko

  1. Mmm... mission: birthday pirogi is in full swing.


  3. Yesssssss, Dubie conceded!

  4. Not even my vampire erotica can distract me from Dubie's lead in the polls.

  5. This cider is a little bit fermented. Do I care? Not in the slightest.

  6. I suppose it's never really Halloween in VT without snow.

  7. Das bierhaus just rickrolled me. #btv

  8. I'm thinking about carving geeky pumpkins this year. Maybe a Horde insignia?


    #ebz The neddy men are the Masters' private enforcers, a shambolic freelance army of cudgel-waving thu... http://fallenlondon.com/c/368853


  10. I'll just blend in!

  11. Aaaaannnnnd.... vagina.

  12. I really want to put "presents mandatory" on my birthday party invite,but that's not really socially acceptable at your 24th birthday party.

  13. Ahhh.... asleep at 4, awake at 10. Fuck yeah.

  14. "It must be weird not having anyone cum on you." #showgirls

  15. I think my head is better! Yay!

  16. What can I sell to get money for this #bpal update...? Hmm.

  17. Thank you to everyone at @bpal for all the hard work!


    #ebz Trade in anything drinkable comes under the jurisdiction of Mr Wines. Though it can't be bothered... http://fallenlondon.com/c/350169


  19. Do the guys upstairs really need to stomp around the bathroom and PEE REALLY LOUDLY? STFD when you pee, assholes.

  20. Cleansing, exfoliating, and masking my face. Perhaps Monday will be my face pampering day from now on.

  21. Argh, I'm so cranky. My headache won't go away, and I hate everything.

  22. Went to Big Lots, didn't do too bad. Went in for a curtain rod, came out with curtain rod and Star Trek: Nemesis.

  23. Glad I looked in the mirror before leaving the house. I had nutella all over my face.

  24. I had a dream I took E. But I've never actually taken it IRL, so my dream mind interpreted it as just being really drunk.
